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Do your children do their own laundry?  

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  1. 1. Do your children do their own laundry?

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My older 2 (9 and 7) did their own last summer with some folding help. During the school year we just don't make the time. DH does get them to help with folding towels and sorting socks many weekends and they bring their clothes up to their room once folded. Brownie

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Right now they help me, but don't do it independently (YET!). They each have their own laundry basket. On "their" day, they scoot it to the laundry room before breakfast and help me put it in the washer, add the soap, and start it. Then at lunch they go transfer it to the drier and start the drier. After dinner, they put it away (only dd7 does this by herself). Works pretty well! We do Sunday, grownups & kitchen/linens; Monday, DD7; Tuesday, DS5; Wednesday, DD4; and Thursday, DS3. Dreaming of the day when I only do 3 loads of laundry every Sunday. :)


And I almost forgot - everyone tosses their white shirts/dresses (I don't worry about underwear/socks) into a separate bin in the laundry room as they put their laundry in the washer. I do that white load on Sunday too, so I guess that's 4 loads for me! :)

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I voted YES because they do their own clothes but they also do the rest of the families laundry. DS14 is now training DS11 to take over laundry duty. Eventually DS11 will train DS7 when he is old enough to do everyone's laundry.


The kids are responsible for washing and drying and I fold and put the laundry away.

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My kids have helped with laundry since they were toddlers. By the time they were 11 or 12ish they were doing it all on their own. I do dh's and my laundry. And we help each other out as needed. My middle one BEGGED to do his own laundry, so he started younger! :lol:


We did not see a differenece in costs with them doing their own laundry. They do it so infrequently that it IS full loads when they get around to it! :D Our HMO doesn't allow clotheslines and we don't have a basement, so we mostly just use the dryer for that.

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On a regular day, I wash at least three loads. Dh and I wash and do most of the drying. 13dd and the littlest three, fold and put away. 16dd and 10ds have too many other chores to bother with laundry. The two little girls, 5 and 3, do like to help me.


We don't have the space or the time for everyone to do their own clothes.




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When we started homeschooling I made it a point to divide all of the household chores. Now, since I am The Mom, I get first choice on chores. :lol:


I really, really, REALLY, don't like to load/unload the dishwasher. The kids do that.


I really, really, REALLY don't like to fold all the "whites" (socks, undies, undershirts, boxers, etc...)....do DD folds the whites and delivers them to the appropriate person's room.


I don't mind folding towels, but DS needed a laundry related job, so he's in charge of folding, putting away, and straightening towels and linens.


Everyone sorts laundry into one of three hampers: "whites", lights, and darks every night after showering. When the hamper is full, I will wash & dry all types of laundry, but I only take care of the clothes that *I* don't mind folding. Each person is required to gather their folded/hanging laundry from the utility room and put it away.


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No, I do the laundry. There is usually some of everyone's in every load. Really, I sort and start the washer, Ds moves laundry from the washer to dryer. Then I make stacks of laundry for each person when it comes out of the dryer and then everyone puts their own away (except dh, I do his).

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I am the only person in the house who does laundry. The laundry is mine. All mine. No one else shall be allowed to touch.


My college son tried to "help" over Christmas when I had a bum ankle and he broke the knob off my dryer!!! My dh always ruins something, because he can't separate to save his life and he dries everything on high heat for the maximum amount of time. AARRGH! My dh and dc need to stay out of the blasted laundry. They always cost me time and/or money when they try to help.


Before anyone says that they need to learn, my dh was over 30yo when I married him. He washed this way when I met him, but whenever he ruined something he just bought a new one!!! I can't do this. And apparently he doesn't mind his whites turning dingy. I do.


Dc are shown how to wash. Away at college my oldest ds washes his own clothes. Middle ds is free to wash his own clothes. Little ds is 8yo and unless he climbs on top, he can't reach the buttons. I would strongly prefer that my dh touch no laundry... ever. Oh, and no one better touch my clothes.



