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s/o Jennifer Poll

What do you think of your name, Jennifer?  

  1. 1. What do you think of your name, Jennifer?

    • Love it! Maybe my granddaughter will be named after me.
    • It's a fine name. I don't mind being one of us.
    • Eh. There are worse names in the world. At least mine is easy to pronounce.
    • Dislike it, but I have survived.
    • Hate it. I have considered changing my name.
    • There are others with my name???

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I am reconciled to being part of the Jennifer club. Tho in school days, I hated being one of 4 Jennifers in the class and then having my name shortened to a variation not of my choosing.


I tried real hard to give my kids unique names because of this. Sadly, after we named my 2nd dd, we found out it was dubbed the jennifer of that year:glare:


it does speak to why I tried to give my kids very, very different names. Dh overruled me on most of them...:tongue_smilie:

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Have you heard the song, "I went to school with 27 Jennifers?" My sister posted it on my Facebook (because I am a Jennifer). My best friend (also Jennifer) replied, "he must have gone to a small school.":lol:


Eta: in high school there were 12 Jennifers in my band.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I don't particularly mind being Jennefer. I am tired of having to SPELL it for everyone though. My parents decided to be interesting with the spelling. I can't express how annoying it is to correct the spelling of my name every time.


My kids all have names that have one spelling and their names are spelled that way. Very little chance of getting their names spelled wrong. That was the thing I insisted on when we were picking kid names.

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I voted because my middle name is Jennifer and my daughter's name is Genevieve, which is the French version of Jennifer.

My name was given to me because my father's sister is called Jennifer, so its a family name. We called our daughter Genevieve because it was kind of King Arthury and we just liked it- dh made no connection with my middle name at all, and I didnt particularly at the time of calling her that, either. But since the I realised there is a connection and I am glad.


I love the name. Its probably a bit ordinary for me to name my own child "Jennifer" but I like "Jenny" and we call our daughter "Gen", which is what my aunt is called too (spelt Jen though).


Its a perfectly good name :)

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I couldn't vote on any of them, because I'm not a Jennifer, but I say bring it back! I went to school with several Jennifers , but I don't know a single one under the age of 30.


My daughter has a name that was popular in the 80's but not very common today. My name was extremely popular in the 70's, but not very common today. I love throwbacks!

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I couldn't vote on any of them, because I'm not a Jennifer, but I say bring it back! I went to school with several Jennifers , but I don't know a single one under the age of 30.


My daughter has a name that was popular in the 80's but not very common today. My name was extremely popular in the 70's, but not very common today. I love throwbacks!


I'll be 30 this year and am on the tail end of the Jennifer Era. When I was in 1st grade, my two best friends (who lived in my cul-de-sac) were both named Jennifer, so I always had to call them by their first and last names when I was talking about them! I am currently know 4 Jennifers who are 14, 25, 28, and 30.

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Have you heard the song, "I went to school with 27 Jennifers?" My sister posted it on my Facebook (because I am a Jennifer). My best friend (also Jennifer) replied, "he must have gone to a small school.":lol:


Eta: in high school there were 12 Jennifers in my band.


I did not know you were Jennifer! Welcome to the club!


I never minded it. My friends always called me Jen though. But, now I'm Jennifer again.

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We called our daughter Genevieve because it was kind of King Arthury and we just liked it- dh made no connection with my middle name at all, and I didnt particularly at the time of calling her that, either.


First of all, I wish there had been an "other" in the poll, because I actually DID change my name. I didn't do anything radical, just went to Jenny officially, but I always did hate Jennifer.


This comment caught my eye, though, because we named our daughter Gwendolyn, which has the same root as Jennifer. I was aware of the connection at the time and, although I wouldn't say I did it on purpose, I liked the idea.

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I'll be 30 this year and am on the tail end of the Jennifer Era. When I was in 1st grade, my two best friends (who lived in my cul-de-sac) were both named Jennifer, so I always had to call them by their first and last names when I was talking about them! I am currently know 4 Jennifers who are 14, 25, 28, and 30.


