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10 Good
  1. I took an antibiotic for a couple of months as a teen and it completely cleared my skin. I might of had a pimple at monthly cycle but that was it from then on-
  2. I am just guessing where you are at, since you mentioned Emory. There is a Children's Center in Atlanta that has an Autism Center, Marcus Center, it looks like. It looks like it has a lot of support services available. Maybe they have just a support list to get you started? How about a yahoo group? That can be helpful for local recommendations. MAAP website? I'll come back if anything else comes into my brain......
  3. I'm a few years behind you but see the same problems now with DS. Executive functioning is what is needed for organizing and planning and is a real problem for some of these kids. Our area has autism centers with executive functioning classes and they include writing. Michelle Garcia Winner is known for her social thinking program used by some schools and social skills groups. She also has one about executive functioning and organizing for homework. I checked it out from the library and thought it had a lot of good information. Hope that helps a bit.
  4. Woohooo! Thanks for the 'pop' Spy Car. I just 'obsessively' checked the site last night, again, and didn't see I could order it yet. :rolleyes: Now, I know!
  5. Thanks for the support. I did just notice that the pre test for the class has been posted now, so until August I must wait for the book. I just want to get my planning done!!
  6. It's summer. :toetap05: I'm trying to be patient.:D
  7. Did any of you read the Livestream Diaries on Velonews? Some of them were very funny! My favorite was the report of the fellow in red Izod coveralls who was admited to the psych facility after hearing Wheezer's Brave New World for the 6,132 time. Now I have to watch my Velo celebrity news....Which team has a sponser, who is resigning, who is trading teams, who had a positive blood test and has Chris Horner recovered? This will hold me until Aug. 20th and the Vuelta! Awesome sharing TDF with you all-:grouphug:
  8. I don't think it would have been good for cycling if Alberto had come out and dominated the race. I admit to being gleeful with his 3rd place on Alp D Huez. What happened to Cancellara this year? I also love Tony Martin- Bobke is not allowed to retire until he's the same age as Phil! Gotta go! Cadel's up!
  9. This is our fifth year of rolling out of bed in the dark for all the early start times. No replays here! I jump back and forth between here and Velonews and Cycling news. Hubby rides the Cervelo but my poor body can only handle the LeMond spin cycle while watching "Chasing Legends". For the past 3 years, if I can't sleep I pull out my tattered copy of "Bobke II". Love the spring classics all the way through the Vuelta. Go Schleks!
  10. DS does both. He started them both about 3 months ago and we have seen a huge improvement. He enjoys the social skill group with the other Asperger boys and he doesn't love the CBT with the psychologist. He's big on avoidance and she doesn't let him get away with it. His anxiety and rigidity have dropped a lot though. All of his therapists have said that the reason it's going so well is that he has bought into wanting to do well. Sometimes we used rewards when it was rough. He's still awkward a lot but it is much better. Good luck-
  11. That is so funny! My hubby and I of 20 years just had a conversation this week, that was so different from where we were way back then. We started laughing, we really have changed our views. Did we really just say that?:lol:
  12. My DS was diagnosed with Asperger's in February, so we have been down a similar path. He also had a high iq and acheivement results, coupled with high anxiety. I am not a testing or diagnosing professional, but after 2 years of figuring this all out, I have never had someone say that the anxiety negates an iq. Now, his ability to access that iq can be constrained by the anxiety, but after 3 months of CBT, it is SO much better! In fact, I had multiple professionals say "Yes, he has weaknesses from the Asperger's but his strengths are HUGE". Also, one psychologist, was very emphatic that he be treated as an exceptional child and not overly focus on the autism. Yes, we do CBT and social skills groups, but he also did his first math competition and won! I hope you can be encouraged by her strengths and that the interventions you choose will help her reach her strengths. Peace-:grouphug:
  13. Thanks Breann! I was hoping you would be around today-
  14. Has anyone taken a close look at the WA EALR and SM? PS is going to allow DS to work independent in class with me providing the instruction in the morning for math. I'm trying to line up where we are. It kind of looks SM is half a year ahead. Does that sound right? If anyone has already done this comparison project, I would love if you could share what you found!! Thank you
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