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"Professional" opinion of hs'ing...

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So I met w/ a "professional" of some field today. For the sake of this thread, let's just say it was another ER dr. :lol: Iow, someone w/ a great deal of education, quite a...powerful hand in my life...if only for a short time, & someone w/...quite...a...confidence in their own view of the world.


This "professional"...let's say she was cutting my hair, but w/ a PhD...iow, *nothing* to do w/ education, parenting, etc....expressed outrage at my choice to hs (my first experience w/ this), horror at the size of my family, disdain for my religious convictions, and then? Fall-out-of-your-seat-SHOCK that I had any education whatsoever.


Honestly. By the time I left, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was just so ridiculous. She stereotyped me, & I could SEE her feathers ruffling madly as I failed, point after point, to fit her stereotype whatsoever.


She asked about socialization, but more than that, she asked point blank WHY I would choose to hs. Since it wasn't actually phrased as a question & it had nothing to do w/ my "haircut," I was kind-of at a loss for the kind of short, 3 word answer required. And I accidentally blurted out that I was quite a bit smarter than the public schools. :lol:


There were cultural differences involved that explained most of her feelings toward my decisions, but professionally, she is SO not allowed to do that. I mean, if she were really a hair dresser, it would have been fine. ;)


I was close to tears when I called dh, but the more I recounted the experience to him, the better I could see the ridiculousness of the whole thing. I'm tempted to look up some stupid stereotypes of *her* profession/cultural choices/religion to ask her about next time I see her. If I thought she were smart enough to realize the parallel, I might do it. Unfortunately, I think the results would be...well, I think they'd backfire. Since she's so certain of everything & all. :001_huh:


(And I just have to say--she, too, yelled at me about prenatal vitamins. *And* she told me I should not bf. :lol:) I might have to let my hair get long.

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Do you have to see this professional again?


It would be over for me. And can I just say, I saw horror over family size when my sis was pg with her 5th and I thought it was totally baffling. Raising 5 children is really the worst someone could do? :confused: I'll never understand that.

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Do you have to see this professional again?




I would let them know I would no longer be interested in their services due to their attitude problem as well as their appalling tendancy to get nasty over their uneducated opinion.


Why should you *not* BF? Will it make your hair get curly or will it turn your brain to cheese? I am curious.

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:auto: This is me making my way to a new hairstylist with wet hair only cut on one side. :tongue_smilie: I wasn't supposed to tip on the way out was I??? :lol:



ETA: Wait a minute. This all makes sense!!! Isn't it the cosmetology schools which won't accept a homeschool diploma??? They must all be indoctrinated in homeschool condemnation practices to help turn the tide on this radical bunch who think they can prepare their own children for the rigors of hair cutting academy. (no offense to any hairstylists :))

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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You should have asked her if she charged extra for her opinion. Then toss a penny at her on the way out and tell her you didn't feel her opinion was worth the whole 2-cents.




Aubrey, I am constantly amazed that random people feel the need to control the decisions of others. I mean, I have many opinions, but I keep my mouth shut most of the time. Seriously, this, ahem, hairdresser, needs to put a cork in it.


And seriously! You shouldn't bf? What planet does this person come from?

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You should have asked her if she charged extra for her opinion. Then toss a penny at her on the way out and tell her you didn't feel her opinion was worth the whole 2-cents.


Now that's funny.:lol::lol::lol:


Aubrey, don't you see it? God is supplying you with the another "you can't make this stuff up" kind of scenario for your best-selling book.:)

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I would let them know I would no longer be interested in their services due to their attitude problem as well as their appalling tendancy to get nasty over their uneducated opinion.


Why should you *not* BF? Will it make your hair get curly or will it turn your brain to cheese? I am curious.


I will have a more full array of options for color treating/cutting/whatever my hair. Pretend hair is important.

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Why do you get all the fun. Noone has ever said anything to me that would come close to rivaling the comments (etc.) that you get. Please let me join the fun.:glare:


The "fun" involves meeting people who keep dead bodies in their backseat. Dh says he never has as much "fun" when I'm not around. :lol:

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Well, even if she is a Ph.D, she doesn't have the ability to prescribe the correct color treatments for your hair, correct? And most hair stylists are not knowledgeable about the options related to nursing. Hale's less famous treatise on Hair Styles and Mother's Milk should always be consulted prior to eliminating a possible hair styling routine.

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Is she the only "stylist" in your area? Go to someone else!


No, but I have little hope of finding someone much better. And...I guess if she does ok w/ the hair...maybe it will be ok? Maybe she was surprised enough by the end of today that next time will be easier? I'm not sure.

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Oh, good grief, how in the world do you keep having these "experiences?":001_huh: You know, maybe you should just consider driving north for, oh, about 8 hours, and letting my great guy cut and style your hair.:D He owns the best salon in town, he'll think you're FABULOUS for homeschooling, (he grew up in a family of 8;),) and together we could answer all of your questions about Catholicism. While you're here, you could just choose an OB-GYN, whose laid-back style wouldn't raise your blood pressure.:lol:

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Aubrey, I am constantly amazed that random people feel the need to control the decisions of others.




