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Urgent Prayer Request

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A very close friend of mine is IRL friends with Molly...she sent a prayer request via email this evening. I hope it's okay for me to post this, but I know that Molly has asked for prayers regarding her cancer treatment and I think that right now, she needs all the prayers we can send. My friend said that Molly was moved to ICU today, is intubated, and that her pneumonia is not responding to the antibiotics. Her family is with her and is relying on their faith to get them through this dark hour.

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A very close friend of mine is IRL friends with Molly...she sent a prayer request via email this evening. I hope it's okay for me to post this, but I know that Molly has asked for prayers regarding her cancer treatment and I think that right now, she needs all the prayers we can send. My friend said that Molly was moved to ICU today, is intubated, and that her pneumonia is not responding to the antibiotics. Her family is with her and is relying on their faith to get them through this dark hour.


This took my breath away. Please God, heal Molly.

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I hope you all can see this. I'm not really sure how to work this message board. The latest is that they have moved mom to ICU. It's a scary time for all of us and its been very emotional. They have her on a ventilator and something else that goes down her throat and is going to help get the fluid out of her lungs. She is okay right now though. She was resting well when I left. My aunt came today and is staying with her most of the night so that my dad can get some sleep. She was sedated and not alert when I left tonight. Earlier when she was kind of alert I told her I loved her and that we have lots of people praying for her. She was able to squeeze my hand three times for "I love you". I lost it then. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It's almost as if my mom isn't really here and has been replaced with another person. It's a weird feeling but God is still in control. I keep repeating the verse in the Bible that says "I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. -Isaiah 41:10 I will keep you updated and thank you for praying!


In Christ,



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I hope you all can see this. I'm not really sure how to work this message board. The latest is that they have moved mom to ICU. It's a scary time for all of us and its been very emotional. They have her on a ventilator and something else that goes down her throat and is going to help get the fluid out of her lungs. She is okay right now though. She was resting well when I left. My aunt came today and is staying with her most of the night so that my dad can get some sleep. She was sedated and not alert when I left tonight. Earlier when she was kind of alert I told her I loved her and that we have lots of people praying for her. She was able to squeeze my hand three times for "I love you". I lost it then. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It's almost as if my mom isn't really here and has been replaced with another person. It's a weird feeling but God is still in control. I keep repeating the verse in the Bible that says "I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. -Isaiah 41:10 I will keep you updated and thank you for praying!


In Christ,



Thank you so much for the up date. Praying.:grouphug:

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I hope you all can see this. I'm not really sure how to work this message board. The latest is that they have moved mom to ICU. It's a scary time for all of us and its been very emotional. They have her on a ventilator and something else that goes down her throat and is going to help get the fluid out of her lungs. She is okay right now though. She was resting well when I left. My aunt came today and is staying with her most of the night so that my dad can get some sleep. She was sedated and not alert when I left tonight. Earlier when she was kind of alert I told her I loved her and that we have lots of people praying for her. She was able to squeeze my hand three times for "I love you". I lost it then. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It's almost as if my mom isn't really here and has been replaced with another person. It's a weird feeling but God is still in control. I keep repeating the verse in the Bible that says "I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. -Isaiah 41:10 I will keep you updated and thank you for praying!


In Christ,




Praying and crying. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I hope you all can see this. I'm not really sure how to work this message board. The latest is that they have moved mom to ICU. It's a scary time for all of us and its been very emotional. They have her on a ventilator and something else that goes down her throat and is going to help get the fluid out of her lungs. She is okay right now though. She was resting well when I left. My aunt came today and is staying with her most of the night so that my dad can get some sleep. She was sedated and not alert when I left tonight. Earlier when she was kind of alert I told her I loved her and that we have lots of people praying for her. She was able to squeeze my hand three times for "I love you". I lost it then. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It's almost as if my mom isn't really here and has been replaced with another person. It's a weird feeling but God is still in control. I keep repeating the verse in the Bible that says "I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. -Isaiah 41:10 I will keep you updated and thank you for praying!


In Christ,




:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Lots of prayers for your Mom... and for you, Katie.

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I hope you all can see this. I'm not really sure how to work this message board. The latest is that they have moved mom to ICU. It's a scary time for all of us and its been very emotional. They have her on a ventilator and something else that goes down her throat and is going to help get the fluid out of her lungs. She is okay right now though. She was resting well when I left. My aunt came today and is staying with her most of the night so that my dad can get some sleep. She was sedated and not alert when I left tonight. Earlier when she was kind of alert I told her I loved her and that we have lots of people praying for her. She was able to squeeze my hand three times for "I love you". I lost it then. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It's almost as if my mom isn't really here and has been replaced with another person. It's a weird feeling but God is still in control. I keep repeating the verse in the Bible that says "I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. -Isaiah 41:10 I will keep you updated and thank you for praying!


In Christ,




Thank you for the update, Katie. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Praying for Molly and for all of you who are right there with her going through all of this. I'm praying that God would wrap his arms of comfort around each of you as you walk through this difficult valley AND I'm praying for healing for Molly. Thank you for letting us know so that we can pray for all of you! :grouphug::grouphug:

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Praying with you, Katie. I will continue to lift up your mom, you and all your family as you go through this. Please continue to keep us posted.


(BTW, your mom has done a fantastic job raising you and grounding you in faith. I can tell by your posts. You have really blessed me!)




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Hello everyone,


Mom is still hanging in there. They are giving her something to get her white cells elevated. They have to get them up so that they can do the chest procedure that gets the fluid out of her lungs and they want to do a catheter. That is our prayer now is that they white blood cells will elevate to a normal level. They have also put in an order for a blood transfusion that should be there by lunch time. My sister and I were home last night but we only slept a little so we are exhausted this morning. My dad stayed here for a little while too while my mom's sister stayed at the hospital so he could get some sleep. We are praying for a miracle and that the Ultimate Healer will heal her body.


Will keep you updated as I can...


Trusting in Him,



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Thank you for letting us know about your mom so we can pray for her and your whole family. I know this has to be so scary and waiting is so hard when someone you love is so sick. We are in the middle of ICU with our son right now and the Lord has used these two songs this morning to encourage me and I thought they might minister to you as well. Praying that His strength will be made perfect for you all and sustain you at this difficult time and that His peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Love and prayers,





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Hello everyone,


Mom is still hanging in there. They are giving her something to get her white cells elevated. They have to get them up so that they can do the chest procedure that gets the fluid out of her lungs and they want to do a catheter. That is our prayer now is that they white blood cells will elevate to a normal level. They have also put in an order for a blood transfusion that should be there by lunch time. My sister and I were home last night but we only slept a little so we are exhausted this morning. My dad stayed here for a little while too while my mom's sister stayed at the hospital so he could get some sleep. We are praying for a miracle and that the Ultimate Healer will heal her body.


Will keep you updated as I can...


Trusting in Him,




Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us updated, Katie. I am praying for your Mom and you, as well as the rest of your family. Never forget that God is good and He is faithful--he loves you with and everlasting love and will continue his faithfulness to you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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