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Help! I am a hostage in a hospital.

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You know, they won't look for you in the maternity ward. They have fridges stocked with (fairly bad, but better than the actual meals) sandwiches for the poor, hungry preggie women. You wouldn't have left the hospital so Jean couldn't beat up on you...





good plan rosie! rough collie glad to hear you are doing well:)

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I stay off the general boards and I miss something really important.:tongue_smilie: You take care of yourself and behave even if you don't want to. We homeschool moms tend to have rebellious streaks. Stuff that for now and keep the humor. So glad to "see" you. Sending thoughts for a quick recovery and really cool shoes.

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Ok RC, listen up! You keep your butt in that hospital bed until the Dr's say you're ok to leave....or you'll have an angry "hive" on your hands.....and you know how bees get when they are angered!!! ;)


Seriously, sending you lots of healthy heart vibes and prayers!!! :grouphug::grouphug:




Glad you are feeling better,



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Collie Sit. Stay. Good Collie :001_smile:


(we need you healthy!)




;) Ooooh, girl! Rough Collie has me cracking up.


I bet if she did escape, the HOPS would be fast on her trail. Any chance her kids can smuggle in some food? Chocolate??? Oh dear. Best to behave, dear Collie. :grouphug:

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Ahhhhhhhhhhh, hearing your "voice" is music to my ears. I'm mostly a lurker, but have come to be really fond of so many of you. Rough Collie, you make that list.


I'm torn between wanting to help orchestrate an escape--it sounds so fun to hatch a cunning plan and execute it, leaving the powers-that-be wondering--and making sure you "STAY"! I'm pretty sure the "STAY" and "HEAL" expressed by others are winning in my mind.


PLEASE take care of yourself...for that hubby and those boys and that daughter and yes, for all of US. Just think of all of the stories you'll have to tell by staying another day or so!! We LOVE stories!


Continuing to lift you all in prayer... Keep us posted.

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Ask the boys to bring you some food. The first thing I did, when they started feeding me kaka food, was to have family sneak me in chicken sandwiches or a shake. Anything.


If you are starving , you are on the mend. I am sooooo happy you are feeling good enough to complain. My dd always says mom, if I am complaining , I am not that sick. Its when I am nice, worry.


Cant wait to hear you are home, now, not to be nosy, if the boys can hide your cigarettes.

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Your hubby sounds like my hubby. My hubby says he's a good man. I once checked out of a hospital AMA and I had to threaten to walk home in my hospital gown before my hubby would take me home. I had a three month old baby at home though. Your kids are big and obviously can handle themselves. Stay, relax, heal and get someone to sneak you some real food. I so glad to hear you are doing well.

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Enjoy the rest - but get someone to bring you better food, books ... and some shoes. Funny, but I nearly posted for your son to take shoes for you. When I was in hospital with ds we were in such a "let's not die now" rush that I ran out of the house without shoes on, and walked around the hospital barefoot for a day.


Glad you are feeling better.

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It's so good to see you posting an update. It was such a shock to see that first post by your son - what a relief to know you are doing so well. I enjoyed your sons' posts - you can be proud that you succeeded in teaching them how to communicate.:) Please be a good patient and listen to your doctors and nurses - they are on your team!!

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Very Big Smile! so good to hear from Herself!!!!


Collie Sit. Stay. Good Collie :001_smile:


(we need you healthy!)





:lol: I'll ditto that! :D


I have a feeling that shoes will magically appear when the doc is ready to sign the discharge papers. ;) You have a wise husband who must know you well. :)

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:) Glad you are feeling better... Now behave yourself so the doctors will let you go. :)


Or you can do what I did when I was 7 and had hernia surgery. Throw the food tray at the nurses and doctor. :D


Hey, it worked for me... the doctor figured I was better off going home so I went home instead of staying two more days like I was supposed to. :lol:


Luckily he was my primary doctor and he knew that I did not like doctors/nurses/hospitals and would put up a huge fuss (even giving him bruises several times).

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Guess what! I am home!


Thank you all again for your prayers and warm wishes. When I was in the E.R. waiting for the heart cath, I was worried out of my mind. It was a weird experience. My heart rate was quite low (57) and my blood pressure was low (the bottom number was 34 -- whatever that means). I figure this was why I was in my own world. It was like I was inside myself. I was worried that I would die and leave my children. It was like I was in a black space. A white door appeared and I moved toward it, knowing that if I went through it, peace was on the other side. Then I jerked myself away from it because of the kids and DH. That's when, in the midst of praying I wouldn't die for their sakes, I realized that I had to get my sons to post here for prayers. I truly felt that the prayers of you all was the only thing that would save me. I may have alarmed my DS1 when I insisted mightily that he post here.


No, I did not see a white light, or lighted path, or deceased relatives and friends. It was a plain white door -- no jamb, I noticed. Kind of like an index card, only door-sized.


So thanks to all of your prayers and warm wishes, I am still here.




