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Driving Poll

What do you do? What do you expect the driver to do?  

  1. 1. What do you do? What do you expect the driver to do?

    • I pass him on the right. He stays in the left-most lane.
    • I wait for him to move over to the right. I pass him on the left.
    • OTHER, of course.

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Please reply with your first instinct!


Say you're driving in the left-most lane (the fast lane!) on a highway and you come up behind someone who is driving slower than you. The next lane to the right is totally empty. What do you do? What do you expect the slower driver to do?


Oh, and if you want, feel free to post where you learned how to drive like that! I learned in upstate NY.


I'm interested in seeing how the answers vary state-to-state or um, country-to-country!

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I learned (also in NY) that the left lane is the passing lane, not the fast lane. People are not supposed to drive in it forever. Slow-poke is supposed to move to the right to allow other cars to pass, so I give him a minute and if he doesn't (grrrr), I will pass on the right. Hey, life is short. ;)

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I would wait for a bit to see if he is going to move over. If not, I would pass him on the left.


I learned to drive in Oklahoma however I have driven/lived in so many different cities/states that I don't really have an expectation for what the other driver will do. Here in Oklahoma, you really get a mix. Some don't move and expect you to go around. Others move ASAP to let you go by.

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I will give them a chance to move over. If they are oblivious to the fact that they are clogging up the passing lane, I blink my lights at them. That is code for "get your a$$ out of the way, please" :D I learned to drive in the Houston traffic.

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If someone is driving in the left lane while the right lane is empty,I won't assume they would have the good sense to move into the right lane just because someone is behind them. I will pass them on the right.


I learned to drive in the SF Bay Area in California, where they might scare you but they won't hit you. "Passing lanes" were unheard of; all lanes were goasfastasyoucan.


I drove in Colorado for 20 years, where the drivers were crazy and unpredictable but knew to pull over.


Now I drive in Virginia with hillbillies, northerners, and anything in between, and they drive surprisingly well together.



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I'm assuming there are more than two lanes.


I would wait and if that person didn't move to the right then I would pass on the right. And I'd be a little peeved that they didn't move first if it was safe for him to do so. I consider that lane for traffic moving faster than the other lanes.


If it is a two-lane highway then I consider the left lane as a passing lane. Not a lane to stay in for a long period of time. But if I should need to pass someone in that lane I'd pass on the right.


I learned how to drive in Georgia.

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I will give them a chance to move over. If they are oblivious to the fact that they are clogging up the passing lane, I blink my lights at them. That is code for "get your a$$ out of the way, please" :D I learned to drive in the Houston traffic.


Hey now, that's gutsy! I've never thought to blink my lights! On the other hand, I'm non-confrontational by nature and would probably never do that. I give you points for gumption, though!

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I live in the DFW area of TX, and I don't think there's a concept of passing lanes until you get to the two/four lane highways that are *not* anywhere near DFW, lol. The left lane is the fast lane. If someone's going slow in the fast lane, the other person goes around them if they don't like it. Slow people are supposed to stay out of the far left lane.


I would never expect someone to change lanes so I could pass them, except for on two-lane highways where you have to drive facing the wrong direction to pass.

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The slower car should move to the right because it's safer to pass on the left, but if it doesn't, I change lanes and pass on the right. I do not tailgate, flash my lights, or blow my horn. When I lived in Baltimore, people were really rude about this, but in NC people are much more polite.

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I learned to drive in NY and learned that the left lane was for passing, but I would have passed on the right if someone didn't change lanes to get out of the way. Here in England I've been trained to only pass in the passing lane, never to pass in the far right lane (driving on opposite side). Now, even when I'm in the States, I won't pass in the wrong lane.

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I learned (also in NY) that the left lane is the passing lane, not the fast lane. People are not supposed to drive in it forever. Slow-poke is supposed to move to the right to allow other cars to pass, so I give him a minute and if he doesn't (grrrr), I will pass on the right. Hey, life is short. ;)


Hmm, good distinction...in NY, the left lane is more a passing lane: empty unless someone is passing. In TN (Nashville area, at least) it seemed to be more a fast lane: the faster you go, the more right you have to be there...Does anyone agree/disagree with this distinction? Or care to elaborate on your state's use of the left-most lane?

