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Breakfast in bed? Is this something you like?

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I don't either. :o My kids love doing this for dh and I though. I really don't know where they came up with this idea (not that I'd like it, but just the whole breakfast in bed thing in general). :confused: I've never talked about it nor have they seen it on TV- they just started doing it all of a sudden and will do it every now and then for us, just because. It's really cute.


It's sweet that they come up with these things and I don't have the heart to say that I don't like it. I just eat up and grin. Maybe when they're older I can gently guide them to other uses of their time first thing in the morning but for now, I can't bear to disappoint them when they try so hard.

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I don't either. :o My kids love doing this for dh and I though. I really don't know where they came up with this idea (not that I'd like it, but just the whole breakfast in bed thing in general). :confused: I've never talked about it nor have they seen it on TV- they just started doing it all of a sudden and will do it every now and then for us, just because. It's really cute.


It's sweet that they come up with these things and I don't have the heart to say that I don't like it. I just eat up and grin. Maybe when they're older I can gently guide them to other uses of their time first thing in the morning but for now, I can't bear to disappoint them when they try so hard.


If one of my kids brought me BIB, I would smile, thank them, and eat it. That is true. :001_smile:

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LOL. I think it's a fun idea, but I either have to eat alone or let the boys and dh eat in bed with me. They want to serve me BIB, though, so usually I say thank you, hug everyone, sip my coffee and chat, and then say "I want to eat breakfast with my people" and bring it downstairs.



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Pop tarts. *shudder*


Hater! :p


[i love me some pop tarts!]


I actually brought dd14 breakfast in bed this morning ~ mostly because I wanted her to get up and watch Bones with me at 7am and she doesn't tend to acknowledge that time of day. Orange slices & peanut butter toast with rainbow sprinkles worked as a decent bribe. :D

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Hmmm, I love it!


DH started this tradition when the boys were young, bringing me BIB on Mother's Day. It's been a "surprise" every year.


They bring up plates for everyone, the food in serving dishes, a tray with drinks, and a towel to put down. I throw the comforter and blanket off and leave only the top sheet on, put the towel under the messiest eaters, and we all picnic on the bed. It is a blast!


Today I had homemade biscuits with a honey/butter/brown sugar mixture to top them with, plus scrambled eggs and sausage. YUM!!! And flavored coffee (hazelnut) that was part of my gift. Delicious!!


When we were done eating, DH carried away the tray of drinks, one son carried away the empty serving bowls, another carried down the dirty plates, and another swept crumbs from the bed to the floor while I put the covers back on the bed. There weren't many crumbs on the bed thanks to the towel under the messy eaters, and all is put back together and over with.


It's a favorite tradition here :)

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Hmmm, I love it!


DH started this tradition when the boys were young, bringing me BIB on Mother's Day. It's been a "surprise" every year.


They bring up plates for everyone, the food in serving dishes, a tray with drinks, and a towel to put down. I throw the comforter and blanket off and leave only the top sheet on, put the towel under the messiest eaters, and we all picnic on the bed. It is a blast!


Today I had homemade biscuits with a honey/butter/brown sugar mixture to top them with, plus scrambled eggs and sausage. YUM!!! And flavored coffee (hazelnut) that was part of my gift. Delicious!!


When we were done eating, DH carried away the tray of drinks, one son carried away the empty serving bowls, another carried down the dirty plates, and another swept crumbs from the bed to the floor while I put the covers back on the bed. There weren't many crumbs on the bed thanks to the towel under the messy eaters, and all is put back together and over with.


It's a favorite tradition here :)


That sounds so sweet. I think if we did BIB, I'd make sure to have one of those BIB trays.

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I really dislike BIB. I finally told my kids in a gentle way that while I love the thought of them wanting to pamper me, I'd prefer pampering in some other way. They were fine with that and I've not had to eat cold eggs, warm yogurt and dry toast ever again! LOL

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I don't remember ever having BIB but I don't think I would enjoy it at all. I'm not a morning person and I'm not a breakfast person. I don't want to eat until I've been up at least a few hours and I don't like food in my bed. If my kids brought me a nice tray with a book, some coffee the way I liked it, and then went away and let me read in bed for an hour or so before joining them for the day, then that would be lovely, but don't make me eat and be perky as soon as I wake up!

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We love breakfast in bed. We are generally not people who lounge in pajamas for any part of the morning, but we do celebrate special occasions with a relaxed morning and BiB.


We have nice trays and plenty of napkins, so spills and crumbs have never been an issue.

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I've NEVER had breakfast in bed.


But I have had PB & J when I sprained my ankle. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it...I was so touched by my kids doing it.


I LOVE taking a stack of books and some snacks and spending "ME" time in bed. I mostly take munchies like cheese and crackers or my "special mixture."


What is my "special mixture," you ask? :lol:


It is pretzels, potato chips, M&Ms and raisins. A bowl of heaven.

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I LOVE taking a stack of books and some snacks and spending "ME" time in bed. I mostly take munchies like cheese and crackers or my "special mixture."



I like doing this when my husband is out of town. Cheese, crackers, a glass of wine and a stack of books. :)

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LOL. I think it's a fun idea, but I either have to eat alone or let the boys and dh eat in bed with me. They want to serve me BIB, though, so usually I say thank you, hug everyone, sip my coffee and chat, and then say "I want to eat breakfast with my people" and bring it downstairs.



Just had BIB -- homemade french toast, OJ, and yogurt! I was thrilled to see my boys join me in bed to have a "picnic". It was sweet! :D

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Aww. My kids did this for me a time or two when they were small and I loved it for the consideration it represented. Generally, I'm not a big fan of breakfast anyway, but kids coming upstairs with blueberry muffins they made themselves is hard to beat for cuteness factor! :001_smile:

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I just adore breakfast in bed. I cannot stand moving in any way when I first wake up, so I love being able to just recline against the pillows and relax. On Mother's Day I usually read and sip tea while they cook, then we all eat in bed together. The kids spread a picnic blanket over the covers and eat on that. My kids have been cooking regularly for a while now, so my Mother's Day breakfast is pretty good!

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I had Breakfast in Bed this morning. Scrabbled eggs, bacon, french toast, hot tea and a vase with a flower. I think having a good sitting up in bed pillow and a good breakfast tray is the key to not having everything spill everywhere.


My mom likes to tell about when we would bring her breakfast in bed and my sister would be up there wanting to 'taste' each thing. She would eat half of my mom's breakfast.

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I only get BIB on Mother's Day, and I am always awake well before it is ready. They would be disappointed if they didn't get to serve it though, so I stay in bed and wait.


This year dh had to open at work today, so he and ds made muffins last night and ds brought me one he had warmed and buttered. Dh had set the coffee pot for him, but it didn't start on time so he came and got me up to fix it, then said "Okay, go back to bed so I can bring you breakfast, Mommy!". :tongue_smilie:

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My parents used to love it. I like being up and about an hour at least before I am ready for breakfast. And I like my first cup of tea with checking my emails. In fact, please don't come anywhere near me when I get up in the morning. I like my SPACE.

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