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What are you wanting for Mother's Day?

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Oh, I wanted one of the aprons Jenniferlost was looking at a couple of mos ago.


But "dh" bought fabric & a pattern instead, so for the same price, I get 3. (I have trouble making decisions, & I like to bite off more than I can chew.:D)

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Actually, what I really want - any day - is another baby. But that's not going to happen so...


Wii Fit - probably can't afford it.


Dh to graduate - on Mother's day, we only have two more weeks!!1 :D


A family day with not prior commitments, other than church.


Here's my question - Why put a holiday like this on Sunday? I can't have breakfast in bed, because we are getting ready for church. Same with Father's Day. HHHMMMM....maybe I'll discuss with dh about celebrating on Saturday!

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I already received my gift (and it was much bigger than usual). I've wanted a good vacuum since we moved into this house over 2 years ago, and dh did some research and bought me an incredible one for Mother's Day. Since my parents were in town last week, dh & the boys gave it to me early. I'm in love with this vacuum :001_wub:. My dad says it works better than his Dyson.


On the actual day, the boys will probably get me flowers (they have been asking me how much money they have and how much flowers cost--how sweet is that?), and we'll go out to lunch or dinner.

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Mother's Day--a simple day filled with happy, clean children not fighting. DH voluntarily cleaning the house and sleeping 'til 9am. ROFL:lol:


BUt the reality is...two soccer tournaments in different towns. Divide and conquer and afterward we'll meet for dinner. LOL Kids will argue over where to take me, but I'll opt for Mexican and they'll fuss. :tongue_smilie:

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not to have the day revolve around my MIL. Every year since I have been a Mom actually since I have been married Mother's Day is my MIL's Day period. Note my sweet dh would like to change this, but his mom makes sure everyone know this is HER day. I would say more but since I am trying not to speak badly of people I have to bite my tongue.

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A date night with my hubby would be good.

We haven't had a date night in....I don't know how long...Probably atleast 5 months or longer :001_huh:


We will go to church, then probably go to lunch or something.. Nothing major, but then I like to keep things simple :001_smile:

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not to have the day revolve around my MIL. Every year since I have been a Mom actually since I have been married Mother's Day is my MIL's Day period. Note my sweet dh would like to change this, but his mom makes sure everyone know this is HER day. I would say more but since I am trying not to speak badly of people I have to bite my tongue.


My mil just pulled dh aside last night to let him know that we don't have to go see her next weekend. We can have the day be about me.


This freaks me out. WHY did she say that? Does she think I resent her? Don't want to go? Am self-centered?


Or is she really trying to be nice? (I mean, she *is* nice, but...this is strange, right?)


Or is she trying to save us gas, since they're an hr away, & we've been out there a couple of times this mo already?


When I was growing up, we were too far away from family for the day to be anything much other than mom, but mom & dad didn't get along well enough that that was all that great, kwim? And once they divorced...well, I've had GREAT-grandparents living until a couple of years ago. Mother's Day was about the women in the family. I felt like I barely qualified next to my 95yo gr grmother, kwim? But I was honored to be one of them.


Ok, I just realized this sounds like I'm arguing w/ you. I'm not! I feel this way about many holidays--father's day, for ex. LOL--why would I care about that one more than this one?


And Christmas. Sometimes, I'd like to be able to stay home all day on Christmas.


If I had ANY other mil, I'd feel EXACTLY like you do, I'm sure. Just thinking about your post (now that I've vented my fears about my own mil) makes my blood boil for you. (Can you tell I'm pg? I can bounce from one thing to the next like a ping-pong ball.)


Well, happy mother's day from me. I hope *you* get to celebrate, too!

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I want that, too. Failing that, I want a Kindle. Failing that, I want everybody to go away and leave me alone.


None of that will happen.


I bet I get a huge box of chocolate. Trouble is, I don't particularly like chocolate, and if I'm going to eat it, it has to be European and bittersweet.


I want the kids NOT to argue, the house to stay clean and someone to fix me a nice dinner and clean the kitchen!
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not to have the day revolve around my MIL. Every year since I have been a Mom actually since I have been married Mother's Day is my MIL's Day period. Note my sweet dh would like to change this, but his mom makes sure everyone know this is HER day. I would say more but since I am trying not to speak badly of people I have to bite my tongue.


:iagree: me too! hmph. :glare: Except my MIL doesn't make it HER day -- I just don't want to go over there. I want the day ALL for meeeeeeeee. :tongue_smilie:


I did want the digital frame - but I heard that it's an energy abuser.... so I'd like a telephoto lens for my Canon.

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I third the MIL thing. I already went there for her birthday last weekend and we have to go back this weekend. Wish it could just be the 4 of us especially since my DH works so much and quiet family time is such a rarity.


