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Poll: what is the religious makeup of this group?

What religion or lack there of do you MOST closely fit into?  

  1. 1. What religion or lack there of do you MOST closely fit into?

    • atheist
    • agnostic
    • Conservative Christian (however YOU define that)
    • Christian - Other
    • Muslim
    • Jewish
    • Buddhist
    • Hindu
    • Pagan/Wiccan/Druid (I know these are not the same thing)
    • other

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Be kind, I've tried to include as many options as my sleep deprived brain could think of. I realize they may not be perfect, but choose what one seems the closest please.


You may want to look up other polls that have been done. We've had to do several polls in the past because people get upset if they get excluded from the poll or feel they don't really fit with a group or others in that group feel certain people don't belong in their group, etc and everything else that can make this the worst case of a run on sentence...



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Why are we separating out "Christians" and "Conservative Christians" but not "Jews" and Conservative Jews" for example? :confused:


Because some are the "right kind", some are the "wrong kind", and some are the "other kind". ;) Long threads on this board over the issue and all that.

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Why are we separating out "Christians" and "Conservative Christians" but not "Jews" and Conservative Jews" for example? :confused:


The poll only allows for so many options ~ there's no way to cover evvvvverything and please evvvvveryone. ;)



as an aside.. i *think* that the adjective "conservative" has a slightly different meaning when paired with "christian" in canada than it does in the states…i think you guys have more political stuff attached to it than we do…

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Because some are the "right kind", some are the "wrong kind", and some are the "other kind". ;) Long threads on this board over the issue and all that.


I don't think the OP meant that *at all*.


I also think that ALL faiths are 'the right kind' for the person practicing them.


[or they should be! if it doesn't feel that way, maybe it's time to explore some others.]

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Why are we separating out "Christians" and "Conservative Christians" but not "Jews" and Conservative Jews" for example? :confused:


There are conservative atheists and pagans, too. I think it is even harder being conservative if you are an atheist or pagan.

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Eastern Orthodox Christian. No other "label" is accurate.


I don't know about others here; however, the term "conservative Christian" in today's parlance means a specific stratum of Protestantism. There are many Christian groups that are "Christian" and "conservative", but could not rightly be called "conservative Christian" because of the contemporary usage for that term.


There also are "cultural members" versus "believing members" of religious groups.


I did not vote in the poll.

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Why are we separating out "Christians" and "Conservative Christians" but not "Jews" and Conservative Jews" for example? :confused:


Two reasons. One, someone specifically mentioned that they thought this board was mostly "Conservative Christians" and so I wanted to poll to see if that was true. That's really the only reason I separated it out from Christianity as a whole. Secondly, I ran out of spaces, lol. I had already used up so many, that I couldn't separate out Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism. I would have liked to. (I was raised in a very Jewish area, and grew up going to synagogues as often as I went to churches, lol). No disrespect meant. Had I not specifically been looking to find out if the board really was mostly "Conservative Christian" I would have lumped Christianity all together.

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Eastern Orthodox Christian. No other "label" is accurate.


I don't know about others here; however, the term "conservative Christian" in today's parlance means a specific stratum of Protestantism. There are many Christian groups that are "Christian" and "conservative", but could not rightly be called "conservative Christian" because of the contemporary usage for that term.


There also are "cultural members" versus "believing members" of religious groups.


I did not vote in the poll.


Would the term "Christian - Other" not apply? If not, why not?

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You may want to look up other polls that have been done. We've had to do several polls in the past because people get upset if they get excluded from the poll or feel they don't really fit with a group or others in that group feel certain people don't belong in their group, etc and everything else that can make this the worst case of a run on sentence...




:iagree: I also sort of feel like we've been polled to death on this one . . .

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Because some are the "right kind", some are the "wrong kind", and some are the "other kind". ;) Long threads on this board over the issue and all that.


