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Is it time for a different *hot* topic?

How often do you brew a pot of *tea* with your husband/wife? (on average)  

  1. 1. How often do you brew a pot of *tea* with your husband/wife? (on average)

    • Daily (or more?). We have lots of energy from all that *caffeine*
    • 5-6 times per week
    • 3-4 times per week
    • 2 times per week
    • Once a week
    • Every couple of weeks. We're not big *tea* drinkers here.
    • Every month or so. It's not our cup of *tea* at the moment?
    • *Tea*? What's that? I kind of remember having *tea* regularly once upon a time.
    • Other. (What did I miss?!)
    • I don't know what you're talking about, but I suspect it's not Earl Grey.

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Oh, and dd, the nearly 20 year old paramedic student - now completely innoculated to teA, having seen some unbelievably bizarre things in the ER (many of which are related to little blue pills that are added to teA to enhance the flavor), thinks this is a hilarious thread! My once very proper, easily blushing teen, is now sort of...well, nothing suprises her anymore!


She would like you to know that a. she is unmarried and not having teA with anyone nor has desire to have teA at this time because b. she's seen the outcomes of consuming teA from contaminated teA companies and prefers not to poison herself (mummy and daddy are very happy about this choice) so c. when she does eventually entertain thoughts of marriage and family, the prospective teA drinker will be required to drop his teA bags and prove his teA hails from a reputable source!


(I'm snorting from her response as I type. Who knew I'd ever have THIS conversation with my daughter?)




My poor son has had the privilege of having a mom that work ER for years. I also made the poor boy look at all kinds of contaminated teA pictures not the same as seeing the real deal but it has left an impression

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My 17 yo was just joking with me the other day. He said I know why you and dad can't wait for us to leave for Scouts. :blush:


When I told DH he just busted out laughing. He said its just the nature of a 17yo male:rolleyes:


At the age of 5, one of our kids told us--I know what you do after all the kids go to bed!


You get naked and eat nachoes!


Well kid---about half right! :tongue_smilie:

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We like teA at our house, but since we're Mormons---we only partake of herbal TeA! :D

Yup, and my DH only partakes of ONE type of TeA, thankyouverymuch. He doesn't "get" those guys who like to keep a variety in their house. (or separate houses)


We ebb and flow as well. Currently we're on an "ebb". 3 kids 6 and under makes TeA time hard to find. Sometimes you've just barely gotten the pot up to boiling, and then one of the littles starts to cry because they're having a nightmare, or something.

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Yup, and my DH only partakes of ONE type of TeA, thankyouverymuch. He doesn't "get" those guys who like to keep a variety in their house. (or separate houses)




Yup, that too! Didn't think about clarifying that---my husband likes mint teA only! :lol:

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Your post seriously made my day. Well, after I realized that your hubby didn't lie about liking TeA, and that you were talking about actual tea. At first I was upset with your husband! LOL


I am going to have to show him this thread....he's going to die laughing. We absolutely love "teA," so I guess my voting skewed the results a bit. :D

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I have no desire for TeA since having my dd, and I didn't have much desire during pregnancy either either. Poor dh has been very good about not mentioning it, but I'm sure he'll be very happy when this changes!


(and my mother reads this board... :001_unsure: :lol: )

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Maybe you should have clarified and called it teA? I get the impression that there are some who don't quite understand the question. :lol:




Yup! But that made the thread so much more funny! :lol:


I have to say that in our home, tea time is directly related to stress & sleep (or lack thereof)

Edited by lcelmer
my fat fingers... (why is one hand faster than the other?)
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4 or 5 would have been better for me -- we only miss more than 1 night if he is travling ...(nights in a row i mean) --


But we usally have instant tea -- a 3 yo and 5 yo and neither sleep all night -- the slow brewed pots of tea are a rarity



our 5 yo ran into the guest room right after tea and said "I heard something" :eek:I asked him and he said "I THink it was a BIG PINK BUNNY trying to do mores code" :lol::lol::lol:

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I probably drink 5 or 6 cups of tea a day. But my husband doesn't really care for it, so we never drink it together.


He knows how much I love my tea so while we were dating he pretended to like it. Once we were married he confessed to his duplicity and told me he doesn't like it. How sneaky of him ;)


I seriously hope you're talking about tea made with hot water. :svengo:




ETA: I just read through the rest of the thread - glad to hear that's all cleared up. : ) lol

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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We like teA and normally consume, a fair amount of teA. But, dh is working 80 hours a week right now and when he can sleep, chooses to sleep, so, teA is not consumed in such large quantities at this time. We have high hopes that this will rectify itself in the future.


We do not practice solo teA as we really, really prefer teA for two.


Oh, and dd, the nearly 20 year old paramedic student - now completely innoculated to teA, having seen some unbelievably bizarre things in the ER (many of which are related to little blue pills that are added to teA to enhance the flavor), thinks this is a hilarious thread! My once very proper, easily blushing teen, is now sort of...well, nothing suprises her anymore!


