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1st grade curriculum for next year? Post yours.


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This will be my first time planning 1st grade (older DS was in K12 for 1st grade) so assistance is welcome!



Math: Singapore 2A, 2B with IP and CWP

Latin: GSWL or LfCA if I feel he's ready

Italian: follow along with older brother

Writing: continue WWE2

Grammar: GWG1 or 2, unsure.

History: follow along with older brother SOTW

Science: self-created curriculum using Core Knowledge guidelines

Memory Work

Art: weekly art with Dad along with artist studies

Music: piano lessons, composer studies

lots of read alouds, crafts (sewing in particular)

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Our plan (for now anyway):


Right Start B


Phonics Pathways (finish it up)

Literature from Sonlight, VP and other lists.

HWT yellow book plus other copywork


Vos, First Catechism and Bible memory (SCM)

Elemental Science


composer study

nature study



drawing and beginning piano with DH



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Math: Right Start Math, Level B. With a little Horizons thrown in.

Writing: Daily 6 Trait Writing, 1rst Grade

Grammar: FLL. Also Sandi Queen's Language Lessons for the Very Young

History/Literature/Geography: Tapestry of Grace, Year 3

Science: Nancy Larson Science

Geography Daily Geography, Grade 1 along with Tapestry's Geography

Spelling Daily Spelling, Grade 1

Phonics Explode the Code

Handwriting A Reason for Handwriting

Memory Work- continue memorizing scripture verses, poetry, math facts, famous landmark cards, catechism, etc.

Art: Draw, Write, Now


Co-Op Classes on Mondays. Weekly Piano & Swimming lessons. Lots of Logic Games (learning to play Chess, Checkers, Castle Logix, Mighty Mind, etc.) Continue with weekly classical music & art appreciation lessons.

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I just ordered Friday! Woohoo! Our plan for first is:


Math: Saxon 3; supplemented with EvanMoor Daily Word Problems

Language Arts: Spell to Write and Read (Spelling), Climbing to Good English/First Language Lessons (Grammar; I know, I haven't decided which I want to do yet, but I'll have them both.) EvanMoor books for Creative Writing, and Writing with Ease. All of these will cover our penmanship, as well. DS is already reading, so we won't have a set phonics program, SWR will cover that, though, too.*

History: Queen's A Living History of Our World: America's Story I; supplemented with Truthquest American History for Young Students I, History Pockets, and activity books

Science: Interest-led; lots of Let's Read and Find Out books are being added to our library this year, along with a microscope!

Art: Kids Art Works: Creating with Color, Design, Texture, and More

Latin: Song School Latin

LOTS of literature! I really bought a lot of books this year. Science, history, and literature read alouds.

Memory Work: Awana and excerpts from Living Memory


*Our language arts right now is a bunch of mish-mash. I also know that SWR is considered "full" for grammar for this age, so I basically have 3 grammar programs. :D For the price (I already had FLL and SWR; Climbing to Good English was $3) I decided we'd get them all and see what DS and I take to.


Looking forward to a fun year!

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We will be finishing CLE Learn to Read and will be dabbling in CLE Language Arts 100 over the summer. However.... starting 1st grade officially in the fall...


CLE Reading 100 (or some other advanced phonics program)

Writing With Ease WWE 1

Shurley Grammar 1

Continue with Math Whizz and Dreambox Learning for Math

Lots of living books

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This is what I have so far for First Grade


Phonics - Finish OPG and ETC 5-?

Language Arts - GWG1 or FLL (haven't decided yet), WWE1, and AAS 2

Handwriting - HWT 2nd grade book - this is the only way I can get him to do handwriting without him complaining about it. He loves these books

Math - Singapore Standards Ed. 2A and 2B - along with the CWP

Science - REAL Science Odyssey - Life

History - History Odyssey - Ancients

Geography - Finish Beginning Geography and do a few units on different countries of his choice

Art - Artistic Pursuits BK 1

Latin - Song School Latin

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So far our plans are:

Math: Singapore 1B/2A, MEP, Math Mammoth

Spelling: All About Spelling 2/3

Grammar: FLL 2

Writing: WWE 1

History: SOTW 1

Science: Real Science-4-Kids Pre-1 Biology; Nature walks

Geography: FIAR; mapping

French: Le FranĂƒÂ§ais Facile Junior

Art: Artist studies plus lots of painting / sketching / crafts

Music: Beginning piano; composer studies

Memory Work: Poems, history dates, continental shapes, Bible


This is fun - thanks for starting this!

