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Anyone stuggle with the tithe?

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We've always given around 10% of our take-home pay to the Church. As we're stuggling to pay off our debts and find money for a down-payment an a better house (you can search my name to get a better understanding of our situation), I look at that 10% and think about how nice it would be to include it in our budget. But I'm still paying $180/month for kids activities that are certainly not neccessities. I don't feel like I can cut back on the tithe unless I cut back all extra activities, KWIM? Anyone else mentally stuggle with giving money to the Church?

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Sure, but I remind myself that this is me worshipping God in gratitude for what He has provided for us.




We've been in tough financial situations when I would look at that money and think of what we could afford or what we could pay off . . .


And then I remember that I have never ever been alone. That our church has ministered to us in good and bad times. In sickness and in health. When we needed money and when we had money to share.


We tithe in obedience. And to pay it forward.

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We've been in tough financial situations when I would look at that money and think of what we could afford or what we could pay off . . .


And then I remember that I have never ever been alone. That our church has ministered to us in good and bad times. In sickness and in health. When we needed money and when we had money to share.


We tithe in obedience. And to pay it forward.

Us too. There've been times (and tithes) that have come right back to us, because we were in need. I give trusting God and God makes sure we have enough.

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I struggle with people telling us that we'll be blessed if we do, even if it means giving when we *know* that the result will be that we cannot pay our most basic bills. We can't "downsize" or cut back on much more. I hate to cut back on giving to God, but that doesn't mean my thankfulness for what little we have isn't there, kwim?


I never hear from people who have started to tithe in the worst of financial circumstances and things did NOT get better or their needs were NOT met. But you know what? It happens. Happened to us. So did God let us down? Did we let Him down? I just don't know. It seems like the great stories of "being faithful" (that's always a big part of the story, how faithful the people were, LOL) come from those who still do have a little wiggle room in the budget. We're not the family who suddenly gets an anonymous check in the mail, ya know? LOL


I want my kids to have a roof over their heads and when we have extra money, as bad as it sounds to give our extra to God, we give to the church. I've never believed that 10% is a magical, righteous number or that God's directives to the nation of Israel in the OT must apply exactly to us. His purposes in that situation were very specific. And yet, I believe in tithing...


This probably doesn't help! Sorry!

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I struggle with people telling us that we'll be blessed if we do, even if it means giving when we *know* that the result will be that we cannot pay our most basic bills. We can't "downsize" or cut back on much more. I hate to cut back on giving to God, but that doesn't mean my thankfulness for what little we have isn't there, kwim?


I never hear from people who have started to tithe in the worst of financial circumstances and things did NOT get better or their needs were NOT met. But you know what? It happens. Happened to us. So did God let us down? Did we let Him down? I just don't know. It seems like the great stories of "being faithful" (that's always a big part of the story, how faithful the people were, LOL) come from those who still do have a little wiggle room in the budget. We're not the family who suddenly gets an anonymous check in the mail, ya know? LOL


I want my kids to have a roof over their heads and when we have extra money, as bad as it sounds to give our extra to God, we give to the church. I've never believed that 10% is a magical, righteous number or that God's directives to the nation of Israel in the OT must apply exactly to us. His purposes in that situation were very specific. And yet, I believe in tithing...


This probably doesn't help! Sorry!

I'm very sorry if this is how I came across.

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Ok, not to be discouraging of anyone's generosity, but have you ever stopped to consider that what you pay in taxes (ALL taxes, including sales tax) provides funding to many of the same functions once provided for by a community church?

:iagree:I have no problem not tithing 10% to the church. There is no way I could afford it. I give generously to my local parish and I have on occasion purchased something needed (for instance, I purchased out right prizes for the VBS this year) for one ministry or another.

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Ok, not to be discouraging of anyone's generosity, but have you ever stopped to consider that what you pay in taxes (ALL taxes, including sales tax) provides funding to many of the same functions once provided for by a community church?


