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do churches do free VBS anymore?

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VBS = Vacation Bible School


Our church charges about $40/kid for 5 days (half-days), another church charges $20/kid. I haven't heard of any churches around here offering free or super-cheap VBS options. We're pretty broke right now, so can't send the girls. Bummer, because I have fond memories of VBS when I was a kid in the 70s.


Anyway (getting back on track), all this got me thinking...


Is free VBS a thing of the past or is charging unique to my area?


It seems like the churches put on some really nice programs, multi-media, special t-shirts, lots of cool stuff for the kids to do. I don't begrudge them for charging, because my brain is reminding me that it's expensive to run these programs and giving is probably down (local economy TANKED in the last few years) but I do kinda wish there was a cheapo, flannel-board stories, craft-making, game-playing, song-singing, low-key, fun VBS-experience for my kids.


So ... free VBS = thing of the past? Yes or no?

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It's free here. I've never heard of charging for VBS.


ETA: cheapo, flannel-board stories, craft-making, game-playing, song-singing, low-key, fun VBS-experience for my kids. This is usually what I've seen around here. Not that there aren't some that are much more, but I haven't been to them.

Edited by gardening momma
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VBS = Vacation Bible School


Our church charges about $40/kid for 5 days (half-days), another church charges $20/kid. I haven't heard of any churches around here offering free or super-cheap VBS options. We're pretty broke right now, so can't send the girls. Bummer, because I have fond memories of VBS when I was a kid in the 70s.


Anyway (getting back on track), all this got me thinking...


Is free VBS a thing of the past or is charging unique to my area?


It seems like the churches put on some really nice programs, multi-media, special t-shirts, lots of cool stuff for the kids to do. I don't begrudge them for charging, because my brain is reminding me that it's expensive to run these programs and giving is probably down (local economy TANKED in the last few years) but I do kinda wish there was a cheapo, flannel-board stories, craft-making, game-playing, song-singing, low-key, fun VBS-experience for my kids.


So ... free VBS = thing of the past? Yes or no?


I"ve never heard of one that charged, IRL...just on the boards here. VBS IS expensive though. And I think some churches really go all out. Our church tries to be as thrifty as possible while still being fun. It's still an outreach though....trying to share the gospel with kids and families who don't normally attend church. Charging would greatly impede that and if my church went to charging for such a thing, I for one, would no longer volunteer or send my kids. (even if I could afford it, which I couldn't at $20 bucks a head)


Maybe it's in response to VBS hoppers....kids who regularly attend church somewhere and Mom signs them up for every VBS in town. I always felt sorry for those kids when I encountered them in class. They'd be bored and rolling their eyes because they'd already done the Egyptian VBS [yawn] TWICE. :tongue_smilie:

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We have a small church and have a free VBS. We had about 30 kids total. A church back in Oregon where we are from had a huge program and it was free as well. It kind of surprises me a church would charge for that. It's more an evangelistic outreach rather than a camp or daycare. :confused:

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Just walked in the door from our free VBS. Large church, full multi media "production", tshirts, the whole thing. I will say that the thought of charging has come up, especially with all the budgetary issues of late, but they have managed to keep it free and will for as long as they can...

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VBS is free at our church. The only time they have ever charged was one year when they brought in a team of counselors and musicians from an actual Christian camp and ran a 'day camp' - but then it was an all day/8-3 program, not just a couple of hours. I think it was $20 a kid that year.

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Maybe it's in response to VBS hoppers....kids who regularly attend church somewhere and Mom signs them up for every VBS in town. I always felt sorry for those kids when I encountered them in class. They'd be bored and rolling their eyes because they'd already done the Egyptian VBS [yawn] TWICE. :tongue_smilie:

I heard yesterday that all the churches on a particular road (I think of it as church row because there are about 5-7 churches lined up on either side of the road in a 1/4 mile stretch) have VBS the same week this summer. Maybe the VBS hoppers is why--not that the churches don't want to do outreach as much as possible, but maybe the moms use it for babysitting all summer long. Not that that's a bad thing, if the kids get something out of it.

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DS4 went to his first ever day of VBS today, and it was free. Free snacks too. And there will be a free ice cream social Thurs eve after the showcase for the parents. Each family gets a free CD of the songs the kids are learning so they can listen at home. This is a LCMS church. I should mention that there is an offering each day to buy New Testaments to send with backpacks for the session's mission project. But the NT's cost $2, so not much, and not required.

