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I need a new way to cook squash

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Summer squash, crooked neck squash, yellow squash. That's all the names I know for the kind I have. Here's a pic. The one actually in the picture.


So usually I slice it and saute it in butter ad olive oil with an onion and Italian seasoning. But a friend gave us a lot. If I cook it all the same way, we are going to be so tired of it! I like squash. He also gave us a few zucchini. I tend to throw zucchini in with the yellow squash too. So recipes with zuc would be good too.



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Dh likes it chunked and sauted with butter and smoked sausage. He also sprinkles brown sugar on it. Apparently, his entire family really, really likes this.


I am not a fan of squash so it is difficult for me to say for certain if this is a good receipe or not. But, I thought I'd throw it out there in case it's something that would sound appealing to your family.



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Summer squash, crooked neck squash, yellow squash. That's all the names I know for the kind I have. Here's a pic. The one actually in the picture.


So usually I slice it and saute it in butter ad olive oil with an onion and Italian seasoning. But a friend gave us a lot. If I cook it all the same way, we are going to be so tired of it! I like squash. He also gave us a few zucchini. I tend to throw zucchini in with the yellow squash too. So recipes with zuc would be good too.




Zucchini bread! It is made with shredded zucchini and is quite delicious. Google for a recipe that will work for you.

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I love summer squash sauteed with tomatoes. (Still sauteed but the tomato adds a different touch.


You can also add both zucchini and summer squash to stir frys seasoned with 1/4 c. soy sauce, 1/4 c. water, 2 tbs. lemon (Depending on how many veggies/chicken or other meat you stir fry you might have to cut down or increase the amounts while keeping the basic ratio the same.)

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I LOVE squash...


I cut it longways, season with mrs dash or whatever and grill


put it on kabobs...use all different seasonings or marinades (google veggie kabobs...gonna try an orange/bbq galze tonight)


in veggie soup...dice with the zuchinni and only toss in the last 3 minutes


steam it


dice em and add to whole wheat pasta and use some italian dressing

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We eat more squash in the summer than anything else; we all love it! Our favorite though is to cut in slices (longwise or diagonal ish, so they are 4-6" long and about 1/4-1/3" thick), toss with olive oil (just a little bit), garlic salt, pepper and dill, then bbq. SOOOOOO good, really tastes like candy.


You can also boil them (add onions diced and tomatoes cut up if you like), then serve with Parmesan cheese. that's how I grew up eating it.

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recipe 1: Fry 4-6 slices of bacon, set aside and drain all but about a TBS of the bacon grease. Saute one chopped onion in the bacon grease and add 6-8 squash (cut lenghtwise twice, then sliced across so you have 1/4 circles). Saute those together for a couple of minutes, then break up the bacon over it, stir and finish sauting until done. I sometimes add a couple of TBS water, and then put a lid on for a few minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.


Recipe 2: Squash casserole- slice 6-10 squash, boil them just until done. drain well, (you want them fairly dry). Use a potato masher and mash squash. Crush about 1/2 a stick of saltines (more if needed) and add to squash. Add about 1 cup of grated chedder cheese and one egg. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour into greased casserole dish and bake at 350 for 30-45 min until done. My kids like extra cheese on top.


Recipe 3: slice very thin (like a dime) coat w/ cornmeal, salt and pepper and fry.


We have squash about twice a week- although the frying only gets done every few years. Zucchini works w/ recipes one and 3. I havent ever tried the casserole w/ it. Enjoy!

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1. (Healthy) I use my colander and soup pot to create a steamer.

- Just fill the big old soup pot to about 1/3 and boil.

- Slice the squash into equal thickness "chips" and place in the colander.

- Place colander on soup pot and put lid on top.

- When done to my taste I just salt and season to my mood.

- Salt, garlic powder, cheyenne pepper, and curry powder are a few I've tried.

- This works with LOTS of veggies, all kinds of squash, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc.


2. (Not So Healthy) AuGratin Squash!

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I just did something different with squash last night. Make a pie crust (or buy one). Sprinkle some blue cheese on the bottom, add a few squirts of Dijon mustard. Layer some sliced black olives on top. Saute some slice squash, zucchini, and onion in butter. Put into pie crust. Top with a little grated cheese, just a little -- do not cover. I used colby jack because that is all I had. Bake at 425 for about 15 minutes or until pie crust is brown.


This is so good!! I was actually just using left over cheese and veggies from the frig and I love to make pie crust.



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Yummy squash and zucchini:001_smile:


A couple of ideas . . .


Raw with dip or in salad


Add to spaghetti sauce (yum)


Zucchini squares One of my favorites.


Quiche I have used yellow squash, zucchini, or a mix for this recipe. Easy and good.


