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Some bad news about Miss Happy

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She SCREAMED all night, and didn't sleep for more than 5 minutes at a time. Today, we took her to the pediatric orthopedist.


He said the break is no big deal. They are common, and called Toddler Fractures. It will heal on it's own in a few weeks.


He had people frantically cutting off Miss Happy's splint. The emergency room nurse put an inflexible outer covering on it, and the screaming was because it did not expand as Miss Happy's foot and leg swelled.


As a result, she has a pressure sore on her heel that the doctor is afraid may become necrotic and require a skin graft.


Oh, and also, my MIL who is under hospice care, quit eating yesterday.


I think I need a drink.

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I, Hopscotch, on behalf of the Hive and as a non-medical professional myself, hereby prescribe a glass of wine, your choice, to be administered nightly for one week.


Hugs to all of you! :grouphug:




Poor baby & poor you- that's a lot going on at once. :grouphug:


Hugs to you & yours.

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On a lighter note, my sister sent this video to me.




She has become concerned that Miss Happy's injury may prevent her from ever being able to give a performance like this one.


I'm actually okay with that.




Glad you still have a sense of humor! ;)



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On a lighter note, my sister sent this video to me.




She has become concerned that Miss Happy's injury may prevent her from ever being able to give a performance like this one.


I'm actually okay with that.


I am so sorry about Miss Happy.


But, that video...my eyes, they burn. What is going on in that video?


Someone wrote in the comments that is is nice to see the Children of the Corn have found something constructive to do since they've been rescued. :lol:

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