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Can you ask your church if they have a scholarship or sliding scale program? I think many churches *publish* the fee, but are willing to accept a smaller amount from families that can't afford the fee. I wouldn't certainly HOPE that most churches would do that, especially for members.

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I guess I'm a VBS hopper. Sigh. But its the only thing to do in our town during the summer. We really don't have anything else for the kids to do plus my girls LOVE going to VBS. Our Catholic church did VBS many years ago. They did a few times charge for it. But only because we are a struggling parish.

Could that be why your church is charging? But then that puts children out that may have parents who just can't afford that. I know I couldn't.


Thankfully the VBS's are free here. It got pretty tough that some of the churches have combined VBS. The Presbyterian, United Methodist and one other church combine VBS and they do it at the park for 4 days. I have noticed though that VBS in our area has gotten shorter. It used to be a 5 day thing with a picnic afterwards. I've noticed the churches have cut that out and no longer do 5 days and no picnic or presentation afterwards. So I guess the times are a changin'.

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Our church has a free VBS. Another church in the area charges $20/kid. I think that's ridiculous. On the other hands, I have heard of daycare centers dropping their kids off at a church's VBS. I think charging is supposed to cut down on things like that. However, $20 is way too much.


If you're going to charge, don't call it VBS. Call it day camp, or something like that.

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Hmm, I don't know if any churches around here who charge for VBS. But then again, we've only attended ours for the past several years and it's always been free. You do have to pay if you want a t-shirt or music CD, though.


$40/kid???? :blink:


Last year I think I paid $7/kid for the week. We visited a church this past week and they were charging $10/kid for the week.


It seems that around here, free VBS is a thing of the past.

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Our church has a free VBS. Another church in the area charges $20/kid. I think that's ridiculous. On the other hands, I have heard of daycare centers dropping their kids off at a church's VBS. I think charging is supposed to cut down on things like that.However, $20 is way too much.


If you're going to charge, don't call it VBS. Call it day camp, or something like that.




(re: the bolded) That's just so wrong on so many levels.


I'm staying positive and assuming the best about the churches around here:


VBS programs are fairly expensive to run (esp. the really nice, professional-looking ones they do) and giving is more than likely down. So maybe it was an issue of either charging or not doing it at all. So, better than nothing?


What stinks is that giving IS probably down (see above) because our area has been VERY hard hit by the economy. Not everyone is broke though. And paying $20-40 (x number of kids) once a summer isn't so bad, I guess.


Also, I don't get the feeling that it's an outreach. I heard about it through the church bulletin. That's it. No other advertising as far as I can tell. So, I don't think it's an outreach so much as a special event for kids who already attend here.


I'm just bummed (no biggie - I'll recover :tongue_smilie:) and wondering if it was just our funky area doing this or not.

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Get this- our church doesn't have VBS, they have a "Day Camp" and it costs $60/kid. Yes, that's $60- not a typo. They also don't start until 2nd grade, so mine are still too young.....I don't know what we'll do when the time comes. We could afford it, but it's kindof the principle.....I do NOT think they should charge. (If they asked members to pay so that they could make it free for visitors, I'd be thrilled to pay- but that's not the case.)


Other churches in town are free.

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Can you ask your church if they have a scholarship or sliding scale program? I think many churches *publish* the fee, but are willing to accept a smaller amount from families that can't afford the fee. I wouldn't certainly HOPE that most churches would do that, especially for members.


I could, in theory, ask but I don't like discussing our personal financial situation with near-strangers... except if those strangers are on the Internet. ;) It's embarrassing to say "Hey, I know $40x2 isn't much to most people, but we're so broke it's a question of groceries vs. VBS."


And, when people give you money, they tend to think they have a right to scrutinize your finances and pass judgment. I'm not up for that. Hope that makes some sense.

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VBS = Vacation Bible School


Our church charges about $40/kid for 5 days (half-days), another church charges $20/kid. I haven't heard of any churches around here offering free or super-cheap VBS options. We're pretty broke right now, so can't send the girls. Bummer, because I have fond memories of VBS when I was a kid in the 70s.


Anyway (getting back on track), all this got me thinking...


