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What your ____ is doing threads?

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Am I the only one who truly has a love/hate relationship with those threads? :001_huh:


I feel so behind and uncool when I read them. I LOVE seeing what others are doing and celebrating what is working for them, but man! I take a HUGE blow to my confidence.


Anyone else? All the pretty spread sheets, lapbooks, 15 subjects......while around me I have a pile of books, a laptop balancing on the arm of a chair, and a ripped motebook of math I have to try to correct. I think the 100lb dog slept on it. :confused: :lol:

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I'm with you!! It really depends on my mood. A lot of times I see those and it completely motivates me, and other times makes me depressed!! To each his own, right?

Yeah....usually it justs drags me under.


I look at the first grader threads and think, "Hmmm....I should show ds11. He thinks he has so much to do! It is like he is in tot school!" :D

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Since I"m new to homeschooling, I quickly learned NOT to open those threads!! The first month or so I was here I click, click, clicked away on anyone and everyone's links. I was amazed at bookcases, bulletin boards, art projects, and science experiments. I was like "woah". So now I just pat myself on the back and make sure I don't look at other people's homes :)

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I have a love/hate relationship w/ them. Love seeing what others are doing, hate thinking about what I COULD be doing but I'm not. I usually leave them feeling like a slacker, lol!

That was me last night. I poured over this beautiful Counting Coconuts blog for like 2 hours.


By the end, I was acting like a jr high bully! :D I was so mad that I was not as cool as she is. :001_huh:

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I don't open the "Mommy brag time!!" or "Can I brag just a little?" threads at ALL. When did it become OK to brag just because you're a homeschooler or whatever other excuse people are using? I mean, I get the whole neediness for validation thing or that some moms don't have mommies and daddies who will listen and cheer on every success, but it just bugs me. I try to let my kids know that I'm proud of their accomplishments. On a rare occasion I share with someone we KNOW what we've achieved if it's really something special. Other than that, let your successful feelings stew and get all warm and mooshy in your own head and heart. 'Cause I don't really care that much, mainly because I don't really know ya. LOL (I know, to some that's mean. I just don't have enough energy in this life for all the unnecessary emoting. :tongue_smilie: )

Edited by 6packofun
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That was me last night. I poured over this beautiful Counting Coconuts blog for like 2 hours.


By the end, I was acting like a jr high bully! :D I was so mad that I was not as cool as she is. :001_huh:


OMG I had to google the blog you were talking about and let me say...NO. FREAKING. WAY. WOW! That room wouldd be trashed here in oh....4 minutes. :lol:

Edited by Halcyon
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Yes! The room looks gorgeous. BUT she has only one and a 3yo. When my oldest was 3 I was in the middle of a hard pregnancy and then had a very sick baby. When the youngest was 3, the oldest was a senior and I was trying to worry about college. I have never felt I am good at this homeschooling thing and have now been doing it for 21 years. But I have had 2 go through college on academic scholarship so something I am doing must be working somehow.



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Am I the only one who truly has a love/hate relationship with those threads? :001_huh:


I feel so behind and uncool when I read them. I LOVE seeing what others are doing and celebrating what is working for them, but man! I take a HUGE blow to my confidence.


Anyone else? All the pretty spread sheets, lapbooks, 15 subjects......while around me I have a pile of books, a laptop balancing on the arm of a chair, and a ripped motebook of math I have to try to correct. I think the 100lb dog slept on it. :confused: :lol:



No. They make me laugh sometimes, though. There are many of us who have been around for 10 years (or more!) and most of the old die-hards have never posted those kinds of threads. They are mostly posted by the over-eager newbies who tend to burn out relatively quickly. There used to be a couple of posters who would post about every perfect resource and pretty form they created. They aren't here anymore.


So, if you're in it for the long haul, just keep on keepin' on, hon. You'll be fine. :001_smile:

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Just remember: people only post/blog the very best of their lives. Only read the stuff that inspires you to improve what you can and IGNORE THE REST!