I woke up every hour last night, waiting for 8 a.m. to come so I could start my campaign early. By 11:30, no doc had showed up -- right before he was coming to see me, he got called down to the cardiac cath lab.


I proceeded to remove my monitor and all those wires, and to dress in street clothes. I left the IV needles/straws, whatever they are when they don't have tubing attached, in place. No need to freak everyone out. The nurse removed them before I left.


I had big plans for my future, up until the doc talked to me at 2 p.m. The list of don't do this and that is best described as I may breathe, and that's it, for the next 2 weeks. I agreed to it all, to get out of 2 more days in the hospital, as a mature adult would do.


I was full of energy, but I ran out between my former hospital room and the front door of the joint. Can you believe that!! Then when I got home, I decided to lie on the couch for a minute or two, and slept for 2 hours. I was a bit tired out because we went to the grocery store on the way home, and I couldn't wait in the car. DH bought tons of frozen meals. He must be in Hog Heaven, and so must the kids. Plus my sister bought them a ton of food on Amazon, which will be delivered tomorrow.


The good news is I only need one more stent, and that can wait for a few months. It turns out the pain in my hip when I walk is caused by an artery in my leg which is partially blocked. How that works, I don't know. DH got mixed up (understandably) when the cardiologist went over each of my cardiac arteries -- the two that are blocked are still successfully bypassed, and the older stent is working fine, too.


I have discovered a couple of things about myself. First, there is no way I can ever live alone in a cabin in the woods tending to nature and baking bread and all that. I would go crazy without people to talk to and Something To Do.


Second, apparently I am the only person (so far) who thinks of me as being relaxed, easy going, and laid back.


Now I have to figure out what to do for the next 2 or 3 weeks. Having tons of free time to read is not all it is cracked up to be. It greatly enhances my reading experience to do that instead of Chores.


You all better hope I don't become philosophic because of this enforced inactivity, because I will bore you all to death.


I did start reading Dubliners by James Joyce today. Just in case the doc came in my room and asked what I was reading, I wanted to appear to be intelligent.

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I did start reading Dubliners by James Joyce today. Just in case the doc came in my room and asked what I was reading, I wanted to appear to be intelligent.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You are too funny. I'm so glad that you are home. Please, please, please rest and take good care of yourself so you can get well. Your story about the white door was scary to read. I think you had a really close call. Your family needs you and we do too! I think reading is a great way to pass the time of enforced inactivity. It will engage your mind at any rate. I also like to watch DIY videos on youtube a lot. It's amazing the stuff you can learn on there. Pretty much any topic you could be interested in there is a how-to video on youtube. Maybe if there is something you've always wanted to learn but never had the time (or a teacher) it might be a good way for you to pass the time? I'll bet they have something on youtube teaching you how. :)


Take care hon. Thanks so much for the update. I'm so glad you're home safe. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Your story about the white door was scary to read. I think you had a really close call.


You know what was the strangest thing about that? I wasn't scared of dying. The pull of that door seemed so natural.


I remember thinking, hold on a minute! I'm not done reading Surprised By Hope, by N. T. Wright. I'm not going through any white door until I finish that book, just in case there is something I need to know in that book. I am all about Informed Consent, it seems. :D


I love watching You Tube videos. My favorites are the ones on how to make Krispy Kreme doughnuts at home. That and knife work (kitchen-related).

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I think you don't know how much you love a person until you read something like this. Somehow I missed the heart attack announcement, so I went there to read that, & in my shock & worry, I found myself reading & re-reading your sig line.


Ok, she's got triplets. And the oldest one is 16. How. old. are. the. rest????



Please, please get well. Now that I know I LOVE you (I knew I liked you pretty well), I have a vested interest in keeping you around, philosophical or not.


And I think Joyce was a very intelligent choice. Imagine if you'd decided that since you're sick, you don't have to think, read mind-candy, like say romance, & got your heart all worked up again? THAT would have been bad & hard to explain.


Whew. Glad I read about this after you're funny instead of absent. (Are your boys ok?)

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Ok, she's got triplets. And the oldest one is 16. How. old. are. the. rest????



And I think Joyce was a very intelligent choice.


Aubrey, I think you should sit down before you read this. All of my triplets are 16. They came out that way!


I knew you'd like Joyce. I read the list of Free classics on my Kindle and decided to read Joyce instead of Crime and Punishment. Why? I figured it would be full of symbolism (which hopefully would go right over my head), and that you, Aubrey, would approve!


I haven't read much of it yet. After the first several pages, I watched Rachel Ray on t.v. I've never seen her show before. This week is waffle week, if you are interested. Not your ordinary waffles either!

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Aubrey, I think you should sit down before you read this. All of my triplets are 16. They came out that way!


I knew you'd like Joyce. I read the list of Free classics on my Kindle and decided to read Joyce instead of Crime and Punishment. Why? I figured it would be full of symbolism (which hopefully would go right over my head), and that you, Aubrey, would approve!


