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I will die before I set foot in an ER

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ever again. I'm not sure if I can say more than that now, I'm shaking & crying so bad.


I'm "very pregnant." That's the diagnosis. They sent me home w/ the IV in my arm a few min ago--after 10 hours waiting.


That's the good part. And the baby's probably fine. Because, you know, it's in there.

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ever again. I'm not sure if I can say more than that now, I'm shaking & crying so bad.


I'm "very pregnant." That's the diagnosis. They sent me home w/ the IV in my arm a few min ago--after 10 hours waiting.


That's the good part. And the baby's probably fine. Because, you know, it's in there.


Sounds like a very unfun way to spend the night. :grouphug:

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I'm sitting here in shock that they sent you home with an IV in your arm? Honey, you went to a bad ER, need to get to a different one, or call your regular doc the minute they open. They should not have sent you home in that condition.


Is your husband or someone with you? Can you go to a different facility? I know you're scared, but something doesn't sound right. Don't let the fear hold you from getting care, you just need to stay away from THAT ER.

Edited by Mallorie
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Oh Aubrey :grouphug: That's what I was thinking when I read your other thread--you'd probably be waiting until you could just call your midwife anyway. My only experiences with ERs have involved wait times that should be illegal. I can't believe they sent you home with an IV!!! :confused: How is that even possible?


I'm so sorry :grouphug: Nothing like piling on a little more stress right now. I hope you can get a little sleep and some reassurance from your midwife later today.

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Hope all the best for Aubrey, poor thing. And congratulations of course. A baby is always a blessing.


I only choose ERs at nice hospitals even if it means I have to go further. I often have used (when needed!!) the ER at a small Catholic hospital as opposed to the local one in a not-so-nice town. We have maximum been there 4-5 hours and that was for dh who needed several tests done. Other than that, in and out, thank God.


Hope you follow up with a mw or something, Aubrey, so you can bond with the baby. I know I did not have health insurance with my last baby and did not see someone until after 14 weeks (when I finally went to a free clinic -at another Catholic hospital!! and got an ultrasound which reassurred me!) and then I felt I could start bonding. Bonding is so, so important and helps prevent ppd, imo.


Please, slow down, and take care of yourself. Don't stress over things that are out of your control.

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the baby's probably fine. Because, you know, it's in there.


This is an unprofessional, not to mention condescending, diagnosis for the symptoms you described yesterday. If that's what they told you when they sent you home, you must contact a different doctor or midwife as soon as possible. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I speak from unhappy experience. You don't want to know the details.


You do not have the "megrims". You are not a "flighty unpredictable pregnant lady." This is not happening all in your head. Don't let them treat you like this. Listen to your gut and take care of yourself and your little one.


(((((((hugs))))))) but don't let this drop.

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I'm sorry Aubrey. Pls call your regular provider now--don't wait until she's "open," she probably has voice mail or an answering service for emergencies. If not, leave a message and try back asap.


We have one ER here that we won't go to--they have a monopoly on Drs there--you have to use that Dr even if he isn't on your insurance, and we are fighting a bill.


Sending you lots of hugs. Just don't hunker down right now, sweet friend--go get more information.

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When I had to go to the ER with past pregnancies for severe dehydration, I was treated poorly. I think ER's in general hate pregnant women. It is sad, really.


This is the impression I get, too. I know that after 20 weeks my practice wants us to bypass the ER for any issues and go directly to L&D (which is a MUCH better experience), and for most things they'd rather have us wait and come in for an early appointment the next day than use the ER. I think the ER, while maybe not actively hostile to pregnant women, just isn't well equipped to deal with them or with pregnancy issues.

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I am so sorry - only once did I have to go to an ER after an auto accident when I was pg with the twins -- the ER attending wouldn't do an u/s b/c: (his words) if they didn't survive the accident there was nothing he could do about it.


Yes, he said that.


I went to my doc's office and they took me right in.


It was Atlantic City Medical Center - downtown.


Everywhere else I have gone, I have been treated well.


Sibley in Georgetown is the BEST!!!!!!!!!


I'm sorry Aubrey.:grouphug:

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I lost a baby at 18 weeks and I had a horrible experience in the ER. So, no, I don't think your ER was particularly bad. I just don't think they are truly set up to handle early pregnancy problems and they don't send you to the OB floor until you are 20 weeks.