One of my sisters is Jessica. My sisters are always laughing at how many of my friends are named Jennifer or Jessica. I think there are 14 of them on my facebook.


I did not know you were Jennifer! Welcome to the club!


I never minded it. My friends always called me Jen though. But, now I'm Jennifer again.


I mostly go by Jen. :)

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At least if your name is Jennifer, people get it right! I have spent my entire life explaining that my name really is "just Jenny" and that includes ending up in tears in kindergarten when the teacher berated me when she assumed I was writing a nickname just because it was shorter.

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There were 40 girls in my hall in the dorm. Eight were named Jennifer. One room actually had three Jennifers and one Tina.


Tina and Lisa (and Susan to a lesser degree) are other common names among Gen X homeschooling moms and on this board and on my facebook. :D

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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When I was a kid, my entire extended family called me Jenny, and some of them still do. :) I insisted on spelling it "Jenni," lol. Anything to be different!


Before I got married "Jennifer" went well with my one syllable last name, but "Jen" flows better with my two syllable married name, so I've migrated toward the Jen camp.

Edited by Jen in NY
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My mother had only heard the name Jennifer (for a person, not a character) ONCE in her life when she named me. Yes, I turned 40 and we were among those who established the trend.


I had it lucky growing up- In Amish school there were 5 Marys and 3 Miriams and 4 Marthas, but only one Jennifer! One of my Amish classmates named her daughter Jennifer recently and I was THRILLED.


Now in my hs community there are 3 Jennifers (small community, I know!), but in college there were always a couple other Jennifers in the class.

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The problem with being on the tail end of a naming trend is that once you get in your older years, people may assume you're even older than you are! See, whenever I meet a Kathy or a Karen, I think this person has to be late forties or past fifty. If you're 35, well, I'll think you look great for your age, but I won't imagine you're 35.



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I turn 40 this year so I'm at the beginning of the trend. My parents thought the name was so unique which makes me wonder what the heck drugs they gave women back then because there were FOUR other baby girls named Jennifer in the hospital the same time I was born. If I didn't look like my Dad so much, I'd wonder... :D


And I'm Jen now to my friends or Jenpi which is a nickname from my screename everywhere. Or everyone calls me "Cap," which is more about my personality. :lol:

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I was born in 1971. My mom wanted to name me just Jenny after the character in Love Story, but my great-grandmother overruled that, saying Jenny was the name of a mule. So I'm Jennifer. At least 2 Jennifer's in every class growing up. I've been Jenny, Jennie, Jennee, and now just Jenn.


Jennifer (duh!)

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One of my problems being a Jennifer is that when I was little everyone wanted to call me Jenny (which I despise, sorry to all the Jennys who like it) and now as an adult want to shorten it to Jen. I sign everything "Jennifer", refer to myself as "Jennifer" but am constantly called "Jen" even by my friends. It is partially my fault because my email and online name is jenr which I used because it was short not because I want to be called Jen. I have even started correcting people and they still do it.


Also bugs me that people refer to me as jen(lastname) even when directly addressing me, and there are no other Jennifers in my social circle right now.

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I am reconciled to being part of the Jennifer club. Tho in school days, I hated being one of 4 Jennifers in the class and then having my name shortened to a variation not of my choosing.


I tried real hard to give my kids unique names because of this. ...it does speak to why I tried to give my kids very, very different names. Dh overruled me on most of them...:tongue_smilie:

Me too!! 5 Jennifers in my AP English class of 16 kids!! What do you do after Jennifer, Jenni and Jen??


I always hated being Jenny 1,2,3,4 in class. I've come to terms with it and now am just jen. I did make a big deal about not using popular names for my kids.

:iagree: My dc don't have crazy names (dh wouldn't let me:tongue_smilie:) but they are NOT common!


When I was a kid, my entire extended family called me Jenny, and some of them still do. :) I insisted on spelling it "Jenni," lol. Anything to be different!


