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Do you expect cheese on a cheeseburger? syrup with pancakes?

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Twice this month I have ordered a cheeseburger at two different sit-down/casual family restaurants - not fast food.

Both times I received just a hamburger. Both times the waitress told me I needed to specify I wanted cheese. Um. When you order a CHEESEburger? I always thought that went without saying.


Yesterday, we had an appointment in the morning so decided to go out for breakfast. DS ordered pancakes. They were served dry. No butter. No syrup. I asked for both and the waitress looked at me like I had just requested, say, ketchup for the pancakes. I always thought butter and syrup went with pancakes. Like cheese goes on a cheeseburger. I'm thinking the world is going insane.


Anyone have any other crazy stories to add?

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I absolutely expect cheese on a cheeseburger. Hence the word CHEESE in it.


My husband would get along great with that waitress though. He usually asks for a cheeseburger when he wants hamburgers (or more specifically when our cheese-hating kids want a burger :glare:).


Then he is surprised when it arrives with cheese. :001_huh:


(He is not allowed to order for the kids anymore.)


Dry pancakes? Really?

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We had it happen once a few years ago. My son ordered mini cheeseburgers. They arrived with no cheese. I brought it up to the waitress, who looked perturbed with me, and informed me "most kids don't want the cheese":001_huh:. Of course I said, "but we ordered cheeseburgers!":confused:. She finally brought out a couple of cold slices of American cheese.


We never ate there again and the restaurant went out of business about 5 months later, after only being open 8 months. I wonder why?

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Ds likes quarter pounders, but not w/cheese. I always have to specify no cheese or it comes w/cheese. Despite the fact that there is a quarter pounder w/cheese as a separate item.


Also, I've ordered a plain cheeseburger that came w/just a hamburger and a bun. Apparently the plain request nullifies the cheese request.



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My DH seems to have the opposite problem. He hates melted cheese, and he always orders "a hamburger with just lettuce." 75% of the time, he gets a cheeseburger with lettuce. Maybe he should just start ordering a cheeseburger with just lettuce so that he can get what he wants ...

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Also, I've ordered a plain cheeseburger that came w/just a hamburger and a bun. Apparently the plain request nullifies the cheese request.

Yep, I have this happen a lot, though usually the waitress asks for clarification instead of assuming. "Plain" hasn't always worked out for me, in general :glare:, so I've gotten in the habit of stating exactly what I *do* want when I order - "Plain - just the bun, the burger, and the cheese".


(My dad once ordered a burger, "with everything but pickles and onions", and got, you guessed it, a burger with nothing *but* pickles and onions :lol:.)

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That is weird. Especially at a sit-down place. The menu usually is quite specific on what comes with an item: Cheeseburger made with 100% beef topped with cheese, tomato, lettuce, onion, blah, blah blah. That sort of thing. As for pancakes with no butter or syrup? I've never heard of such a thing! :confused: I mean, at least put it on the side.


And ketchup and mayonnaise with french fries is very yummy! In Idaho we were always served "fry sauce" with french fries. Kind of like ketchup and mayo mixed. mmmmm......

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I ordered a salad once and I asked for ranch dressing. They brought our a tiny little 1/2 cup of ranch and it was a separate charge for $2 I was like doesn't dressing COME with a salad :glare: apparently only if you ask for "house" dressing usually "house" is ranch. they took it off my bill after about a 20 minute convo.. never went back again.

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There's a restaurant near me that offers Chicken Curry With Apples. But if you order it that way, you get no apples. You have to specify. "Chicken Curry With Apples. And I'd like that with apples."


Weird. Totally worth it, though, as the Chicken Curry With Apples With Apples is excellent. :)

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There's a restaurant near me that offers Chicken Curry With Apples. But if you order it that way, you get no apples. You have to specify. "Chicken Curry With Apples. And I'd like that with apples."


Weird. Totally worth it, though, as the Chicken Curry With Apples With Apples is excellent. :)



Should they rechristen it "chicken curry with the possibility of apples"?

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Twice this month I have ordered a cheeseburger at two different sit-down/casual family restaurants - not fast food.

Both times I received just a hamburger. Both times the waitress told me I needed to specify I wanted cheese. Um. When you order a CHEESEburger? I always thought that went without saying.


Yesterday, we had an appointment in the morning so decided to go out for breakfast. DS ordered pancakes. They were served dry. No butter. No syrup. I asked for both and the waitress looked at me like I had just requested, say, ketchup for the pancakes. I always thought butter and syrup went with pancakes. Like cheese goes on a cheeseburger. I'm thinking the world is going insane.