And I do wonder how people have so much spare time! I can't stop to think about what everyone else is doing wrong, much less offer my opinion all the time... How DO they have so much time on their hands? And shouldn't they then run for office or something? You know - provide a valuable service to the community for the greater good. :glare:

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You should have asked her if she charged extra for her opinion. Then toss a penny at her on the way out and tell her you didn't feel her opinion was worth the whole 2-cents.


:lol: I wish I could come up with this stuff in the heat of the moment. I always think of my come-backs after the incident.

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Aubrey, it's pretty nice when you have Johnny Depp giving you sympathy!:D




What is it with people? Some lady at he park yesterday gave me a 20 minute speech about how she could never homeschool. Then, she asked if some of my kids were adopted. :confused:


Sheesh, Peeps! I wish strange people would just keep their opinions to themselves.

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With people like this you have to throw them off their game. They expect and want you to argue with them so they can show you how wrong you are. Instead say something completely out of the blue. Something they can't see coming like, "Hairstylist, would you please pass the bean dip." Now they don't know what to do or say. If they ignore you and continue on just say it again. She may think you have lost your mind or she might actually get the point but either way don't engage and she'll take her ball and go home.



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Did I miss the thread in which hairdresser and hair represents something else? :confused:


I feel as if I reading Private Messages on the general board. :)


I thought I knew what it meant until the part about dead bodies in backseats...


This is where I am. We can sit in the peanut gallery seats together with puzzled looks on our faces. I think I might have it figured out, though...cuz I, too, am smarter than the public schools.:lol: (Not that you are not...or that there is anything wrong with that.:D)


Don't give up on hairdressers, Aubrey. There are good ones out there. If I'm right about the riddle, that is.;) PM me if you need a recommendation. I'm a hairdresser from way back and know lots of folks in the area.

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Well, I do have a hairdresser who disapproves strongly of homeschooling and who argued for me to wean my then two year old on the basis of more options for color treatment. I did not, but I did cut down, and a two year old is a whole different ballgame than a newborn, as well.


He is, however, someone who merely prescribes hair coloring products, and he does a good job with that. I did have him suggest which hair coloring product he would recommend if I were not nursing, and then consult Hale's Hair Styling and Mother's Milk. (FYI, lamictal was a very good choice of style.) I try to pass the bean dip when homeschooling comes up.

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My interpretation is that a hairdresser deals with the health of that which is contained underneath the hair. Scalp, skull, and brain.


Dead bodies just refers to bizarre experiences Aubrey keeps having. There's no code for that. She just meets people who do those things......

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Why do you get all the fun. Noone has ever said anything to me that would come close to rivaling the comments (etc.) that you get. Please let me join the fun.:glare:


I have no idea why she gets all the fun. She's smart, pretty, confident, and presents as perfectly normal.


But she is most definitely a weirdo magnet. :001_huh::tongue_smilie::lol:

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This is where I am. We can sit in the peanut gallery seats together with puzzled looks on our faces. I think I might have it figured out, though...cuz I, too, am smarter than the public schools.:lol: (Not that you are not...or that there is anything wrong with that.:D)




Yeah, I think I got it now...but at first I thought it was something to do with the ER visit which made me wonder b/c I was thinking about hairdressers and carpeting the tea room...


I read too much into stuff sometimes.


I hope you're doing OK, Audrey!

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Now that's funny.:lol::lol::lol:


Aubrey, don't you see it? God is supplying you with the another "you can't make this stuff up" kind of scenario for your best-selling book.:)



In lieu of that I recommend taking duct tape to your next hair appointment. Set it out and let the PhD ask what it might be for. Just stare at them strangely and let out a little laugh, raising one eyebrow a little.

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Yeah, I think I got it now...but at first I thought it was something to do with the ER visit which made me wonder b/c I was thinking about hairdressers and carpeting the tea room...


I read too much into stuff sometimes.


I hope you're doing OK, Audrey!


I wondered about the carpet in the tea room, too.:lol: It is hard to keep up with all of the fun sometimes.

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If she had the temerity to act so unprofessionally, I'm glad it was so blatant...at least that way you know it wasn't due to your...head of hair.


Seriously, if it is in your best interest to continue with her as your stylist, could you find out which hair products she thinks would be the most likely candidates for producing the results you need, and then run those through the LLL filter. One of the things LLL leaders are equipped to do is to consult with their professional resources on the compatability of products and breastfeeding. It might take you a few days to get answers as they take the question to the designated person, but it won't cost you anything.


I'm betting she feels that it is perfectly acceptable for her to address your choices, because she feels that those are contributing to your grays. :smilielol5: (Composing myself...gimme a minute...or whatever other haircare issues you might be having....sorry.) She probably doesn't see it as a conflict. You can set her straight.


It doesn't hurt that you have until your next trim to think of a fun way to do that. :D For me the biggest challenge would be doing it with a straight face, after this thread.


Sending lots of :grouphug: your way!

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