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My favorite is kittanity! That is my new fav word! HILARIOUS!


Oh my heavens. That IS hilarious!


Do you think it was all possibly true, and somewhere in Michigan there is a doctor saying to his wife, "Absolutely not. They don't deserve a photo, and you need to look for some new friends?"


Only if they have zero sense of humor or reality.

Come on. No name calling here. No vicious whatever.

Just a "hey. Troll. Huh. Let's get ridiculous!"



You know, like if Nakia was posting in a circ thread and wrote, "I have seen many a penii in my career and verily, verily I doth say unto thee about said penii...." :001_smile:


Yes, thank you for correcting. And if you are pregnant with multiple males then you have feti with penii. :D


Who read that and said,"Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet & Watch"???


C'mon, I can't be the ONLY ONE!!


No you are not the only one. Good grief girl have mercy! It hurts to laugh this hard!:lol::lol::lol:

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Who read that and said,"Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet & Watch"???


C'mon, I can't be the ONLY ONE!!


:lol: not before you mentioned it. Though I can never ever cross myself without thinking it. I used to work in an afterschool care in a catholic school and we had to cross ourselves and say a blessing before snack was served, and not a day went by that I did not recite that in my head while I did so.

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OHHHHHHH I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO computer illiterate. You guys are geniuses! How do you know the OP is viewing this or logged or anything else???? Seriously, I am stumped.


Faith - the completely, technologically impaired adult on this board.


Go to the first post. If the OP is signed on, the circle by their name will be green. You can right click on the user name and go to their public profile. It'll tell you what they're doing at the moment.

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He he he...I have the last tag on the list. :lol:


Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to be able to stay up late enough to see this family picture?


Well, my gut tells me we could all stay up 'til the cows come home, and we still wouldn't see a picture.

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Go to the first post. If the OP is signed on, the circle by their name will be green. You can right click on the user name and go to their public profile. It'll tell you what they're doing at the moment.


Very interesting. I never knew that. Although I can't really think of to many situations where I would want to use it.

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After page 5, I skipped to the end of the thread.




I just have to say, duh, I feel so dumb. Things have been so slow around here and I didn't even notice that the OP was a troll. In my defense, I think I only read one thread that she started (let 16 year old move away to college).

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Some lizards (komodo dragon for one) and koalas have 2 penises. A whale's pens is called a dork. Just some interesting facts I dug up ion Google :001_smile:


The first time I learned about dork was from my grandmother who yelled at me that if I ever called my cousin a whale penis again, she would take lye soap to my mouth. Cousin and I bonded over laughing hysterically over uptight religious grandmother saying "penis". For YEARS afterward at family reunions we would share a secret smile and one of us would whisper "dork" and we would both start giggling for no apparent reason.

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Think the kids are in bed yet? We should be seeing a photo about now, right? :D


Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to be able to stay up late enough to see this family picture?


I think you could stay up til Monday morning and not see the family picture. ;)


Come on, guys, be fair. I bet it takes a LOT of time to put 17 kids to bed. It's purely unjust to expect a response before Monday afternoon.

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Well, my gut tells me we could all stay up 'til the cows come home, and we still wouldn't see a picture.


Even if she posts one, how is there any way to tell it is really of her and her family and not just jacked from someone's blog?


See, here is a troll lesson. Next time you make up an imaginary family, go with fewer kids to make it more believeable. Wait for at least a hundred posts before the really outlandish stuff, and then maybe you can snow us for a bit longer. :D

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I really am Jennifer Garner.


Well, of course. That's how Nakia was able to first meet Alexander Skarsgard, right? Through you?... Could you arrange a few intros for me??? :D (Pssst, Nakia, did you & Alexander go see "Horrible Bosses" last night?)


I actually have that right now. Plus I have a double uterii.


So times 2.




Cuz I did all the maths.




Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to be able to stay up late enough to see this family picture?


It does take awhile to Photoshop stuff properly.... I sure hope the OP will include Alexander Skarsgard, Johnny Depp, Daniel Craig, etc... in the family photo. *Then* it might be worth it -- a family worth seeing, esp. if they're all getting in the lake.... ;):lol:

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Each poster is only allowed to do 2 so some new people need to add some.


All right, who did the "vaginii" tag? :glare: There are two problems right there:


1. Anyone who has pretensions of teaching her kids Latin ought to know that it's "vaginae." Unless your vagina is masculine, which... okay, you got me. I can't be judgmental about that, I'm a Unitarian-Universalist.


But more importantly,


2. It's cross-referencing in my head with the Confederate flag thread and giving me a "Carry Me Back To Old Virginny" earworm. And if I let my guard slip and actually start singing "Carry Me Back to Old Vaginii," my husband is going to have me committed.