I've never known anyone else who spelled it with two "n"s and an "i." I thought I was unique!;)

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Me too!! 5 Jennifers in my AP English class of 16 kids!! What do you do after Jennifer, Jenni and Jen??



:iagree: My dc don't have crazy names (dh wouldn't let me:tongue_smilie:) but they are NOT common!



I've never known anyone else who spelled it with two "n"s and an "i." I thought I was unique!;)


I remember my 2nd grade class, we had a Jennifer, a Jen, a Jenny, and Jennifer R and Jennifer L. I did not like not being given a choice on what name I'd go by.


Yeah, I went for some very different names, but dh wasn't going for it.


I have a best friend who was named Jennie- not Jennifer. I think she had angst about having to spell it. Funny thing, my sister's name is Greek, she has angst about that, changed it to Lisa in H.S. -not officially and has given her 3 kids pretty common/short names. Many people have name baggage, I guess:tongue_smilie:

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I messed it up. I accidentally voted on "hate it" when I just wanted to see what the votes were for that response and who in the world would not like Jennifer. Sorry! :blushing:



FWIW, I knew tons of Jennifers when I was in school. Michelle and Melissa were other HUGELY popular names at the time. I never, ever knew another Audrey all my time in school and I went to BIG schools.

Edited by Audrey
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At least if your name is Jennifer, people get it right! I have spent my entire life explaining that my name really is "just Jenny" and that includes ending up in tears in kindergarten when the teacher berated me when she assumed I was writing a nickname just because it was shorter.


My mom went through an entire year of school being called Gwendolyn, because the teacher refused to believe that anyone would name a child "just Wendy".

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Me too!! 5 Jennifers in my AP English class of 16 kids!! What do you do after Jennifer, Jenni and Jen??






In one of my elementary classes, we had Jennifer, Jenny, Jen, and J-fer. The Jennifers got together and self-assigned their nicknames so they didn't have to use last initials. If I remember correctly, 2 of them had the same last initial too.

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Count me in as another Jennifer in her mid-30s. I have nothing against the name itself, but did dislike how overused it was when I was a kid. At one point, if I remember correctly, there were seven of us in my Girl Scout troop!


My children have fairly traditional first names, but I did veto certain lovely family names (ie: Emma) just because they're so common now.

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34 yo Jennifer here. I always grew up as one of many, and was often distinguished by the first initial of my last name. I'm not fond of the name or any of it's nicknames (I go by Jen, but DH and a few close family members call me 'Jenny'). But it could be worse. And I gave both of my daughters very popular first names, LOL.

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Another Jennifer in mid-30's. :)

I used to nanny a little boy that called me "Jich-Fer" for a few years. It was sweet because sometimes he referred to me as "My Jich-Fer".


I personally don't like to be called Jenny. I have one friend that I somehow let get away with it though. :glare: Maybe because she always says it in her best impression of Forrest Gump and makes me laugh.


It has never bothered me having such a common name. I like my name.


I answer to any form of Jennifer, it doesn't really bother me. I hated being called Jennifer (first initial) in school, tho.


A b-l-L has always called me "aunt Jinny" to his kids, and I've always liked that.


my dh often calls me Jenny-fer, and I kind of like that, too-it's sweet :001_smile:

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I don't really recall being referred to as Jennifer last initial. I did know to listen for the pause when teachers would call role though, none of them could ever say my last name. I was always Jennifer uhhh. "Here!" I was also a Jennifer, not Jenn (well took this one in high school), definitely not Jenny. If you called my house and got my dad and asked for Jenny or Jenn, he'd tell you no one with those names lived there and would hang up on them.

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I don't mind my name too much, I just wish my parents had chosen something less popular. (I'm in my early 20s, so there were dozens of girls named Jennifer). In k-12, I was always known as Jennifer or Jennifer last initial. At college, most people call me Jennifer, and a few call me Jen, which isn't my favorite, but I can deal with it. I absolutely hate Jenny though.

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