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I learned to drive in NY and learned that the left lane was for passing, but I would have passed on the right if someone didn't change lanes to get out of the way. Here in England I've been trained to only pass in the passing lane, never to pass in the far right lane (driving on opposite side). Now, even when I'm in the States, I won't pass in the wrong lane.


Out of curiosity, how were you "trained"?



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I would give him a chance to move over and then pass on the right if he doesn't.


There are some highways in NJ (287 and the parkway maybe?) that actually have signs that say "Drive Right, Pass Left" or "Left Lane is for passing only". From what I understand, you can actually get a ticket for riding in the left lane, for obstructing traffic or something, although I doubt it happens often.

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Hey now, that's gutsy! I've never thought to blink my lights! On the other hand, I'm non-confrontational by nature and would probably never do that. I give you points for gumption, though!


If someone comes speeding up behind me flashing their lights, I refuse to change lanes.

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I pass on the right. Heck, I pass on the right even when it's a 3-lane interstate and I was in the middle lane, if I can't get over into the left lane. There's no 'passing lane' concept in my head, left is fast, right is slow, and however many are in the middle are a continuum.


In theory, I learned to drive in rural NW Georgia, but I moved to Atlanta when I was almost 18, so really I think I'm just an Atlanta driver. We're a little obnoxious and I can always spot a fellow Atlantan when I'm driving out of town. :D

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There's one road near where I live, where the speed limit is 45 and there are cops sitting there with radar at least 50% of the time. I refuse to speed there. Sometimes I end up stuck in the left lane because people continuously pass me on the right! It's so aggravating! Gimme a few seconds to change lanes and I would be happy to let you speed your way into a ticket! GRRR!

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I wait a little to see if they will get over, if they don't I will pass on the right. Not supposed to, but I do. (I voted other)





And I also voted other. I try not to do it, but in the above situation, with an open road, I would (all the while giving oblivious driver the look :glare:).


Traffic weavers and impatient nitwits often take unnecessary risks to gain a few feet of road--and if I had a nickel for every time someone passed me on the right at an intersection, I could send a kid to college. Totally torques me off. :angry: I don't park at green lights and often shut them down :D. (This would be someone illegally using the right turn lanes to pass at the intersection of a 2 lane rural highway.)

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I learned to drive in NJ. I'd give the other driver a few moments to do the correct thing, then pass on the right if he's an idiot.


Here in PA, that doesn't really happen to me. I'm too busy driving 5-10mph over the speed limit while still getting passed on my left, on country roads. Over double yellow lines. Twice just this morning. :glare:

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Now I drive in Virginia with hillbillies, northerners, and anything in between, and they drive surprisingly well together.

Really? Virginia has the craziest drivers of any place I've lived. Red lights? Totally a suggestion. I'm sure there's worse, because I haven't lived everywhere. But Virginia was a truly scary place to be a pedestrian.

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I would give him a chance to move over and then pass on the right if he doesn't.


There are some highways in NJ (287 and the parkway maybe?) that actually have signs that say "Drive Right, Pass Left" or "Left Lane is for passing only". From what I understand, you can actually get a ticket for riding in the left lane, for obstructing traffic or something, although I doubt it happens often.


I wish that were the case here. The section of freeway I travel most often has a lot of trucks. The speed limit for trucks is 60 mph and 70 mph for everyone else. You are pretty much continuously passing trucks. If someone is just cruising along in the left lane instead of passing, it WILL hold up traffic for miles.

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Here in the UK, you are allowed to drive on your foreign license for one year. After that, you have to get a British license. Before taking the driving test, you have to take a written test, which isn't really very hard, but you do have to study for it to become very familar with the British driving laws. It's drummed into your head that you must only pass on the right, never on the left. I understand that if you are ever caught passing on the left, it is a fairly serious offense. So, really, it's just pure fear of being caught, that's trained me. :D

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The slowpoke SHOULD move over. However, that doesn't always happen. I give them a little time and if they seem oblivious, I just pass on the right. Or I might pull a Chucki. I've done driving in Atlanta too! (That's where I learned.) :auto:

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He should move over. I'll give him the chance to move over, but if he doesn't, I'll pass him on the right.