I have relatives that work in ER/trauma areas and I know they do have a desire to help people and they have their own struggles (habitual ER users that know the catch phrases to be seen faster, people coming in with colds, etc.....)



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Congrats on the baby! Babies are such blessings! I'm sorry you had an awful experience at the er. I don't think we have ever had a pleasant or uneventful trip to the er, but what you're describing is inexcusable!!! You should never have been sent home w/ and IV still in your arm! I would definately call you mw & then complain to the hospital (with that kind of treatment, they should pay your bill!!!)! I hope all is well, and I will be praying for you and your baby. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: When I was going through my m/c last July, I called my midwife first and she said to go directly to L & D, even though I was 10 weeks along, because I would be treated better and faster there. I am sorry you had to deal with what you did. Please call your midwife ASAP this morning. I agree, don't wait until you think she's open, leave a msg. :grouphug:

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Hi Aubrey.:grouphug: I'm very sorry for you. I completely empathize and like you I will never go to the ER again. I've had 3 live healthy home births and 3 m/cs, all naturally occurring. My midwife is a direct-entry midwife and does not do ultrasounds. So with 2 out of 3 of my m/cs I called up a practice that has 2 OBS and 3 CNMs. I got a lecture from the Administrative Assistant about not having any previous pre-natal care, but once I got past her, the midwives and OB who did the ultrasound were really kind.

Do you have anything like that where you live? I find that the practices that contain both CNMs and OBs are the most helpful. They got me in right away. Good luck to you. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way,


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I was sent to an ER when I was 6 or 7 months pregnant with my oldest dc because I had "Scarlet Fever." After 5 hours in the ER and not seeing anyone my husband and I decided I must not be that sick and went home.


My only positive experience with an ER around here was at the children's hospital. And that was a 45 minute drive from my home - I think I probably passed 10 other hospitals to take my ds2 there.


I hope your midwife will be able to help you and am so sorry about this emotional turmoil. Our midwife does universal billing (is that the correct term?), files with the insurance from date of delivery. So this early if you anticipated having insurance by the time the baby came you could probably get away with just a minimal downpayment to begin your prenatal care from this point forward.

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Oh Aubrey :grouphug: That's what I was thinking when I read your other thread--you'd probably be waiting until you could just call your midwife anyway. My only experiences with ERs have involved wait times that should be illegal. I can't believe they sent you home with an IV!!! :confused: How is that even possible?


Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?

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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?

How is that even LEGAL for them to tell you they wouldn't provide care? WTH?! :cursing:


I'd be contacting the hospital admin. No way would I let this pass unchallenged. I might never be there again, but other women will be.


Holy crapola. I've *never* heard of such treatment in my life. I've heard of idiots, "Sorry, you're in your first trimester, we can't do anything..." but abuse? WTH?!

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Hope all the best for Aubrey, poor thing. And congratulations of course. A baby is always a blessing.


I only choose ERs at nice hospitals even if it means I have to go further. I often have used (when needed!!) the ER at a small Catholic hospital as opposed to the local one in a not-so-nice town. We have maximum been there 4-5 hours and that was for dh who needed several tests done. Other than that, in and out, thank God.


Hope you follow up with a mw or something, Aubrey, so you can bond with the baby. I know I did not have health insurance with my last baby and did not see someone until after 14 weeks (when I finally went to a free clinic -at another Catholic hospital!! and got an ultrasound which reassurred me!) and then I felt I could start bonding. Bonding is so, so important and helps prevent ppd, imo.


Please, slow down, and take care of yourself. Don't stress over things that are out of your control.


They turned the computer away from me so I couldn't see the u/s. They turned the sound off. They didn't say two words to me while I was in there. I assumed that the dr had to report the findings of the u/s. She didn't even have a chart w/ her--asked when she came in (over 5 hrs after the u/s), "So what brings you into the ER today?" & "So you're not allergic to anything..." (I was wearing a red armband & it was in my file. No clue.)

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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?

Oh. my. word. I would be making a phone call followed by a letter. Get hold of some administrator. They should not have berated you, ridiculed you, nor are they legally allowed to refuse you care. They also were negligent, fussing at you over minor things, ignoring the current issue, and then not even removing an IV before you left (major no-no).

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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?


What?! I didn't even know they could do that! Can you call and report this? That's crazy!