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Even if she posts one, how is there any way to tell it is really of her and her family and not just jacked from someone's blog?


See, here is a troll lesson. Next time you make up an imaginary family, go with fewer kids to make it more believeable. Wait for at least a hundred posts before the really outlandish stuff, and then maybe you can snow us for a bit longer. :D

You can search images and see if they appear anywhere else on the 'net. Oh, and decent (not perfect!) grammar and less popular kid names might help.

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All right, who did the "vaginii" tag? :glare: There are two problems right there:


1. Anyone who has pretensions of teaching her kids Latin ought to know that it's "vaginae." Unless your vagina is masculine, which... okay, you got me. I can't be judgmental about that, I'm a Unitarian-Universalist.


But more importantly,


2. It's cross-referencing in my head with the Confederate flag thread and giving me a "Carry Me Back To Old Virginny" earworm. And if I let my guard slip and actually start singing "Carry Me Back to Old Vaginii," my husband is going to have me committed.





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I've been trying to educate people about the misuse of dork ever since grandma told me, but no one ever believes me.


Well. I must admit. A few times I've called someone a dork bc what I really mean is they are a big ... um ...jerk.

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Well, of course. That's how Nakia was able to first meet Alexander Skarsgard, right? Through you?... Could you arrange a few intros for me??? :D (Pssst, Nakia, did you & Alexander go see "Horrible Bosses" last night?)








It does take awhile to Photoshop stuff properly.... I sure hope the OP will include Alexander Skarsgard, Johnny Depp, Daniel Craig, etc... in the family photo. *Then* it might be worth it -- a family worth seeing, esp. if they're all getting in the lake.... ;):lol:


Now hold up! No man of mine is going in the OP's family photo. OTOH, I will certainly post some of our October wedding photos in January after our VERY LONG honeymoon.


As for Horrible Bosses, I actually took both Patrick and Alexander. Patrick and Alexander almost laughed their penii off. Thank goodness they didn't. I also found it really funny but not quite as funny as this thread. :lol:

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Now hold up! No man of mine is going in the OP's family photo. OTOH, I will certainly post some of our October wedding photos in January after our VERY LONG honeymoon.


As for Horrible Bosses, I actually took both Patrick and Alexander. Patrick and Alexander almost laughed their penii off. Thank goodness they didn't. I also found it really funny but not quite as funny as this thread. :lol:



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Now, how many times did I push the refresh button HOPING in the last couple hours?


ETA: And I really just need to go to bed. My baby went to sleep at FOUR p.m.! What are the chances she'll sleep til a decent time? She usually sleeps til 9 or 10, but I'd settle for 6! Doesn't seem very likely with a 4pm bedtime!

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I lost count. I was about to call 911 and see if there was something they could do.




I went somewhere else in the meantime and found the smoking gun. Be right back.

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Up until this post was made I never noticed her post about "her" dd's broken arm. I love that the dd is comfortable with ice on the cast (because you can actually feel ice through them you know), and tylenol. Going through broken bones with ds has taught me a couple things, a) tylenol does not help worth squat in the beginning. He has morphine until set, T3's for 24 hours then Ibuprophen (400mg) several times a day for weeks to keep the pain managed. and ice on a casted arm. really?? WHy didn't I think of that :001_rolleyes: could have saved him so much discomfort!

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Up until this post was made I never noticed her post about "her" dd's broken arm. I love that the dd is comfortable with ice on the cast (because you can actually feel ice through them you know), and tylenol. Going through broken bones with ds has taught me a couple things, a) tylenol does not help worth squat in the beginning. He has morphine until set, T3's for 24 hours then Ibuprophen (400mg) several times a day for weeks to keep the pain managed. and ice on a casted arm. really?? WHy didn't I think of that :001_rolleyes: could have saved him so much discomfort!


I noticed that one. Thought it was preposterous. I've BTDT too.

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Just got in from dinner, and have a few things to say...

Okay, two things:


Sis, wouldn't the plural of hippopatamus be hippopatami?




I don't mean to 'out' Impish, but the truth is she is actually an Olympic skier. She has won gold medals and doesn't even own a car. She just skis her many children all over Canada. What a lady!

Geez. See if I let you wear my pretty gold medals again!

It is a darn good thing I am ONLY doing this because the fetuses love it, or this type of remark would really put me off.

Hey, can't help it if you're just a pretender to the throne.

I can verify this is all true! I had to submit my request to remain living in Impdom in person after she bought it and saw all of this. Oh but she does lie through her teeth about her MIL, she is actually very June cleaverish and was baking fresh muffins when I showed up with my application to live in Impdom. ;)

*tears up application* You're denied.

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