I think most states will say that the left lane is for passing and that drivers shouldn't take up residence there. I know that in some states, cops will ticket people who stay in that lane, and they'll ticket people who are driving slower than the flow of traffic in that lane.


I don't come zooming up flashing my lights, though. That's just rude. :glare:


Oh, and I learned to drive in Virginia, but I have had driver licenses in Nevada, California, and Texas, as well.

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I wish that were the case here. The section of freeway I travel most often has a lot of trucks. The speed limit for trucks is 60 mph and 70 mph for everyone else. You are pretty much continuously passing trucks. If someone is just cruising along in the left lane instead of passing, it WILL hold up traffic for miles.


One of the things I like about NJ is that the big trucks aren't allowed in the Left Lane of a lot of highways. Whenever I drive over the border into Pennsyvania it throws me off because they seem to change lanes with little warning.

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I wait a little to see if they will get over, if they don't I will pass on the right. Not supposed to, but I do. (I voted other)


Me, too. Ironically it is almost a) a car covered with NASCAR stickers or b) someone from PA, where driving in the left lane is illegal unless you're passing.

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I learned to drive in upstate New York too. :001_smile:


I voted other.


I PREFER for the driver to move over (if he/she is not in the process of passing another car or letting someone on the highway due to a merge or something) and pass on the left. So I give them some time to notice me and move. If they don't move then I pass on the right.


I really, really, really, HATE it when I get stuck in the fast lane usually due to a left merge and drivers just assume I"m an idiot and don't know to get over and they keep hopping right and leaving me stuck in the fast lane. I use my signal to communicate my intentions but some people are in such an all-fire hurry they cannot be considerate or pay attention to what others are doing.

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It really depends on where I am driving. (I voted other.)


I learned to drive in MI. We were not taught to stay right and pass left. My parents grew up in Ohio and PA; they were definitely taught this and consider it rude to be in the left lane going slower than other traffic.


When I got to Germany the first time, we were actually taught in a driving class to use our left turn signal to tell a slower car to move into the right lane and to get out of the way FAST if an on-coming car flashed his turn signal at you. No speed limit there, so they really could be going 150 mph!


In spite of local variations on who can drive in the left lane, it is often illegal to pass on the right (even if they won't move over.)



If someone comes speeding up behind me flashing their lights, I refuse to change lanes.


If you stay left in some states (NJ, NY) or, say Germany, you will get ticketed (or run into.)

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Here in the UK, you are allowed to drive on your foreign license for one year. After that, you have to get a British license. Before taking the driving test, you have to take a written test, which isn't really very hard, but you do have to study for it to become very familar with the British driving laws. It's drummed into your head that you must only pass on the right, never on the left. I understand that if you are ever caught passing on the left, it is a fairly serious offense. So, really, it's just pure fear of being caught, that's trained me. :D


LOL, thanks for sharing! :)


So, in practical experience, have you ever been passed on the "wrong" side in the UK?

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I voted Other.


If the slower driver moves over to the right within a reasonable amount of time, I pass on the left after they move to the slow lane.


However, if they keep tooting along taking their sweet time and don't move over, I pass on the right.


I'm in Oregon, and learned to drive here.



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I learned (also in NY) that the left lane is the passing lane, not the fast lane. People are not supposed to drive in it forever. Slow-poke is supposed to move to the right to allow other cars to pass, so I give him a minute and if he doesn't (grrrr), I will pass on the right. Hey, life is short. ;)


:iagree: And I learned in PA. Dh thinks left lane is just "the fast lane" (ie, he should always be in it) and it bugs me to no end. Well, it used to. Now I've sort of surrendered my irritation for sanity's sake. ;)

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One of the things I like about NJ is that the big trucks aren't allowed in the Left Lane of a lot of highways. Whenever I drive over the border into Pennsyvania it throws me off because they seem to change lanes with little warning.


