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Update on Libby, the disabled Wonder Dog

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So, it has been 1 1/2 months since Libby was hit by a car, suffering a spinal cord injury. I've been depressed because after 2 weeks of very rapid progress (she went from not being able to eat, drink, eliminate on her own or even move herself from side to side to being a "normal" 3 legged dog with a paralyzed 4th leg), she just stopped progressing. Her 4th leg is now skeletal with atrophy. The vet was talking about how long we could put off amputation, and nothing about how to respond to the fact that we did see glimmers of a movement now and then.


So in desperation I called my dh's chiropractor who I knew worked on dogs. I had to pay a rather unfortunate fee to see the naturopathic vet that he works under before I was allowed to be referred to the chiropractor that I actually wanted to see, but I accept that as the hoop that I had to jump through. The naturopathic vet was depressing too as he spent his time berating me for not having come to him sooner and telling me that Libby was probably permanently paralyzed. But the chiropractor himself was wonderful. He saw Libby for 1/3 of the price of the vet and did a doggie adjustment and laser acupuncture on her. The exciting thing is that the very next day - Libby started to move her "paralyzed" paw!


Now we are exercising her leg every day by playing with her with a stuffed puppy that she loves to wrestle with. She will get so caught up in the play and will start to paw the air for her puppy with her bad leg. She's got a long way to go - she still doesn't seem to be able to move her paw to get away from me tickling it (a thing she hates) and can't bear any weight at all on that leg. But for the first time in over a month I am starting to have hope again. She will be going to the doggie chiropracter weekly for a while. I figure it will be a bit hard on the pocketbook but not as hard as surgery and recovery, with all the prescription meds would be if she had to have her leg amputated. And the outcome is so much better!

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Now we are exercising her leg every day by playing with her with a stuffed puppy that she loves to wrestle with. But for the first time in over a month I am starting to have hope again. She will be going to the doggie chiropracter weekly for a while.


I am so glad that there is hope for Libby. I will keep you all and Libby in my prayers. :grouphug:

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WOW! This is WONDERFUL news, Jean! I'm SO happy to hear this!!! I honestly didn't think that leg could be saved!


:hurray: :hurray:


Me neither. It has been a tough month as every time I did therapy with her or took her outside and saw her flopping around, I got so depressed. It's not like voila, she's cured or anything. But we're seeing definite improvement where before there were only these flickers that we were starting to wonder were hallucinations on our part.

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That's awesome!


When I was in college, I worked at an emergency animal hospital, usually alone except for emergencies, in the evenings & at night. We had a cat that was injured in the fan of a car & looked to be paralyzed from the "waist" down. Her family didn't want her anymore because of this, so she was on the 2 week hold before being euthanized. I felt so bad for her & she was so sweet, that I started taking her out of the cage & playing with her on the carpeted floor in one of the offices. Turns out, one of my coworkers was doing the same thing on alternate days. The kitty "rehabbed" and made a complete recovery!

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:party:The fact that she can feel it when you tickle her foot is a very good sign. The tickling might be too distracting for her to be able to concentrate on moving. Our dog started wagging his tail again(injured 4+ years ago) within the past six months and he still has to concentrate to do so.

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