Um...no. I separated it out because in a previous thread someon postulated that most members of the board would self identify as a conservative christian, and I wanted to test that hypothesis. (My feeling was more a vocal minority). I certainly don't feel one kind of Christian is the right kind, or the wrong kind. Heavens, I was baptized Episcopal, confirmed Presbyterian, married in a methodist church, had my first child baptized in a Congregational Church, confirmed/recieved again in an Episcopal Church, went through RCIA and was recieved in the Roman Catholic Church, married again in the Episcopal church, had my second child baptized there, and have attended for quite a while a Lutheran Church. I've also attended, but more briefly, Baptist (several), Pentacostal, Non-Denominational, Unitarian Universal, and Eastern Orthodox churches. Oh, and have been to several Synogogues and have a field trip planned to a Mosque in a few months. And I majored in comparative religion in college :)


Seriously I did NOT mean to say one type of Christian was better than another. And I would have rather separated out into R.C and affiliated, Eastern Orthodox, Anabaptist, Mainline Protestant, etc etc, but you can only have 10 options in a poll, lol.


And if anyone cares, I voted "Christian- other".

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Two reasons. One, someone specifically mentioned that they thought this board was mostly "Conservative Christians" and so I wanted to poll to see if that was true. That's really the only reason I separated it out from Christianity as a whole. Secondly, I ran out of spaces, lol. I had already used up so many, that I couldn't separate out Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism. I would have liked to. (I was raised in a very Jewish area, and grew up going to synagogues as often as I went to churches, lol). No disrespect meant. Had I not specifically been looking to find out if the board really was mostly "Conservative Christian" I would have lumped Christianity all together.


You won't get an accurate response to your poll. If you really want to know who is a Christian you may be better off creating a poll specifically targeted at those who claim to be Christian. Ask specific doctrinal statements such as do you believe the following to be true... (These are ONLY examples)


Jesus is God and equal in substance with God.

Jesus is the only way of salvation.

Man is a sinner and in need of salvation.

Jesus literally died on the cross and rose again.

The Bible is the actual Word of God.


Then it won't really matter WHAT the person calls themselves or what denomination or church they belong to, you'll know what they actually believe.

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You won't get an accurate response to your poll. If you really want to know who is a Christian you may be better off creating a poll specifically targeted at those who claim to be Christian. Ask specific doctrinal statements such as do you believe the following to be true...


Jesus is God and equal in substance with God.

Jesus is the only way of salvation.

Man is a sinner and in need of salvation.

Jesus literally died on the cross and rose again.

The Bible is the actual Word of God.


Then it won't really matter WHAT the person calls themselves or what denomination or church they belong to, you'll know what they actually believe.


But I didn't really need to know what they actually believe, I was curious how many self identified as such.

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I would list myself as Christian other. I was raised conservative Christian in a some what fundamentalist mentality that my parents have since left. Dh and are definitely Jesus followers, but we have Eastern Orthodox, well interest or leanings, though no EO church is within any kind of commuting range. We attend a non-legalistic, non-denominational church that is fiscally and morally conservative, very non-judgmental and open. We tend to keep a lot of our beliefs and opinions to ourselves at church.


We don't fit. We.just.don't.fit. But, the church meets our needs at the present and in rural, no-where's-ville Michigan, that's about the best anyone can hope for because the pickin's are slim.



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Clarifying only because you asked. No flames, please. I'm referencing official teaching of my faith group, nothing more than that. I, personally, would not select the category because of our faith's position that it is the Church, and the other groups are the "Christian -- Other".


At any rate, it is interesting to know where we all "are coming from" ! :)


Would the term "Christian - Other" not apply? If not, why not?
Edited by Orthodox6
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Clarifying only because you asked. No flames, please. I'm referencing official teaching of my faith group, nothing more than that. I, personally, would not select the category because of our faith's position that it is the Church, and the other groups are the "Christian -- Other".


At any rate, it is interesting to know where we all "are coming from" ! :)


Gotcha. I phrased my category badly. I meant "Christian, but doesn't identify as Conservative Christian", not "random type of christian", Lol.