Every year my present is going to pick out my annuals and DH and I plant them. This is a huge treat for me because growing up we didn't have any flowers in the yard and I have always dreamed of my own yard with flowers and now I have it!

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Not sure to tell DH where to get one. Are the ones from Home Depot or Lowes pretty reliably healthy? I want one that will grow really large because we have a very large "great room" and it would look so pretty.


I also want a St. Francis for my garden.


DH and I had a romantic get-away this week and he bought me a pretty necklace, so I feel like I have sort of had my treat.

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Someone else to clean the house and make the meal...but it is also my youngest dd's 12th b'day and all the relatives (hubby's side of the family - all my relatives are in S. California) are coming over (and dd has three girls coming over, Friday for sleepover party) so don't think it is going to happen.

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A nap.


I'll probably get it. :001_smile:


We don't usually celebrate "Hallmark holidays", but I suspect I may be getting a new Bible cover, too. I asked for one for Christmas but didn't get one. Dh keeps bringing up how I need a new one, so either he's thinking of getting me one for Mother's Day or he's just realizing he really should have gotten me what I asked for for Christmas. :D

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not to have the day revolve around my MIL. Every year since I have been a Mom actually since I have been married Mother's Day is my MIL's Day period. Note my sweet dh would like to change this, but his mom makes sure everyone know this is HER day. I would say more but since I am trying not to speak badly of people I have to bite my tongue.


He could do something special for you the day before, right?



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for my Mother's Day gift, dh said he'd buy tickets for us to see The Police! :hurray: I saw them in concert when I was 16. It will be fun to see them again. I am working on arranging a sleepover for ds at his friend's house on that night, so we can go.



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a Miele vacuum for Mother's Day. Our old faithful electrolux finally died last week and I "borrowed" the Miele from the dealer and oh, my stars, evidently we have been living in utter filth and I didn't know it. This from someone whose house is fairly clean by most standards. I LOVE this vacuum. And thanks to our lovely tax rebate, I am now the proud owner. Other than the vacuum I just want to have my kids at home!


Mom to 5 and homeschooling for 17 years

ds's: 22; ds 10; ds 7; dd 2

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not to have the day revolve around my MIL. Every year since I have been a Mom actually since I have been married Mother's Day is my MIL's Day period. Note my sweet dh would like to change this, but his mom makes sure everyone know this is HER day. I would say more but since I am trying not to speak badly of people I have to bite my tongue.


You sound just like my kid sister!!!!! And, if her MIL isn't demanding the attention, our mom is doing so. My poor kid sister - and she wonders why I live half a continent away!!!:D

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I want to get my garden planted.


Dunno if it will happen this year- we're still prepping the garden area. If I can't actually plant my veggies on Mother's Day, at least we'll be making progress towards that end. :)


I think that sounds like a lovely tradition... we like to avoid the crowded restaurants, and while cut flowers are pretty, they don't last very long. I think Mother's Day is a great day to set aside for getting the garden planted every year!

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I so hate to hear bickering between my kids, so peace and quiet would be a wonderful gift.


It's not so much that my kids are bickering, it's just the noise level that goes with having four active dc in the house every day that I'm needing a little break from. All 4 of mine are talkers. :D


Here's hoping to some peace and quiet for you, too, Jen!

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Just looking forward to a nice day with my guys. Since places tend to be crowded on Mother's Day, I often prefer to spend that Sunday at home and then go somewhere together on the next day. There's a show garden just across the border that we may visit, weather depending.

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We go to the beach every year this week with my parents. It works well as we're already set up for a nice family time with no cleaning, cooking or real life stuff !


I'd also like: a bath, some time alone, and to watch the Survivor finale with noone making fun of me. :)

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. . . I'd really love some time to myself. The very thought of a nice, long stretch of time when I don't have to think about someone else's needs, when I could do things I want to do, when I want to do them, without interruption . . . when I could think a thought long enough to finish it . . . when I could choose a meal to eat because it sounds good to me . . . when I could be by myself long enough to actually miss my family . . .


Wow, the very idea of it makes me cry.


But, it's not in the cards.


Realistically, I'll probably get a nice e-mail or possibly even a card from my daughter. My son might (if he remembers) make me a "card" that I will feel compelled to ooh and ahh over, because, hey, it's the thought that counts, right? If my husband makes it home in time and isn't too worn out from coping with his father's (and now his brother's) illness, he might decide to take us out to dinner. And I'll smile and hug everyone and say thank you and then go back to doing all the stuff I normally do.


Sorry. I didn't mean to sound so bitter. I guess I'm just having a hard time with the holiday this year.


But, yeah, quiet time to myself would be really, really nice.

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