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How do you "keep" your master bedroom?

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Do you have a different level of clean for your bedroom than you do for the rest of your house?


My bedroom is always the cleanest room in the house because little people never go in there and I love it that way. Sometimes I go in there just to enjoy the clean and tidy environment. ;)


Am I the only dork who does this? My dh thinks I'm a bit nuts!

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I keep a pretty clean house because I cannot stand clutter. But actually, out of all the rooms in the house, our master bedroom would be the least clean. It's because if we have guests, that's the only room that no one goes into. The other two bedrooms are more accessible to the rest of the house (one being a playroom and the other being a guest room). So if something is just sitting out, it's entirely possible that I'll quickly sit it in our room to get it out of the way.

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Well, 'little people' are allowed in our master bedroom, in fact, even though we have six bedrooms two little people still sleep in bed with us :D. However, there are strict rules about being in our bedroom, and they're not allowed in other than at bedtimes. And yes, it is kept pristine. It's very big and I have my desk and a big bookcase in it, so it really is my sanctuary.


You're not alone, a lot of us need some space where we can feel calm and serene :001_smile:. Have you read the 'cave' thread? Sorry, I don't know how to link threads, I could find out, but I'm typing this in bed on my laptop and a number of 'little people' are about to arrive to be read to :D.


Best wishes

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Mine tends to be messier (but I am not a total slob in general), because I can close the door when people come over, so it tends to be last on my priority list in any major pre-visit clean-fest. And then I sometimes stash things I have no place for there, like the homeschooling stuff I usually keep at the table. Also, because my husband will not clean up his stuff and I can't stand to look at it, so I don't hang out there if I'm not sleeping.

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Our bedroom is almost always the worst area of the house. It is where everything gets thrown when company comes and then I never seem to get the stuff out again. When it is clean I absolutely love, love it. There is nothing like going to bed and waking up in a clutter free place. In fact, I know I need to spend a day and get it cleaned up.




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Well, 'little people' are allowed in our master bedroom, in fact, even though we have six bedrooms two little people still sleep in bed with us :D. However, there are strict rules about being in our bedroom, and they're not allowed in other than at bedtimes. And yes, it is kept pristine. It's very big and I have my desk and a big bookcase in it, so it really is my sanctuary.


You're not alone, a lot of us need some space where we can feel calm and serene :001_smile:. Have you read the 'cave' thread? Sorry, I don't know how to link threads, I could find out, but I'm typing this in bed on my laptop and a number of 'little people' are about to arrive to be read to :D.


Best wishes


Oh, our little people are allowed in our bedroom any old time they like. For some reason they are not interested in going in there. Must be the fact that we don't keep toys or books or "fun stuff" in there.;)

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my bedroom is usually tidy. my closet, however, ugh, that can be an issue! my house is usually really tidy, but my closet is a bit of a mess. i have a "catch-all" basket on top of my dresser in there and it is overflowing with *my* clothes that need to be put away. i just pretend it doesn't exist unless i'm specifically looking for something in it that i can find elsewhere.

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My mstr bdrm is actually the messiest of all the rooms. It is the catch all. It has most of the books in the house, all the linens, shelves with school stuff and the sewing machine, and fax machine and laminator. The kids computer and is the dumping ground for anything I want to hide quick from unexpected company. I figure that of all the rooms I am the only one really dealing with it, so the rest of the house is kept fairly clean and if somewhat cluttered at least in a state of organized clutter because they are the areas that all the kids use, that company sees, that the neighborhood sees when blinds are open etc. My room not so much :)

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Another "messiest room" vote, much to my chagrin. There is some "work stuff" in there of my dh's and just a lot of furniture in a small-ish room (king bed, two dressers, rocker, bookcase and two bedside tables!). It feels cluttered. My dresser always has stuff on it that needs to be filed or fixed. I can't seem to keep it dusted. I do make the bed and the closet is organized but... sigh. I wish it was nicer.


I also hate the color on the walls but WHEN exactly would I find time to paint it? :(

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Our bedroom is almost always the worst area of the house. It is where everything gets thrown when company comes and then I never seem to get the stuff out again. When it is clean I absolutely love, love it. There is nothing like going to bed and waking up in a clutter free place. In fact, I know I need to spend a day and get it cleaned up.





Me too.

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My room would be the messiest room in the house; however, it is also the therapy room so it ends up being the neatest since I have people going in there.


ETA: Well, maybe it wouldn't be the messiest. We have two bathrooms. The hall one has a slightly lower toilet in a smaller bathroom and I have two young boys. So I usually want my room and bathroom company ready. Hmmm. So I guess my room is always, even after we are done with therapies (that is going to happen one day, right?), going to be the clean one. Well, unless we move into my friend's dad's place one day. It's got a guest bathroom. I'll probably get messy in my room if we get that place one day (it is a hope because those renters there won't last forever as they are slow pay....and it's a six bedroom house with about 1000 more sq ft. Will be nice and comfy for my crew (and maybe a few others one day?).)