Is free VBS a thing of the past or is charging unique to my area?


It seems like the churches put on some really nice programs, multi-media, special t-shirts, lots of cool stuff for the kids to do. I don't begrudge them for charging, because my brain is reminding me that it's expensive to run these programs and giving is probably down (local economy TANKED in the last few years) but I do kinda wish there was a cheapo, flannel-board stories, craft-making, game-playing, song-singing, low-key, fun VBS-experience for my kids.


So ... free VBS = thing of the past? Yes or no?


Wow, if my church charged so much for VBS that I personally could not send my own children, I would be pretty steamed. I am not aware of any churches (and there are a ton here, in the Bible belt) that charge a fee of any kind for VBS. Our church is small and we have a very simple VBS but the kids absolutely love it, everyone pitches in and helps out as they are able, and it's just a very special time that the kids really look forward to. Probably 90% of the children who come are not members of our church and most of them are not involved in any church. I can't imagine that we would ever charge a fee for them to come... we do it FOR them, for all the kids. It is a ministry to them.

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The last few summers my dd went to VBS, which was a few years ago, they were charging $25-$35.


I just checked the website of our current church, and they are charging $25.


I remember growing up and going to VBS. I have very fond memories of learning about the bible and making crafts. There were four in our family. I know that if it had cost my parents couldn't have afforded it.


I agree with those that suggest calling it a "Day Camp" instead of VBS if you're charging a fee. I understand $5-$7, maybe even $10, but honestly, $40??


When I was in my twenties, I attended a small church that put on VBS each summer. Most of the people in the church donated items or found ways to be creative with what was available. Each family signed up to help provide snacks and beverages or items to go towards making crafts. There was probably a fee for the lesson materials, but that was usually picked up by the church. There was no charge for kids to attend.

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Free here...they just ask for offerings or donations if you can. Ours encourages the daycares to bring the kids...I dropped off 2 of my kids and 4 babysitting kids. I was told to bring them. VBS is about getting the kids excited about God and to try and get more people to attend. I would never ever send my child to a VBS that charges.


If it is opened up to the public, ALL are welcome...daycare kids included. My church wants as many kids as possible at theirs no matter what. Thats the point of VBS. Its a summer kids outreach program...why does it matter where the kids come from? I didnt "dump" my babysitting kids off at VBS, they were invited and welcome and it gave them some great Christian activities and interaction. Its the same as the free programs out community center puts on.

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Ours is free. Most around here are free or nominally priced, which is wonderful since I seem to live in a place where parents don't blink an eye spending huge sums of money for kid activities... :glare:


I am sending my kids to a pay one right now, but it's very different. 8:45-4:40 all week with lots of classes in an interest cluster (my son is in a science track, my daughter is taking cooking/dancing/acting). It's $20.


What if you offered to volunteer in some capacity at your church (snack helper, assistant teacher)? Would they offer it to your kids free then?

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We don't charge for ours--3 hours in the am for 5 days. We do ask for a $20 donation for snack and supplies, but it is not mandatory. We can't advertise ours, because we only have room for the kids in the parish, so it's less of an outreach than we'd like. I think we may need to change the model of presentation, so we can fit in more kids.

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Free here...they just ask for offerings or donations if you can. Ours encourages the daycares to bring the kids...I dropped off 2 of my kids and 4 babysitting kids. I was told to bring them. VBS is about getting the kids excited about God and to try and get more people to attend. I would never ever send my child to a VBS that charges.


If it is opened up to the public, ALL are welcome...daycare kids included. My church wants as many kids as possible at theirs no matter what. Thats the point of VBS. Its a summer kids outreach program...why does it matter where the kids come from? I didnt "dump" my babysitting kids off at VBS, they were invited and welcome and it gave them some great Christian activities and interaction. Its the same as the free programs out community center puts on.


I had this image of someone getting paid for that time by the parents and just quietly dropping the kids off at VBS instead. I guess if the parents are OK with the whole scenario... ok.

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VBS = Vacation Bible School


Our church charges about $40/kid for 5 days (half-days), another church charges $20/kid. I haven't heard of any churches around here offering free or super-cheap VBS options. We're pretty broke right now, so can't send the girls. Bummer, because I have fond memories of VBS when I was a kid in the 70s.