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My Nov. birthday K5er will most likely be doing "transition" rather than full 1st but here's the plan:


-AAS (he's currently on lesson 23 of level 1)

-finish HWT K, then start WWE 1

-finish FLL 1/2

-MEP and/or RS (currently he's in MEP 1A)

-Biology using Singapore Start-Up Science Vol. 1 plus library books and following along with his big sister's My Pals are Here

-American History II using library books, History Pockets, Time Travelers, Dover coloring books, etc.

-How to Introduce Your Child to Classical Music in 52 Easy Lessons plus library books, Classical Kids, etc.

-Art class at local arts education program

-Faith and Life 1 plus Saint of the Day, Bible reading, etc.

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This is our first year homeschooling for K, and it has been very casual, though my 5 year old is meeting all age appropriate academic and physical milestones so I have confidence that first grade will be OK! We are planning on getting more structured next year.


Math: McRuffy Color Math 1, Miquon Orange/Red


Science: McRuffy Science 1 reshuffled to fit the CK Sequence by unit study topics, occasional added Evan Moor workbook supplements and library books


LA: PR (we are using PR1 now, will move into PR2 sometime next year)


History: SOTW and Activity Guide


Art: Evan Moor How To Teach Art To Children coupled with a basic study and introduction of a composer, poet and an artist for each season of the year - so 4 each of artist/composer/poet total for the year (to be determined at this time!).


Music: Violin/Fiddle lessons


Geography: Expedition Earth


PE: Swimming lessons, clogging lessons


Religion: CCD at our parish

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Math: MM 1b/2a, MEP year 1-2a

Writing: Write Source level 2

Grammar: continue on with RS2

History/Literature/Geography: SOTW 2

Science: Nebel scientific understanding beefed up with more hands-on inquiry and use of science notebook

Spelling/Phonics: Signs for Sounds level 2, Spelling Workout C

Handwriting D'Nealian

Social Studies--some Moving Beyond the Page

Art: Artistic Pursuits

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This is our tentative plan, but I'm still thinking everything through right now.


Math: Math Mammoth 1A and B


History: Around the World study of various countries, including art, music, and crafts with 2 other families


Language Arts: FLL, try WWE1 to see if we like, probably Writeshop Primary B tweaked to my liking, AAS, ETC (wherever we are), Houghton Mifflin reading and various books at her level


Science: RSO Biology


May try Spanish or SSL or both


Piano lessons, dance class, whatever other physical activity she might like to do

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Here is our tentative plan:


Phonics: Abeka 1 and readers

Math: Math Mammoth 1b or 2a (depending where we end up)

Grammar: First Language Lessons

Writing: WWE 1

Spelling: AAS 1

Handwriting: Handwriting without tears 1

History: SOTW 1 + AG with SL, TOG, and VP lit selections

Bible: Bible Study Guide for all Ages

Science: Elemental Science Biology and Lyrical Life Science

plus: Spanish, piano, and gymnastics

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This is my tentative plan:


Core Program FIAR (discuss history, geography, art, etc. through this and supplement texts)


Math: Math Mammoth


Reading: All About Spelling, Explode the Code, as well as Making Words and Word Ladders, lots of read-alouds


Science: Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, nature study, weekly nature science class


PE: Dance, swimming, gymnastics, and hopefully soccer


Extracurricular: Theater, chorus, Girl Scouts


Halfway through the year, I hope to introduce Spanish and daily journal writing, and possibly GWG (though I may wait for Grade 2 for GWG)

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I think I have DS mostly sorted. He's done a lot of "first grade level" work this year for K, so our plans reflect that.


Spelling: Spelling Workout B & into C, probably

Grammar: FLL 2; maybe into FLL 3.

Vocabulary: really not sure when we're start this, but I have Vocabulary Workshop Purple, and really like it; probably the latter half or even last third of the year.

