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POLL: Creation/Evolution demographic

Do you believe in YE, OE, evolution or creation, or both?  

  1. 1. Do you believe in YE, OE, evolution or creation, or both?

    • Old earth, evolution
    • Old earth, creation (humans weren't monkeys)
    • Young earth, evolution
    • Young earth, creation
    • Yep...OTHER. Please DO explain!

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Evolution does not teach that humans are descended from monkeys. So, if #1 is meant to imply that humans are descended from monkeys, then nobody should be voting for it.




Creationism and evolution are not incompatible ideas.






I voted other.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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In my opinion, your poll reflects a very narrow view of the debate - that discussed by North American Christians. I can see you guys getting bogged down in this all the time,and yet I never hear it from anybody else.


For me: creation? Absolutely! Young earth, old earth etc etc ad nauseum? I neither know nor care because God in His infinite wisdom chose not to make this clear to us. We can worship God just as well, and probably better, not knowing.


I answered other in your poll!

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I'm really interested to see if anyone chooses young earth, evolution.


Of course, compared to the rest of the universe, the earth is young, right? ;-)



I believe that current rigorous scientific evidence fits the scenario that the earth is billions of years old and all of life on it today is related in some way. I also believe in a first cause and a guiding "hand." I can't help it.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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Evolution does not teach that humans are descended from monkeys. So, if #1 is meant to imply that humans are descended from monkeys, then nobody should be voting for it.


Ah good point there. I did not catch the "Humans were not monkeys" in the poll options.

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In my opinion, your poll reflects a very narrow view of the debate - that discussed by North American Christians. I can see you guys getting bogged down in this all the time,and yet I never hear it from anybody else.


For me: creation? Absolutely!

:iagree: Most people I know IRL believe in theistic evolution which is a form of creationism.
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I voted OE, Evolution.

But, as has been said earlier, evolution doesn't mean that humans descended from monkeys. I don't think you'd find an evolutionary scientist who would make such a claim. It's simply untrue and a very common error in the way that creationists think regarding the issue.

So. . . I could have voted for either of the OE possibilities you gave, but I assumed you simply made the common error and so I voted for one.

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Maybe the poll would work better if it looked more like this?


Old earth, evolution, no Creator

Old earth, evolution, Creator

Old earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Old earth, no evolution, Creator

Young earth, no Creator

Young earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Young earth, no evolution, Creator

Other religious origins belief

Just other

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i believe that teh 7 days of creation were not 7 24 hour days as we expereince them.


I bvleive God did literally creat the world, creat Adam and Eve, destory all but Noah ....


But I do not think the orginal creation was 7 human 24 hour days --


I blieve in adaptation of animals, and people, -- i remember a species of butterfies in the industrual revlution that changes color over time due to the change in their enviornemnt. I believe in, accept, specilaization -- i do not believe "darwin" eveloution where everything can from some random one cell of goo floating in water --


I believe in a creator (God)

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Maybe the poll would work better if it looked more like this?


Old earth, evolution, no Creator

Old earth, evolution, Creator

Old earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Old earth, no evolution, Creator

Young earth, no Creator

Young earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Young earth, no evolution, Creator

Other religious origins belief

Just other


Why not redo the poll? Those options would be more descriptive.

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I didn't answer the poll, but we believe in science. That means, obviously, that we believe that our planet is billions of years old, and that evolution, as the only accepted scientific theory covering its subject matter, explains the biological processes it claims to explain. Anything else lacks a scientific basis.

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Maybe the poll would work better if it looked more like this?


Old earth, evolution, no Creator

Old earth, evolution, Creator

Old earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Old earth, no evolution, Creator

Young earth, no Creator

Young earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Young earth, no evolution, Creator

Other religious origins belief

Just other


I like this poll better. If I was motivated, I might make it.

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Young earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator (I voted "other" in the main poll but this is what I'd have voted if it were available).


...but I am not all-knowing so I believe there is room for human error on my part. The Creator part is non-negotiable for me though. I don't feel as though science and Scripture necessarily conflict; sometimes it seems to me as if they explain each other, to an extent.

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I believe in the Big Bang, and a combination of evolution and creation. In my opinion, these are not incompatible. Evolution is taking place all around us, every day. But whether we decended from the apes, I'm not sure. If we did evolve from the apes, I believe it was by design - not chance.


There has been scientific evidence of evolution in certain stages of the past (dinosaurs to birds, as a weak example since nothing better is coming to mind at the moment) - but humans cannot be traced all the way back. It is as much of a stretch to believe we evolved from the start of time as it is to believe there was a creator.


Now I'm going to read everyone's replies. This is a hugely fascinating topic for me, and I am genuinely interested to read what everyone believes.

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Maybe the poll would work better if it looked more like this?


Old earth, evolution, no Creator

Old earth, evolution, Creator

Old earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Old earth, no evolution, Creator

Young earth, no Creator

Young earth, micro but not macro evolution, Creator

Young earth, no evolution, Creator

Other religious origins belief

Just other



Yes, this. Old earth, evolution, Creator.

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Evolution does not teach that humans are descended from monkeys. So, if #1 is meant to imply that humans are descended from monkeys, then nobody should be voting for it.




Creationism and evolution are not incompatible ideas.






I voted other.


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Dr. Russell Humphreys

But he's not a real working physicist, is he? He seems to work for Creation Ministries. When's the last (or any) time that he published research supporting his religious beliefs in a peer-reviewed, accepted scientific journal? When's the last time he worked for any non-religious organization?

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I am a creationist. YE or OE doesn't really matter to me. I think it is fun to debate and to investigate but it has no real bearing on my spiritual or physical life. I don't stress or worry about either one. God didn't make it clear so it must not be too important for us to know :) I voted other.

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I specifically wrote the poll to reflect what I hear people say about "monkeys" (because whether it's scientific or not, people do believe it!) and if you don't believe that, that's why I added other. I wasn't writing the poll to cover every scientific option. Again, that's why there was an "other" option. To the pp near the top, this wasn't and isn't about a creation/evolution debate. This was just to garner a rough idea of the varying beliefs, Christian or not.


Oh, and I voted "other". I believe God created everything but when or how it all came to be, down to the smallest detail, I don't know and I don't find it helpful to debate it either. What I do find helpful is to realize that there are a ton of different beliefs on this and that narrow thinking, like, "well doesn't everybody believe this?!" is, well, narrow. :)

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:iagree: Most people I know IRL believe in theistic evolution which is a form of creationism.


But one doesn't "believe" in evolution. It's not a creed. It's just that that's where the scientific evidence points.


Now one might make an argument that one "believes" in the scientific method, as opposed to other ways of knowing, but the idea of saying one "believes" in evolution is frankly just odd.

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