Anyway (getting back on track), all this got me thinking...


Is free VBS a thing of the past or is charging unique to my area?


It seems like the churches put on some really nice programs, multi-media, special t-shirts, lots of cool stuff for the kids to do. I don't begrudge them for charging, because my brain is reminding me that it's expensive to run these programs and giving is probably down (local economy TANKED in the last few years) but I do kinda wish there was a cheapo, flannel-board stories, craft-making, game-playing, song-singing, low-key, fun VBS-experience for my kids.


So ... free VBS = thing of the past? Yes or no?


Our church is free and we are the biggest VBS in our two cities. We had 653 kids this year. I have never heard of charging for VBS and honestly don't believe that is Biblical. Pay to hear God's word. HUH???

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What if you offered to volunteer in some capacity at your church (snack helper, assistant teacher)? Would they offer it to your kids free then?


They knock $10/kid off the price. So it would be $30/kid.


I'm not losing sleep over this, but I do find it rather odd given how VBS programs were done when I was a kid. It just seems WEIRD to me, you know?

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We had over 250 kids in our VBS last week. On the registration form there is a cost listed of approx $10 per child, with a family maximum cost. That cost includes a t-shirt. You can also buy a music CD for $5. That said, there are many families who are informally granted scholarships. No one is turned away for an inability to pay, but it's not announced.


A list of needed supplies for food and decorations is posted at least one month ahead, and this helps offset a tremendous cost.

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VBS = Vacation Bible School


Our church charges about $40/kid for 5 days (half-days), another church charges $20/kid. I haven't heard of any churches around here offering free or super-cheap VBS options. We're pretty broke right now, so can't send the girls. Bummer, because I have fond memories of VBS when I was a kid in the 70s.


Anyway (getting back on track), all this got me thinking...


Is free VBS a thing of the past or is charging unique to my area?


It seems like the churches put on some really nice programs, multi-media, special t-shirts, lots of cool stuff for the kids to do. I don't begrudge them for charging, because my brain is reminding me that it's expensive to run these programs and giving is probably down (local economy TANKED in the last few years) but I do kinda wish there was a cheapo, flannel-board stories, craft-making, game-playing, song-singing, low-key, fun VBS-experience for my kids.


So ... free VBS = thing of the past? Yes or no?

Are you kidding me? In our part of the country VBS has always been an outreach. There is an offering taken up every day but many times it goes to a specific mission project not for the VBS supplies. How would you ever get unchurched kids to come if you sent a note home with them,"VBS, starting next Monday, be sure to send $40 with each of your children."

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Many local churches around here have great daytime VBS programs, for free. Donations are asked for but certainly not required. I know for a couple years there, VBS was a huge blessing for me. The children always enjoyed it, and I had a wee break. Some churches around here do night-time VBS and serve dinner and ask for money to cover that.

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Ours is free. But I think we may be one of the few (or only) in the area that is still free.


The church that hosts our co-op charges. One year there was a mom who wanted to do VBS but they hadn't done VBS in a couple years so it wasn't in the budget. They charged that year and now they charge every year. $15 per child. Volunteer children are $5 each. Then there is a nursery only for volunteer kids, that is free.

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Ours is free and in the evenings. I live in the South in the "Bible Belt" though...so maybe that is why it is that way here. I have never heard of someone asking you to PAY for VBS. Wow! What's next? Pay to get in to church on Sunday morning? Pay to use the bathroom at church? Pay extra for Sunday School? That just blows my mind!

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Our current church doesn't have VBS. Our previous parish charged, wait for it, $60 for the first child and $40 for siblings. Plus you had to buy a t-shirt. :eek: Admittedly it was full days for a week and you got a CD. I think they were appealing to people in need of childcare ($12 per day for childcare is very cheap), since I didn't need childcare I didn't send my kids.

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Ours is free and in the evenings. I live in the South in the "Bible Belt" though...so maybe that is why it is that way here. I have never heard of someone asking you to PAY for VBS. Wow! What's next? Pay to get in to church on Sunday morning? Pay to use the bathroom at church? Pay extra for Sunday School? That just blows my mind!


I immediately pictured well-dressed church ladies shimmying under the stall door because they didn't bring any change for the new coin-op stalls in the church bathroom. Thanks for the laugh :D

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