And I agree with this :) :


There are many of us who have been around for 10 years (or more!) and most of the old die-hards have never posted those kinds of threads. They are mostly posted by the over-eager newbies who tend to burn out relatively quickly. There used to be a couple of posters who would post about every perfect resource and pretty form they created. They aren't here anymore.
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I love blogs, and I always give parents the benefit of the doubt. Most folks are doing the best they can. However. Sometimes it takes a whole lot of parental control to look good. Nobody every takes pix of their kids crying and being bored out of their minds, or having to scrub the bathoom floor as punishment, or the minivan filled with the toys that were 'donated' or thrown away because they didn't clean up well.


I am not into control. I didn't care if they napped, it they got out of their rooms when they woke, if they make a mess etc. My kids have done beautifully without picayune behavior charts, punishments, or timeouts.

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Folks. I want to apologise for my post. I was in a very silly mood when I wrote it (note to self, steer well clear of controversy on message boards when in a jokey mood - and I should know that British humor is very dry compared to American humor.) and I can see why some have had a problem with it. So - sorry.


Btw.. me feeling sick looking at the blog had to do with the comparison with my own house - it is truly NEVER tidy here and sometimes I am sick to my stomach just looking at it! But kudos to this gal, if she can keep her place in great shape.

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I wouldn't last 4 minutes here....and Oh, to have the time to do that stuff.....





Hehe...did you see how spotless that little desk was? So adorable...but completely. utterly. unrealistic. for my family. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Halcyon
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I love blogs, and I always give parents the benefit of the doubt. Most folks are doing the best they can. However. Sometimes it takes a whole lot of parental control to look good. Nobody every takes pix of their kids crying and being bored out of their minds, or having to scrub the bathoom floor as punishment, or the minivan filled with the toys that were 'donated' or thrown away because they didn't clean up well.


I am not into control. I didn't care if they napped, it they got out of their rooms when they woke, if they make a mess etc. My kids have done beautifully without picayune behavior charts, punishments, or timeouts.


Hm. You're kind of inspiring me to do a blog entry of like "the week's worst moments" or something and to take pics of all those types of things and then post it as one entry. Maybe I'll do that in the near future! :D


Oh and the room in that Counting Coconuts blog--- man that's beautiful! I'd love a room like that. But here, it just wouldn't ever LOOK like that.

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I can top that...our dog pooped on my 2nd graders LA workbook today...



:rofl: We need a coffee snorting out of the nose laughing smilie! :D


I was that mom with the activities carefully prepared for the one preschool-aged child, once. It was a happy and sweet time. Thank goodness I now know I don't need to do all of that, because there is no way I still could.

Edited by Penelope
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Well, the one thing that sticks out to me in that woman's blog is that she has ONE small child, and she took the pics right after she set up the room. There are times when my house is perfectly spotless, too. It just doesn't stay that way.


I look on those blogs and posts as idea generators and outlets for creative people.


Early on here someone posted how everyone who comes to this forum needs to remember that each of us does SOMETHING very well. The problem is when you read all the posts it feels like everyone is doing everything very well. And that's just not the case.


Play to your own strengths.

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OMG I had to google the blog you were talking about and let me say...NO. FREAKING. WAY. LOL. That room wouldd be trashed in oh....4 minutes. :lol:


So are you saying this blog is FOR REAL???? Seriously, I thought it was some kind of parody of a homeschool blog. I'm sorry, but Practical Living Shelves have to be some kind of joke.

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Hm. You're kind of inspiring me to do a blog entry of like "the week's worst moments" or something and to take pics of all those types of things and then post it as one entry.


