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Results of MPO Are In

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They've disagreed with my Drs. Say I'm capable of working sedentary level at least part time to probably full time.


They agree I have RSD, but 'mild to moderate'.


They also want me going to another pain clinic.


I'm furious. How would they like me to have a job when I can't guarantee I can show up, stay, complete the work? I have no prediciton as to flare ups, all my drs say I can't work...wth?!


And I can't appeal this crap. I'm stuck. Completely.

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In the USA, I'd think you may be in lawsuit territory. But I'm guessing there's no room for that in Canada.


This really stinks.


Is there any way you could ask the doctors to petition the WCB on your behalf?


To think this is where healthcare in the USA is heading....

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I'm sorry this is what they came up with. Perhaps the board would like to hire you?


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:s... Excellent idea, ask the board "So when do I start working for the board?".

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Its just completely insane.


Bascically, its restarted the entire process. I'll have to PROVE, again and again, that I CAN'T work.


Whats another 3 yrs, right?


My family, without my income, goes back to poverty.


I'm so angry right now. With the mpo, with wcb, with my body, with God.


Whats the point? Seriously, wth is the point? I may as well just give up, cause its obvious I can't win.

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I know what to say.


I quit.


All of it.


Fighting is useless.


They'll do whatever, and I have no choice. So, I give up. Its all just pointless, never ending pain, so who gives a crap.


Just let them do whatever. Who gives a **** anymore.

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In the USA, I'd think you may be in lawsuit territory. But I'm guessing there's no room for that in Canada.


This really stinks.


Is there any way you could ask the doctors to petition the WCB on your behalf?


To think this is where healthcare in the USA is heading....


This is precisely where it is leading in the U.S. My dd31 with chronic lyme's and RSD has been told by her insurance company that they have made her an appointment with a psychiatrist selected by them. After two years of the insurance company and dd making appointments and dd going to every single one and even then insurance company docs say she belongs on disability, the insurance company has decided to ignore what all the IME's have documented and have it all come down to one exam by one of their own docs. Yes, it stinks.


And, yes, in the US the next step is a lawsuit, but in the meantime, how is dd supposed to pay the rent? :confused:


I hate it Imp! I say we all move to Europe. (I have no clue why :001_huh: but I am so sick of this nonsense):grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


What are you supposed to do? Get a job and call in sick and then get fired for doing that?:banghead::banghead:

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Its just so stupid.


Basically, I have RSD, but they don't agree on the severity. Huh. What happened to pain levels being what the paitent says they are?


Last time they tried to put me back to work, I lasted 90 mins. And ended up at the ER for pain meds. Gee, I'm sure THAT will be better 18 mths later. NOT.


I feel completely hopeless. Kicked in the head.


THREE YEARS, and back to the beginning. THREE FLIPPING YEARS.

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I never thought this could be the outcome. I'm so' date=' so sorry.



After we got the results of the 3 hr testing, proving RSD, we thought things would go in our favour. This just flies in the face of that.


"Yes, you have a severe chronic pain disability...but really, not THAT bad..."

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Doesn't work that way here. Lawyers only get involved if WCB cuts you off, and you go into appeal.


Which is likely to happen now.




That's actually how it works here in the states. Once the insurance company cuts off dd's disability payments, THEN she is able to go to an attorney and appeal.

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Not as I understand it. Decisions are binding.


Union rep is looking into it, b/c the dx seems contrary to the work reccomendations. As he points out, the restrictions are permanent, and who the heck would hire me? I can't hold a pen, I can't even guarantee I'll show up for work, stay the shift, complete any tasks, so who in their right mind would hire me?


I am currently still job attached, but they can't accomodate perm restrictions, as far as I am aware.


Rep also agrees that hsing worked against me. The attitude being, "If you can hs, you can work."

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I can only imagine how disappointed you are. :( This affects every area of your life, but it feels like they are playing games. And they aren't just messing with you, which is bad enough, they are messing with your entire family's quality of life. :mad: It's impossible to understand what they want from you. How much influence do you think your crazy case manager (or whatever it's called) had on the decision?

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Rep also agrees that hsing worked against me. The attitude being, "If you can hs, you can work."


:( I get that.. usually it's just the irritation of someone not understanding, though. But to have it affect your whole life - your financial situation - like this - SO sucks. :grouphug:

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Not as I understand it. Decisions are binding.