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Dd's do most of their own laundry, but I ususally do bedding, towels, whites & synthetics (that leaves colours & the red family, which is the bulk of their clothes. They don't have enough whites to warrant doing their own). Each of my dc has a laundry hamper or basket in their room; I have plenty from when they were little and we pre-sorted the laundry whenever they changed (they were taught how early; at first I even labelled them with letters for my eldest who was 3 or 4 when I started that.) We have a front loader which is easy to use.


Ds folds and puts away his laundry as well has puts some loads in the dryer and starts them (not just his laundry). He also folds dh's socks & briefs. He will be doing his laundry by the end of this summer.


What's interesting is how my dd's now make clothes last as long as they can before washing them; my eldest has quite a system for this so she's not repeating clothes too soon.

Edited by Karin
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No, they don't, but they are not exactly old enough. But they have been required to put clothes in the hamper since 1yo, transfer to laundry basket since 2yo, sort laundry and take to laundry room since 3yo.


My plan is to make sure that they cannot remember a time that they did not do laundry.

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Mine are required to do their own laundry by the age of twelve at the latest (latest being when our SN kid was able to do it). Right now the seven year old can load the washer, swap, start the dryer, fold, and put away her own laundry. I just have to check how much she has put in the washer and pour the laundry soap. The four year old can get things out of the dryer and put them away after I fold them. I do the laundry for DH. I am of the opinion that living at home is a training ground for learning and practicing the skills they need to run their own homes at some point. My kids can all put a full dinner on the table by twelve too, although at that age it is a fairly simple meal.

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I need an OTHER :lol:.


Everyone is required to get their laundry in the appropriate laundry area and separated on the regular laundry time and day. I then wash and dry all laundry because I will only do laundry with nice full robust loads. I like to fold it because I'm anal about how laundry should be folded, then everyone puts their own laundry away.


So we combo-tag-team our laundry. :D

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DD helps me sort all laundry.


Ds is responsible for loading it into washer & dryer and bringing it back up from basement.


DD helps me with folding.


Everyone has to put away their own folded clothes and match their own socks.


Ds & DD will eventually (as DD gets older) switch places.


My brother thinks my poor kids are so overworked -- he never seems to think I am though.

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I have tried to have my older kids do their own laundry, but it just seems that it works better to run all the laundry through at the same time. With 6 kids it seems like the washer is running almost non stop, so finding a time for someone to do "their" laundry just doesn't seem to happen. All my kids are responsible for getting the dirty laundry into the basket in the laundry room, and everyone helps with the washing, hanging to dry, folding & putting away.

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There are far too many people here for everyone to be doing their own laundry. It is all done together and divided among chores. One kids starts the wash, another empties the dryer, three are in charge of putting all of it where it goes.


The only time they do their own, is their own bedding on sheet changing day for their room.

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:iagree: And LOL about the dirt bike and go-cart. I needed an Other. My ds stb10 does his own laundry- has for a few months. I wanted to make sure I was not raising a mama's boy who could not do laundry. At the same time I changed the way I do laundry, based on the thread here about keeping the laundry done. Now instead of having MOUNTAINS of laundry all the time which never gets done (we don't have ONE load of darks here, it's more like 3), I do the adult clothing one day, the little boys' one day, and ds stb10 does his one day. Then we start the cycle again. It's not a hard and fast rule. If ds10 has only 4 pairs of socks, I throw them in with our whites. I have loosened up the sorting regimen. I mean, red stuff is actually fine with jeans.


It is SO much better than the other way. I can carry the little boys' clothes in their room and fold/sort/put away all in one fell swoop. Same with the adults' clothing. Ds10 can do him the same way. No more painstaking sorting of five sizes of white socks.


Today a brand new development materialized. Ds6.5 VOLUNTEERED to always fold and put away the towels. I am not sure he is tall enough to dispense detergent yet, nor that I trust his ability not to spill it. It won't be long though! muah ha ha.

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My kids do all of their own laundry (they have for years), but not because we have some sort of system or because I told them to... I think I just never got around to it quickly enough! I do tell them though that when they run a load, they have to ask their siblings, etc., if they have clothes to add to the wash so that it's a full load. I do think my youngest has sweet-talked her older sisters into doing her laundry... I've never seen her in the laundry room!

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