Then he said to them, Ă¢â‚¬Å“So give back to Caesar what is CaesarĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s, and to God what is GodĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s.Ă¢â‚¬ Mathew 22:21

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Sure, but I remind myself that this is me worshipping God in gratitude for what He has provided for us.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: And it's one of the few commandments with such a huge blessing promised right with it, so He gives back even as we give. (Malachi 3:10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.)

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Sure, but I remind myself that this is me worshipping God in gratitude for what He has provided for us.

:iagree: I struggle like crazy. It's hard, but I agree that it not only is it an act of worship, but it is also an act of trusting God to provide for our needs. Spiritual disciplines are not easy because they goes against our nature. Hang in there!

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I don't think anyone is arguing that one should not pay taxes.


What about "Give to God what is God's?" There are many other verses in the Bible about tithing.


But if one feels at peace in his/her heart with just paying taxes, then that is between themselves and God. But it is an act of worship that many choose.

Edited by jannylynn
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What about "Give to God what is God's?" There are many other verses in the Bible about tithing.


But if you feel at peace in your heart with just paying taxes, then that is between yourself and God. But it is an act of worship that many choose.


Why the judgmental tone? Of course it is between us and God. We were answering with our own answers to how we handle this issue. I'm sure the OP will weigh the answers in light of her own understanding of the Scripture.

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I believe the first example of tithing is between Methuselah and Abraham. I love the organic greatfullness of that act. No law...that I know of. No verse being beaten over your head. I also really appreciate the closeness of the contact. Abraham had a direct relationship with him.


I am not in favor of the generalized tithing concepts that are presented in many churches.


There is a huge difference between doing the best you can with where you are at, trusting as far as you can, knowing that you are not perfect and are doing your best to take care of your family or not feeling comfortable with where the money might go......and being a scrooge who is able to give, but chooses not to.

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We tithe 10%. Anything over that is considered an offering unto God. We have tithed when we were making peanuts and we tithe now that we are making quite a bit more than peanuts. I believe that scripture says we are to tithe, I also believe it is a very personal decision. I think we are where we are today because we have been faithful with our finances.

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I haven't read all the replies, but two things stand out to me concerning tithing.


First is the verse (sorry I don't have time to look up the references for these) is the one that says we should give what we purpose in our hearts to give. Meaning if you believe it, you should do it, not go back and forth when it's convenient or not.


The other is that tithing is the only case in the Bible where God tells us to test Him in this and see if he dose not fill your storehouses (paraphrasing.)


We've been unfaithful and not being on top of our finances, forgot to tithe for a few months. We did not have any extra, leftover money those months. But when we got back on track, our expenses matched our income. Right now we are very blessed to live in a good condo with a wonderful price. We could not do so well anywhere else, not even government-assistance. I consider that a blessing from God. He keeps our car running, and the times when something breaks and needs replacing is usually about the same time when my husband gets a bonus at work.


We purposed in our hearts to give 10% to the body of Christ to further His work on earth (our personal church.)

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I haven't read all the replies, but two things stand out to me concerning tithing.


First is the verse (sorry I don't have time to look up the references for these) is the one that says we should give what we purpose in our hearts to give. Meaning if you believe it, you should do it, not go back and forth when it's convenient or not.


The other is that tithing is the only case in the Bible where God tells us to test Him in this and see if he dose not fill your storehouses (paraphrasing.)


We've been unfaithful and not being on top of our finances, forgot to tithe for a few months. We did not have any extra, leftover money those months. But when we got back on track, our expenses matched our income. Right now we are very blessed to live in a good condo with a wonderful price. We could not do so well anywhere else, not even government-assistance. I consider that a blessing from God. He keeps our car running, and the times when something breaks and needs replacing is usually about the same time when my husband gets a bonus at work.


We purposed in our hearts to give 10% to the body of Christ to further His work on earth (our personal church.)

2 Corinthians 9:7

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:iagree::iagree::iagree: And it's one of the few commandments with such a huge blessing promised right with it, so He gives back even as we give. (Malachi 3:10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.)


