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Silly reasons to appreciate homeschooling in August

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I was listening to some of the moms at dance complain about school registration, having to take off work, filling out forms, being told that your child's assignment is "provisional" and might be changed, school supply lists that are different than the ones in the store, having to go back home to get a copy of the shot record that they should have already had from the year before, having 3 DC in three different schools, having to fill out the same information for the office, the school lunch program, the teacher and the extended day child care program, and other annoyances.



And all I could think is "I'm SO glad I'm homeschooling!"


Does anyone else have any silly reasons that they really appreciate homeschooling at this time of year?

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I often listen to the parents of the wolves in our cub scout den lament about their kids being totally bored in school. This past year, two of the dads asked me about homeschooling because DS is so ahead in math compared with their kids and he's the youngest in the den and pack (well, not anymore, but last year he was). Both of them have since read up on after-schooling because homeschooling isn't a good fit for their families.


So far as our August appreciation for homeschooling - almost all the public pools here close the day before school starts (which is in two weeks)....the private pool we belong to is open until Labor Day - so once the kiddos are back to school, the pool is awesome during the day - not crowded at all until after 4:30 when the kids start getting home!


Also at this point, DS now has a bit more than 15% done with his year's school work I have planned - we're slowly ramping up to his full schedule and with him moving along nicely, that means we'll be able to take more breaks than I had planned, on an as needed basis now along with the planned breaks for vacations and holidays!

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Not so much about August but about September. I plan on taking the kids camping in september during the week once ds's cast is off. If they were in school there is no way we could do that. The rest of it, the early mornings (now that I no longer work mornings) being long gone are awesome too. Today we woke up at 9 am and started school at 10 am. It was wonderful.

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I love the fact that I can buy clothes in colors other than navy, khaki, and white! (even the public schools have uniforms around here). My daughter spent today in a butterfly printed gymnastics leotard, and often wears her dance costumes for around the house attire.

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I love not having to drop a small fortune on the "right" clothes, "right" shoes, "right" backpack. Instead, I drop a small fortune on books:tongue_smilie:.


A much better investment! :D


The first thing that jumped to my mind was definitely not having to get up/ready/out the door so early. I'm most certainly NOT a morning person.

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We just finished our school year last week and will be rolling into the new one in 2 more weeks. I love that I can take the entire month of December off! It's so nice to hit the parks when the weather is good. We can make homemade gifts for Christmas and enjoy the season.

I also like that we don't have to go clothes shopping seeing as here in Vegas we were shorts until December. Seems silly to me to buy new clothes when it's still so hot here and you can't wear winter stuff until November/December. Okay, you CAN. But you really don't want to! LOL

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This may sound petty, but I like not having to pay for everything all at once. I can spread it around a little.

Fees (due in August) -----We don't have them

school supplies (due in August) ---- I can buy just what we need

school clothes (Sales are NOW) ----As mentioned, brand is less of an issue

Field trips are usually the first 6 weeks of school (because they have learned soooo much that the zoo is a reinforcer) -------We can do ours later

Medical stuff for sports-----Well, no sports here


I can buy some of my curriculum now, some in October, or January --I just don't have to do it all right now.


You have to make 3 times more just in August.




And don't get me started about the needless, wasteful, finicky items on the school supplies list!!

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Only if I don't think about our own massive complaints here! I am just glad the schoolers are not posting here and throwing our own challenges back in our faces! :D


We all have personal challenges; they are simply different challenges.


I am a dance mom, and I do have dance mom complaints! I just wouldn't make them public! I don't need that aggravation. ;)

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I am loving the fact that I don't have to send my little girl off to K. I would probably bawl my eyes out!

I love starting early in August because it is so hot you can't enjoy playing outside for long and once it cools off you can take some vacation days!



And this too (though my littlest is a first grader now). I had a little quiet time with her tonight and came away so grateful that I don't have to send her to school every day.


My oldest one too!

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I walked through the school supply aisle today and realized I don't need a thing.


On August 17th the school bus will start driving by my house. It will probably be about 6:45 - 7:00 a.m. My son will be tucked in bed, I may not even be up.


It's hot, my son won't have to wear a shirt to school if he chooses not to.


I don't have to feel like a loser because I don't have money to pay for a bunch of stupid fees.

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Does this thread mean we shun hsers posting about how they are waiting excitedly for online purchases? Who are drooling over their hs catalogs? Buying up sale Walmart markers and pencils? Worried about how they might start their year? Plunge in or go slow? Take the good weather weeks off-- will my child loose skills? Take Friday off for field days or not? Is this a good schedule???!