Penmanship: SmithHand Manuscript Method

Composition: Writing With Ease 2

Literature: readers on whatever level he's at, "good books" as read-alouds, and history-related literature selections. Maybe the W&M literature unit for grades 1-2.

Mathematics: Right Start C, Miquon Red and probably into Blue

German: Saturday School plus Rosetta Stone (maybe)

History: Story of the World 2 + AG & Audio, supplemental biographies and nonfiction

Science: Biology a la WTM (Incredible Plants, DK First Animal Encyclopedia, and Kingfisher First Human Body as spines; Magic School Bus, Rookie Read-About, and Let's Read and Find Out to flesh it out; Thames & Kosmos Little Labs & Magic School Bus kits for projects/experiments)

Art: Skills/projects are outsources; appreciation through sporadic lessons from Art in Story & trips to the museums.

Music: Piano at home with Music for Little Mozarts; Classics for Kids podcasts, Classical Kids CDs, Venezia biographies, et cetera for appreciation.

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Lot still undecided. We are transitioning out of pvt school so I can better asses where she is at this summer. so far we have planned on


What I already have purchased/Free stuff

Reading/phonics- FIAR & ETC

Grammar- FLL 1&2

S.S- CLE 1


Penmanship- A reason for writing (if I can find it I bought it years ago and never used it)


Music- mama taught percussion and handbells + she is in the children's choir at church.


What I hope to buy


Singapore math

A Spanish program

A American sign lang. program

Something to teach about "space" She totally cracked me up with this she said to me "Mom will you teach me space" I thought she meant "personal space" because no less than 100 times a day I say "3 ft of personal space please" and she said "no mom, you know like Saturn and stuff" :lol: I think I will just use a lot of library books here and bring her into to any conversations I might have 4th my 4th & 8th graders if anything about space comes up.

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Math: Singapore 1A/1B, Miquon Orange & Red (I have finally been assimilated.)

Phonics: Finish OPGTR (we're about halfway through)

Latin: Song School Latin (after finishing OPGTR)

Writing composition: WWE 1

Writing additional copywork: Presidential Penmanship, Memoria Press Copybook 1

Grammar: Finish FLL 1/Start FLL 2

Spelling: Going to try AAS 1 again, hope it works!

History: Finish SOTW 1/Start SOTW 2 up to Ch. 18

Geography: Evan Moor Beginning Geography K-2

Science: ??? Maybe Sonlight Science 1, maybe at Co-op, still looking

Bible: Telling God's Story 1 & AWANA

Health: Abeka health reader (state requirement)

Music: Piano lessons if we can afford it!

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Our first true trial year - I'm hoping to be disciplined enough to handle a 1st grader and a pre-K/Ker as well as a 3/4 load private music studio.

Fingers crossed!


Here's what I have planned so far:


Math: Singapore A/B

History: SOTW 1

Grammer: FLL 1/2 (finish 1 move on to 2)

HWT: Cursive (she only wants to write if it's cursive:001_unsure:)

Writing: WWE 1

Science: Bill Nye, Magic School Bus, Gardening, DK Complete Human Body

Spelling: finishing Spelling Workout A now, may go on to B or try AAS

Phonics: continue to review the trickier phonograms, read aloud 20 minutes or more a day

Literature: Read aloud classic chapter books (E.B. White, Dahl, etc), use What Your ___er Should Know and What To Read When as references.

Music: (Piano) Music Tree 3, Masterwork Classics 1/2 then 3, Piano Etudes Book 1 from Frances Clark Library, Composer of the month, etc...


Swimming at the Y and Dance (her choice of style)



Oh, how I wish I could see into the future to know what fits and what doesn't!

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My ds is finishing up his kindergarten year at school right now and next year (1st grade) will be our first homeschooling year. If you'd asked me a month ago I would've had different answers to this question, and I'm sure I'll probably change my mind a couple of other times in the next few months but this is a tentative plan:


-Miquon math

-RightStart card games

-History Odyssey Ancients

-Nebel for science, using some of the Montessori science materials I have as appropriate

-Draw Write Now for some copywork & handwriting


We'll keep art casual for now and he will take music lessons. I imagine he'll want to continue trying some different sports (has explored soccer and Little League so far). Not sure how we're going to approach spelling, grammar and other language arts yet.

