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Do you drink alcoholic beverages?

Do you drink alcoholic beverages?  

  1. 1. Do you drink alcoholic beverages?

    • No.
    • Maybe one every six months or even less frequently.
    • Once a month.
    • Once a week.
    • Daily (a glass of wine is good for your heart!)
    • I only have one drink at a time
    • I will sometimes have 2-3 drinks
    • You are all alcoholics.
    • Other.
    • David Tennant

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I said one every six months, too, but it's about 2-4 per year, and during those times I might have 2 glasses of champagne, not just one. LOL


We don't keep it in the house, we don't eat out, so really I only drink champagne or white wine or a mixed drink if someone else is buying and/or for a special occasion. LOL I'm cheap but have expensive taste! :tongue_smilie:

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Hardly ever but I did make 2 gallons of wine this summer from our grape harvest that I have a small glass from occaisionally.

It's pretty alcoholic tasting :001_smile: but a good friend who has done wine tasting classes said the color was lovely and it just needed to age. In a pinch, we'll be using it for antiseptic.:lol:

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I put once a month, but it really varies, I can go 8 to 9 months without drinking, even when not pregnant, and then have a drink for 3 nights in a row. So it is more of an occasional then once a month or once every 6 month thing. I went out a couple of days ago and had two drinks, and now I likely won't have anything until Thanksgiving, and after that who knows when, maybe for my birthday, maybe for my anniversary, maybe just randomly at dinner one night or maybe not till next Thanksgiving.

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Other. Somewhere between once a month and once every six, usually. I may not finish one drink (ie I pour a hard cider while making supper and maybe drink half), or I might have 2 (if I'm spending the evening knitting with a friend over wine).


Rarely does drinking socially pop up, and I almost never drink at home, but sometimes both will happen close together.

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I voted David Tennant because I wasn't sure how to vote otherwise.


I generally don't like the taste of alcohol so I don't often drink. I can go for months without drinking anything because we don't really buy it but for some times, like Christmas or bbq season I'll drink more often (with meals). I don't get drunk because it just makes me sleepy. The few times I have been drunk I was more than capable of switching to water as soon as I felt I'd had enough.


My husband loves beer and wine. Addiction runs in his family and he has trouble stopping (a case of beer, bottle of wine) once he's started. He knows this and only drinks occasionally as a treat.


I have no problem with people drinking as long as they know their limits.

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I am really floored at the amount of 'no' answers! Really. DH and I enjoy our 'Wine-thirty' glass of wine together and have for years. Occasionally, it is 2 glasses of wine. Regardless, we don't get drunk, but just enjoy our evening after work drinks. We don't do hard liquor---ever, yuck!---and can't do beer because we have Celiac. In fact, there has been SO much food and drink wise that has been deleted from our lives from Celiac, we aren't ready to turn teetotaler yet ;)

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dh and I didn't start drinking until after we had kids (a funny coincidence).

I grew up in an environment where alcohol was no big deal but dh's parents were strict about not having it.


Now dh brews beer and drinks it most nights. He also likes gin. I prefer wine. We are beer snobs but cheap wine drinkers. I drink less when I am trying to lose weight.

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On average, maybe two times a week. We will go to the wine superstore and load up and then drink wine with dinner most nights (as long as we have one that pairs nicely with the meal) but once it's gone we don't always get back to the store for a while. So, it's more like 5 times a week for a month, then a month without, then 5 times a week for a month...


Oh, and it's usually just one generous glass, but if I particularly like the wine I may have two glasses. I don't like beer or most mixed drinks. If we go out to eat at a Mexican restaurant I'll order a margarita though. And I do tend to enjoy myself at weddings. :D

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I love wine, I think red wine is healthy (glass per day type thing). I do not drink a glass everyday, but certainly more than once a week.

We are members of two wine clubs in CA so that we can get good wine :)


I believe that anyone who cannot moderate, know not to drive, whose personality changes for the worst, or is irresponsible should not drink at all.


But for most of us, a glass of wine with dinner is not a big deal - and usually doesn't even make a person tipsy if had with food and over the period of 30 minutes or so.