Okay, we need to start a thread. Homeschooling in Real Life. I'll post a picture of my daughter and I doing school (last weeks, cause we're behind) on a 2-foot section of table that I cleared right before we finally got started (at 9:45 am), while my toddler stands next to me crying and the other two boys fight and crunch pretzels into the (already messy) living room rug. I'm sure it won't take long for me to acquire such a picture.... :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, we need to start a thread. Homeschooling in Real Life. I'll post a picture of my daughter and I doing school (last weeks, cause we're behind) on a 2-foot section of table that I cleared right before we finally got started (at 9:45 am), while my toddler stands next to me crying and the other two boys fight and crunch pretzels into the (already messy) living room rug. I'm sure it won't take long for me to acquire such a picture.... :tongue_smilie:


LOL I just started this thread:



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Funny. I posted just recently in one of those. Ds13 had spent a total of, oh MAYBE, 2 hours on his schoolwork that day. I typed out a reply. It looked like he had done SO much. I left him alone the rest of that day. It made me feel like we had accomplished so much that day.:lol:

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The thing is that the Blogging Coconuts author is not a member here, and did not post on the WTM What Is Your Child Doing? thread. I think it's rather mean to be ripping her apart here.


Yes. Thank you.


I really like the idea of having all the shelves be child height too. I have one little guy and he loves getting into....everything. Not sure I need more things in reach for him to make a mess with! :tongue_smilie:

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LOL, I won't take pictures of my school room for y'all because it is piled high with books and papers. While I know what's what and where everything is, it would just look like chaos to others. The thing is, when I worked my desk always looked like that, too, and lots of productive folks I've known have the same sorts of desks....


I think you should be proud of your working mess! It is the evidence of accomplishments.....


I always tell my husband that books are a messy business, LOL.....

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The thing is that the Blogging Coconuts author is not a member here, and did not post on the WTM What Is Your Child Doing? thread. I think it's rather mean to be ripping her apart here.

I actually love her and her blog. It is truly inspiring. She has ties to my state too. :)


"I" am the one with the issue because I feel like a failure. I handing my littles ones computer paper that has been walked on, an orange crayon, a couple chunks of broken crayon, a brown colored pencil, a Stockmar color block with spots on it, and saying, "Go do some art!" :001_huh:

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I always find inspiration when bragging posts come up. I am a list maker and planner kind of person. It puts my mind to ease when everything is in its right place.


That said I am normally standing on cheerios (or scrambled eggs) while getting ds to sit down to write a 4 word sentance while the others are scrambling behind me because they are horses that were let loose and now they are scared. :)


I like neatness and order but hardly do I see it. When I do, I have to take a picture. Later on when I am having a panic attack I can pull it up on my blog and breath deep...sometimes this house really is clean. Kidding I don't do that but man its a good idea! :)


P.S. LOVE that blog!!!! As a side note she even mentions in the post that the room generally doesn't look like that. She has everything jsut so for photography purposes. Ahhh a woman after my own heart. :D

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I feel so behind and uncool when I read them. I LOVE seeing what others are doing and celebrating what is working for them, but man! I take a HUGE blow to my confidence.

Anyone else? All the pretty spread sheets, lapbooks, 15 subjects......while around me I have a pile of books, a laptop balancing on the arm of a chair, and a ripped motebook of math I have to try to correct. I think the 100lb dog slept on it. :confused: :lol:


You are not reading the threads carefully. There are always a few people saying their kids are watching tv or flooding the bathroom. :)



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I don't open the "Mommy brag time!!" or "Can I brag just a little?" threads at ALL. When did it become OK to brag just because you're a homeschooler or whatever other excuse people are using? I mean, I get the whole neediness for validation thing or that some moms don't have mommies and daddies who will listen and cheer on every success, but it just bugs me. I try to let my kids know that I'm proud of their accomplishments. On a rare occasion I share with someone we KNOW what we've achieved if it's really something special. Other than that, let your successful feelings stew and get all warm and mooshy in your own head and heart. 'Cause I don't really care that much, mainly because I don't really know ya. LOL (I know, to some that's mean. I just don't have enough energy in this life for all the unnecessary emoting. :tongue_smilie: )


Yeah...and then there are the people who like to say really insensitive things, and think putting "LOL" at the end makes it all ok. Bless their hearts. ;)

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Oh and the room in that Counting Coconuts blog--- man that's beautiful! I'd love a room like that. But here, it just wouldn't ever LOOK like that.


