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My four year old just came up to me and said....

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"Can I wear a dress? I want to put on some real clothes today."


At first I didn't know what she meant. Then she explained that "all we wear is our sleeping clothes. We never wear real clothes."


Oh my....I think I've taken "homeschooling in your jammies" to a new level. I just realized that if we are not going somewhere that day, my children really *do* stay in their jammies all day. And it took my 4 year old to notice it. :lol:


I told her that yes, she can put on some "real clothes" today. :D

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:lol: You're not alone. Somedays I make the kids get dressed in the morning, and then we don't go anywhere during the day. At bedtime, they're taking off stained, dirty clothes that they wore for no reason. Yet I don't want us to be in pajamas all day, every day!

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Don't you have people dropping in or worry about being caught with your pants down, so to speak?


On the days I try to do pajama day I inevitably have someone show up at the door or end up rushing around trying to get showered, dressed and out the door because of some kine of emergency.

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Don't you have people dropping in or worry about being caught with your pants down, so to speak?


On the days I try to do pajama day I inevitably have someone show up at the door or end up rushing around trying to get showered, dressed and out the door because of some kine of emergency.



I cant tell you how many times I've answered the door in my PJs....at least we are now too far away for the inlaws to randomly drop in. :tongue_smilie:

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I cant tell you how many times I've answered the door in my PJs....at least we are now too far away for the inlaws to randomly drop in. :tongue_smilie:

Maybe it is me. I dont' wear appropriate undergarments with PJs. I certainly can't answer the door in only PJs. Most of the time it is the Schwan's man, one of the guys from dh's work, the mail man, once it was my priest. Do you see the common denominator there - one type of man or another.

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Don't you have people dropping in or worry about being caught with your pants down, so to speak?



I try to make sure I'm dressed every day (I am too lazy if I'm in PJs). Right now we are having a man fix our barn. He's in his mid-60s and is a very nice, old, country fellow. It NEVER fails... If I don't get around to showering and getting dressed, this man comes to the door to tell me something. So I'm getting out of my lazy days mode that I've been in lately. I really need to be wearing a bra when I answer the door. :tongue_smilie:

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I try to make sure I'm dressed every day (I am too lazy if I'm in PJs). Right now we are having a man fix our barn. He's in his mid-60s and is a very nice, old, country fellow. It NEVER fails... If I don't get around to showering and getting dressed, this man comes to the door to tell me something. So I'm getting out of my lazy days mode that I've been in lately. I really need to be wearing a bra when I answer the door. :tongue_smilie:


I once answered the door in one of my husband's shirts that I made for him that said "Hands off, Ladies. I'm taken." The UPS guy said "I'm guessing that shirt is for your husband?" :lol:

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Maybe it is me. I dont' wear appropriate undergarments with PJs. I certainly can't answer the door in only PJs. Most of the time it is the Schwan's man, one of the guys from dh's work, the mail man, once it was my priest. Do you see the common denominator there - one type of man or another.


Same here. I've had to rush to get dressed too many times to be comfortable in my PJs all day.

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We have the opposite issue. We got into the habit of having the kids put on their clothes for the next day right after their baths if we had to be up and out of the house early -- we would pop them into the car half asleep, then feed them breakfast when we got to our destination. They realized at some point that it saves them a few minutes in the morning if they always put on their "tomorrow clothes" after their baths, and now do it almost all the time.

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I'm seeing the issue now...lol.


My PJs are really just whatever t-shirt I happen to have on. I don't wear anything that I would be afraid to be seen in. Lounge pants or shorts go on as soon as my feet hit the floor. The scariest part would be the crazy hair :tongue_smilie:

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We have the opposite issue. We got into the habit of having the kids put on their clothes for the next day right after their baths if we had to be up and out of the house early -- we would pop them into the car half asleep, then feed them breakfast when we got to our destination. They realized at some point that it saves them a few minutes in the morning if they always put on their "tomorrow clothes" after their baths, and now do it almost all the time.



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LOL Yeah, if I tell my kids to put on clothes they say why? where are we going?


My son, too!


Except this week, he had camp every day and had to be there at 8:30. He asked while we were driving there Wednesday if this is what public school kids did every day and I said that yes, every morning they are up early and dressed and dropped off in the morning at their school. It becomes routine to them.


He promptly told me that they could "keep the routine" to themselves :lol:

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My son, too!


Except this week, he had camp every day and had to be there at 8:30. He asked while we were driving there Wednesday if this is what public school kids did every day and I said that yes, every morning they are up early and dressed and dropped off in the morning at their school. It becomes routine to them.