Italian squash casserole I make something pretty similar to this. I usually add in some bell pepper and some Parmesan. Delicious over pasta.


Zucchini, chicken, and rice casserole I haven't tried this yet, but it sounds good!

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Squash-browns, like hasbrowns ... now that is good.


Oh yes, and tempora batter or cornmeal fried ... OK, fattening but yummie. :D


Edit: I have even added grated parsnips to the squash and fried like hasbrowns. This is super good. IMO

Edited by ChrissySC
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We live on summer squash/zucchini during the summer! Cut it in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds and some of the flesh. Now stuff it with anything you can imagine. Bacon, chicken, beef, rice, spaghetti, bread crumbs or crackers, onions, garlic, salsa, peppers, eggs, etc.. Then top it with a slice of tomatoe and cheese and bake in oven until a fork stuck in the side goes in easily. My kids love it this way and we mix up the ingredients so we don't tire of any one recipe.

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cheesy squash casserole---basicly slice the squash "thin"--boil it with salt/pepper/onion if you like---drain really well (really squish it in the collander to make sure it's drained very well)---put in casserole dish layering squash with american cheese--bake until the cheese is nice and melty.....


skillet squash---heat a skillet with a few tbs of olive oil--add sliced squash and sliced onions--cook until squash is tender and somewhat "browned"--stirring alot because it will burn easily--usually after the oil is cooked out I add a few tsp of butter.....

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Someone mentioned zucchini bread, but I don't know if anyone mentioned that if you intend to make zucchini bread later, you can shred the squash or zucchini and freeze it. It won't be good for sauteeing anymore, but you can defrost, squeeze the excess liquid out and it will make great zucchini/squash bread. It's best to freeze it in the amounts you will want to use for the recipe later. So, if you need two cups for instance, freeze in 2 cup portions.

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Spaghetti squash is something I just had this week at Ruby Tuesdays...It looks like a plate of spaghetti and is served with marinara sauce...delicious and so much healthier than pasta. I haven't tried making it yet, but there is more than one recipe for it at allrecipes.com and foodnetwork.com :D

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Paula Deen has an obscenely rich squash casserole recipe.



People love my zucchini bread. I roll the shredded zucchini up in a towel and weight it to get the excess water out, substitute brown sugar for white, and add cashews or pistachios and lots of freshly grated nutmeg.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Squash-browns, like hasbrowns ... now that is good.


Oh yes, and tempora batter or cornmeal fried ... OK, fattening but yummie. :D


Edit: I have even added grated parsnips to the squash and fried like hasbrowns. This is super good. IMO



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Use a large frying pan for this one.

Cut a few zucchini into rounds and saute in a bit of olive oil until done- we like it fairly brown. Remove the squash to a bowl and continue:

Then saute a cut up boneless chicken breast or two, and then add a package of cooked cheese ravioli or tortellini (plain- you buy it either fresh or frozen).

Now for the magic- combine the squash with the chicken bits and cheese filled pasta, and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pesto and stir to coat. Sprinkle on parmesan and serve.


This reheats very well, and you can choose to add more of any ingredient. We use just a little chicken and mostly zucchini. I'm sure yellow squash would be nice in this, too. Mushrooms are good in it, but my family whined about that.

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WHAT? There's another way to prepare squash other than butter and onion + saute in pan??? I too need some new ideas. I planted 12 squash plants. Then noticed a few weeks later we had about 12 more "volunteer" squash plants from last year's crop pop up. Aye Aye Aye! We are squash over-run here! But I wouldn't have it any other way! It makes people smile when you give them free veggies.

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I love it diced up in spaghetti. I've replaced the hamburger in spaghetti before with lots of squash and the kids still liked it. It has a neat texture when it cooks up like that.


An online friend recently introduced me to something called The Big Bowl of Awesome. It's basically whatever chopped veggies you want with whatever meat you want, fried up in bacon grease or olive oil. I most often use chunks of onions and peppers and squash. If I add a meat, it's chicken or bacon, but I like it just as veggies.


My favorite way will always be squash chips: sliced thin, coated in a thin layer of flour and fried in butter till browned. Only flip it twice if you can help it. Salt and serve.

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Slice it like you would a tomato, dip it in raw egg, add spices (we love tony chachere's creole seasoning + salt and pepper), roll it in panko and fry it. It is oh so yummy. I have even started eating it fried that way on top of pasta alfredo. Amazingly, the flavors mix really well. It is delicious. :)



OMG, do I even want to know the calories in that dish? :lol: Sounds yum-o!

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Quick, easy and tasty way is to slice squash into rounds (yellow squash), put into a pot, just cover with milk, slice and onion and add along with S&P and boil. Careful that the milk doesn't boil over. Good cold as well. (A former Spanish landlady taught me this.)

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