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I might be having twins!?

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Congratulations!! I breastfed my twins too. I hated tandem nursing, however. I think since I had nursed my son and knew what it was like one on one, that I couldn't settle for tandem nursing every time. As for the EZ 2 Nurse pillow....it didn't work for me at all. If I snapped it around my back, it left a huge gaping hole between my body and the pillow that the babies would fall through. On the picture, it shows the pillow flush against the mother's stomach and sides, and ending just at her back. With me, if it ended at my back so I could sit against something, there was the huge hole all around me. If I pulled it back against my stomach, I had about 6in of pillow going out behind my back that prevented me from resting against anything. I had to sit up straight the whole time and it was extremely uncomfortable. I had better luck taking a curved body pillow and wrapping it around myself for baby support. But, mostly, I just nursed them one at a time because I preferred it. At the time, I thought the EZ 2 Nurse pillow didn't work for me because I'm very small but maybe it was something else.

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And it's TWINS!!!

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.

:party::party: (one party for each twin ;)). Hooray! And thank you for posting it here so I could find it when I came a few days late :).

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And it's TWINS!!!:D

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.;)





Start stocking up now! Really. Put food in the freezer, get help lined up. You'll need at least 4 weeks, but if you can get 2 months that would be excellent. (Maybe Mom and MIL ?) I breastfed mine at the same time in football holds. Not at first, though, because they were preemies and had a hard time latching on. In the beginning it was SO hard. I did nothing but sit and nurse because they need to nurse every hour and a half, and by the time one was done, the other needed to be fed. When they got a little bigger it got a LOT easier, but the beginning was rough.

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A friend of mine had her twins at home in a birthing tub 4 years ago. (It's not legal for the midwife, but it's doable.) They were each 9 lbs.They were exclusively breastfed for the first almost year and she is just about to wean them completely. She wore them in a sling one at a time throughout the day when they were little. They are her 4th and 5th babies. She hs all her kids.

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We have twins and they are wonderful. When I went in for an ultrasound (I was nearly 40), I saw two "blinking blips" on the screen. "I see TWO! I see TWO!" I told the doctor. He -- get this -- moved the probe to another location, then said, "Oh, I don't see them."


I insisted I had seen two blips. He said, "One of them was your bladder."


I said, "Oh. My bladder has a heartbeat?"


When we went a few weeks later to the hospital for a higher level ultrasound, my husband thought the tech had the screen on mirror image. She checked the chart and then said, "Doesn't Dr. ________ know you're having twins?"


I got to gloat over that, and I enjoyed it.


Congratulations, either way! :Angel_anim::Angel_anim:


My Number One Piece of Advice, whether you want it or not -- No one knows your babies like you know your babies. You're the Mommy. Trust that.

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I'm due February 16.

She thought one MIGHT be a boy, but wasn't sure. I think it would be pretty awesome if there was one of each, but I'm not particular.;)


I currently have a boppy, but will definitely be upgrading. Nursing has been very very difficult for me in the past (those kids just don't want to LATCH ON), so I'm prepared for twins to be even more so! My midwife is VERY VERY pro nursing so I'm hopeful she can help me.


My mom lives across the country and mom in law will be OUT of the country when babies are due, but she said she will come to help as soon as she can. DH works from home, so he'll be able to help.


I'm already starting to plan what meals freeze well. . . .but I don't know HoW I'm going to give up vacuuming! I know my kids CAN do it, but I'm so darn persnickity :tongue_smilie:.


Being pregnant before I would simply smile and nod when people gave me advice. . .but now I'm pretty much begging for it! I know twins are going to be so great, but I'm aware I don't know yet how I'm going to handle it.:001_huh:


Deep breaths. . .time to think of the fun things. . .like baby names.. . .and matching outfits. . .and bright orange jogging strollers.;)

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I'm due February 16.

She thought one MIGHT be a boy, but wasn't sure. I think it would be pretty awesome if there was one of each, but I'm not particular.;)


I currently have a boppy, but will definitely be upgrading. Nursing has been very very difficult for me in the past (those kids just don't want to LATCH ON), so I'm prepared for twins to be even more so! My midwife is VERY VERY pro nursing so I'm hopeful she can help me.