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My dd has a late Oct. birthday, but is doing K this year so for 1st next year she will be doing:


Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory

Finishing Reading Made Easy if we haven't finished this year.

HOD Emergent Readers

A Reason For Handwriting A

Singapore 1a/1b

Song School Latin


ETC when she wants.

Draw Write Now

and composer and artist study with ds

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I think this is our plan:


Phonics Road level 1 - finish

McRuffy 1st or Math Mammoth



Everything else will come from Learning at Home: 1st grade, maybe OM 1st.


Nan in Mass's skills focus thread has me re-evaluating several things, so we'll see where that takes us!

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Well, this is it so far, but I'm sure will be subject to change :)


Math: Horizons 1

Science: RSO Life

Spelling: AAS 1 (we've already started, not sure where we'll be for 1st)

Reading: FLL 1/2 , ETC

Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Community Bible Study (once a week)

Writing: WWE 1

History: SOTW 1

Art: formal class once a month, thinking about Artistic Pursuits too, lots of crafts

Music: Piano, undecided on program, church choir

Geography: probably Expedition Earth


Extracurricular: Girl Scouts, track, Upward sports


Wow, this sounds like a lot!!!!

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Here is the current draft of our 1st grade for next year. I've been working on it while I was sick so I'm not sure how it will look when I'm better.


SOTW 1 w/ AG



ETC (whichever we are on then)

Spelling (list made from Natural Speller)

BJU Math and Miquon (whichever books we are on then)

GD Italics C

Fairy Tales - list taken from LCC first grade list (as read alouds)

RSO Chemistry

Spanish - probably Discovery Ed. (her sister is taking Spanish next year)

Reading from the giant box of early readers and chapter books we have


or I will toss it all and do MP 1st grade


or I may come up with some other plan before summer when I finally order. :)

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Let's see...


My Father's World 1st Grade

Singapore 1a/1b



I'll probably torture her with McGuffey Readers a little and probably reading from I Wonder (CLE Reader).


We're reading through Apologia's Flying Creatures (we're hatching butterflies right now and trying to attract birds :glare:).


Reading through Sonlight Core 1 History/Read-Alouds. I also have the Readers around here somewhere.


We also use the Core Knowledge Books. ;) They are awesome.

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Wow, I feel like I won't be doing enough after reading through all these.


MFW 1st and following along in ECC with older brother

Singapore 1A & 1B

OPGTR (here and there)


SL 1 readers

PE through local college


And tons and tons of read aloud time, free imagination time, and outdoor time!


No, you are doing just fine. :) My 3rd kid is starting 1st grade, so I have a good idea of what it looks like. Your plans look fine.

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Reading/Language Arts- Rod & Staff

Phonics- Rod & Staff

Math- Singapore

Handwriting- A Reason for Handwriting

History- SOTW w/ siblings

Science- Apologia w/ siblings

Our CC community covers Latin, Geography, Fine Arts, along with additional History, Science, Math, English

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Classical Conversations

RightStart Math & Dreambox Math

RS4K & Nature Journaling w/ Drawing with Children

Webster's Speller

Artist Study

Composer Study

Songschool Latin

Rosetta Stone Homeschool Spanish


Loads of Living Books to compliment CC and all we study

Loops and Other Hoops Cursive

Deciding on Language Arts (FLL, MCT, or an old book I found from 1924)

Letterboxing/Hiking/Nature Hikes/Gardening

Handcrafts (Finger knitting, knitting, etc.)


*Not doing all of these very day. Mixing things up and may try some block scheduling. We'll see after I lay it all out. Things will change along the way.



Continuing AHGs, Soccer, Horseback Riding, and Swimming

Probably adding ballet and piano during off time from others.

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Here's my plan for next year, such as it is:


English: Keep reading lots of books. Copywork/Dictation. Light grammar.


Math: Math Mammoth Blue series, equivalent to Light Blue 2A/2B.


History: Ancients, using some combination of SOTW, Gombrich in the original German, and additional books in both German and English.


Science: Mostly interest-led, but I plan to make sure we study plants in depth.


