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Have you ever blocked anyone?

Have you ever blocked anyone?  

  1. 1. Have you ever blocked anyone?

    • yes
    • no
    • panda bears

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Another nosey person here.


Strangely, it's the people who annoy me most whose posts I'm most interested in reading. I think maybe I want regular confirmation that I'm justified in being annoyed by them. Interestingly enough, occasionally someone who's really wound me up in the past will post something profound and insightful that I'm completely wowed by. It reminds that I need to be more tolerant.

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I pressed the wrong field so I accidently voted for yes. :glare:


Now, there are a few posters who I can thank occasionally for making sure my blood pressure does not fall too low :tongue_smilie:, but overall, I have such a temperament that I am fairly quick to flare up, but I am also very quick to forgive and I hardly ever hold any grudges. I would not wish to completely deny even a possibility of further communication to somebody - I am not sure what would it take for me to do that.


Of course, I do not delude myself that other people reason this way and I would not be surprised to find myself on quite a few ignore lists on here. But even that is fine in my view, though I do not get what exactly is accomplished that way. If I want to "snub" somebody for whatever reason, I can do so without blocking them by not addressing what they write, not participating in their threads, not replying to their messages, etc.

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Yes. This is the one and only board I read and there have been some posters that make my 'safe and happy' place be very uncomfortable. One time when I realized I still had a couple of people on ignore, I took them off the list but I didn't know if they even posted anymore. However, I wouldn't hesitate to ignore someone else again for the same reason. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had me on ignore either. It is what it is. :tongue_smilie:

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I have, but find if I can 'see' that they've posted what is the point...because generally I just KNOW what they would say and I'm just as irritated, offended or hurt by seeing that a blocked poster has posted. Wow. Does that make sense?


So I just generally quickly scroll by posters who bug me too much. And btw, I am not bugged by people who disagree with me. I am bugged by people who hurt others in order to further their worldview.


I too get over stuff quickly and usually can't even remember who said what! That is why when a thread is deleted I am often :confused: about who seems to hate me and hope I don't make a fool of myself by trusting them in some way.


Wow, I sound paranoid.



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Yes, but I think like Mrs. Mungo, everyone I ever blocked has been banned. I don't block people I disagree with and anyway, I disagree with a number on some things and not others. But like another poster mentioned I block people who are causing problems and being mean. Which is why the few I did block have been banned.

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I voted yes, but I have never blocked anyone on this forum. I have done it on two other forums and on Facebook.


I finally quit going to one of the forums because there were a couple of people who were just downright rude and combative for no real reason. They tended to call people nasty names and use foul language. Life's too short for that garbage.


On Facebook I blocked my ex-husband and a couple of my daughter's friends who are loony tunes.

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answering my own Q: nope


[i'm way too nosy for that..i'd be unblocking them all the time to see what the heck they said..]


I have (I think 3 people on 3 different occasions--I have no one blocked now), and this is what happened. It was very annoying. I did it mostly to prevent me from typing something snarky that I would regret.

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But someone told me in a thread that she was considering blocking me...and that I was the first person she'd EVER considered blocking.


How childish. I can't stand when people pull stuff like that.


Yes, several people on this site. None on the other sites I use.


My answer's the opposite, no one on this site. On another site I tried to block someone due to her strong views on something that she had no experience with, but was very real in my life (and like a raw wound). However, half the time I wasn't signed in, so it wasn't worth it.

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I *sooooooooo* wanted to answer panda bears.:D


I did twice, and both people were very extremely negative and attacked or tore apart every single thing I said. One is permanently banned I believe....... got banned many times and now I don't even see her member name on the member's list. I just checked.:tongue_smilie:


I take a break, I move on.:001_smile: Grown ups who hold a grudge are childish to me.

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Unfortunately yes. :( There's one person here who can't seem to respond to a post without being rude and disrespectful to someone with an opposing opinion and I would really let it bother me. That's not like me and I realized I was letting it take the fun out of the board whenever I saw it. I don't really know why it bothers me so particular. Maybe it's just how they do it or their constant tone. Most things roll off me.


For me, this board is suppose to be fun. :)

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Is blocking the same as ignoring? If so, I've blocked several people, just because their way of expressing themselves tends to rub me the wrong way. I nearly always end up clicking "view post" anyway, but that bit of advance warning makes a big difference. For some reason, I tend to read threads (especially long ones) straight down, and don't check the author's name until I'm part way through the post.