Edited by 2J5M9K
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My bedroom looks like a clutter bomb has gone off in there. This would not be a problem if I had a basement for storage. It would be bought under control sooner if dh would take the kids on holiday for a week or so, then I could catch up with my sewing! There's a frightening pile of mending and bits destined to become doll clothes.



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Our bedroom is almost always the worst area of the house. It is where everything gets thrown when company comes and then I never seem to get the stuff out again. When it is clean I absolutely love, love it. There is nothing like going to bed and waking up in a clutter free place. In fact, I know I need to spend a day and get it cleaned up.




:iagree:Yep, worst room in my house. My son's room is the best--everything has a home and I make sure it's clean each night. Our "playroom" is 1/2 of the living room and it's usually pretty perfect as well. The rest of the house always needs work.:001_smile:


Mostly the problem with our bedroom is that it is hemorrhaging clothes. It's hard to pare them down right now because the weather isn't consistent and I will be growing out of and into things soon!

Edited by AndyJoy
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Do you have a different level of clean for your bedroom than you do for the rest of your house?


My bedroom is always the cleanest room in the house because little people never go in there and I love it that way. Sometimes I go in there just to enjoy the clean and tidy environment. ;)


Am I the only dork who does this? My dh thinks I'm a bit nuts!


No you are not alone. It is our haven.

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Half of my bedroom is very neat and tidy. The other half is Dh's and is decorated in early messy - he tosses stuff in piles and never gets rid of stuff.


You could practically draw a line down the middle most days....


...which brings me to the question of how tolerant are you (and others) when it comes to cleaning up? Do you insist that everything is up to your standards or does one person get a corner to have as messy or clean as they like?

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Messy, messy, messy! Our room seems to be the handy place to put stuff with no home and to shove stuff when doing a quick clean up.


Our master bedroom is fairly large, but with a strange configuration that leaves a large open space in the middle of the room. Since space is at a premium in our house, that open space quickly gets filled with extra "stuff", especially clothes.


The master bedroom is also laundry central. The hampers for the entire family's clothes reside in our room, and when a basket is gone because that load is being washed, clothes pile up on the floor.


We also have a crib in our room, so baby items have taken over a bit as well.


Yes, I dream of a room, even an entire house, that could be considered a sanctuary. :lol:

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Messy usually. We have a king-sized bed, baby swing, crib, toddler bed, armoire, wide dresser, two night stands, two laundry bins, and a garage shelving unit for my husband's electronic equipment for this business...not including the small baskets on the floor for the constant sorting of each child's clean clothes.


Today we moved out the toddler bed and moved in a desk for my husband. The plan was to move out the equipment.:glare: Darn it. We don't have a garage, so our bedroom is the safest place for it all.

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Our room is one the most social places in our house for our family. :) My husband works at home and his big desk and computer are in there. We hang out in there and watch the family things we watch on tv, dvr or vcr in here. It's the happening place. ;) I have a pretty spacy area with the master bath and walk in closet that is where I usually hang out for a quite few minutes.

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Nearly every day I groan at how messy my master BR is. None of my babies have been heavy sleepers, so we pretty much lock down the house when a baby is napping. Now that I have a baby and a preschooler, the baby naps on one end of the house, and the preschooler "naps" in my BR on the other end of the house. But since I don't want him getting into DH's and my stuff, we have lots of toys in there without the usual toy-organization system like what I have in other rooms. So there is lots of toy clutter with nowhere for it to go, even when I send someone in there to clean up. Add to that DH's clothes or shoes or newspaper or whatever that gets piled anywhere, and the dog's stuff (the dog stays in our bathroom so she won't bark and wake the baby), and anyone else's dirty clothes from where they took a bath in our bathroom after the baby has gone to bed...and it's really a mess. Plus I hardly ever bother to make the bed. I just don't have time or the energy for it, esp when the preschooler will be messing it up again during naps anyway. My main focus is on keeping the kitchen as clean as possible, trying to stay on top of laundry, and schoolwork. Maybe one day I can make our bedroom off limits...

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Our bedroom is almost always the worst area of the house. It is where everything gets thrown when company comes and then I never seem to get the stuff out again. When it is clean I absolutely love, love it. There is nothing like going to bed and waking up in a clutter free place. In fact, I know I need to spend a day and get it cleaned up.





Same here. Our mess is mainly due to lack of storage and lack of a laundry area.

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My bedroom is a disaster. It's full of stuff with no home. I had to pull almost everything out of my sons' room to babyproof it (they are 12mo and into everything) and my daughter's room is teeny tiny so all the extra homeless stuff is in my room. Sigh. I'm working on it. As much as twin 12mos and a 3.5 let me, anyhow.

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Our bedroom is cluttered ~ not really messy, just full of stuff. It doesn't bother us, though. I really need a clean living room and kitchen and I make sure dds keep their rooms and bathroom clean. I might actually be bothered by an actual clean bedroom because I'm so used to the stuff and its become comfortable in there. :tongue_smilie:

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