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I have a couple of drinks a year. I don't have a philosophical opposition to responsible drinking (dh has a beer with dinner most days.) But, alcohol exacerbates my tendency toward depression, so I rarely drink. As much as I enjoy a glass of wine, it just isn't worth the price for me or my family.


I DO have a problem with irresponsible drinking - drinking to get drunk, becoming incapacitated so that you can't drive, parent, etc. It is a rampant problem among some of my siblings, which made holiday gatherings interesting. But, now that most of my family has moved away, that won't be an issue. The downside is that no one will be here for my son's 18th birthday nor his graduation. All of their kids had big family get-togethers to mark these milestones. Ds will have just us. (Okay, enough with the pity party. )


ETA: By having a problem with it, I mean that it bothers me to see it. Since I don't drink (anymore), I don't have a problem;). As a college student and as a young adult, I had more than I should have on numerous occasions. By the grace of God, I didn't suffer any serious consequences. Heck, I might not have continued dating dh if it weren't for the social lubricant factor. But, it is no longer a social lubricant as I usually get very sleepy.

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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I drink occasionally. I'm kind of a beer snob and love to try new microbrews. So dh and I will get two different specialty beers and split them between us to taste the differences and it usually takes us a long time to get through them. So I'll maybe have one or two a week. Or, I'll go months without drinking anything alcoholic.


The funny thing is, I only every really crave and want a beer when I'm pregnant. Right now, I'd really enjoy an ice cold Killians, but I'm 6 months and can't. Once the baby comes I can take it or leave it.

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A couple times a week I will have 2-3 glasses of wine.

Usually one or sometimes two when I'm cooking dinner and another glass with dinner when we're all around the table.

When I'm in a hurry to get dinner done because we have activities that night, I don't drink. Wine is something I enjoy on our more leisurely evenings.

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I've rarely met an alcoholic beverage I didn't like, and for that reason, I drink hard stuff very very rarely. I do enjoy a glass of riesling in a mason jar a few times a month though. :) Never beer, yuck!


My husband is a teetotaler. He hasn't had any alcohol since high school, so about 18 years.

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I have a beer or a glass of wine most evenings with dinner. Maybe once every couple of weeks I have a second glass of wine.


A night of "big drinking" for me would be maybe three drinks. I do that 2-3 times a year, in a social setting.

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The only time I drink is at family reunions... which I happen to go to every other year on average.


I just don't buy alcohol. (Well I am thinking about it to make my own vanilla extract, but not to drink) I don't like most of it, and the stuff I do like is expensive and I can't justify the cost.


So... I don't really drink at all.

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I voted daily, but that's not entirely accurate - I didn't have a glass of wine today, for instance, and I generally don't if I know I have to go somewhere after dinner because I don't want to smell like it in a small space. Most days, though, I like to pour a glass of wine (an average 4-5 oz one) while I make dinner, then I add more for the meal itself.


ETA - it's a rare occurrence for me to drink a beer - it would need to be a darn good microbrew and go very nicely with my meal, and I never drink liquor (mixed drinks, margaritas, etc) because I just don't like the sweetness.

Edited by LauraGB
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Teetotalers here in the land of beer... Wisconsin.

Wisconsin has the highest rate of drunken driving in the nation.

We also have the highest alcohol consumption in the country.


I've lost more precious people in my life due to alcohol (including drunk driving) than I care to tally up. I've seen people's lives go down paths they never would have otherwise taken, if they hadn't been in a state of inebriation. I guess you could say I've simple seen too much abuse. Ditto for dh.

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I can't really give an accurate answer. I enjoy a drink when we're out at dinner, sometimes dh and I will have a bottle of wine together, fall time is Shipyard pumpkin ale - I can have one per night, sometimes two, or go weeks with none. When I have a taste for a drink, I have one. During the cold months my drink of choice is mostly tea. Sometimes I will have port. Many times I will go months with nothing, and during the summer I *love* ice cold beer. It's not a big deal. If I want a drink, I have one.

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