She would like you to know that a. she is unmarried and not having teA with anyone nor has desire to have teA at this time because b. she's seen the outcomes of consuming teA from contaminated teA companies and prefers not to poison herself (mummy and daddy are very happy about this choice) so c. when she does eventually entertain thoughts of marriage and family, the prospective teA drinker will be required to drop his teA bags and prove his teA hails from a reputable source!


(I'm snorting from her response as I type. Who knew I'd ever have THIS conversation with my daughter?)




Oh my WORD! HILARIOUS!! I'll have to show it to my 20-something dd AND dh.

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See, this is what I mean. I think we have some folks who don't get the teA reference.


nytomt, I am not making fun of you. Once you know what the poll is really about, I bet you're going to laugh a lot (and if you're drinking actual tea, spit it onto your screen).


I dunno.... I think it could still fit.... :lol:

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We like teA and normally consume, a fair amount of teA. But, dh is working 80 hours a week right now and when he can sleep, chooses to sleep, so, teA is not consumed in such large quantities at this time. We have high hopes that this will rectify itself in the future.


We do not practice solo teA as we really, really prefer teA for two.


Oh, and dd, the nearly 20 year old paramedic student - now completely innoculated to teA, having seen some unbelievably bizarre things in the ER (many of which are related to little blue pills that are added to teA to enhance the flavor), thinks this is a hilarious thread! My once very proper, easily blushing teen, is now sort of...well, nothing suprises her anymore!


She would like you to know that a. she is unmarried and not having teA with anyone nor has desire to have teA at this time because b. she's seen the outcomes of consuming teA from contaminated teA companies and prefers not to poison herself (mummy and daddy are very happy about this choice) so c. when she does eventually entertain thoughts of marriage and family, the prospective teA drinker will be required to drop his teA bags and prove his teA hails from a reputable source!


(I'm snorting from her response as I type. Who knew I'd ever have THIS conversation with my daughter?)




I worked at Police Dept fresh out of college. And just when you say you've seen it all? You haven't. Trust me. Her job is similar but a lot more - uh - graphic.


(I also used to have to monitor the jail):eek:


DH and I have a cup of TeA when both of us are feeling like we won't break if we indulge.

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our 5 yo ran into the guest room right after tea and said "I heard something" :eek:I asked him and he said "I THink it was a BIG PINK BUNNY trying to do mores code" :lol::lol::lol:


This is HILARIOUS. Seriously.....I can see one of my kids saying something like this!


And this thread rocks. I haven't had so much fun reading a thread in some time!


I seem to prefer more teA than DH these days. Poor guy has to take some medications that seem to impact his desire for teA. We are both getting tired of it! :)


But...I manage to convince him a few times a week that he does like teA! Heehee

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We like teA at our house, but since we're Mormons---we only partake of herbal TeA! :D


LMHO....as a fellow Latter-day Saint, might I also say that while we don't drink regular old ordinary Earl Grey, we heartily approve of lots and lots of post-matrimonial teA to make up for the lack of the other. :lol:

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If it's sushi take-out night, it must be time for a pot of tea...green, of course :) Otherwise, I fly solo (but usually loose) and my husband is the coffee brewmaster (I only drink decaf of the hard stuff).


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Same here. But in 3 months there will be lots of TeA brewing :thumbup:


:hurray: That's great!!!! Unfortunately, I have 7 more and will be about 8 1/2 months preggers by then.... still not much teA for a while ... but I guess we know how to make some potent brews when we are together! :D

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We like teA at our house, but since we're Mormons---we only partake of herbal TeA! :D


What has my uncle Herb been doing visiting your house.....I thought he died a while back? LOL




PS I have an uncle Herbert who went by Herb.

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Yup, and my DH only partakes of ONE type of TeA, thankyouverymuch. He doesn't "get" those guys who like to keep a variety in their house. (or separate houses)



yup, another Mormon 'herbal TeA' drinker here :lol:


At the age of 5, one of our kids told us--I know what you do after all the kids go to bed!


You get naked and eat nachoes!


Well kid---about half right!



our 5 yo ran into the guest room right after tea and said "I heard something" :eek:I asked him and he said "I THink it was a BIG PINK BUNNY trying to do mores code"


I think this is the funniest thing I've read in a month! I can get the Morse code reference, but where did the big pink bunny part come from? :lol::lol::lol::lol:



Around here we have a 2 yo who seems to have an uncanny knack for knowing when we've switched on the kettle. Even when she's in a deep sleep. It's like she has an anti-competition clause in her DNA. (and we're not even TTC)

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We have been brewing a lot of teA in recent months.


I've heard it helps when you really want one more addition to the family. So far, no sign of a new addition.


But the teA's good, anyway.


Same here! If nothing gives we at least have fun trying!