He promptly told me that they could "keep the routine" to themselves :lol:

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I try to make sure I'm dressed every day (I am too lazy if I'm in PJs). Right now we are having a man fix our barn. He's in his mid-60s and is a very nice, old, country fellow. It NEVER fails... If I don't get around to showering and getting dressed, this man comes to the door to tell me something. So I'm getting out of my lazy days mode that I've been in lately. I really need to be wearing a bra when I answer the door. :tongue_smilie:



Try some pants too. Just the bra might a bit too minimalist. ;)

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I can't stand being in my PJ's - I get properly dressed everyday and so do my kids. Then if we decide to go somewere we don't have to wait till evryone dresses - we can just go.


If I wear PJ's it makes me feel lazy and nothing gets done - plus it makes me feel like a "mum" LOL ;) i.e I feel more like my self when I get dressed.

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Honestly, this seems so odd to me that there are people out there that don't get dressed everyday! The only time we wear our jammies all day is if we're sick. I could also see doing it if we were stuck inside all day in really lousy weather, but if I wore my jammies all day I'd feel like I needed to change into different ones to get into bed!


Getting changed is just part of the morning routine, right after brushing teeth.

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We don't do "PJ Homeschool" because if we stay in our Jammies (or at least if *I* stay in mine) we don't get homeschool done. I just get too lazy.


DS on the other hand will pretty much stay in the same clothing for a few days straight, if we aren't going anywhere... and sometimes if we are! He's taken to wearing his PJ's until we go somewhere and then ends up sleeping in what ever he changed into (he's a sweats/cotton shorts kinda kid). I've found myself not remembering the last time he changed his clothes. I tell him "go get dressed" and when he says he is, I don't think about the fact that he wore the same thing all day yesterday and to bed last night.


At least it's easier on the laundry.... :lol:

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Glad it's not just me, although with ds I have have solved that problem by doing away with PJs and having him sleep in clothes! I cannot tell you how mortified I was when the doorbell rang at midday and I was still in my PJs. I think I managed a decent save by saying "Oh, you've caught us on a sick day!" as I opened the door.

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Flylady convinced me to get dressed everyday (though I am haphazard with the shoes). It really does make me think better and make me feel more like doing stuff. I have the flu today but I had a shower and got dressed and felt better straight away, even though I am just lazing around. Last night, however, I felt so rotten I wore my day clothes to bed.

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Flylady convinced me to get dressed everyday (though I am haphazard with the shoes). It really does make me think better and make me feel more like doing stuff. I have the flu today but I had a shower and got dressed and felt better straight away, even though I am just lazing around. Last night, however, I felt so rotten I wore my day clothes to bed.

:grouphug: Hope you're feeling better soon!

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:lol: When I tell my kids to get dressed they always ask "Where are we going??"


(FWIW, when I make them clean they always ask "Who's coming over?")


:lol: This is us, on both counts! Though part of it right now is that I'm pregnant and tend to wear 'real' clothes (shirt) to bed rather than PJs anyway, so putting on a bra and a wrap skirt or lounge pants in the morning makes it an outfit. Also, only one of my kids wears PJs... the boys tend to wear cotton shorts and t-shirts regardless of what they're doing.


No excuse for the cleaning reactions. ;)

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If I put on make-up or straighten my hair, my 3 year old asks me where we are going. It's pretty sad. When I only had 2 children I did those things everyday whether I was leaving the house or not.


We do get dressed everyday, but not in the same clothes we would wear if leaving the house. For instance, I'm wearing a cami and yoga pants right now. I would NOT wear that out of the house.

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I think having a jammie day is important...but I think it should be a special ocassion, not an every-day norm. I think we should train our children to get up, get dressed, and at least brush their hair, even if they aren't leaving the house. JMHO.

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Flylady convinced me to get dressed everyday (though I am haphazard with the shoes). It really does make me think better and make me feel more like doing stuff. I have the flu today but I had a shower and got dressed and felt better straight away, even though I am just lazing around. Last night, however, I felt so rotten I wore my day clothes to bed.

I consider shoes optional.


Hope you are feeling better.

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Flylady convinced me to get dressed everyday (though I am haphazard with the shoes). It really does make me think better and make me feel more like doing stuff. I have the flu today but I had a shower and got dressed and felt better straight away, even though I am just lazing around. Last night, however, I felt so rotten I wore my day clothes to bed.


I believe Flylady definitely has something with the dressing first thing. It does seem to make me feel more "professional" and ready for the day. It never fails that if I am hanging around in jammies, the doorbell with ring. (Now that I have said that, I do like a few cold winter days in front of the wood stove doing Geography in Flannel Jammies!):D


It's no fun having the flu. I hope you feel better soon. Is it cold down there?

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