This. We pay 10% of our gross income in tithing each year and the blessings we have received for it have equalled much more than the paltry 10% I gave. No...God does not need our money. Tithing is for us. It is an exercise of faith on our part. And we are blessed for doing it. I'm grateful for the law of tithing.

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The Lord loves a CHEERFUL giver (2 Cor 9:7), not a guilt-ridden giver. Give according to what you have, not what you do not have (2 Cor 8:12). Ten percent is no longer the standard for giving any more than the need for offering a burnt sacrifice is, for if we are truly saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, we are not under the law. Jesus told the young RICH ruler that there is none good (absolutely none), but God. We also see this in Isaiah where we are told our good works are like filthy rags (and I'm not sure it would be okay here to say what those filthy rags are likened to in scripture :o ). You cannot give to God what isn't already His and what has been given to you by Him. You give out of thankfulness of heart or else your giving is an offense to God. Keep in mind that we are also told that a man who does not take care of his family first, is worse than an infidel (1 Timothy 5:8). Ouch!


I give out of gratefulness of heart for what the Lord has given to us, not out of the law of 10%. It is a joy to give, not a burden.


"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him". -John Piper


Also remember that giving also includes other means, not just physical cash. We still need to give of our financial resources, but we also have a duty to give of our time, gifts, talents, and even our "stuff". Is someone in your church family without a vehicle? Could you allow them to borrow your second vehicle until theirs is back in working order? Or do you have a vehicle that someone could use full-time that you could give? How about your garden veggies? Can you sacrifice some of that harvest God has given to you and give to someone in the church who is struggling to make ends meet? Do you or your husband have handy-man skills you could put to use in someone's home free of charge? Could you minister to a broken heart by welcoming them into your home and showing hospitality? The list is endless to what you can do. In some places in the world, this is their only means of being able to give.


Bottom line, give according to what means you have been given, not the means of what others have to give. Do not compare yourself to others, but only give account to God for what He has given to you so freely! :) What a relief that a widow's mite is even pleasing to God when you have "little" to give!


I often find that those who feel burdened by this command, have been listening to teaching that directly contradicts scripture. They hold men under the law of tithing and thus, people go under condemnation for what God does not condemn them for (if they are saved). :( If you put yourself under one part of the law in order to somehow "please" God, then you must do them all (and there are a lot).


I don't like rap/hip-hop music, but I LOVE certain Christian rappers. I think this following song really sums this all up very nicely! :)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyJJXDsKKqs (This video also briefly addresses Malachi 3:10.)


Then go read Galatians 5! :)


There are so many, many other verses I could mention, but my post would get long-winded. :o


One more thing, in regards to preachers who are teaching the "prosperity gospel", I highly recommend Justin Peter's humble teaching on this matter called, "A Call for Discernment" DVD set. The end of it really puts it all into perspective and I bawled like a big baby. You can see a small snippet of the video on You Tube:



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Also remember that giving also includes other means, not just physical cash. We still need to give of our financial resources, but we also have a duty to give of our time, gifts, talents, and even our "stuff".

:iagree: Time is a big one too. We discussed (at church) how some people tithe more money than others to make up for the time they don't want to give. Oh, and with stuff too!

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My understanding is that the tithe was for Israel and not for the church. So even when we give money, we do not tithe. We go give as we are able - sometimes that is generously as God has graced us financially at that time, and sometimes it is meager as I do think that God wants us to take care of our financial obligations.


:iagree: God understands. He expects cheerful givers who give as much as they have decided they are able (2 Corinthians 9:7). A set amount, not so much.


Always remember as well, that there are lots of ways we can give to the church. To me having church members who volunteer their time and energy to help with a church program is soooo much more of a blessing than members who write big checks and never do anything.

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I believe the first example of tithing is between Methuselah and Abraham. I love the organic greatfullness of that act. No law...that I know of. No verse being beaten over your head. I also really appreciate the closeness of the contact. Abraham had a direct relationship with him.


I am not in favor of the generalized tithing concepts that are presented in many churches.