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I am an other -- a non-deist Witch. I do not fall under your Pagan/Wiccan/Druid category at all and I am not, technically an atheist. I just don't believe in any dieties. Other aspects of atheism don't line up with my beliefs.

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I am an other -- a non-deist Witch. I do not fall under your Pagan/Wiccan/Druid category at all and I am not, technically an atheist. I just don't believe in any dieties. Other aspects of atheism don't line up with my beliefs.


I thought atheist just simply meant that you don't believe there is a god. Now you have me curious, what are the other aspects of atheism?


Hope you don't mind me asking.....

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I would list myself as Christian other. I was raised conservative Christian in a some what fundamentalist mentality that my parents have since left. Dh and are definitely Jesus followers, but we have Eastern Orthodox, well interest or leanings, though no EO church is within any kind of commuting range. We attend a non-legalistic, non-denominational church that is fiscally and morally conservative, very non-judgmental and open. We tend to keep a lot of our beliefs and opinions to ourselves at church.


We don't fit. We.just.don't.fit. But, the church meets our needs at the present and in rural, no-where's-ville Michigan, that's about the best anyone can hope for because the pickin's are slim.




Ah, we can be the Disenfranchised Christians. :D

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Guest momk2000
I voted Other because I'm Catholic. I guess that would fall into Christian - other but that didn't seem exactly right either.


I have always understood Catholics to be Christian.

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I voted conservative Christian, but I think most of the self-defining conservative Christians on this board would consider me fairly liberal in matters of faith.


welcome to the club. I voted conservative christian (could have done christian - other), but I think most conservative christains wouldn't even consider me a christian.

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Guest momk2000
I consider myself a conservative. I am a Christian. I do not consider myself a conservative Christian.


:iagree: This is me too. I answered Christian - other.

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I voted Other because I'm Catholic. I guess that would fall into Christian - other but that didn't seem exactly right either.


I have always understood Catholics to be Christian.


We are Christian however much like the EO gals don't feel like they fit into "Conservative Christian" or "Christian-other" I feel like I don't fit either. Neither of those catagories fits how I would describe my religious belief which is why I voted "Other".

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"whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."-- Galations 5:4


I voted Conservative Christian. All of God's children rejoice!


Limbo Christian

No not limbo. :grouphug: For one is our leader, Christ. We need no other! Matt. 23:8-10


"But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him."-- 1 John 2:27


1st Timothy 2:5 couldn't be any clearer or to the point, Jesus Christ is the ONE MEDIATOR between God and mankind, the one and only greater Moses.


But I know that fellowship with a Church family can mean a lot to us so I will pray that you find a home. :grouphug:

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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I'm a Christian. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and conquered death. I believe I am saved by grace and that works are fruit of the Holy Spirit indwelling in me :) I believe in the trinity, three-in-one. I believe the Holy Bible is the word of God and without error... this is what I've got off the top of my head :lol:


I'm presently a member of an independant Baptist church, that funds missionaries for the Southern covention but is not a member.


I voted Conservative Christian.


ETA... WOOHOO Carmen :D



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I voted other.


I am a Christian. I am conservative on some issues and not on others. I tend to take people as I find them and not make judgements of others based on whatever they self identify with. However I do have things I think are right and true and rules I strive to live by. I have friends that believe the opposite of what I do - politically and religiously - and there are things we agree to disagree on. Doesn't make me right or them right. We just see things differently. I don't shun people based on what I think they believe or because it isn't what I believe. I think people are all like snowflakes and should be treated as such.


I get really frustrated with putting people in boxes or making assumptions based on one aspect of their lives. For instance - I am from the South and I do have relatives that are rednecks and apparently being a redneck means you are automatically racist. This confuses me because the rednecks I know are the most inclusive people I know. They do live in the country, drive pick up trucks and literally have red necks because they work on farms or in construction. They are also the first to give you their last dime, the shirt off their back or their last bite of food and they don't care if you are a one horned flying purple people eater.

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