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Major Fire, Wolf's Family Evacuated

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The town of Slave Lake, Alberta has basically, as we understand it, burned down.


Wolf's on his way home from work to head up to the evacuation point. I've managed to track down one cousin, his uncle and aunt.


No idea wth we're going to do...our place is so small, 4 adults and 3 more kids seems impossible with one bathroom, but we need to do something...anything has to be better than a gym floor...


Pray for all those touched by this, please



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WE don't know. One cousin is in the shelter, uncle and aunt on their way, their son is still unaccounted for, as well as his wife and dd.


Those are the ppl I know of off the top of my head. I'm assuming that the cousin has her dh and children with her, of course.

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ok, we've heard from the uncle. He's actually in our city, as the emergency shelter was full, they were transferred here.


Wolf's waiting to hear from him again to go get him and his wife. He has a leg injury, and a nurse there is to change his bandages before he leaves. Its not from the fire, its a long term issue.


We've lightening quick cleaned the house, reorganized...when a neighbour gets home, we'll be asking him to help carry up a cot from the basement.


The uncle has mobility issues, his leg, so its a bit concerning, since our only bathroom is up a flight of stairs.


Wolf's gone out to hit the day olds at Safeway, get some quick things, we don't know when they've eaten last. When he gets back, the kids and I are heading to the mall, b/c, believe it or not, we don't have enough dishes for 2 extra ppl. One of those things we've put off.


We don't know what they managed to get before evacuation, so may have to take them shopping for clothes as well.


My credit card is going to take a major hit, I'm glad we have that resource though...otherwise, we'd be hooped.


Found out the cousin we haven't located doesn't live in Slave Lake, but fairly close by...here's praying that he's not in an evacuation zone.


Haven't heard from the other cousin as of yet, so we don't know if she and her family need a place to stay or if they'll be staying where they are.

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The town of Slave Lake, Alberta has basically, as we understand it, burned down.


Wolf's on his way home from work to head up to the evacuation point. I've managed to track down one cousin, his uncle and aunt.


No idea wth we're going to do...our place is so small, 4 adults and 3 more kids seems impossible with one bathroom, but we need to do something...anything has to be better than a gym floor...


Pray for all those touched by this, please




Will be praying for them!!

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Well, technically, the article did say gusts of 100 kilometers per hour.


Which is gusts of 62 mph...


Either way, weather situations that produce gusts of 62 mph don't hit with no advanced warning.


Neither weather nor fire is entirely predictable that is why professionals plan for what COULD happen in addition to what IS happening.

Edited by unsinkable
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Well, technically, the article did say gusts of 100 kilometers per hour.


Which is gusts of 62 mph...


Either way, weather situations that produce gusts of 62 mph don't hit with no advanced warning.


Neither weather nor fire is entirely predictable that is why professionals plan for what COULD happen in addition to what IS happening.


Actually, winds shifting and getting a lot stronger sure can happen without warning and winds of that level aren't a regular occurrence around there, as far as I'm aware.


I don't think it's fair to be criticizing the "professionals" in this community already.. this is still very much a crisis situation. Maybe we could just pray/send good thoughts/spread the word about ways that people can help/etc etc?

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Neither weather nor fire is entirely predictable that is why professionals plan for what COULD happen in addition to what IS happening.



You'd think the Black Saturday fires here couldn't happen, since we expect large parts of our country to be on fire each summer, but they still did happen. Disasters can be bigger than even the professionals imagine they could be without the benefit of hindsight.



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: To those affected :(




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You'd think the Black Saturday fires here couldn't happen, since we expect large parts of our country to be on fire each summer, but they still did happen. Disasters can be bigger than even the professionals imagine they could be without the benefit of hindsight.



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: To those affected :(







Please don't put words into my posts that aren't there.


If there is a town that has fires to the south, fires to the east and a lake to the north, it is not hindsight to think IF the winds shift, the winds might block the only way out of town.

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Last we heard, fire is still going. The 711 by the uncle's was gone before he left.


Apparently, his wife refused to leave until the police came. So, rather than pack and get ready, they ended up leaving with zilch, not even his diabetes meds, or supplies.

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Oh dear! Praying for the diabetic situation! That could be serious!



Praying here

I don't know whats going on. I know he was seen by Red Cross nurses today, but thats all. Wolf went to take them dinner, so I'll know more when he's back.

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Please don't put words into my posts that aren't there.


If there is a town that has fires to the south, fires to the east and a lake to the north, it is not hindsight to think IF the winds shift, the winds might block the only way out of town.


I'm not sure what words you think I'm putting into your mouth, but I'm not having a go at you; just talking! I really can understand how mistakes that look bleedingly obvious such as you've outlined above can happen. In our case, we (the people of our state) had lived through at least two summers in recorded memory where most of the state was on fire, so you'd think the authorities would have learned enough to prevent a third time, but that third time was so much worse that their previously well-honed responses weren't enough. In the situation you have described, any mug could see that problem coming. That doesn't necessarily mean that the infrastructure is in place to deal with it in time when dealing with weather conditions that are unusual for the area.


I'm talking too much. I'll stop now.




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I'm not sure what words you think I'm putting into your mouth, but I'm not having a go at you; just talking! I really can understand how mistakes that look bleedingly obvious such as you've outlined above can happen. In our case, we (the people of our state) had lived through at least two summers in recorded memory where most of the state was on fire, so you'd think the authorities would have learned enough to prevent a third time, but that third time was so much worse that their previously well-honed responses weren't enough. In the situation you have described, any mug could see that problem coming. That doesn't necessarily mean that the infrastructure is in place to deal with it in time when dealing with weather conditions that are unusual for the area.


I'm talking too much. I'll stop now.







hugs back at you. :grouphug:

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i just read that 40% of the town has burned..... and the winds are still wild. dd who lives in edmonton is here in SoCal this week, where the wildfires the past few years have been visible from our house.


having lived thru fires the past three years here in SoCal, i am prepared to offer grace and good intentions to the firefighters.... mostly, folks do the best they can.... and three weeks ago, there was snow still on the ground in alberta, for heaven's sake..... things are wet, and one wouldn't think it would burn like this, even with the winds!


it is so very tough. i am glad you are there to offer support to your family.


praying for firefighters tonight....

and for you!



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The town of Slave Lake, Alberta has basically, as we understand it, burned down.


Wolf's on his way home from work to head up to the evacuation point. I've managed to track down one cousin, his uncle and aunt.


No idea wth we're going to do...our place is so small, 4 adults and 3 more kids seems impossible with one bathroom, but we need to do something...anything has to be better than a gym floor...


Pray for all those touched by this, please





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