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Politics aside, please, what are YOU thinking of spending your tax rebate check on?

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I really don't want to go through whether we should or should not be getting this check. I have been thinking about where the money should go. Here are some choices, but I am sure there are more.


  1. Debt
  2. Savings
  3. Needed Home Improvement (i.e. something broke and needs to be fixed)
  4. Fun Home Improvement (i.e. That new deck you have been wanting in the backyard)
  5. Fun purchase - tv, furniture, etc.
  6. Travel
  7. Medical issues

I think that is all I can think of at the moment.


I am not sure how we will spend it. We have some debt for our kitchen remodel in our new house. :eek: This is because our house in Florida didn't sell. If it had sold, we would have paid off the debt. I have a plan in place for it, but this would certainly help speed the plan. At the same time, we have a number of other household things that would be fun to finish up - not necessary, but fun. Then there is the fact that I have 8 free hotel nights from my credit card points. Part of me would like to take the money and go travel somewhere. Last year was not a fun year for any of us. I think it may be great to recharge with a vacation. Nothing is set in stone, obviously, but I enjoy thinking about the possibilities. What are you thinking about?

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Whenever we get a refund, we send it back to be applied towards next year's taxes. There will come a day when we will need it I'm sure. Maybe this year.


Now, if you're talking about this economic stimulus plan (which I think is a crock), if we get anything we will put that money toward any debt we have.

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He cashed out stock last year and that is included so we made to much. Of course the money from the stock sale is sitting in a bank account a la Dave Ramsey - our emergency fund. Which granted is very nice to have but for a spender like me is just very hard to swallow. :o

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Dh and I are trying to figure out if we'll get anything. Where are the parameters listed?


If we do, we'll probably use a good portion of the money to update our new to us house. We moved in September and our house was full of 1980s wallpaper and colors. Yuck!! We have pink toilets! I think most of it will go toward that.


The rest we'll split in our savings accounts - new car account, vacation account, and new kitchen appliances account. It may even put our kitchen appliance account over the edge so we can get new appliances!!

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Now, if you're talking about this economic stimulus plan (which I think is a crock), if we get anything we will put that money toward any debt we have.


I won't say anything regarding the crock, but IF the plan gets rolling, it is intended for spending, so we would probably spend it at small local businesses because the overall small community we live in is down economically more than the rest of the country. We are dependent on tourism since we live in a mountain resort area and we have not had enough snow in the last 2 years to get the tourists up here.


I have heard a lot of complaints that it is not enough money, but if we just go spend it, it will bump things up a bit. A bit of fresh air is better than none.


I am not sure how to do that Quote thing, I hope it worked because the opening line of my comment is not mine.

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Dh and I are trying to figure out if we'll get anything. Where are the parameters listed?


A few days ago, there was a good article on the Fox News website about how the rebate will be calculated based on the House plan. It's kind of complicated! but the Senate is proposing a flat rebate of $500 per person rather than "up to $600."

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My parents want ds and me to go on a trip to NYC with them in October. It would cost us $1000 each, so I am thinking seriously about using it for that if dh is game.


I am torn because I KNOW I should apply it toward some debt we have....but I REALLY want to go on this trip. My parents aren't getting any younger, and I think it would be a fabulous trip for ds (almost 8)...and I've never been to NYC.

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We don't have any debt other than our mortgage. So it would either go towards


1. Summer savings (we get no paycheck during the summer months)

2. Longterm savings (our emergency fund)

3. A plan trip to AL to see my parents and brand new niece (haven't been home in 3+ years so this is looking really tempting.

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Robin, the "easy" way to quote is to copy and paste the quotation into your post, then highlight it with the cursor and click the little quote box above the post you are making. Hope that makes sense. In quick reply mode, it is the last little icon above your post.

