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Have you ever blocked anyone?

Have you ever blocked anyone?  

  1. 1. Have you ever blocked anyone?

    • yes
    • no
    • panda bears

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I have a couple people blocked right now, but it is not because I don't like them or don't want to read their posts, but it's because their avatars or signature I

mages bother me. I have a strange phobia. I unblock them and read their posts but I cover up the photos.


Is one of them of a psycho kitty with a machine gun ;)

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Wow, way to make a girl curious! I think that cat with the machine gun is pretty freaky myself. :)


:D Hey maybe so, but it sure has made it's way into a few postings lol I have some other one's I could switch it with but when I am having a bad couple days like I have this week that kitty makes me grin :D

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Yes, but I considered it more about me than the person I blocked. I just could not stop responding negatively to their posts. Blocking them allowed me to gain control of my emotions. It has always been temporary. I think of it as time-out for myself. Sometimes you just need a break. ;) A better alternative to getting myself banned.

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Nah. One conversation will tell me whether a person is trying to understand another viewpoint or whether they are asking rhetorical questions for some reason that may or may not be deliberate. After that, I can carrying on reading without bothering to engage. People who are too annoying to talk to aren't necessarily too annoying to read. Like everyone else, they can have useful contributions.


I blocked my aunt of Facebook because she only came onto my wall to bully me. And by bullying, I don't mean merely disagreeing with me. It seems a strange thing to take the trouble to show up just to insult me and the people I was chatting with. In the "real world" apparently, people don't care about maths or classical literature. :rolleyes: So, do all of you who do maths and read classical literature feel like jerks who are out of touch with the real world? Does this bother you? Do you bother other people by getting out there in the street to evangelise on the merits of those things?:tongue_smilie:



Edited by Rosie_0801
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:D Hey maybe so, but it sure has made it's way into a few postings lol I have some other one's I could switch it with but when I am having a bad couple days like I have this week that kitty makes me grin :D


No, no -- don't ever switch it. It makes me crack up. I guess it's the apostrophe kitty who refuses to go down without a fight.

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After following the boards for many years, I blocked some one for the first time this summer. I was just up to my intake limit for the type of content this poster usually shares. It wasn't permanent, because like others have mentioned, I could still see that that person had replied in a thread. Also, even if her initial reply was blocked, if some one else quoted it downstream, I could still see it. So I eventually unblocked.


But there are still threads I decline to even open.

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Ok - I've used blocked similarly. I tend to block people if I feel like their posts are getting too emotional and really crossing lines of what I feel should be posted on a public board. Personally, I've had to cut people off in my real life that feed on drama and I don't do drama on a message board. Life is too short. Usually I end up unblocking when the drama passes. If you ooze negativity and your life is always horrible (but doesn't read that horrible to me), you may not get turned back on. :D And I don't consider it personal. Maybe you have every reason to vent on a public board and your life just did a 360. I just can't get sucked into that.


Honestly, I wish I could turn off certain threads. That would be great.


So far in the thread, your response resonates with me the most. I've put a few people on ignore. Can't remember if there's anyone on it at the moment though. What probably pushes my buttons the most is constant negativity toward anyone with a different viewpoint. I don't mind thoughtful expression of differing views but some just like to stir the pot on a fairly regular basis. To keep myself from responding in kind, the ignore feature has been a good thing.

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Oh, heck yeah. I mainly lurk but I've been around for years. On the old board, I could just not open posts that I knew that I wouldn't enjoy reading or would annoy me. There are some posters that are just polar opposites of my own thoughts. Not that they are wrong but in the real world...I don't think that either one of us would be seeking out each other for friendship and advice.:D

Life is way to short for me to go out seeking annoyance. I have enough drama that I can't get away from in my real world dealings.

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There is one person here who is occasionally on my "ignore" list, but only one.

I just cannot get past the fact that they consistently seem to live their life in a way that directly contradicts values they claim to hold. Honestly, I'm not a violent person, but I just want to shake some logical sense into their head--as if that would really work. :confused: I'm the only one who feels that way about them though, so I'm pretty sure it's just a personal quirk of mine. I certainly have an over-abundance of ignorant moments myself. :001_huh:

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Never, it reminds me too much of putting one's fingers in one's ears and screaming "I can not hear you".


I like to hear what others have to say even if I vehemently disagree. This would be a very dull place if we were all in lockstep. ......sometimes I am even persuaded by the posts of others and this would not happen were I to ignore them.

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Never, it reminds me too much of putting one's fingers in one's ears and screaming "I can not hear you".


I like to hear what others have to say even if I vehemently disagree. This would be a very dull place if we were all in lockstep. ......sometimes I am even persuaded by the posts of others and this would not happen were I to ignore them.


But, it isn't about people who disagree. It is about people who are giant buttheads (please excuse the crude phrase). You and I disagree vehemently quite often, but I have never blocked you.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I have a few times several years ago, but it was even more annoying to see they posted and not be able to read it, and I'd end up clicking show post anyways, so it was counter-productive. I don't think I have anyone on ignore anymore and don't even remember how to check.


I did get involved in a really controversial conversation at one point and was told by several people that they were putting me on ignore. It's ok. :001_smile:


I have a few people blocked on Facebook. If it didn't have that feature, I don't think I'd be on FB at all.

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The poll choice should have been, "BABY panda bears," then I wouldn't have to have that image floating around in my head right before sleep. WTM-induced dreams are always so weird.


Now let's proceed by finding (and linking) pics of Panda Bears with butt radishes! :lol:

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Never, it reminds me too much of putting one's fingers in one's ears and screaming "I can not hear you".


I like to hear what others have to say even if I vehemently disagree. This would be a very dull place if we were all in lockstep. ......sometimes I am even persuaded by the posts of others and this would not happen were I to ignore them.


That's what Dh said when I told him about the ignore feature.

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Yeah. I am sensitive about people who enjoy kicking people when they're down - blaming and being dismissive and trying to make someone who already feels bad feel worse. When I get to the point where I read a post that strikes that nerve and I recognize the username as someone who has done it many times before, then I block them.

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