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My little girl would be 8 years old today.

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My daughter who died at birth. :angelsad2: I just want to say it, to put it out there. It's so internal at this point; it's weird walking around thinking it's Lydia's birthday when hardly anyone else is aware of it. Today I was looking at a boy at our co-op who was born just before Lydia. I was staring at him, marveling that she would be that big, she would be eating lunch and laughing with her buddies.


I just really want to see her again someday.

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I'm so sorry. That just sucks. Do you have any special memories of her you'd like to share? I'd love to hear about your pregnancy.


Thank you and thanks to everyone with hugs and nice thoughts.


At birth she looked like ds11; they were also my two 9-pounders. So, when I imagine what she would look like now, I picture her as a girl version of CW.


Her name is so precious to me. DH and I agreed 100% on her name - Lydia Clare. She shares initials with my mother, who is also "L.C." and those initials also mimic my grandmother's name, Elsie, who died in April just before Lydia's birth.


Those are my most special thoughts. :001_smile:

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Her name is so precious to me. DH and I agreed 100% on her name - Lydia Clare. She shares initials with my mother, who is also "L.C." and those initials also mimic my grandmother's name, Elsie, who died in April just before Lydia's birth.




That is so special. I love how her initials honor your grandmother. I'm sure they are together now. :grouphug:

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Thank you and thanks to everyone with hugs and nice thoughts.


At birth she looked like ds11; they were also my two 9-pounders. So, when I imagine what she would look like now, I picture her as a girl version of CW.


Her name is so precious to me. DH and I agreed 100% on her name - Lydia Clare. She shares initials with my mother, who is also "L.C." and those initials also mimic my grandmother's name, Elsie, who died in April just before Lydia's birth.


Those are my most special thoughts. :001_smile:

Thank you for sharing. I bet she was beautiful! And I very much believe you will see her again someday!



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My daughter who died at birth. :angelsad2: I just want to say it, to put it out there. It's so internal at this point; it's weird walking around thinking it's Lydia's birthday when hardly anyone else is aware of it. Today I was looking at a boy at our co-op who was born just before Lydia. I was staring at him, marveling that she would be that big, she would be eating lunch and laughing with her buddies.


I just really want to see her again someday.

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My daughter who died at birth. :angelsad2: I just want to say it, to put it out there. It's so internal at this point; it's weird walking around thinking it's Lydia's birthday when hardly anyone else is aware of it. Today I was looking at a boy at our co-op who was born just before Lydia. I was staring at him, marveling that she would be that big, she would be eating lunch and laughing with her buddies.


I just really want to see her again someday.




:grouphug: I unfortunately understand. I'm so sorry.




I'm just so sorry. I cannot imagine. I just wanted to send hugs to both of you.

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My daughter who died at birth. :angelsad2: I just want to say it, to put it out there. It's so internal at this point; it's weird walking around thinking it's Lydia's birthday when hardly anyone else is aware of it. Today I was looking at a boy at our co-op who was born just before Lydia. I was staring at him, marveling that she would be that big, she would be eating lunch and laughing with her buddies.


I just really want to see her again someday.


No good words, just my sympathies.

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:grouphug: I too know your pain. My Aunt (she's only 4yrs older) and I were pregnant at the same time and due only a month apart. It's been 12 years but whenever she calls and talks about her DD, I wonder what my Matthew would have been doing. It's amazing how much these little ones touch our lives before they are even born.

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