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Can't find babysitters for Friday night - are 15 & 12 old enough to stay home alone?

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We have tickets to a midnight preformance at local theater. Childcare plans for the youngest two fell through. If it was day time I would be fine with leaving them alone for that period of time. If they were their older sisters, I would be fine with leaving them at night. Legally, I can leave them alone and for the most part I trust that they wouldn't purposely do anything wrong. I can trust that they would lock down the house and watch a movie but not absolutely positive that they could handle any emergency. We all have cell phones and we wouldn't be terribly far away. We have plenty of neighbors that they could go to if necessary. Do I take the chance and give them the opportunity to prove themselves responsible or are they still too young?

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Well, I think it really depends on the kids, but I think I'd be OK leaving mine at that age. We've started leaving them alone during the day to run errands, and they've proven responsible. In 3 more years time, I think I'd be fine leaving them at night for a bit.

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but not absolutely positive that they could handle any emergency.
Some days, I'm not absolutely positive that I could handle any emergency! :tongue_smilie:


1) In our state (Iowa) 12yo can stay home alone, and 13yo can babysit others. Are there state guidelines you can look to for reassurance?


2) Depends upon the teen. Some 10yo I would trust to be alone in the house after dark. Some 25yo I would NOT trust alone with my house (and kids) after dark.


3) Do you live in a "safe neighborhood"? I know that is a subjective question, and it is no absolute guarantee that nothing will happen, but it is something to consider.


For example, we lock our doors every night, but if we forget, it's not a very big deal in our town.


4) Between now and the midnight performance, can you practice by going out to dinner at 10pm , or even out for some late shopping from 8-10pm?

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When I was growing up, the rule was that 10 years old was OK to be home alone, even watching a younger sibling. 12 years old meant you could babysit outside of the home. 15 years old--you're almost ready for a license, so being by yourself was never an issue.


They know how to dial 911, right? If so, you're golden. Odds are that they won't need emergency services.

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I'm surprised that you are asking. I was babysitting other children at 12, too. At 15 I had a job that my mom drove me to. At sixteen I was driving myself to babysitting and other jobs.


My sons were...13 and 7 when I had to leave them alone for a few hours on a Saturday late afternoon/evening back when I was a wedding photographer. The fire alarms went off. Let me tell you it's scary to get a call on your cell from one of the neighbors. My sons were fine, there was no fire. In their panic they couldn't seem to unlock the front door, so they went through a window and ran to the neighbor's home. She called the fire department and then me. There was no fire--probably a spider in the alarm--but the firemen reassured my sons, checked things out, and left.


Yes, my sons can handle an emergency. I bet yours could to.


I'd rent a fun movie for them. Offer to make or order pizza and let them have a bit of a party while you are gone.

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That's what I thought! And that is why I asked which emergency she thought her daughters could not handle. Someone here told me I shouldn't let my almost 10 year old stay home for 20 minutes because what if someone breaks in. Yeah, what if someone breaks in and I'm here? What am "I" going to do? I told my son to hide or sneak out another door. That's the best I could do (I can't fight the person off).


Well, the neighbor girl set her kitchen on fire when she was 15. She handled it well and there was minimal damage. One of my older dd's also had a stove fire, also handled well. Finally, the 15 year old set ramen noodles on fire in the microwave but granted that was at least 5 years ago. So I worry about that a bit. And then the 12 year old can barely walk across the room without falling, running into something, knocking something over or some such thing.


We do live in a safe neighborhood and we have great neighbors but for some reason the middle of the night thing bothers me. I have no idea why. It's not like they have any friends that would even try to come over at that time of night if they knew parents weren't home and I know that they would just watch a movie or listen to music. They have enough sense to not tell anyone they are home alone or answer the door. They know to call 911. I think the problem just might be that they are the youngest and I think of them as the babies?

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Well, the neighbor girl set her kitchen on fire when she was 15. She handled it well and there was minimal damage. One of my older dd's also had a stove fire, also handled well. Finally, the 15 year old set ramen noodles on fire in the microwave but granted that was at least 5 years ago. So I worry about that a bit. And then the 12 year old can barely walk across the room without falling, running into something, knocking something over or some such thing.


We do live in a safe neighborhood and we have great neighbors but for some reason the middle of the night thing bothers me. I have no idea why. It's not like they have any friends that would even try to come over at that time of night if they knew parents weren't home and I know that they would just watch a movie or listen to music. They have enough sense to not tell anyone they are home alone or answer the door. They know to call 911. I think the problem just might be that they are the youngest and I think of them as the babies?


Well, that would make more sense. But TBH, I was thinking from the other direction: you're an experienced mom, not a nervous, hand-wringing first-time mom. I'm totally surprised that you would even question it. :001_smile: And FWIW, I think the night time is better (even if it were an outside babysitter), because there is so little that needs to be done. I would definitely make a little party of it with pizza and a movie for them.

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I was babysitting at 10 or 11. If you are nervous about cooking....like someone said, order the. A pizza, and take them shoppung for their favorite ready to eat snacks. Let them watch a movie and keep your phone on vibrate. Are their older siblings around where they could call them?

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Is it legal where you are?


Yes, I think it is probably fine generally though the fact that you are asking suggests maybe I'm wrong or you are even more overprotective than overprotective moms. However, many times, there are laws regarding children being left alone past 10pm or 12am. I would make sure you wouldn't be breaking that.

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I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of hiring a babysitter for a typically developing 15 y/o! At that age I'd expect the teen to be capable of being nearly self-sufficient when it comes to basic tasks and certainly able to safely operate a stove/cook a simple meal.

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Yes. When my kids were 15, 13,11, and 5, we would leave them all home with pizza and a movie while DH and I went out - even sometimes staying out til 2-3am! Woohoo! Their only responsibility was to make sure the little one got fed and into pajamas.


Actually, I am pretty sure we started them younger than that - the oldest was probably 12 the first time we left them all home by themselves at night.

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