Union rep is looking into it, b/c the dx seems contrary to the work reccomendations. As he points out, the restrictions are permanent, and who the heck would hire me? I can't hold a pen, I can't even guarantee I'll show up for work, stay the shift, complete any tasks, so who in their right mind would hire me?


I am currently still job attached, but they can't accomodate perm restrictions, as far as I am aware.


Rep also agrees that hsing worked against me. The attitude being, "If you can hs, you can work."


Why does it seem the solution is always to take the kids away?

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I can only imagine how disappointed you are. :( This affects every area of your life, but it feels like they are playing games. And they aren't just messing with you, which is bad enough, they are messing with your entire family's quality of life. :mad: It's impossible to understand what they want from you. How much influence do you think your crazy case manager (or whatever it's called) had on the decision?

She's not supposed to have any. The one specialist seemed really aggressive on the hsing issue though.

Why does it seem the solution is always to take the kids away?

That's just it. If I shipped my kids to daycare, put them in school, they'd probably have agreed with my drs.


But b/c I grit my teeth and stagger through, I *must* be able to work. Never mind that I collapse every afternoon for quiet time, and many times my dh comes through the door to find me grey faced and swaying.

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Why does it seem the solution is always to take the kids away?



We, as moms are darned if we do, darned if we don't. Even if your kids were in PS, you would still have to be a mom! You'd have to help them with homework, pick them up, drop them off, cook, clean, make it to parent/teacher conferences etc. . .


What about the argument that BECAUSE you're a mom, you're unable to work because your children need you more, and if you only have 1 hour a day that you feel well enough to be "Mom," it should be spent at home, not at work?!?


Sorry, rant over. I know that's not helpful, but know that I sympathize. I don't know when we turned into a society that values working moms more than stay at home moms, but I don't like it. It's all very backwards.




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This is often exactly what they are counting on. That no person would try again. Do it, push them to the limit. What have you got to lose now?

I don't know if its even an option. Union rep is looking for a loophole, b/c as far as he knows, decisions by the MPO cannot be appealed.

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I'm praying that my union rep can do something. As he said, I'm now on perm restrictions, who is going to hire me? How am I going to keep a job, *if* I could get hired?


And does WCB give a crap about that, or is this going to be a 'so sorry, you can work according to MPO, go find something, we don't have to do any more?'


I've been flared up since getting the report. Up at 330am tossing my cookies. I feel like a rat in a trap. I'm officially disabled, and faced with losing benefits. Perfect. Just what my family needs.

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I'm officially disabled, and faced with losing benefits. Perfect. Just what my family needs.


If you have documentation of disability, can you go through - okay the names vary by province.. it's the disability branch of social services, know what I mean? I have a few friends in another province who receive monthly financial assistance (including medications) through those programs as they're considered disabled and unable to work for various reasons.


It's usually called "Disability Support Services" or something along those lines…

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After we got the results of the 3 hr testing, proving RSD, we thought things would go in our favour. This just flies in the face of that.


"Yes, you have a severe chronic pain disability...but really, not THAT bad..."


what about all those infusions you were getting? Was it all an act? Did you just want to take drugs that rot out your teeth?


A lawsuit may be worth it in the long run. I don't know what you'll do until then.:grouphug:

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That yes, the diagnosis is correct, it just doesn't hurt as much as you think it hurts? That doesn't make any sense to me. Don't they have to ask you how much it hurts in order to know?


So are they trying to cut the amount of disability income you are provided? If they say you could work part time, will they still provide pay for the part of the time that they know you can't work?


Do they still provide medical care?

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That yes, the diagnosis is correct, it just doesn't hurt as much as you think it hurts? That doesn't make any sense to me. Don't they have to ask you how much it hurts in order to know?


So are they trying to cut the amount of disability income you are provided? If they say you could work part time, will they still provide pay for the part of the time that they know you can't work?


Do they still provide medical care?

Basically, that's what I understand. Yes, you have RSD, but not as bad as you say it is.


I don't know whats going to happen. I'm dreading the call from my case mgr. She's rotten to deal with at the best of times.


AISH doesn't work for me b/c I'm an injured worker, and Wolf makes too much money, last I knew...which tells you how low the cut off is.

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