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Is it bad form to share good news?

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I think it's wonderful to hear good news, I was going to comment on your previous post, but then felt that I didn't really 'know' you :lol:.


This is a wonderful place to come when you have something bothering you, but it sometimes means that there are an overwhelming number of problems to consider :tongue_smilie:. It's very refreshing to hear someone sounding so delighted and happy with life.


Very best wishes



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I like to hear good news! Please share!


Sometimes it seems like everyone is having such a hard time, I feel bad sharing good news, like it will make everyone feel bad and if I don't have a horrific crisis going on, I shouldn't say anything. I know where you're coming from. (We have had several crises in the past few years, but there has been lots of good too...)


I think the 'bad form' is found in the mode of delivery. I've been thinking about this a little lately as I've decided to stop reading a friend's blog. She's a nice gal and I like her, but in her blog she has a little tendency to sound kind of entitled. She loves to take trips and does so frequently (she must have organizational super-powers), which is nice, but she has this habit of saying things like "We really needed to get away so we went to XXX for a week." OK, look, I know she's busy but she doesn't need to get away once a month. Her head will not fall off if she doesn't go. So for those of us who don't have that opportunity right now, it comes off as a little entitled. I'd love to go on a trip, but that's not possible--so while I'm glad she can go, I don't want to hear about how much she needs to go.


(When her daughter commented on the frequent couples' weekends, she replied "I hope you'll be as happy as we are and want to celebrate your marriage all the time too!"--Which is a nice sentiment, except what if her daughter can't go on couples' weekends so often? Will she feel like her husband is failing? That kind of worried me actually...)


So, please share good news--just don't make it sound like you think the world owes you a living. Them's my two cents. :)

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...or your old one's gonna be okay - it's something minor? :D


I had to go to catechism last night, and dh was at a work dinner, so I made the decision to attempt the drive. :tongue_smilie:


It drove fine...NO issues!!! Either something didn't want me to go out to the horses yesterday, or it was really important I got to church ;).


The van will still be going in, but not until this evening. Then we shall see. Fingers still being crossed.


(and I am about to set out to the horses again, so here's hoping everything continues to go alright!) :D

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My reaction to your news in the other thread was a big smile while reading it. Yeah, my dh is unemployed, but so what? The whole world is supposed to be in mourning until he scores a permanent gig? NAH!


Party on!




Thanks, I really appreciate it. It has been a rough year in many ways, but this was good news. It reminded me that I cannot predict when good or bad comes. Sometimes these things just happen!

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Heck no. Sharing good news is a reminder that it can get better. :)




I think it's poor form to be very blessed compared to most and *complain* about little, inconsequential things. (Just pulling this out of the air...say, for example, that your big Disney vacation was a bummer because it rained or something like that. Yeah, sorry you got to go to Disney. LOL!! kwim?)

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I think it's poor form to be very blessed compared to most and *complain* about little, inconsequential things. (Just pulling this out of the air...say, for example, that your big Disney vacation was a bummer because it rained or something like that. Yeah, sorry you got to go to Disney. LOL!! kwim?)



But see, I think this attitude also makes people afraid to share any bad news if it isn't "bad enough." Couldn't we all say we are blessed compared to most? Doesn't that make nearly every complaint in our lives inconsequential? I don't think it's particularly healthy to be unable to vent about trouble at work just because other people don't have jobs. I think it's okay to be disappointed about something other people may be jealous of, up to a point. I think it's poor form to complain constantly about anything, but I don't harbor ill will if someone more fortunate than I is disappointed by something.

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...when so many are having a rough time?


I think those with good news to share should be able to share it, even if other's are having a hard time. I worked hard to be happy for people in their successes, even when things weren't going well for our circumstances.




oth - I did find a guy complaining about paying capital gains on his stock options so he could pay for his new mcmansion while dh had been unemployed for a year with nothing on the horizon to be rather clueless. (there are far worse things than paying capital gains)

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I guess I'm coming at this as someone who believes that the Bible tells people to quit complaining for good reason, for the good of *everyone*. lol


Not major stuff, not things where some encouragement or actual advice is needed, but I think that when people are aware that someone's life is pretty darn good--especially if that person lets everyone know about how good it is all the time--it just doesn't arouse much sympathy for that person when they fuss about truly inconsequential stuff. Yeah, I think they should suck it up a bit. Just me. (And I know that not everyone is a Bible follower, but I still think it applies.) This also doesn't apply to grieving, because we are told to share our grief and bear one another's burdens. I don't consider some rain on a Disney vacation a burden, for example. It's more about context, not that rich people can't complain sometimes.


So, having trouble with a rude co-worker or a jerk of a boss is normal stuff. Getting an $8k bonus instead of the usual $10k bonus maybe not so much and I might be playing the world's tiniest violin over "trouble" like that. I don't think we all need to walk on tiptoes, but if someone *can't* tell the difference between these 2 sorts of things, then they're not someone I could be around for long.

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