But I didn't know that "ignore" meant that they can't PM me. That wasn't my intent at all. I actually quite like some of these folks. I just wanted to be able to see them coming. ;)


I guess I might have to change my way of reading the boards.

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I was on these boards for over 10 years before I felt there was ever a reason to block someone, but I finally had to. And, since I've blocked them, I haven't seen them post again....but I'm still keeping them blocked.


But, it was just one person in over 10 years. That's not too bad!

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Yes, but not for the reason it was intended. Usually, it's just a reminder to take a breath before reading certain people's responses, because I still pretty much read them all anyway. Once I'm over whatever it was that needed the breath-taking, I take them off. Usually, I can't even remember what that was.


I've also used it to try to compensate for hormones if I thought *I* was overreacting to someone. I figure those people can come off the list in a month or so. But I consider that an act of mercy toward them rather than judgment or something. Nobody deserves the hormones of a pg woman aimed at them. :lol:

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Is blocking the same as ignoring? If so, I've blocked several people, just because their way of expressing themselves tends to rub me the wrong way. I nearly always end up clicking "view post" anyway, but that bit of advance warning makes a big difference. For some reason, I tend to read threads (especially long ones) straight down, and don't check the author's name until I'm part way through the post.


But I didn't know that "ignore" meant that they can't PM me. That wasn't my intent at all. I actually quite like some of these folks. I just wanted to be able to see them coming. ;)


I guess I might have to change my way of reading the boards.


Ok - I've used blocked similarly. I tend to block people if I feel like their posts are getting too emotional and really crossing lines of what I feel should be posted on a public board. Personally, I've had to cut people off in my real life that feed on drama and I don't do drama on a message board. Life is too short. Usually I end up unblocking when the drama passes. If you ooze negativity and your life is always horrible (but doesn't read that horrible to me), you may not get turned back on. :D And I don't consider it personal. Maybe you have every reason to vent on a public board and your life just did a 360. I just can't get sucked into that.


Honestly, I wish I could turn off certain threads. That would be great.

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Another nosey person here.


Strangely, it's the people who annoy me most whose posts I'm most interested in reading. I think maybe I want regular confirmation that I'm justified in being annoyed by them. Interestingly enough, occasionally someone who's really wound me up in the past will post something profound and insightful that I'm completely wowed by. It reminds that I need to be more tolerant.



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Nope. We all have posters that we are not particular fans of but I have never felt a need to block/ignore any of them. Being the paranoid one I am I often think people have me on ignore, but then I have to remind myself it doesn't matter because I can't control that kwim. Even with those people that I am not a huge fan of, I find they often have very good things to say and would not want to miss out on those things, just because our personalities clash kwim.


I can respect those that said they use it to keep their own behaviours in check, I have never thought of using it in that way before, and can see how it would help. I may have to try that sometime, currently my method of dealing with that is the type and delete and then either walk away or retype in a much politer(hmm, is that even a word) way. There is 2 people here that I get the impression completely hate me and find myself getting my hackles up even when they are not even speaking directly to me, and can see using the ignore function to take that breath and remind myself that it is me putting that tone/inflection into the posts not them, they have never said they hate me, and taking that moment to do so before reading the post would probably serve me well. Good idea ladies.


Funny as I read all the replies and read about those having exh's blocked on fb. My exh is on my friend's list but we both set our profiles to not send each other any details unless we want them sent. I don't care what he is doing online, and he doesn't need to know about the groups I admin, or things I post etc.

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I have a couple people blocked right now, but it is not because I don't like them or don't want to read their posts, but it's because their avatars or signature I

mages bother me. I have a strange phobia. I unblock them and read their posts but I cover up the photos.

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I have a couple people blocked right now, but it is not because I don't like them or don't want to read their posts, but it's because their avatars or signature I

mages bother me. I have a strange phobia. I unblock them and read their posts but I cover up the photos.


Is it an alcohol phobia? :leaving:

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I have a couple people blocked right now, but it is not because I don't like them or don't want to read their posts, but it's because their avatars or signature I

mages bother me. I have a strange phobia. I unblock them and read their posts but I cover up the photos.


Wow, way to make a girl curious! I think that cat with the machine gun is pretty freaky myself. :)

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