German: Saturday school. Also working at home in an appropriate workbook (Duden Einfach Klasse in Deutsch, 2. Klasse), dictation, LĂƒÂ¼k, daily kids' German news show, other German TV, dinnertime in German, German read-alouds.


Music: Continue piano studies. Incorporate recorder if we can make time. Classics for Kids podcast, Do Re Mikro podcast (German equivalent of Classics for Kids).


Art: Drawing, art museum visits, whatever else comes up.


Physical Education: Weekly swimming, Karate lessons, Soccer, general running around.


Health: Nothing formal, but as this subject is required by law here, I will end the year with a list of health topics we covered. :)

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Hmmm, I am still in the very early planning stages. What I'm thinking is...


Math- Singapore 1A & 1B


Language Arts- She's a beginning reader, but I really want to find a good phonics program for her. Not sure what yet. Then maybe FLL and WWE 1.


Science- Trying to decide between REAL Science Odyssey and Elemental Science.


History/Geography- I'm going to do some sort of Ancient History with my 4th grader and Lilah will surely follow along (as much as she wants to).


Sewing- http://www.amazon.com/Sewing-School-Projects-Kids-Will/dp/1603425780

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My DS is an older 1st grader, so keep that in mind! There's no way I would have done these books for 1st with my oldest. ;)


HOD Bigger

SM 2a/2b and CWP?

R&S English 2, most of it orally

ETC 3-5?

finish Emerging Readers from HOD, move onto DITHOR

Cheerful Cursive

Spanish...of some sort :lol:


Extras: piano with me, HS co-op, gymnastics, little league


...I think that's it.

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I imagine N-boy's First Grade will be very similar to M-girl's this year, with the exception that we'll be following her schedule for history and science. Happily, our new school year doesn't beging until January 2012 :)



  • First Language Lessons 2

  • Writing With Ease 1
  • McGuffey Readers & CLP Nature Readers (reading practice)
  • Spelling Power
  • Explode the Code

Penmanship: Cursive First

Math: MEP with Math Mammoth

Latin: Prima Latina

Logic: Critical Thinking Activities then Lollipop Logic

Geography: Evan-Moore Beginning Geography


History: Story of the World II with AG


Science: Elemental Science with God's Design Science (?)


Bible: Covenantal Catechism supplemented with Bible Lessons for Juniors from Reformation Heritage books.


Art: Artistic Pursuits

Music: Piano, Choir

Phys Ed: Gymnastics, Soccer, Baseball, swimming


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We start 1st grade this fall and here's the line-up:


Bible: BJU Bible Truths 1 and probably 2

Math: Singapore Math 2b with IP and CWP, 3a (??)

Science: Noeo Chemistry I then Noeo Physics I

History: American History using Sonlight materials and various projects

LA: BJU English 1 and 2, BJU Spelling 1 and 2, various readers & books

Other: Crafts, character builders, music, Primary Logic, read alouds

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I feel like I'm not doing enough either but I know this will be a huge load for an active boy.


LA: CLE LA 1, Finish LLATL Blue then CLE Reading 1, ETC to fill in, and a lot of reading practice!

Math: CLE Math 1

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology with Big Brother (using the notebook that is for younger children)

History: Follow along with Big Brother for ABEKA US History 4 with some Narration built in. I'm still trying to put this together for his grade level.

Classical Conversations

Art & PE Class with Homeschool Group

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Guest RecumbentHeart

Math: continuing with Professor B and perhaps MM

Language Arts: Websters Speller and/or WRTR and adding Song School Latin


...along with Living Books Curriculum's Year 1, in liberal and gentle CM style, for:

other Language Arts (storytelling, poetry, read alouds)

American history

World history

Bible study (supplementing what we already do as a family)



Nature study

Composer study


Picture study


The Director is biting at the bit to learn guitar so that may be on the agenda by then also.

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Mine is just about to start K, but I have his 1st curriculum already picked out.


ETC phonics 1 and 2

Singapore Math 1 A and B


FLL2 (he has been begging to do 1 in K and is memorizing his brother's lessons)

HWT Printing


Mr Q Science (I think)

Literature from my personal collection

Jataka Tales (Buddhist stories)

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I keep adding things. I really must stop.