These threads sound so self-righteous & obnoxious. They really do. :auto: Get a grip and love thy neighbor. :)

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Does this thread mean we shun hsers posting about how they are waiting excitedly for online purchases? Who are drooling over their hs catalogs? Buying up sale Walmart markers and pencils?


These threads sound so self-righteous & obnoxious. They really do. :auto: Get a grip and love thy neighbor. :)




Giving thanks for what you have is not being unloving, just specifically thankful.


I am also thankful I won't go to Hell, I still love my neighbors who are.:)

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Giving thanks for what you have is not being unloving, just specifically thankful.


I am also thankful I won't go to Hell, I still love my neighbors who are.:)


I think it's possible to sound thankful and loving without sounding self-righteous. There are lots of hsing parents asking worried questions about the start of school, and many more who are very excited about their school purchases. Lots of hs parents are shopping the sales right along with schoolers. Lots of parents, hs or not, have concerns they want to voice this time of year. I don't think it would kill people to be empathic and understand that concerns about new beginnings are uiniversal.

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I think we need to look back at this post in January. When we are saying "why am I doing this" LOL

When I see all of my gf's getting their kids ready for public or private. I think how nice I have it. When our DD was in public school (1.5 years) They always wanted money for this and that. To the point I was in tears we did not have the money. They would say you did not have to but you/your kids were talked about if you did not. I volunteered there and heard it. So, I am thankful. I got to see the other side or I might be saying "how easy it is to put you kids on a school bus." Which I only did once and that was enough for us (bus). So between the lunch money and gas driving back and forth. I come out ahead. Do not even get me started on the school supplies or fund raisers. Which never made since they want us to buy this junk to save money ?????? I do not need a $10.00 mini candle to save $5.00 on a field trip. The best part is not seeing my DD not crying from being upset or the dr bills from her being sick from another student or beat up again.(we are in a good school district. We bought this house for the school) Makes us come out way ahead. Now this is not why we choose to hs. We thought we were going to go in the poor house doing it. But we felt God tell us to. So we did and seeing my kids happy and learning. I hear all the time how amazing it is we get alone as a family. I am nervous. This year I have one in jr. high.

I hope this makes sense. I am on some very heavy meds and it is 4 a.m in the morning because i can not breathe and have bronchitis. So probably should not be writing LOL. Plus, I am not a morning person another blessing :O) to add to my list of thankfulness.

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I was just thinking about this today--I can swing by that large display with all the sheets of required school supplies. You know--the ones demanded (down to the brand and size) by each individual teacher. I can buy what I want for MY kids, knowing that they aren't going into the socialistic supply closet, to be handed out to kids whose parents bought the cheap stuff! I can buy lovely art supplies and get this--Trapper Keepers--they're BANNED at our schools! I can get Prismacolor pencils and Puff kleenex (we have allergies and our noses get sore) and organic crackers--all those things the poor ps kids don't get, because who in their right mind would get those for the group, knowing that THEIR kid would never see the good stuff! Ah, freedom! And then we can dance our way to the lake, knowing that we'll have it to ourselves!


Trapper Keepers are banned in our district as well.


Does this thread mean we shun hsers posting about how they are waiting excitedly for online purchases? Who are drooling over their hs catalogs? Buying up sale Walmart markers and pencils? Worried about how they might start their year? Plunge in or go slow? Take the good weather weeks off-- will my child loose skills? Take Friday off for field days or not? Is this a good schedule???!


These threads sound so self-righteous & obnoxious. They really do. :auto: Get a grip and love thy neighbor. :)


No, in fact I'm waiting on a few purchases right now and debating on a few last minute ones. I don't mean it to sound obnoxious and self-righteous. I made the choice to homeschool years ago. One of the benefits to me is that I don't have to buy supplies I don't need and can't afford right now anyway, get up at early hours, or buy clothes my son will despise wearing. Petty benefits? Yup.


Why don't I need supplies? I bought what I needed last year and we didn't use it all. Didn't have to worry about any supplies not coming home from a school. I love school sales.


Worried about the year? Yes, I am. We had a horrid chaotic year last year. Now my dh has been sick the entire month of July, including 2 ER visits, 3 different doctor visits, and one hospitalization. My energy and focus levels are way off.


Plunge in or go slow? Same debate in my head. I opted to change the curriculum for one subject last week. Now I find out the TM is backordered and I could really use it for scheduling and answers. Good thing I'm flexible.