There is a huge difference between doing the best you can with where you are at, trusting as far as you can, knowing that you are not perfect and are doing your best to take care of your family or not feeling comfortable with where the money might go......and being a scrooge who is able to give, but chooses not to.


Well said! Well Said! I agree with this completely.


I was raised with the 10% tithing concept, and I've been struggling with guilt for the past couple of years because we have just not been able to tithe regularly. Our church has helped us a couple of times during this period of time -- for which we've been extremely thankful -- but I have just felt soooooo guilty about receiving and not being able to give ourselves. I know it's because of my upbringing, and am trying to shake it. I also realize that my pastor's salary comes from people's tithes. He is a godly man that has ministered to our family time and again. Yet even he (who knows our situation) has said that we need to go ahead and pay our bills and not feel bad, but that if we choose to give that God will bless that too. He talks often of how religious we can get about this, especially those that were raised in the church and can struggle with legalism.


The message that is given in so many churches is such a pat answer. You know, if you don't step out and give even when it hurts, then it simply means that you just don't have faith and God won't help you in your situation. I remember one pastor answering the question of should you tithe on the gross or the net of your paycheck, and his answer was, "Well, how much do you want to be blessed - by the net or the gross amount?" This was the same church where the Sr. Pastor once shared in his sermon that he always keeps a $100 bill tucked away in his wallet for emergencies, and then opened his wallet to show everyone the bill. I was a single mom at the time and thought to myself that I'd give anything to be able to do that!


Honestly though, when people have been out of work and can barely pay the utility bills and the mortgage, is it fair to lay the 10% concept on them? I am beginning to believe we can trust God and put our faith in Him to carry us through even if we are going through a period of not being able to contribute as we have before. In my heart, things will get resolved and there can be a time of true generosity up ahead. And in the meantime, there are other ways of giving and ministering to the body as a sacrifice to the Lord.




Edited by HSMom2One
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Well said! Well Said! I agree with this completely.


I was raised with the 10% tithing concept, and I've been struggling with guilt for the past couple of years because we have just not been able to tithe regularly. Our church has helped us a couple of times during this period of time -- for which we've been extremely thankful -- but I have just felt soooooo guilty about receiving and not being able to give ourselves. I know it's because of my upbringing, and am trying to shake it. I also realize that my pastor's salary comes from people's tithes. He is a godly man that has ministered to our family time and again. Yet even he (who knows our situation) has said that we need to go ahead and pay our bills and not feel bad, but that if we choose to give that God will bless that too. He talks often of how religious we can get about this, especially those that were raised in the church and can struggle with legalism.


The message that is given in so many churches is such a pat answer. You know, if you don't step out and give even when it hurts, then it simply means that you don't just have faith and God won't help you in your situation. I remember one pastor answering the question of should you tithe on the gross or the net of your paycheck, and his answer was, "Well, how much do you want to be blessed - by the net or the gross amount?" This was the same church where the Sr. Pastor once shared in his sermon that he always keeps a $100 bill tucked away in his wallet for emergencies, and then opened his wallet to show everyone the bill. I was a single mom at the time and thought to myself that I'd give anything to be able to do that!


Honestly though, when people have been out of work and can barely pay the utility bills and the mortgage, is it fair to lay the 10% concept on them? I am beginning to believe we can trust God and put our faith in Him to carry us through even if we are going through a period of not being able to contribute as we have before. In my heart, things will get resolved and there can be a time of true generosity up ahead. And in the meantime, there are other ways of giving and ministering to the body as a sacrifice to the Lord.





Perfectly stated (along with Simka's reply). :grouphug: to the OP.

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What about "Give to God what is God's?" There are many other verses in the Bible about tithing.


But if one feels at peace in his/her heart with just paying taxes, then that is between themselves and God. But it is an act of worship that many choose.

And still many don't choose to worship by giving money to the church. Those that don't shouldn't have Bible verses thrown at them. Especially Bible verses not entirely in context with tithing.


As Jean said earlier the thread was open for all to answer and just because some answer differently doesn't mean their answers are invalid or given lightly.

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1 Tim 3:8

Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.