We school year-round and advance a grade June 1st, so first grade is right around the corner.


Unit Study: FIAR (language arts, social studies, science, art).

Math: MEP 2a/b, Singapore CWP 1, possibly some Miquon Blue/Green.

Reading: Silent and oral reading from a book basket.

Spelling: AAS, starting with Level 1.

History:Continue SOTW 1 (started in January).

Copywork: Taken from FIAR book of the week.

Latin: Song School Latin.

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Bible: Egermeier's Bible Story Book, Bible Devotions for Bedtime, My ABC Bible Verses, Hymns for a Kid's Heart

Literature: selected Classic literature, Favorite Poems Old and New, Poetry for Young People: William Shakespeare

Reading: Phonics Pathways, Explode the Code series

Penmanship: Christian Liberty Press: Writing With Prayer 2, Queen Homeschool Pictures in Cursive Primer

Mathematics: Miquon Orange and Red, Singapore Math, MEP, and Tokyo Shoseki's Mathematics for Elementary School Grade 1

Logic: Lollipop Logic

Spanish: either Elementary Spanish (Discovery) or something we make up by DH using Complete Book of Spanish, living books, and Spanish games form Eeboo

History: Mystery of History, lots of living books

Geography: Little Passports, living books

Science: Apologia Zoology 3, living books, Handbook of Nature Study, [/url]The Outdoor Challenge

Art: ARTistic Pursuit Grades K-1 Book 1

Music: Piano

Extracurriculuar: Ballet/Tap class, horseback riding

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Sonlight's Core K with Readers 1

Math - Horizons 1

Phonics - ETC

Spelling - AAS

Writing - WWE

Handwriting - GD Italics B

Grammar - FLL 1

Geography - A Child's Geography

Science - Life Science using living books and nature study

Art - Artistic Pursuits

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Math: Finish Saxon 2 and work on Saxon 3

Language: FLL finish 1 start 2, WWE, Spelling Workout finish A start B

History: SOTW1

Science: Hmm. Here's a hole to fill...

Spanish: Once a week tutor and lots of story books from the library's Spanish-language section

PE: Swim class, ballet, gymnastics, other? Depends on what is of interest at the time.

Art/Music: Study composers, perhaps with more emphasis on particular pieces, or styles?, Art study and also general creative mess-making.

I'm intrigued by the idea of a nature journal, although it doesn't fit one neat category.


This is my first time trying to write it all in one place and I'm glad I have a few months to iron out the details!



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I thought I had our year planned, but.... :tongue_smilie:


Here's what I have planned for now:

Spelling: continue All About Spelling.

Phonics: continue what we are doing. Nora Gaydos books, BOB books, and Progressive Phonics.

Grammar: MAYBE start FLL in the last half of the year, depending on how the reading is coming along. This will probably wait until 2nd though.

History: American History, putting it together myself.

Geography: State study, putting it together myself. Really light, one state a week, really just to expose her to the different states.

Science: Probably just going to take our time finishing ES- Intro to Science and then do some unit studies.

Health: Not sure. This is required by my state, so I'll probably just pick up Abeka's health book or something.

P.E.: Soccer, dance, and a homeschool pe class that my university holds.

Art: Artistic Pursuits.

Music: Hopefully violin lessons.

French: Not sure. Currently doing L'Art de Dire, but I'm not loving it. Might try Le Francais Facile Jr.

Spanish: La Clase Divertida.

Math:Singapore 1B, Miquon.


Well, that sure seems like a lot. But many of the subjects will only be done half of the year, if at all. I was going to wait on Spanish, but DD is insisting she wants to learn it NOW.

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MM1, finish

R&S Spanish 2

PR1, finish and maybe start level 2 if dd is up for it.



Artistic Pursuits, 1st K-3 book

Homeschool art class

Portuguese: ? Anyone have suggestions? I have a BA in Portuguese and used to be fluent from being an exchange student in Brazil, but I'm really rusty. DD isn't liking Rosetta Stone anymore and I want to do more than podcasts, audiobooks and the few kids books I can find. My college books can be adapted once they have some basic speaking and writing skills. It's probably time to look at paying a native speaker to tutor conversation. And/or suck it up and pay shipping from Brazil. :glare:

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