Good weather? Not sure what that is anymore.


Lose skills? That Latin and math we were supposed to do this summer got put on hold because of dh's illness. I have no clue where he'll be in two weeks.


Taking days off, scheduling? I hope my new plans works. I'm trying something different and if it crashes in the first month, I'm back to planning.


So my silly reasons to enjoy homeschooling as others are preparing to return to school are a nice outlet. It's not a judgment or reflection on anyone else and the decisions they make.


Going to get coffee now.

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A friend on FB mentioned she's starting practice now for getting 3 kids out of the house by 7:15am. All I could think is how happy I am that I'm not going to have to worry about getting DD to school this fall with a newborn.


Oh, how I so agree especially right now. DS is going through a growth spurt so he is eating us out of house and home as well as sleeping 13 hours at night. It is nice to see him wonder downstairs at 8:15 and eat a leisurely breakfast without being rushed to 'school'.

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I may have missed this but why are Trappper Keepers banned?


Every party has a pooper--not everything has to be politiacally correct--there is a context to this thread. Can't we just be happy about homeschooling bennies without someone coming along and casting yuckiness on it? This makes up for all the people who look at us like we have 3 heads when we say we homeschool and sneer that they could NEVER do that. CHILL!

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I am still amazed at the 'school fees'. My SIL has to pay those for her two elementary age boys, and between the school fees and the mandatory supply lists, she spends more than I do! And I am not even adding in the cost of school clothes and personal school supplies like backpacks and stuff. I guess we could say we homeschool because we can't afford to send the kids to public school! I can't imagine how some families afford to pay all of those fees and buy all of that stuff. I'm thankful for all of the free curriculum on the internet and for the people who sell great used curriculum at affordable prices.


I'm thankful that we have no idea what is supposed to be trendy in clothing this year and that we don't have to think about buying any new clothes until the season actually changes.


I'm thankful that while we do get up early, we don't have to move very fast. I'm looking forward to those chilly mornings drinking hot chocolate around the wood stove.


I'm thankful that I have a husband who believes in the value of having one parent at home, and that I get to be that parent.

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I may have missed this but why are Trappper Keepers banned?


In my former school, they didn't even want kids to have regular binders. The excuse was that they were too big, but given that this was a school that specified what color each folder for each subject was supposed to be, brands and sizes of boxes of crayons (exactly 24, no more, no less, and crayola only), and so on, I think it was more that they were trying to make everything as uniform as possible. Put all the kids in khaki, doing their math out of the red folder from 9:10-10:05, using yellow pencils, carried home in their clear backpacks.


It seems almost cruel here because there are all these displays of really cute clothes, accessories, and supplies, but a majority of kids aren't allowed to use them at school.


It would be silly to homeschool to get unicorns, hearts and pink paper, but for my 6 yr old, those are definitely benefits of homeschooling :).

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I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. And as soon as the tourists leave (that last week in August mostly) all 70,000 acres will be ours to explore again!!


I have to agree with this! We also live in one of the most beautiful places on earth and although I havent noticed the tourists, we cant wait until the parks and lakes will once again be less crowded just from what I suspect are mostly locals taking advantage of their vacation time. That is definitely a perk to hsing!

I have to say- that I am very happy to be able to buy the things WE need and not whats on those lists I see in the walmart. I had no idea though that everything was put into a mutual closet and redistributed! That would really upset me.

And again, why are the Trapper Keepers banned?

It really makes me sad to think of the way the children are being unindividualized. I can remember being excited to have my new notebook and backpack as well as being excited to see what my friends would have as well. And I agree with the pp who said that it seems cruel that the store has all these wonderful accessories available, but a majority of the children wont get to use them.