I very seldom see trucks in the left lane. They are allowed to pass, but from what I've seen, they are some of the most courteous drivers on the road. I've never had one whip over right in front of me (which is good because I average about 75 mph on the freeway and my car is heavy).


It's usually some little ancient compact or subcompact car hanging out in the left lane for some reason. Almost always. It's really odd (Maybe it's always the same guy? :confused:).

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I will usually wait a little bit and give the person time to move, and then pass on the right.


However, I've been the "slower" vehicle in the passing lane...and had near accidents from people who (a) do not give me time to get over into the middle lane and/or (b) do not indicate they ARE going to move into the middle lane or are driving like Mario Andretti in the Indy 500.


I grew up in the SF Bay Area... but actually learned to drive in South Florida, and Washington, DC. I have driven I-95 my whole driving career...

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I'd wait a little for them to move over, but if they don't move over, I'll pass on the right. I don't like doing this on the freeway, because it's deeply ingrained in me that you must pass on the left. I learned to drive in California and Arizona.


Now, if you're talking about city streets, I don't really pay attention whether or not I'm passing on the left. "Passing lanes" are only relavent to me when I'm on the freeway or on a country road.

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I wait for him to move over the right and then pass on the left. If he doesn't do that in a timely fashion, then I will pass on the right.


I have lived in IL, MA, NJ, MD, VA, NC, WV, LA, FL, NM, Germany.

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I learned to drive in MI. We were not taught to stay right and pass left.


Hmmmm.... I was.


It could have been my mom who taught me this though. However, I didn't need to explain it to my teen and he took driver's training two years ago. He gripes worse than I do about people staying in the left lane (and other driving offenses of the oblivious and inattentive). It's so cute! :D

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If I'm coming up behind a slow driver in the left lane, and it looks like he will not change lanes, and there is nobody in the right lane, I pass him on the right. However, I would expect him to move over. If he doesn't move over and I can easily change lanes I would do that. As I'm changing lanes either me or my dh would probably say, "You know the left lane is supposed to be a passing lane, buddy. You should move over!"

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Hmm, good distinction...in NY, the left lane is more a passing lane: empty unless someone is passing. In TN (Nashville area, at least) it seemed to be more a fast lane: the faster you go, the more right you have to be there...Does anyone agree/disagree with this distinction? Or care to elaborate on your state's use of the left-most lane?


It seems every state should have a law. Of course, whether its enforced or not is another story. When we lived in Arkansas I remember when they changed the law to make the left lane passing only meaning you couldn't hang out in it no matter how fast you were going and if caught you could get a ticket. But the right lane on I-30 between Texarkana and LR was horrendous. Everyone drove in the left lane so as not to get jarred to death. They did eventually fix that. :001_smile:

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First of all, y'all are cracking me up!


Second, the quote below explains part of my frustration. I often wish to move over and accomodate the faster driver, but get frightened because he zooms past me on the right before I get the chance! SCARY!


However, I've been the "slower" vehicle in the passing lane...and had near accidents from people who (a) do not give me time to get over into the middle lane and/or (b) do not indicate they ARE going to move into the middle lane or are driving like Mario Andretti in the Indy 500.




I'm just really surprised at how different the driving is across the country. When I first drove on some interstate in the West, I felt like Cher's friend in Clueless who accidentally got on a highway ("freeway" for you Californians!)...

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Dh thinks left lane is just "the fast lane" (ie, he should always be in it) and it bugs me to no end. Well, it used to. Now I've sort of surrendered my irritation for sanity's sake. ;)


My dh does this, too. Very impatient driver. His car is one often used as unmarked cruisers by police here in the northeast. People see him coming, and move right over. He loves this, of course. :D

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I could probably count on one hand the number of times that I've been passed on the wrong side in over 10 years. Now, I don't drive on motorways very often (we live in the middle of nowhere), so other people's experience may vary.

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