My mom lives across the country and mom in law will be OUT of the country when babies are due, but she said she will come to help as soon as she can. DH works from home, so he'll be able to help.


I'm already starting to plan what meals freeze well. . . .but I don't know HoW I'm going to give up vacuuming! I know my kids CAN do it, but I'm so darn persnickity :tongue_smilie:.


Being pregnant before I would simply smile and nod when people gave me advice. . .but now I'm pretty much begging for it! I know twins are going to be so great, but I'm aware I don't know yet how I'm going to handle it.:001_huh:


Deep breaths. . .time to think of the fun things. . .like baby names.. . .and matching outfits. . .and bright orange jogging strollers.;)


Wow, that's my due date too!!!

They say it'll be a boy and a girl for us.

It took me a good month to calm down from the initial fears.

I, too, had a terrible time with latching my previous babes-- I even ended up pumping last time :( which didn't work as well as I'd hoped. So I am very nervous this time around.

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Oh, how exciting! Our girl twins just turned 20 this summer. I was pretty far along in the pregnancy when my bladder shut down. We all figured it was a bacterial infection, so we were panicking. Turned out one of the babies was standing right on my bladder; the other was transverse. We were in the room getting the u/s and I'm saying, "Please, tell me, how's the baby." The tech said, "The BABIES seem to be fine...." My husband's face, oh my!!



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Eat insane amounts of protein. Really. The Bradley people say 100-130 grams a day for twins. And research has show that diet, especially all that protein is extra important for multiples.


:iagree:We think this is what helped our twins to be so healthy, full-term, and strong. I ate tons of eggs, protein shakes, yogurt, cheese, steak, nuts -- any protein I could get my hands on.


As for the vacuuming... well, I had a second C-section with the twins, and now, nearly five years later, I still don't vacuum. My husband does the vacuuming. He does not do it the way I would, but it is what it is. You might want to just permanently let it go.


Twins are life-changing, in many ways. But I would rather hug my twins than push the vacuum, anyway. :D I think that for us, our twins were gifts from God's sense of humor. When we married, I was older, so I said, "Two babies or two pregnancies, whichever comes first." So naive.


We had one baby girl, then I had thyroid cancer, and then the doctor said it was okay to get pregnant again. So, of course, God laughed when he gave us these two rascals. I can still picture my husband's face when he heard "twins," and I can still hear God laughing. :lol:

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Congratulations!! I breastfed my twins too. I hated tandem nursing, however. I think since I had nursed my son and knew what it was like one on one, that I couldn't settle for tandem nursing every time. As for the EZ 2 Nurse pillow....it didn't work for me at all. If I snapped it around my back, it left a huge gaping hole between my body and the pillow that the babies would fall through. On the picture, it shows the pillow flush against the mother's stomach and sides, and ending just at her back. With me, if it ended at my back so I could sit against something, there was the huge hole all around me. If I pulled it back against my stomach, I had about 6in of pillow going out behind my back that prevented me from resting against anything. I had to sit up straight the whole time and it was extremely uncomfortable. I had better luck taking a curved body pillow and wrapping it around myself for baby support. But, mostly, I just nursed them one at a time because I preferred it. At the time, I thought the EZ 2 Nurse pillow didn't work for me because I'm very small but maybe it was something else.


I also preferred nursing them separately and usually did. When both of them were on the big nursing pillow and all of that was on top of me, I felt trapped and did not like it. It was not cosy nursing snuggled with mommy lol. Plus, I just never wanted my twins to feel like they were only part of a set and not individuals.

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And it's TWINS!!!:D

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.;)


Awww.....this just made me weepy! I always wanted twins....I am very happy for you and yours.

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Wow, that's my due date too!!!

They say it'll be a boy and a girl for us.

It took me a good month to calm down from the initial fears.

I, too, had a terrible time with latching my previous babes-- I even ended up pumping last time :( which didn't work as well as I'd hoped. So I am very nervous this time around.


That's so crazy! What are the odds?