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me, "oh, I couldnt do that!" Im sure that there are some psers who might be thinking "Im so glad I dont homeschool because of x, y, and z." And everyone has their own challenges- pser or hser. However, I am so grateful that we homeschool in August and all year long for many of the reasons already given. I am NOT a morning person and I cant imagine trying to get all my children off to their 3 different schools by 7am or whatever time they start around here. I am so glad that we can ease into our day instead of having complete chaos trying to get everyone ready and out the door. I am thrilled that I have my children with me 24 hours a day. That I know what they learned that day and that the time left remaining in the day not schooling is time we can spend doing whatever instead of hours more of homework. I encourage my children to be themselves and we dont worry about fashion around here. They can have that unicorn pencil bag and Tangled notebook (when they come out with it :)) or a cars notebook. I can decide if we need something and if we dont. I always commend ps moms, and tell them I dont know how they do it. We homeschool for a variety of reasons but one of them is because I just cant tolerate the idea of someone telling me what my schedule is going to be. My sil sends my nieces to school. This year they will be in K and 2nd grade. She put on her facebook that they dont want to go. I feel bad for them that they have to. I love my sil to death, but she is one of those people who say that they just dont have the patience. But she does have the patience to do a couple of hours of homework with them in evening. :confused: I wonder if she realizes that she could "do school" with them in that amount of time, maybe a little bit more. I dont know. When my oldest son was 5, he went to kindergarten at a ps. We got lucky because he had a great teacher. I volunteered in the classroom alot because I originally wanted to homeschool, but due to a divorce, he ended up in kindergarten anyways. While helping in the classroom, I watched as the teacher would review a worksheet and then send them off to their desks to complete it. She did that about 3 times a day. Then she would read them a story. Once I saw this, I realized that I absolutely could do this myself and not have to be away from ds so much. Considering we were adjusting to a horrible split custody arrangement, having him with me as much as possible was definitely a plus!! So anyways, thats just my .02 worth.

My youngest asked me a couple nights ago if she could go to a "regular" school next year or when she got older and I said no way!! She asked me why not. I told her because I love her way too much to let someone else teach her and raise her all day long. This ofcourse has been my thought all along, but someone on WTM put it this way and I agree!

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Does this thread mean we shun hsers posting about how they are waiting excitedly for online purchases? Who are drooling over their hs catalogs? Buying up sale Walmart markers and pencils? Worried about how they might start their year? Plunge in or go slow? Take the good weather weeks off-- will my child loose skills? Take Friday off for field days or not? Is this a good schedule???!


These threads sound so self-righteous & obnoxious. They really do. :auto: Get a grip and love thy neighbor. :)


Wow... It's "self-righteous and obnoxious" to appreciate the positive side of homeschooling on a homeschooling board. Seriously? Perhaps you should avoid threads that you don't like.

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Wow... It's "self-righteous and obnoxious" to appreciate the positive side of homeschooling on a homeschooling board. Seriously? Perhaps you should avoid threads that you don't like.



I think it's great to enjoy hsing. It's why i hs. ;)


Is it possible to share the joys without starting off talking about how wretched the public school mothers sounded in their frustration? Because it's a fact we all sound pretty wretched around Feburary and then again in May. ;)

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Not so much about August but about September. I plan on taking the kids camping in september during the week once ds's cast is off. If they were in school there is no way we could do that. The rest of it, the early mornings (now that I no longer work mornings) being long gone are awesome too. Today we woke up at 9 am and started school at 10 am. It was wonderful.


:iagree: We plan on going camping at least 2-3 more times before winter...and we always go in the middle of the week. No big deal for a homeschooler! We just got back yesterday and did or daily read-aloud in front of the campfire. :)


I also can't imagine sending my DD to kindergarten. She's soooo tiny and would easily be the smallest kid there.

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Yesterday we did school in the car while my husband drove us across the state to watch our college-age nephew play a summer league baseball game.

We got home at 2:30am, so my son is sleeping in this morning. We'll get school done whenever he rolls out of bed.

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I wasn't bashing school shopping at all--I was delighting in buying wonderful school supplies, ones that I CHOOSE to buy. Anyone one want to drool over Timberdoodle with me? How about robotics kits???


I must be spending too much time here. The first time I read this I thought it said "robotic kilts." :tongue_smilie:

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I must be spending too much time here. The first time I read this I thought it said "robotic kilts." :tongue_smilie:



We may need that at some point, so hold that thought. lol ;)


We are pretty chill in August. It's summer here, and heaven knows summer is all too short in my corner of the world.


I'm not stepping foot any time soon in Target or Walmart to buy pencils, even if they were giving them away.


I *am* wanting a new Bento lunch box for my youngest. I did see a cute one in a catalog. I might consider that purchase soon.

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Every party has a pooper--not everything has to be politiacally correct--there is a context to this thread. Can't we just be happy about homeschooling bennies without someone coming along and casting yuckiness on it? This makes up for all the people who look at us like we have 3 heads when we say we homeschool and sneer that they could NEVER do that. CHILL!


Well said.



I'm thankful that I have a husband who believes in the value of having one parent at home, and that I get to be that parent.


I'm thankful for this as well. I'm thankful I am able to stay home at home school my kids.



My 7 yr old is thankful that he can spend all day doing lessons in his pjs.

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