I have a friend who homeschools the Montessori way. She has a room that looks EXACTLY like the one in this blog. It looks like that because it follows a formula for a Montessori room. There is a place for everything and everything in it's place because that is super important to that method of teaching. The kids are specifically taught to take things out one at a time and to then put them away.


I always look at my friend's house in awe but I teach my kids a different way. My kids would have all of the things off of those shelves and would be mixing and matching the different materials to come up with a totally different way of dealing with them. It would be a mess, and enforcing the clean up would have us probably all in tears, unless I decided to just bag it, in which case it would never look that pristine again. . .


I think it's great that we have a place to celebrate our occasional successes. Often we are in a place where we can't even call Grandma and Grandpa to brag on Little Suzy because they will rain on our parade because after all we're homeschooling and nothing good ever came out of that. . . So we can cheer each other on when things aren't going well but we should also applaud when it does miraculously fall into place.

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I have a friend who homeschools the Montessori way. She has a room that looks EXACTLY like the one in this blog. It looks like that because it follows a formula for a Montessori room. There is a place for everything and everything in it's place because that is super important to that method of teaching. The kids are specifically taught to take things out one at a time and to then put them away.


I always look at my friend's house in awe but I teach my kids a different way. My kids would have all of the things off of those shelves and would be mixing and matching the different materials to come up with a totally different way of dealing with them. It would be a mess, and enforcing the clean up would have us probably all in tears, unless I decided to just bag it, in which case it would never look that pristine again. . .


I think it's great that we have a place to celebrate our occasional successes. Often we are in a place where we can't even call Grandma and Grandpa to brag on Little Suzy because they will rain on our parade because after all we're homeschooling and nothing good ever came out of that. . . So we can cheer each other on when things aren't going well but we should also applaud when it does miraculously fall into place.

I actually have a plan now for how I want to set up our house. I was truly inspired by that blog. It should me the possibilities.


I just have to figure out some adjustments due to multi age kids.

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You know, as a mum of "only" 2 kids, who didnt start homeschooling till they were 7 and 9 years old.....even though my younger was a very high needs child and I had to sit next to him most of the day till he was 12 or so......I still had a fair amount of free time. Way too much free time, really...so I came here, got organised, researched etc. For years. And I had time to clean house too.


The thing these threads bring up for me is......if you have younger kids, of course you are going to be more tied up with the day to day activities of younger kids..it will pass, but for now, this is the season you are in. Dont be envious of those with more time on their hands....one day, that will be you too. People dont write what they are doing just to annoy you. For many of us it has been beneficial to see how organised some people can be. Dont take it as a personal slight, for goodness sakes. You dont know whats going on in their homes at all. They may be locked in their bedrooms making spreadsheets while the house falls apart around them. That may be one area of control they have in a chaotic home. Or their house may be spotless but they cant stand everyone piling in their beds for a cuddle and readaloud. YOu dont know.


And if you have 6 kids....what did you think? Having 6 would be as easy as having 2? I don't understand that one at all. If you have many kids, you will have more work on your hands, a wider age range, more people to tend to, more housework, more to cook for, more appointments to attend....it didnt just happen by itself. You chose to have 6 kids, didnt you? I guess thats not a politically correct thing to say on a Christian message board, but still....I am often surprised. Some people have 10 kids and are very organised and disciplined and others with 3 or 4 can barely manage. I know poeple on these boards who have many more than 6 kids and i never see them complaining about the sorts of things people complain about with far less kids.


I think it pays to give grace to other families who are organised, disciplined and whose kids are doing well. It doesn't just happen by itself...they worked at it. And I believe for many, it happened because they were motivated by something...they probably started out chaotic and disorganised too. I certainly did. But the homeschooling journey exposed me to so many great things....parenting methods, homeschooling methods, organisational methods...that over the years I learned from those who went before me, and I grew, got organised and at the same time- my kids got older, which is kind of intevitable!


Its ok to be where you are at...and its great to come here for support when you are feeling a mess.....but one of the best things I read over the years here was mums saying "homeschooling is my work, my job, and I treat it as such- I don't take days off lightly" and "your kids need an education- give them one, or they should be at school". Its controversial, but I tend to agree with it. I remember one mum who came here looking for support for not educating her kids for many months- and the response was tough with some mums telling her straight that they felt her kids would be better off in school. It sounds tough, and we all need a soft approach at times, but there is a time for toughness too.