I haven't read much of it yet. After the first several pages, I watched Rachel Ray on t.v. I've never seen her show before. This week is waffle week, if you are interested. Not your ordinary waffles either!


I did figure out that they were all 16 before I posted, but I had no idea they came out that way. Mercy! Now I'm not worried about your heart--it's a miracle you lived through THAT BIRTH.


Now, about Joyce. I've never read him. Or Crime & Punishment. I did buy a copy of Ulysses because I liked the cover. I read the intro a few weeks ago, & it's back on the shelf now. I also own Portrait of the Artist.


Crime & Punishment, in my defense, I was trying to read the day after #1 was born. I found that I could not handle post-birth hormones & Dostoevsky on the same day. I almost took a semester off of school because of the resulting tears, lol.


We don't have tv, & I hate cooking, & cooking shows are even worse, so I'll leave RR to you. We're having silent film week here at Lively Academy, though. (I wouldn't want to do that while sick, so I don't recommend joining us.)


However, now that you're home & don't have to keep up appearances, do you want some better books to read? (Not as in higher literary merit, but higher enjoyment factor.) How about movies? If you love RR, I probably can't help you, & if you're not allowed to laugh...actually, I might could help you with that. My mom likes some of the most boring movies ever made. Why? Because there's a pretty sailboat on the cover. Etc. Otoh, they're so bad, they may wrap around to making you laugh, & I don't know how heart stuff works, but if I'm responsible for blowing a stint, I'd never forgive myself.


(Clearly you're allowed to both laugh & fight about shopping carts, though, or you wouldn't be here. Right?)

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I did figure out that they were all 16 before I posted, but I had no idea they came out that way. Mercy! Now I'm not worried about your heart--it's a miracle you lived through THAT BIRTH.


LOL for a full 2 minutes!


Sure I'd like book and movie recommendations. I didn't like that Benjamin Button movie -- too dark (I like well lit movies). I will confess, but only to you, that 2 of my favorite movies are My Blue Heaven and Pretty Woman. How favorite? Well, DH knows the entire scripts of both by heart.


I have Fried Green Tomatoes sitting right here, and I recently watched The First Wives Club (the author of the book died while having plastic surgery!). I like movies set in the South (chick flicks) and WW2 movies. I plan to see The Secret Life of Bees. Hmmm.... I am beginning to see how borrowing DS2's laptop might come in handy. I won't have to use that stupid touch pad more than a couple of times.


My family thinks I have terrible taste in movies. I think it's a male thing.


I did not like watching Rachel Ray. I spent too many years watching Julia Child and other dead or now Very Old chefs -- and RR doesn't hold a candle to her. I like this one young guy who is famous -- looks kind of geeky -- saw him on YouTube, but can't remember his name.

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You know what was the strangest thing about that? I wasn't scared of dying. The pull of that door seemed so natural.

I believe it, but your poor husband and kids. They would have been heart broken and we too! :grouphug:

I remember thinking, hold on a minute! I'm not done reading Surprised By Hope, by N. T. Wright. I'm not going through any white door until I finish that book, just in case there is something I need to know in that book. I am all about Informed Consent, it seems. :D


I love watching You Tube videos. My favorites are the ones on how to make Krispy Kreme doughnuts at home. That and knife work (kitchen-related).

Cool! I'm sure you'll find plenty to keep you occupied while you recuperate. You know, I've always wanted to learn to crochet. I can knit, but I never really learned how to crochet. I asked my grandmother to teach me a bunch of times, but I'm convinced that she taught me wrong because I still can't crochet anything but chains. I wonder if youtube has lessons.... :)


I knew you'd like Joyce. I read the list of Free classics on my Kindle and decided to read Joyce instead of Crime and Punishment. Why? I figured it would be full of symbolism (which hopefully would go right over my head), and that you, Aubrey, would approve!

:lol::lol: You're too funny. :)

LOL for a full 2 minutes!


Sure I'd like book and movie recommendations. I didn't like that Benjamin Button movie -- too dark (I like well lit movies). I will confess, but only to you, that 2 of my favorite movies are My Blue Heaven and Pretty Woman. How favorite? Well, DH knows the entire scripts of both by heart.


I have Fried Green Tomatoes sitting right here, and I recently watched The First Wives Club (the author of the book died while having plastic surgery!). I like movies set in the South (chick flicks) and WW2 movies. I plan to see The Secret Life of Bees. Hmmm.... I am beginning to see how borrowing DS2's laptop might come in handy. I won't have to use that stupid touch pad more than a couple of times.


My family thinks I have terrible taste in movies. I think it's a male thing.


I did not like watching Rachel Ray. I spent too many years watching Julia Child and other dead or now Very Old chefs -- and RR doesn't hold a candle to her. I like this one young guy who is famous -- looks kind of geeky -- saw him on YouTube, but can't remember his name.


Maybe Groundhog Day? I love that movie. Or When Harry Met Sally or Sleepless in Seattle?

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