Anyone have any other crazy stories to add?


Where do you live, so I know not to go out to eat there...

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My father seems to have the opposite problem. He hates cheese. He'll order a hamburger but still have to be specific and say no cheese! Same thing with my son. He wants a hamburger with pickles and ketchup. "Do you want cheese?" Um, no. "Do you want onions?" Nope either! It drives me crazy because I'm trying to teach him how to order food, but he can't yet handle the extra questions. He did just say exactly what he wanted.


At the diner we ordered a hamburger on an english muffin. The english muffin was not toasted (not sure how many would consider that odd, but we found it very odd).

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Been reading Amelia Bedelia again, have we?



Actually, no. Both happened to my dad when he was travelling in non-English speaking countries. The grapes happened in Portugal, if I remember correctly. The funny part is that my dad is a French speaker, like me, but he passed the order in English. And the link between grapes and grapefruit is not obvious at all when you speak French. He was mystified as to why he got grapes.


I thought that the name for 'hamburgers' originated in Hamburg, Germany, hence, the name. :confused:

Yes it does, or so the legend goes. But not many people know that. And plenty of people wonder why it's called 'hamburger' when it's made out of beef. Again, if you switch to French, it's different, and makes it obvious. It's a 'hambourgeois' and that's the name of an inhabitant of Hamburg.


I always order a cheesesteak, no peppers or onions, from our local take-out place. Every time, I'm asked "Do you want cheese on that?" It used to annoy me, but I guess I should be grateful! :001_huh:

Only if you get grated cheese.

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Twice this month I have ordered a cheeseburger at two different sit-down/casual family restaurants - not fast food.

Both times I received just a hamburger. Both times the waitress told me I needed to specify I wanted cheese. Um. When you order a CHEESEburger? I always thought that went without saying.


Yesterday, we had an appointment in the morning so decided to go out for breakfast. DS ordered pancakes. They were served dry. No butter. No syrup. I asked for both and the waitress looked at me like I had just requested, say, ketchup for the pancakes. I always thought butter and syrup went with pancakes. Like cheese goes on a cheeseburger. I'm thinking the world is going insane.


Anyone have any other crazy stories to add?


It sounds like you are in the Pig World.

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When I order dd a hamburger, I have to get her just plain patties, but she can have pickles onions, and ketchup on them. Some places where this is no problem, some places I have to explain it several times for them to get it.


One place in particular has a hard time. It's cheapest to order her 2 cheeseburgers off the $1 menu, then tell them not to put cheese or bread on it, just 2 patties, onions pickles, and ketchup. It almost never comes out right.

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Once on a vacation in Quebec, we ordered ds a 'plain hamburger, nothing on it' and got just a bun. When we took it back to get the meat patty, the woman looked at us like we were the crazy ones that ordered it that way. Seriously, how else would you order a burger with no ketchup, cheese, onions, pickles, etc?

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Actually, no. Both happened to my dad when he was travelling in non-English speaking countries. The grapes happened in Portugal, if I remember correctly. The funny part is that my dad is a French speaker, like me, but he passed the order in English. And the link between grapes and grapefruit is not obvious at all when you speak French. He was mystified as to why he got grapes.



Yes it does, or so the legend goes. But not many people know that. And plenty of people wonder why it's called 'hamburger' when it's made out of beef. Again, if you switch to French, it's different, and makes it obvious. It's a 'hambourgeois' and that's the name of an inhabitant of Hamburg.



Only if you get grated cheese.


Really? I learned it as "un hamburger," which is still very different than the French for ham, "un jambon." Is that just a Canadian dialectic difference?

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Ds likes quarter pounders, but not w/cheese. I always have to specify no cheese or it comes w/cheese. Despite the fact that there is a quarter pounder w/cheese as a separate item.


Also, I've ordered a plain cheeseburger that came w/just a hamburger and a bun. Apparently the plain request nullifies the cheese request.




Or you could go all metric and say "royale with cheese", or you know, without cheese. :coolgleamA:

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My DH seems to have the opposite problem. He hates melted cheese, and he always orders "a hamburger with just lettuce." 75% of the time, he gets a cheeseburger with lettuce. Maybe he should just start ordering a cheeseburger with just lettuce so that he can get what he wants ...


Me too! I love cheddar cheese on a burger but not American. So when I ask for a hamburger I don't want cheese. If I wanted cheese, I would have ordered a CHEESEburger. This just happened on Monday! And the problem is that once cheese gets melted on, it's hard to get it off. :(

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