Spreadsheets are not a sign of a good education, but don't be envious of those who are successful and together. Instead, learn from them.

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You know, as a mum of "only" 2 kids, who didnt start homeschooling till they were 7 and 9 years old.....even though my younger was a very high needs child and I had to sit next to him most of the day till he was 12 or so......I still had a fair amount of free time. Way too much free time, really...so I came here, got organised, researched etc. For years. And I had time to clean house too.


The thing these threads bring up for me is......if you have younger kids, of course you are going to be more tied up with the day to day activities of younger kids..it will pass, but for now, this is the season you are in. Dont be envious of those with more time on their hands....one day, that will be you too. People dont write what they are doing just to annoy you. For many of us it has been beneficial to see how organised some people can be. Dont take it as a personal slight, for goodness sakes. You dont know whats going on in their homes at all. They may be locked in their bedrooms making spreadsheets while the house falls apart around them. That may be one area of control they have in a chaotic home. Or their house may be spotless but they cant stand everyone piling in their beds for a cuddle and readaloud. YOu dont know.


And if you have 6 kids....what did you think? Having 6 would be as easy as having 2? I don't understand that one at all. If you have many kids, you will have more work on your hands, a wider age range, more people to tend to, more housework, more to cook for, more appointments to attend....it didnt just happen by itself. You chose to have 6 kids, didnt you? I guess thats not a politically correct thing to say on a Christian message board, but still....I am often surprised. Some people have 10 kids and are very organised and disciplined and others with 3 or 4 can barely manage. I know poeple on these boards who have many more than 6 kids and i never see them complaining about the sorts of things people complain about with far less kids.


I think it pays to give grace to other families who are organised, disciplined and whose kids are doing well. It doesn't just happen by itself...they worked at it. And I believe for many, it happened because they were motivated by something...they probably started out chaotic and disorganised too. I certainly did. But the homeschooling journey exposed me to so many great things....parenting methods, homeschooling methods, organisational methods...that over the years I learned from those who went before me, and I grew, got organised and at the same time- my kids got older, which is kind of intevitable!


Its ok to be where you are at...and its great to come here for support when you are feeling a mess.....but one of the best things I read over the years here was mums saying "homeschooling is my work, my job, and I treat it as such- I don't take days off lightly" and "your kids need an education- give them one, or they should be at school". Its controversial, but I tend to agree with it. I remember one mum who came here looking for support for not educating her kids for many months- and the response was tough with some mums telling her straight that they felt her kids would be better off in school. It sounds tough, and we all need a soft approach at times, but there is a time for toughness too.


Spreadsheets are not a sign of a good education, but don't be envious of those who are successful and together. Instead, learn from them.

That is a really beautiful post. Thank you. :)

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I have a friend who homeschools the Montessori way. She has a room that looks EXACTLY like the one in this blog. It looks like that because it follows a formula for a Montessori room. There is a place for everything and everything in it's place because that is super important to that method of teaching. The kids are specifically taught to take things out one at a time and to then put them away.


I've tried to teach my kids that with regards to their bedrooms, particularly after I had to spend hours helping clean and organize it because it had reached the point where it should have been condemned heh. We'd clean, organize, declutter, find a spot for each thing, talk about how "you can keep it this way, if you would only put this thing back in its spot when you're done with it, before taking something else out" or "if you'd only spend five minutes doing a quick straightening up before bed, and not let it get to this point...."


But it never works for more than a few days. It always goes back to looking like it ought to be condemned. Particularly with my 10 y/o. She's just messy and disorganized in general! (That, and she likes to play with more than one thing at a time) :)


And my 5 y/o...forget it, he's like a little tornado sometimes. He'd want to take everything out and wouldn't be so eager to put it all back where it belonged, so I'd be doing it...


I do honestly adore the look of the room though! :D

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