There is a Biblical principle of widening circles. First, you make sure "you yourself are approved". Then comes care of those "who are your own, especially members of your household". Then, "those related to us in the faith". Then, those on the "outside".


So, under those principles, if tithing compromises the basic minimum care of your own household (which only you can determine), then it would not be unBiblical to provide for your household first.

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We've always given around 10% of our take-home pay to the Church. As we're stuggling to pay off our debts and find money for a down-payment an a better house (you can search my name to get a better understanding of our situation), I look at that 10% and think about how nice it would be to include it in our budget. But I'm still paying $180/month for kids activities that are certainly not neccessities. I don't feel like I can cut back on the tithe unless I cut back all extra activities, KWIM? Anyone else mentally stuggle with giving money to the Church?


Hi Melissa,


I have struggled with the tithe for many years, trying to reconcile it to New Testament faith in Christ. I have only ever been able to take a somewhat legalistic approach, even though I truly desired in my heart to be that "cheerful giver" that the Scriptures speak of. It was only through a revelation of the Spirit, and that at 54 years of age (two months ago!), that I finally "saw" this whole matter in a new way. I am very thankful for it and very humbled by it.


I don't mean to sound mysterious about it or anything. I just know that sharing the particulars will most likely not bring any revelation to you or anyone else. It was for me, spoken directly to my heart and transforming my mind right at that moment. As I shared with my husband what the Lord had spoken to me, through the grace of God, he heard it and changed immediately, too! That is God working.


Continue to do what you believe is right, but also continue to seek the Lord for wisdom about this. He is faithful.



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As religious Jews, we also tithe 10% of our income. We have synagogue dues as part of that, and the rest we give to members of the community who are suffering (a lot of need right now!). We just don't count it at all as "our" money even though we, too, have to budget very carefully to make ends meet, which essentially means $0 for outside activities. We just make our own!

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I struggle with it but I can honestly admit it's because I want the money for fun stuff. We really weren't thinking clearly when we bought this house and now we're extremely house poor. If we didn't tithe, we wouldn't struggle as we do, however, I'm not sure we would be learning anything either.


On a side note, there's been a lot said here about doing what *you think* is right but doesn't that go completely against what Proverbs 3:5 & 6 teaches? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths."


This is just another reason I'm drawn toward EO. To know that the conciliar nature of the Church is what has stood for over 2,000 years...rather than each person trying to figure it all out on our own. This thread is such a prime example of how I've learned that we need the Church.

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:iagree::iagree::iagree: (Malachi 3:10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.)


For those who don't know (I'm sure many do.): Definition of tithe is 10% In the OT, the Israelites were tithing in "crops" and such, thus it was before costs and overhead etc. - The the OT model is: Our earnings are the "gross, not net"; God is the Owner/Provider.


Our God is amazing! He owns it all. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He does not need our money. He needs us to love, trust, submit and worship!

We are only managers. Not owners.


For many of us, the numbers don't work on paper. But, God isn't bound by our paper budgets. And He is our Provider. He provides with the neighbor's raspberries, the paydays and the Craigslist free/for sale sites!


I could list dozens of blessings from the Lord. I have always felt that we lived far better than our middle class income. It is God!


There is another verse about "pests devouring the crops of the Israelites". Roughly translated today as "everyone tithes somewhere". Many times, God has "protected us" with having our cars run longer, our food last longer, our entertainment being free....


Just to encourage you (as I look around: my house needing paint, my cars needing fixed, my 1year old m/wave broken, my basement wall seeming to leak, our trampoline broken, our backyard needs topsoil.... not paradise here!!!) Our God is amazing & He provides!


Just an encouragement...

