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have your political views changed with age?

Which direction have your political views gone with age?  

  1. 1. Which direction have your political views gone with age?

    • More liberal
    • More conservative
    • Both, depending on whether the category is fiscal or social
    • Stayed pretty much the same

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Some of the thoughts I have nowadays just SHOCK me. I can't believe how much my perspective has changed as I've gotten older. Some of the things that are making sense to me now are ideas that would have viewed as straight from the DEVIL ten years ago! :001_huh:


I'm just wondering how typical I am. I have come to terms with this all, so I'm not fessing up to which direction I've gone!


Disclaimer: Yes, the options are very limited. There are too many variations to include everything! Just generalize.

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Not really. I think I know more about people and government, but no, not really. I consider myself right of the middle of the road fiscally, and rather left of the middle of the road socially.


Robert Frpst said it for me:


I never dared to be radical when young

For fear it would make me conservative when old.


ETA: what has changed: I'm less of a nihilist, I'm more sentimental, and I love opera.

Edited by kalanamak
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I wouldn't say mine have changed so much as mellowed. In my youth, I was just much more black and white about more things in politics. There are still some issues that I feel strongly about and think I'm a bit radical about, but for most issues, I'm just more open to the idea that there's a compromise or that there's not a single right answer.

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Some of the thoughts I have nowadays just SHOCK me. I can't believe how much my perspective has changed as I've gotten older. Some of the things that are making sense to me now are ideas that would have viewed as straight from the DEVIL ten years ago! :001_huh:


I'm just wondering how typical I am. I have come to terms with this all, so I'm not fessing up to which direction I've gone!


Disclaimer: Yes, the options are very limited. There are too many variations to include everything! Just generalize.


My views have definitely become more Marxist as I get older -- to the point so that there are some days I get such a Marxist rage-on that I feel like I could almost give up being a pacifist.

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Not with "age" so much as with life experience.


Early adulthood, I was a raging feminist.


1st marriage, 3 kids, I was conservative (fiscal and somewhat lifestyle). Having kids and being an at home mom changed my feminism.


Single mother: challenged everything I thought I believed politically.


Remarried, struggling: Feminism has re-oriented and emerged in new form. Liberal on social issues. Terribly conflicted on fiscal issues, but not a fan of current government spending and forays into business regulation.

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Always left, probably haven't changed much but if anything, even more left.

Which isn't to say I agree with everyone left's policies at all, but the general direction, yes. I am not sure what that means in US. terms, though or what the key issues there are that define one one way or the other. Here, for me, it is environmental issues mainly that provoke me to voting for the more radical left. I guess I am pretty socialist too, though, although I am really not that interested in politics.

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Moved to the center. Definitely more liberal socially (but not that liberal--still pro-life but ok with the rest); fiscally--I don't know. I think the spending priorities are messed up but I don't trust either party to fix things. On my way to becoming a radical environmentalist though.



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It's hard to say.


I definitely care more, and pay attention more, to the issues as I'm aging. (You know, at the ripe old age of 25... :lol:) On social issues I'm either a raging liberal or a hardline conservative- depending on which issue you are talking about. My social beliefs haven't really changed since... well, ever.

Fiscally... I'm not really sure. I'd say it's in process, and I'm not sure where it will end. :tongue_smilie:

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...you know, I will say...I think my views now are a lot more informed than they were when I was younger. When I was younger, I was much more likely to think a certain way about things because it seemed the thing to do, or because people I admired held those beliefs. But it turned out, as I became more informed and thoughtful, I believed in the same basic things, only even more strongly.

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Prior to college, I mainly leaned towards the conservative viewpoint. Then in college, I became a fairly staunch libertarian which I am now.


So I would say I became more liberal on social issues/became more apathetic on social issues and I refined my viewpoints on fiscal issues thanks to my economics classes (one of my majors was economics). And now I tend to think of everything in terms of marginal benefit versus marginal cost and numbers and mathematical models...which makes me well suited for my profession but I tend to stay out of political discussions since I either bore people to death or make them think I am some sort of cold heartless person since I like my numbers and equations so much :lol:

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...you know, I will say...I think my views now are a lot more informed than they were when I was younger. When I was younger, I was much more likely to think a certain way about things because it seemed the thing to do, or because people I admired held those beliefs. But it turned out, as I became more informed and thoughtful, I believed in the same basic things, only even more strongly.




I voted "stayed the same" because I've always been liberal and still am. However, I've certainly become much more informed with age, so I don't feel as though I've been stagnant.

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It depends.


In some ways my views have been moderated by life experience and by realizing that issues cannot always be reduced to simple, black-and-white answers.


In other ways time has convinced me that my perspective on certain issues is more right than I ever knew. ;) In other words, in areas that I believe to be governed by objective truth and absolute standards, the truth and the standards are proving to be immutable.

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Dd #1 started college as a liberal. After graduating with a degree in political science and economics, she is now a conservative (fiscally speaking, anyway). And the campus wasn't conservative by any stretch -- she says it was her understanding of the subject matter of her major that changed her perspective.

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