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4 or 5 would have been better for me -- we only miss more than 1 night if he is travling ...(nights in a row i mean) --


But we usally have instant tea -- a 3 yo and 5 yo and neither sleep all night -- the slow brewed pots of tea are a rarity



our 5 yo ran into the guest room right after tea and said "I heard something" :eek:I asked him and he said "I THink it was a BIG PINK BUNNY trying to do mores code" :lol::lol::lol:


in case you haven't seen this (or the original)
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For my last birthday I as a gift from my mother and grandmother I got a beautiful fine bone china tea set. However, I couldn't order for a long time, and there were multiple delays. By the time I got it, the weather was wrong for an outside tea party (which is the only place I have room for a party.) So THIS year I am throwing myself a birthday tea party! I am trimming straw hats for my 4 guests, and will also be buying them lace gloves as party favors.


However, I've only used the set 3 times. The first time I made a pot for my husband and me (myself?) and I was so afraid of chipping/dropping/breaking the pieces that I became dizzy :svengo:


But by the 3rd time I used it, I was fine :rolleyes:



I like to throw a birthday TeA Party for my DH, but I would never never never plan for an outside TeA Party especially not with guests.

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For my last birthday I as a gift from my mother and grandmother I got a beautiful fine bone china tea set. However, I couldn't order for a long time, and there were multiple delays. By the time I got it, the weather was wrong for an outside tea party (which is the only place I have room for a party.) So THIS year I am throwing myself a birthday tea party! I am trimming straw hats for my 4 guests, and will also be buying them lace gloves as party favors.


However, I've only used the set 3 times. The first time I made a pot for my husband and me (myself?) and I was so afraid of chipping/dropping/breaking the pieces that I became dizzy :svengo:


But by the 3rd time I used it, I was fine :rolleyes:


:lol: I'm sorry. That was too hilarious! That was just a whole lot of funny in one post.

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We like teA and normally consume, a fair amount of teA. But, dh is working 80 hours a week right now and when he can sleep, chooses to sleep, so, teA is not consumed in such large quantities at this time. We have high hopes that this will rectify itself in the future.


We do not practice solo teA as we really, really prefer teA for two.


Oh, and dd, the nearly 20 year old paramedic student - now completely innoculated to teA, having seen some unbelievably bizarre things in the ER (many of which are related to little blue pills that are added to teA to enhance the flavor), thinks this is a hilarious thread! My once very proper, easily blushing teen, is now sort of...well, nothing suprises her anymore!


She would like you to know that a. she is unmarried and not having teA with anyone nor has desire to have teA at this time because b. she's seen the outcomes of consuming teA from contaminated teA companies and prefers not to poison herself (mummy and daddy are very happy about this choice) so c. when she does eventually entertain thoughts of marriage and family, the prospective teA drinker will be required to drop his teA bags and prove his teA hails from a reputable source!


(I'm snorting from her response as I type. Who knew I'd ever have THIS conversation with my daughter?)




I love your posts about your daughter's work experiences, but this one is so briliant I am going to come back to and read whenever I need a laugh!

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For my last birthday I as a gift from my mother and grandmother I got a beautiful fine bone china tea set. However, I couldn't order for a long time, and there were multiple delays. By the time I got it, the weather was wrong for an outside tea party (which is the only place I have room for a party.) So THIS year I am throwing myself a birthday tea party! I am trimming straw hats for my 4 guests, and will also be buying them lace gloves as party favors.


However, I've only used the set 3 times. The first time I made a pot for my husband and me (myself?) and I was so afraid of chipping/dropping/breaking the pieces that I became dizzy :svengo:


But by the 3rd time I used it, I was fine :rolleyes:



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our 5 yo ran into the guest room right after tea and said "I heard something" :eek:I asked him and he said "I THink it was a BIG PINK BUNNY trying to do mores code" :lol::lol::lol:


LOL! That's so funny. Almost spit my tea (real tea) all over the keyboard. One night, son was in the bathroom and um, hubby and I were having TeA. He yells from the bathroom - what's wrong with the cat?"



We seem to ebb and flow with the tides. The tide is out right now.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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For my last birthday I as a gift from my mother and grandmother I got a beautiful fine bone china tea set. However, I couldn't order for a long time, and there were multiple delays. By the time I got it, the weather was wrong for an outside tea party (which is the only place I have room for a party.) So THIS year I am throwing myself a birthday tea party! I am trimming straw hats for my 4 guests, and will also be buying them lace gloves as party favors.


However, I've only used the set 3 times. The first time I made a pot for my husband and me (myself?) and I was so afraid of chipping/dropping/breaking the pieces that I became dizzy :svengo:


But by the 3rd time I used it, I was fine :rolleyes:


Hmmm. I don't think I get it. I'm trying to though!

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Not so much teA here but we both seem to be fine with it and spend a lot of time together, have spas together daily (just bought a new spa), and love having adventures together- just not a lot of teA. I know it's really important to some couples but I think neither of us have a lot of spare energy and we pace ourselves. TeA feels far too energetic most of the time :)


Btw, I think some people entered this thread without quite understanding the analogy, but it was very interesting to try and work out what they were saying and trying to give it a whole other meaning when I think they were just talking about plain old tea, anyway :) But then, maybe i am wrong about that and just don't get what they were saying.

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