Lisaj, mom to 5

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The Lord loves a CHEERFUL giver (2 Cor 9:7), not a guilt-ridden giver. Give according to what you have, not what you do not have (2 Cor 8:12). Ten percent is no longer the standard for giving any more than the need for offering a burnt sacrifice is, for if we are truly saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, we are not under the law. Jesus told the young RICH ruler that there is none good (absolutely none), but God. We also see this in Isaiah where we are told our good works are like filthy rags (and I'm not sure it would be okay here to say what those filthy rags are likened to in scripture :o ). You cannot give to God what isn't already His and what has been given to you by Him. You give out of thankfulness of heart or else your giving is an offense to God. Keep in mind that we are also told that a man who does not take care of his family first, is worse than an infidel (1 Timothy 5:8). Ouch!


I give out of gratefulness of heart for what the Lord has given to us, not out of the law of 10%. It is a joy to give, not a burden.


"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him". -John Piper


Also remember that giving also includes other means, not just physical cash. We still need to give of our financial resources, but we also have a duty to give of our time, gifts, talents, and even our "stuff". Is someone in your church family without a vehicle? Could you allow them to borrow your second vehicle until theirs is back in working order? Or do you have a vehicle that someone could use full-time that you could give? How about your garden veggies? Can you sacrifice some of that harvest God has given to you and give to someone in the church who is struggling to make ends meet? Do you or your husband have handy-man skills you could put to use in someone's home free of charge? Could you minister to a broken heart by welcoming them into your home and showing hospitality? The list is endless to what you can do. In some places in the world, this is their only means of being able to give.


Bottom line, give according to what means you have been given, not the means of what others have to give. Do not compare yourself to others, but only give account to God for what He has given to you so freely! :) What a relief that a widow's mite is even pleasing to God when you have "little" to give!


I often find that those who feel burdened by this command, have been listening to teaching that directly contradicts scripture. They hold men under the law of tithing and thus, people go under condemnation for what God does not condemn them for (if they are saved). :( If you put yourself under one part of the law in order to somehow "please" God, then you must do them all (and there are a lot).


I don't like rap/hip-hop music, but I LOVE certain Christian rappers. I think this following song really sums this all up very nicely! :)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyJJXDsKKqs (This video also briefly addresses Malachi 3:10.)


Then go read Galatians 5! :)


There are so many, many other verses I could mention, but my post would get long-winded. :o


One more thing, in regards to preachers who are teaching the "prosperity gospel", I highly recommend Justin Peter's humble teaching on this matter called, "A Call for Discernment" DVD set. The end of it really puts it all into perspective and I bawled like a big baby. You can see a small snippet of the video on You Tube:




I like this post. :001_smile:

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I have yet to find a utility company or mortgage company that will accept "waiting upon the Lord" as a reason to delay payment to them.


We've tithed and been blessed, we've tithed and NOT be blessed, we've not tithed and same thing. I believe in sowing and reaping (not just in finances), but tithing is not like a vending machine. You can't just put in your dollar and press B2 to get what you want.


At this point my "tithe" goes to the care and upkeep of my family. That includes time and money. I've read the verses, I discussed this situation with God. He knows my heart.

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This is a personal and sensitive topic, and I don't want what I say to come across the wrong way. I view tithing as something that's really between the individual person and God and it's none of my business how other people choose to approach it, so please understand that what I'm about to say is only about MY thoughts on the subject for ME and MY FAMILY with no reference to, or judgment about, what other people do or don't do in this regard.


I'm another one who doesn't think of that 10% as "my" money, or as belonging to our family. I view it as God's money, and I would feel like I was stealing if I kept it. All that I have is His, and he has only specified what I should do with 10% of what He allows me to have. With the other 90% of the stuff He gives me, He lets me decide, and I find that more than generous. For me, paying tithing is an act of gratitude, of worship, of submission to God's will, as well as an expression of trust in God. So in some ways not paying tithing would also make me feel ungrateful and as if I were telling God I found Him untrustworthy, that I thought I was better at managing resources than He, and that my priorities are more important than His. For me, not to pay my tithing would be an act of rebellion against God. Again, this is just for me and not intended as any sort of judgment against people who view it differently. I see that as between Him and them, and none of my business. But because in my deepest heart I believe as I do about tithing, for me it would be an act of defiance to just take what I sincerely believe belongs to God, or to give it away to someone else (as if I thought that person more worthy to have it than God) rather than presenting it to Him in the manner I truly believe He requires.