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It depends on if/when we get it. We are moving at the end of June, so I hope we get it before then and don't have to rely on our P.O. to forward it. We've had issues with our P.O.'s out here (Netflix movies missing, packages we sent out never arriving at the other end, etc.). We have a great deal of debt to pay down, but we also have some other expenses- right now my dh needs new tires for his car, and his engine needs some work. So the next few weeks (I hope it is only a "few" weeks) he will spend money and time getting his car in good shape. That is coming out of our regular tax refund (which should be deposited in the next week or so). Since we are moving, we will need to spend some of our "extra" monies on deposits for rent/utilities/cable/etc.

We'll be driving across the country with 4dc, so we will need money for gas and food and hotels (though the military will at some point give us an extra payment to cover those expenses, we aren't sure we'll be "covered").

We will probably need a little work done on our truck before we leave- maybe new tires, a tune up, check the transmission (we will be towing dh's car- so we'll need $ to rent a trailer for that too. We've discovered that it's much cheaper to rent a truck/trailer out of the state of CA, so he is driving his car to Yuma and we'll rent a trailer there for less), etc.

Of course we'll make some tourist stops as we cross the country with the kids (we are homeschoolers, we can't pass everything by without stopping, we'll just be as picky as we can because we need to get to our destination ASAP to find a new home). After we are all settled in at our new home, we will use the extra money to pay towards our debt. That was probably WTMI, bu there you go. :)

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Whatever we get, whether tax refund, rebate, whatever it is will go directly to paying down debt. We're so close that we can taste it, and then we get to start bulking up the savings and paying off the mortgage. Non-essential home improvements will come later.

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I have a dd graduating this year, and WOW, is it ever expensive. We have to buy: senior pictures, cap, gown, tassel, graduation announcements, diploma and diploma cover, rent the pool for her party (called an Open House around here), cake, food/drinks (for both Open House and senior recital), senior recital fees, and plates, napkins, cups for both her senior recital and her Open house.


So...there goes the money, but we certainly need it for this!

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The yearly tax rebate we get because I overpay on taxes through the year goes to pay taxes and either to buy next year's fuel or pay down debt.If the 'economic stimulus plan" goes through we will use part of it to buy something for the family that we wouldn't be getting otherwise.

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Robin, the "easy" way to quote is to copy and paste the quotation into your post, then highlight it with the cursor and click the little quote box above the post you are making. Hope that makes sense. In quick reply mode, it is the last little icon above your post.



Aye aye Cap'n, let's see if I've gah it........

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I won't say anything regarding the crock, but IF the plan gets rolling, it is intended for spending, so we would probably spend it at small local businesses because the overall small community we live in is down economically more than the rest of the country. We are dependent on tourism since we live in a mountain resort area and we have not had enough snow in the last 2 years to get the tourists up here.


I have heard a lot of complaints that it is not enough money, but if we just go spend it, it will bump things up a bit. A bit of fresh air is better than none.



On the other hand, increased money in my savings account means that my credit union has a larger pool of money to loan out to other members, possibly even at a lower rate. So I don't at all think that I'm honor bound to spend it. (Besides, getting into a better position financially may not stimulate the economy immediately, but it may help just as much in the long run to have more families who don't need a bailout.)


DH and I were musing last night that maybe the slowdown would help people to realize how much they are buying that they really don't need. (I would include our family in this, as well.) His thoughts were that we are addicted to the spending and to accumulating stuff and that it was going to take a much harder crash to break that cycle. Just thinking about how bad a recession/depression could be makes me want to spend my "rebate" on stuff for container gardening and other means of making do.


You can chalk some of these feeling up to the fact that we're working our way through westward expansion and into the 20th century this year. I'm constantly struck by how much more I have that the pioneers did. Or even than my grandparents did.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Community College costs for ds that we used the credit card for, and all the (blankety-blank) dental work I've had to have done this past year.

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New roof and some added insulation in the attic. If we have any left (between the proposed rebate, our regular refund because we WAY overpaid this year, and the savings we already have for this purpose) I want new windows. That combination should reduce our energy bills by quite a bit, and then I want gutter covers (to keep the leaves out).


Then I'll go fix our withholdings so we don't overpay again-- we've not had a refund in about a decade, but DH changed jobs twice this year and somehow the withholdings didn't come out right. Oh well -- it's a nice surprise for just this once! :)

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