Hopefully nursing will go better for us both.:D

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I am doing the crazy protein thing. I've actually started feeling much better after eating so much protein and lots of spinach and salad. I'm hitting between 110 and 120 grams per day. That's 3 meals and 3 snacks. I really have no idea how I could possibly get anymore.:confused:

I know it's going to be harder and harder to eat to get what I need, so my midwife says I should add protein power to milk??


I really hope the tandem nursing works. . .or I'll be nursing ALL day. My other babies are going to be lonely. =(

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And it's TWINS!!!:D

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.;)

Yay! Just came back to check on the outcome of your ultrasound.:)

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I currently have a boppy, but will definitely be upgrading. Nursing has been very very difficult for me in the past (those kids just don't want to LATCH ON), so I'm prepared for twins to be even more so! My midwife is VERY VERY pro nursing so I'm hopeful she can help me.



I, too, had a terrible time with latching my previous babes-- I even ended up pumping last time :( which didn't work as well as I'd hoped. So I am very nervous this time around.



It's good to be prepared for latching on problems--two of mine had latching on problems, at least for the first x number of weeks and then they were fine, but totally different ones--but you may be pleasantly suprised. My middle one had an easy time latching on.

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  • 6 months later...
I've been MIA FOREVER. . .but thought I'd give an update:

I had healthy FULL TERM fraternal twin boys the first week in February.

6lbs13oz and 7lbs1oz!

I'm finally getting SOME sleep.


Back in the saddle with homeschooling, but not accomplishing much of anything else.;)


Congratulations!! :party: I was wondering how you were doing. :001_smile:

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I've been MIA FOREVER. . .but thought I'd give an update:

I had healthy FULL TERM fraternal twin boys the first week in February.

6lbs13oz and 7lbs1oz!

I'm finally getting SOME sleep.


Back in the saddle with homeschooling, but not accomplishing much of anything else.;)


:party: Congratulations!

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full-term twins weighing nearly the same weights within the same week! Fun!!


I always wanted twins. I'm secretly wishing them on dd, although with one that'll only be 16 months old when she's due, that's really not a nice thing for me to be doing. :tongue_smilie:


Congrats to both of you!!

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Congratulations to MommytoMonkeys and creativish! Those are some good sized babies!


(I find this interesting as I'm currently prego and have been told I look like twins -I think perhaps it is just because it is #4- but I'm always paranoid of twins as they run in the family!)

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Soror- If twins run in your family, I wouldn't be surprised! How TIRED are you. . .ie are you falling asleep at the dinner table. . .are you falling asleep (gasp) in the checkout line at the grocery store?!;)


Ha, well I've been more tired and wore out than #2 and #3 but perhaps it is a girl/boy thing. I've been heavily tweaking my diet though and it seems to help a lot. I felt pretty bad with ds and my OB said I was pregnant with twins and lost one early. I felt symptoms with him very early and did this time as well, although not as severe. We have twins on both sides of the family. My mom has twin brothers and dh's grandma had twins as well (but I believe one died early or was stillborn).

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Creativish- I remember! Congratulations! Did you have boys or girls?


Soror- If twins run in your family, I wouldn't be surprised! How TIRED are you. . .ie are you falling asleep at the dinner table. . .are you falling asleep (gasp) in the checkout line at the grocery store?!;)


I had one of each. :001_smile:


And totally agree with above comment too, I didn't really feel any different with twins (at first) but I was SO sleepy!!

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Congratulations all!


Twins made me double everything. I wasn't tired, I was exhausted, I wasn't sick in the morning, I was projectile vomiting. But you know that part that comes around month 6? Where you're counting the hours till Dh comes home? THAT was double, too. Ya gotta take the good with the bad. :D

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I've been MIA FOREVER. . .but thought I'd give an update:

I had healthy FULL TERM fraternal twin boys the first week in February.

6lbs13oz and 7lbs1oz!

I'm finally getting SOME sleep.


Back in the saddle with homeschooling, but not accomplishing much of anything else.;)




I was wondering how things went (I shared your due date).

I made it full-term too and had my twins on the 7th, 7lbs and 6lb15oz.

Glad to hear all went well!



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