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We haven't had a Myers-Briggs thread in awhile. What's your type?

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Well, I came out ENFJ (The Givers, according to Cookie Monster's list!). I'm barely E, but that's not surprising since I'm really 50/50--at times I'm very extroverted and at times very introverted. I need to have both in my life to be happy. I have changed over the years, theoretically due to maturity--none of my traits are as strongly expressed (and probably not all the same) as they were, although the F has always been accurate. But when I was younger the F would have been much stronger!

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I didn't take the one above but I've taken them many times in the past. I generally score ENTP but sometimes ENTJ. I'm kind of balanced between P and J, it depends upon the situation.



The descriptions seem to fit me to a tee. Except, I once read that whatever it is that "recharges" you is your true type. Since I'm okay in social situations, but recharged by being alone or in a small group, I've always wondered how I come out as an extravert (also...I thought it was extrovert...learn something new everyday).

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:confused: I have no idea... :lurk5:


So sorry. I just assumed everyone knew what it meant. Silly me. It is a personality type test. This is short of a short not exactly perfect explanation. The types are:


I or E = Introvert or Extrovert


N or S = Intuitive or Sensing. This is how you perceive the world, through you five senses or through your intellect (logic?).


T or F = Thinking or Feeling. This is how you process things. Through your feelings or by thinking them through.


P or J = Perceiving or Judging. I have no idea why these are labled as they are but basically they are how you organize info and make decisions. Judgers are very organized (list and plan makers), while perceivers are more of a wing it kind of person that may have difficulty making decisions.


You can find tons of info on the internet and someone below made a list of the sixteen different combinations.

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So sorry. I just assumed everyone knew what it meant. Silly me. It is a personality type test.


Oh, you were fine...I have never done one of these before and I didn't think I was particularly S or J! :001_huh: Thank you for the explanation though; yours was much clearer than the one at the testing site. :)


P.S. I was still LOL today about the treadmill typo! You totally made my week! :D

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Hmmmm ... I've tested as INTJ since my early 20's. Isn't the test you take for a job longer than the online version? Every time I take this test, I think I'll find that I've changed in some way ... guess not. And, it's weird, because I'm SO not the scientist type.


What I found interesting was the results of my three older boys:


Dan - ENFP

Tim - ENTP

Ian - ENJP


See how close, yet different they are? I was amazed. We all share the N. Beyond that, I'm struck by how different we are - AND that my oldest three are all extroverts! I have to get dh to take this test - I know he's an extrovert as well. It's a wonder we all get along so well.


My youngest? He is too young to get most of the questions, but I'd venture a guess that he's my only introvert. Who know? Interesting stuff, though.

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Mine is always INTJ. When I've taken the test before, I've gotten higher in the introvert score, and lower on the thinking score, but these are my results from just now:


Your type is: INTJ

Introverted 78%

Intuitive 75%

Thinking 100%

Judging 56%



Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:


  • very expressed introvert
  • distinctively expressed intuitive personality
  • very expressed thinking personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality


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These qualities do sound like a lot of homeschoolers I know:


INTJs are idea people. Anything is possible; everything is negotiable.

INTJs enjoy developing unique solutions to complex problems.


INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake.


INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know.


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I am an I N F P 44 12 38 44 ! It was just too spot on I am the head of Religious Education at our church. I went to college to be an Archaeologist and worked a bit in the field. Both are careers that INFP according to the test should pursue. I will see if my boys and dh will take this later. Fun thread.

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Your Type is


Strength of the preferences %

78 62 88 67


Yet another INTJ. Which I knew without taking the test. Hmmm...should have GF and DH do it.


GF's score is ISFJ, with a much weaker percentage on all of them than I got.

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I cannot get over how many of you are introverts. I am amazed. I think that you are definitely in the majority. I wonder if the people who have the highest number of posts are extroverts? Does posting frequency have any connection to personality type? Interesting....

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How do you know your children's personality types? Did you take one of the regular online tests answering for them to the best of your ability or was there a test someplace that was geared more specifically for children to do themselves?

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INTP -- strong on every attibute



Unfortunately, I am also an INTP. I say unfortunately not because I dislike who INTP's are, but because most other types don't really seem to like INTP's. (Or maybe it's just me.) Then again, there seems to be a high number of INTP husbands here. Maybe it is a more acceptable personality type in men than women. I guess I'm being awfully negative. Sorry. This has been a indescribably hard week to be me.

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You are correct in assuming there are more INTP males than females and that they are more readily accepted by society. "T" females are in the minority and don't tend to exhibit the more "demure feminine" qualities typically associated with women. That said, some of the best hs moms and mothers in general I know are INTPs including our own dear Jean in Wisc.


My dh is an INTP and as an INFJ myself, he is my anchor in the chaos.


