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Anyone else had to turn the heat on already this fall?


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Brr! It sure feels like autumn here. We even had to turn on the heat today! I probably would have held out a little longer on the the heat, but we had guests. I didn't want them to be cold!


Who else has had the heat on this fall? (I know it's not officially fall yet!)

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I refuse to turn on the heat in the house. I have pulled out our small electric heaters at night, but we are making through the days just fine. My youngest son wears his pajamas to stay warm (he sometimes puts on a hat, his choice) but the other children (even the baby) seem to not notice that the house is barely warming above 67 degrees. I'm holding out until middle of October, maybe end of October before we turn the heat on.

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Yes, our thermostat is set at 60 and the furnace runs a bit in the mornings. We are planning to install a wood stove yet this fall, but until then 60 degrees it is. I refuse to burn more oil than absolutely necessary.


Yup. We've closed some windows and put blankets back on the beds, but it's going to have to be crazy cold before we turn on the furnace. We're even planning to put in a larger woodstove in the next few weeks.


Thankfully, it looks like we're back to the upper 70s this week. I love fall, but we've got work to do before we're ready to tuck in.

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I might have turned it on this morning, just to take the edge off, but the furnace is disconnected right now. On Friday we poured a concrete slab where the furnace belongs so that we can hook it up with the pellet furnace we've had sitting around the basement for three years. The old oil furnace will go back in place with the new pellet furnace next to it, but the old one needs a bunch of duct-work first. I'm waiting for 1) updated quotes on getting them all hooked up, and 2) the okay to withdraw the money we have set aside to pay for it (which is not enough for the whole job).


It is 59 in the house right now. Two pairs of socks, plus slippers, a long-sleeve shirt, plus sweatshirt, and I'm quite cold.

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Who else has had the heat on this fall? (I know it's not officially fall yet!)


According to the Meteorological season calendar the first of Sept. is the first day of fall. Makes sense to me so that's what I go by now.



Anyway, as I type this my kids are outside playing with the hose. It's 90s here.

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I switched the system from cool to auto on Thursday. The temperature outside was in the 40s. Inside the temps were below 65. Our normal indoor temp. during the winter is 68, summer is 78. I figure between now and the end of October it will be anyone's guess to whether the vents will be blowing hot or cold.

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I have refused to even though the house is cold and there is frost in the mornings. I did break out all the slippers and sweaters this week and the kids have taken to draggin blankets around with them in the morning when the house is coldest. We have all been using 2 quilts on the beds at night. I keep having flashbacks to last winter when my furnace was broken, I am so excited to use it this year now that it is fixed but am trying to keep it off as long as possible to keep the gas bill low.

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I'd just like to be able to turn off the a/c. We won't turn on the heat until late December/January. Send me some cold weather, will ya!


Would love to in exchange for some blue skies. It does not even need to be warm--just blue!


The gray Michigan dreary season has started. :tongue_smilie:


We have had the heat on a few nights already.

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I love the thermostat in my new (older) house. I don't have to figure out when to put on the heat. I have set it up so if the house is above 74 degrees, the ac goes on and if the house is 69 degrees, the heating goes on. I have no idea if it has or not. Probably not but it has been down in the 50's at night, so maybe???


I think dh put the heater on for the pool, though.

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We have the heat set to 15 degrees C (59 degrees F) year round. It doesn't kick in in the summer but automatically turns on when needed in the autumn. We've had a few cold nights, so we've had a little heat then.


We have a wood stove in the sitting room and lots of free wood (well, we pay for it through the labour of cutting and splitting it) so we've had the fire on a few times when it's been chilly.



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