It does help that it's a percentage rather than a set amount, because then as our income goes down so does the amount of our tithe--ten percent of little is less than ten percent of much. It also helps to know that if the 90% we use to support our family should drop to a level that would not sustain us, we can go to God's house and ask for help, and it would be given. And that's one of the reasons that during times of relative plenty we try hard to give generously out of "our" 90% (in addition to God's 10%) to the church's donation funds that are specifically for caring for those in need.

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I used to struggle with it a lot when I gave it out of obedience to the law. Now I refuse to give anything under pressure. I know I don't want to recieve a gift that was given grudgingly. I doubt He does either. When I'm feeling pressure I recognize that spirit of lack and I "press in to the heart of the Father" and encourage myself in His Word and in His promises of provision and prosperity. (Let me know if you want some of my favs.) I sing back to Him the songs He sings over us (in Psalms, Song of Solomon,etc) and let Him love on me. Pretty soon I have an intense desire to give like God gives...wholeheartedly.


It's true that the Lord loves a cheerful giver and what's more He made us cheerful givers, so we don't have to try to be one. We are the righteousness of God in Christ. As He is, so are we in this world. We put on the new man, which is made in righteousness and true holiness.


Thank you for this thread because I just typed myself joyful!


I'm new to the Forum. Hope I didn't go too far.

Edited by dennykids3
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I struggle with it but I can honestly admit it's because I want the money for fun stuff. We really weren't thinking clearly when we bought this house and now we're extremely house poor. If we didn't tithe, we wouldn't struggle as we do, however, I'm not sure we would be learning anything either.


On a side note, there's been a lot said here about doing what *you think* is right but doesn't that go completely against what Proverbs 3:5 & 6 teaches? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths."


This is just another reason I'm drawn toward EO. To know that the conciliar nature of the Church is what has stood for over 2,000 years...rather than each person trying to figure it all out on our own. This thread is such a prime example of how I've learned that we need the Church.

:iagree: (Though I didn't know EO requires a tithe. :) Never thought much about it.)


Just to be clear, when I said that I think tithing is between each individual and God, I didn't mean to say that I don't think there's a "right" and a "wrong" in the matter. I do. In my opinion it's pretty clear that God requires a tithe from His people (defined as 10%). I didn't mean I think it's a matter of personal preference. I do not, however, think it is my place to judge people over whether they do or don't. I focus on my own walk and let God work on them as He sees fit. He knows them better than I ever could, and I know He loves them and works ultimately for their good whether I see Him working or not. I don't know where they stand with Him, and I won't presume to guess.

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I don't mean to sound mysterious about it or anything. I just know that sharing the particulars will most likely not bring any revelation to you or anyone else. It was for me, spoken directly to my heart and transforming my mind right at that moment..




I praise god for your example of discernment, being willing to deliver only "a word in due season". I would be interested in hearing about your encounter, if you think it might strengthen my faith; perhaps privately.

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And still many don't choose to worship by giving money to the church. Those that don't shouldn't have Bible verses thrown at them. Especially Bible verses not entirely in context with tithing.


As Jean said earlier the thread was open for all to answer and just because some answer differently doesn't mean their answers are invalid or given lightly.


It wasn't my intention to sound judgemental. I really mean it when I say that if you feel at peace with that decision, then that's what you should do. I don't believe that God intended for my tax payments to be apart of my giving. I apologize for not applying that to only how I handle money.

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As Jean said earlier the thread was open for all to answer and just because some answer differently doesn't mean their answers are invalid or given lightly.


I'm sorry that I answered differntly now. :( It wasn't meant to be judgmental. I was posting what I believe and learned to be true. I don't believe that taxes are a tithe.

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:iagree: (Though I didn't know EO requires a tithe. :) Never thought much about it.)




I'm not EO (yet) but I'm fairly certain they don't "require" a tithe. I do know however, that they have a practice that doesn't involve reading the scriptures and trying to figure it *all out on our own*.

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