There is no shame is sharing the same personality type as Albert Einstein! ;)

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Unfortunately, I am also an INTP. I say unfortunately not because I dislike who INTP's are, but because most other types don't really seem to like INTP's.
I hear ya. I'd use the group hug smilie, but there don't seem to be enough of us here to justify five ball beings.


I hope things are looking up for you soon...

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I was just thinking we needed one of these threads! Personality type is a bit of a hobby for me. We took a poll on the old boards and it was a surprising cross-section that did not mesh with the cross-section of the general population. There were in inordinate number of those with the same type as me even though it is the rarest of all types. Also, I remember there were more introverts than there are in the general population. It will be interesting to see if the new format of the board has impacted the personality population that visits here.


Very interesting! I am an INFJ as well...but I thought INFP was the rarest (I learned about MB back in the late 80s in college)... Has it changed or maybe I am remembering incorrectly? :)

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Guest Virginia Dawn
How do you know your children's personality types? Did you take one of the regular online tests answering for them to the best of your ability or was there a test someplace that was geared more specifically for children to do themselves?



4 out of 5 of my kids have taken a test designed specifically for children. We have a friend who is a Meyers-Briggs counselor.


There are also ways to make a good guess as to your child's type. However, appearances can be decieving.

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There is also a free online test just for kids at Personality Page. It will only give you three letters, but you can usually guess at the forth if the kids are old enough.


I have also done a lot of searching and reading about how the types "look" at different ages and which characteristics develop first, second, so on.


I personally believe in the theory of type as something you are born with just as you are born with certain genes. Personality develops and changes over time according to our experiences. That's why there's so much diversity in the population, yet only 16 types. You begin with natural tendencies somewhere on a continuum, and the input given from the world around you creates infinite possibilities of outcome for each type. I suppose in the nurture vs nature debate I am firmly planted on the fence, as usual. Both theories are needed to work together toward a whole.

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There is also a free online test just for kids at Personality Page. It will only give you three letters, but you can usually guess at the forth if the kids are old enough.


Thank you so much. I just did this for my oldest, and I am not at all surprised at the results.

Very cool!:001_smile:

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One evening I started Googling INTP characteristics. My kids and I were in hysterical tears at how well they described me--the good, the bad, and the ugly :D.


So people don't like us? I never noticed. :D


You are sweet, Percytruffle :-) Was it your dh's blog I was on yesterday? Does he travel a lot? Looked WONDERFUL. I wanna go, too!



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I'm INTJ, too, and have always read that we're only 1 - 2% of the general population. Maybe we are a bigger statistic amongst homeschoolers.


I'm INTJ too. I have no idea what that means, but here's the results:

Your Type is


Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

Strength of the preferences %

44 38 25 56


I thought they were bad scores, are they good?

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I'm INTJ too. I have no idea what that means, but here's the results:

Your Type is


Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

Strength of the preferences %

44 38 25 56


I thought they were bad scores, are they good?


Hey Karen!!!!! wave1.gif

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If it was The Window Seat, that was the one. He travels for work about 30-50 percent of the time. It seems like it would be great fun, but it wears thin after a while like anything else. We have had some awesome adventures because of it though.


I still remember our fun personality thread on the old board when we discussed, at length, the INTP traits including such things as: having a daily "uniform" and needing a clear path to the essentials in life-the bed and the computer! Oh, and about the hoarding of piles of books and useful paperwork, neatly of course :D


I think my INTP is very easy to live with. His needs are very simple and he is very accepting. He has very high intellectual standards and enjoys discussing topics which he is knowledgeable about. Sometimes it can turn into hairsplitting, but usually not. ;)

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I did the test for DD and she came out ENP. So thus far:



GF: ISFJ (Enigma relationship to me, lol)

DD: ENP, which is either "contrasting" me as an ENTP, or in the "pedagogue" relationship as an ENFP, which is said to have a parent/child dynamic to it with my type. I'd say at this stage in her life, at least, she's more of an ENFP than an ENTP; definitely feels her way through things more than thinks about them, but I think that's at least partly a factor of her age.

It'll be interesting to see what DH's is, and how his relates to GF's and my own. Probably not as strongly different from either of us as we are from each other, or at least more complementary, I'm sure.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I don't think this would be very accurate unless an older child did it for himself. I did this based on what I *see* of my 9yo and it was way off his official test. Like I said before appearances are decieving. A person may seem to have certain feelings, behaviors, or thoughts, but be acting out of social conformity or stress. As you know, personality is based on preferences not necessarily carried out in reality

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True, there is some possibility of misinterpreting appearances. It doesn't always work out accurately. Of course, adults can run into the same issues just trying to type themselves. Society and stress can certainly influence our behaviors to the point where we don't even recognize that our natural predilection has been overpowered by these outside influences. Some of us truly don't know ourselves very well at all. Thanks for pointing this out.


I was able to type my dc when they were younger and it has held up over time, but some are easier than others to figure out.

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