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Three cop cars just left my house

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We woke up to our dog going barking nuts. Turns out someone with brass knuckles broke into dh's car and used the garage door opener in it to open the garage. Dh had grabbed a huge kitchen knife when he saw what Chip was barking about, jic a guy was still coming on. Thankfully, he took off running as soon as dh stepped out and before dh could get a good look at him. He dropped his brass knuckles, but not the glucometer, garmin, or garage door opener and a few other things.


Within moments we hear barking in various neighbors yards and the cops that showed up within minutes of my call, took off in pursuit.


Caught a guy and girl on the run through back yards.


Cop taking our statement was real nice and said he thought we were being very calm about all this. The crooks didn't have our stuff on them. They probably dumped stuff as they ran when they saw the cop cars coming for them. Hopefully it will all be found.


My perspective is they caught the crooks and the crooks never made it into my house to be confronted with my dh. Not a single one of my 9 children even woke up. Thank you God.


I'm impressed with my dog! He tinkles a bit when even people we know knock on the door. I would have thought a 4am intruder would have left a puddle, but he didn't. Tho he sure looked thankful to be let out. He is sitting next to me getting praise and liver treats while the cats look on jealously and the rabbit scratches at his cage door.

Edited by Martha
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:grouphug:What a morning! Three cheers for tinkles and the cops. Your dh was pretty brave too. And I'm so happy they were caught!


Yea! Cops just returned with some of the stuff. It's soaking wet tho. Dropped in water. We're going to put them in the bucket of rice and see if that fixes them. And they caught a third guy. Love our cops here.
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Glad everyone is safe!


But . . . they stole your glucose meter? :lol:


I know. Everytime dh has had his car broken into (this is the third) they have stolen his glucometer. Once they stole his insulin stuff too (from work parking lot). They just see something electronic or drug looking and figure it must be worth stealing.


What kind of dog is Chip?


A minuture poodle!:D

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Yea! Cops just returned with some of the stuff. It's soaking wet tho. Dropped in water. We're going to put them in the bucket of rice and see if that fixes them. And they caught a third guy. Love our cops here.






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Good doggie! I have a big Lab and a tiny Lhasa Apso. I think my Lab would be peeing on the floor while the Lhasa would be tearing any intruder limb from limb. So glad to hear your family was physically unharmed. So go pat that puppy and your dh!

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How scary!!! I am so glad you all are safe and the cops are so good. Give another hug to that awesome pup for me.


I had an experience when I was a teen and since then I can't sleep without a dog in the house. Dh home isn't enough (unless he has his shotgun in his hand). Right now we have a 120 lb Akita and before him, we had a 100 lb lab and a 75lb doberman/lab.

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