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Aubrey, I am very disturbed by this. Please call your primary care provider right away. If you don't have one, call the hospital and ask for the ombudsman or the patient rights advocate and explain the situation.


Common causes of bleeding in the second trimester include:


placenta previa (placenta blocking the cervix)

placental detachment

cervical infection or growths


pre-term labor


Some of these are treatable, but not if the doctor screws around and refuses to treat you. Please see someone today, no matter what you have to do. Kick and scream. Bring someone with you to kick and scream for you. Please keep us updated.


ETA that I just saw your last post, and the things they did could easily get someone fired. I don't know where the heck they are, that they can be so sheltered as to never have seen a second-tri woman without prenatal care who isn't on vitamins, but boo-freaking-hoo. They still have to do their jobs, and they can advocate for care, but they have no business acting the way they acted. Get the patients' rights advocate, ombudsman, EAP or someone involved right away, so they can't do this to anyone else. To figure out anything major, your mw is going to need their resources. I predict you need to go through the L&D/Obstetrics department, not the ER at all. When I had complications with my third, I went straight to them (I used lay midwives.)

Edited by Saille
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I'm so sorry... about all of this! I would ask if you are in Stafford County, and did you go to Mary Washington Hospital... but I know better. Yeah, our ER's here STINK.


I was sent by urgent care 2 weeks ago to the ER, because when I ate, my throat felt like it was on-fire and it was swelling up. My symptoms dissipated, and the ER sent me home, without doing anything. Gave me grief for bothering them (I was SENT by a DOCTOR).


I'm with you, ERs STINK.



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Aubrey, I am very disturbed by this. Please call your primary care provider right away. If you don't have one, call the hospital and ask for the ombudsman or the patient rights advocate and explain the situation.


Common causes of bleeding in the second trimester include:


placenta previa (placenta blocking the cervix)

placental detachment

cervical infection or growths


pre-term labor


Some of these are treatable, but not if the doctor screws around and refuses to treat you. Please see someone today, no matter what you have to do. Kick and scream. Bring someone with you to kick and scream for you. Please keep us updated.



Do whatever it takes, but don't let them get away with treating you and the baby this way. Their "treatment" is unacceptable, unprofessional, and immoral, and they MUST be called on it, and you MUST be properly seen and properly treated.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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This is an unprofessional, not to mention condescending, diagnosis for the symptoms you described yesterday. If that's what they told you when they sent you home, you must contact a different doctor or midwife as soon as possible. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I speak from unhappy experience. You don't want to know the details.


You do not have the "megrims". You are not a "flighty unpredictable pregnant lady." This is not happening all in your head. Don't let them treat you like this. Listen to your gut and take care of yourself and your little one.


(((((((hugs))))))) but don't let this drop.


They were very condescending. They took me to do an internal exam & made me undress from the waist down. No gown, nothing. Just stand there & wait while the bed. gets. made.


When I wasn't thrilled w/ that, I was asked if I'd ever had an internal exam, was this my first baby. Very condescending. That's when the mw & birthcenter came up. Apparently, if you have any shred of inhibition, you're an uneducated IDIOT.


At that point, w/out tmi, there was *significant* evidence of a problem. I was told nothing about the exam except that I would now be released. Even I forgot about the IV under those conditions.


I managed not to cry until I checked out, found out the "down payment" for the services, and was literally told to leave.


Ils came to stay w/ the kids but had to leave around 1 or 2 AM, so by the time I got back to the dr, I was alone. I had to leave the hospital in a t-shirt & jeans in the wee morning hours of a 45 degree night in downtown FW to wait for dh. At that point, I cried.


There was some kind of gang issue while I was in the waiting room. They all came flooding into the area where I was sitting, to hide from the police & discuss who had killed who & cuss ea other out over cigarettes.

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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?


We posted at the same time... but... I'd get on the phone to a lawyer and to the hospital's Patient Advocacy rep IMMEDIATELY. Every hospital has one.

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I can't believe they had the nerve to bill you. How can they charge you for care they didn't provide? Unbelievable.


Fight this also.


And I have also never heard of having a patient stand there, half nude, and never a gown provided. The more I hear, the more I'm thinking that this place is trying to get away with providing as little care as possible (I've known ER's like this and they should be shut down or overhauled!).

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