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Another babysitting fee thread...

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OK, my almost 15-yr-old dd has sat a few times now for her first family, with kids 3 and 7. Since she was a newbie sitter she only asked for $4 an hour ( I figured she could ask a bit more once she turned 15 and/or started high school.)


Last night the family had her over....and only paid $2 an hour since only one kid was there (which we did NOT know in advance). They also kept her until midnight (hubby stayed up to make sure she got in ok, locked the door, etc.)


I think she should have still been paid $4 an hour. I mean, really. It is still her entire evening.


Hive thoughts?

Edited by JFSinILnewme
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she is being taken advantage of and should not babysit this family again. She should ask friends what the going rate in your area is. You can ask your friends who have younger children as well and come up with a rate reasonable given her age, maturity and experience. I would come up with a rate that is based on two children and does not go down, but does go up based on more children, children in diapers, and late nights.


The family may want an explanation as to why she can't babysit for them. Part of me says she's entered the working world and needs to respond herself for most problems, but in this case if she's uncomfortable I might encourage her to simply say my parents won't let me sit for your family and you may ask my parents about it. Then if they follow up and call you, you can tell them that they inappropriately took advantage, tell them her new rates.

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I agree with the others. Don't sit for them again.

She will find plenty of business around, and imo, shouldn't take less than 5 an hour, even if she's new. She should make sure her clients know her fees, and that they are not per child, necessarily.


She needs to lay things out for her clients--what she charges, who provides transportation, what she does and doesn't do (dishes? clean up?), what happens if parents are late (I'm talking very late), etc. It takes a little gumption, but she should not be afraid to spell it out. It makes her seem a little MORE mature to have a "policy" in place.

Parents do not respect young babysitters if the babysitter is too nicey-nicey.


It's a learning experience, for sure, so it's no big deal that it happened--just help her make sure it doesn't happen again.

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Well, that made me start saying "My minimum for the night is x number of dollars..." and My minimum fee per hour is $$$$ and I'll sit for all your kids or just one... for that price...


(Before I agreed to go)

I pay our daughter $4 - $5 an hour... older $6 an hour..... but I don't have to pay often.... (thank goodness:))

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That is just cheap. They should have discussed only having one child home. I would not babysit for them again if it were me.


And at $4/hr they should have been happy to pay that even for one child. I paid our regular babysitter $5/hr for one child and was ecstatic to find a good kid at that low a rate. I agree with pp, she should have a set policy, ie x amount for 1 child, y for more than one, etc, and discuss it with parents up front. Also, when she starts driving she should discuss her clients paying her gas money on top of her regular fee if she is hauling their kids around town. Not just to something close by, but our babysitter was taking ds to karate once a week while I tutored, which is about 25 miles round trip, so I paid her a little extra to cover the gas.

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I think $2 an hour for one child is too low.

If your dtr would like to sit for this family again, I would encourage her to stipulate her hourly rate, or minimum rate.


Just a thought...

The teen we have used most recently (and love) doesn't have a flat hourly rate. She accepts what is offered, however has been given permission to refuse a too high amount. The feeling of her parents is that you never know someone else's situation. You might think they earn $X, and that they should be able to afford $Y/hr, but you also might be told they are going for dinner when they are going to an appointment (counselor, lawyer, doctor).

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I think i am fairly cheap compared to my friends and I pay at least $5 an hour. (I usually have my 12yr old neighbor babysit-her mom is next door). I tell her I am going to pay her $5 an hour, but I round up generously and give more for doing bedtime or dinner or if all 3 kids are awake the whole time. I also always give at least $10 no matter how long she is here.


Even for a 14yr old, $2 an hour is just not worth her time. I don't think young teens need to make minimum wage, but $2 is far too low.

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That is way too little. I pay my sitter (age 15.5) at least $10 an hour. She was here 10 hours last weekend and got $120. That was a little more than I'd planned to give her but my kids like her and we are rarely gone that long. I pay her extra for anything over 8 hours. She was watching 4 kids which is partly why I paid so much (6,6,4,3).


My 13 year old does a little babysitting for her siblings. It's never been more than 2 hours and usually it's just 1-2 of the kids. I do pay her around $2/hr but I've told her that is because I pay for so much of her other stuff. She is going on a girl scout weekend that is costing almost $200 and I told dd she is helping pay that with babysitting. For an outside sitter I'd pay at least $5/hr for one child.

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If they call again, your daughter needs to tell them either no, or a minimum amount, depending on whether or not she'd like to sit for them again. $2/hour is ridiculous. Even $4 is low. Practice how to say it with her so she sounds mature, and not bitter.

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You live in the Chicago area and your daughter was only charging $4 per hour? That's crazy, and I think even without the $2 per hour for one child thing, she's getting majorly taken advantage of. In our major metro area (similar costwise to Chicago), it's customary to pay $10 per hour for a teen, maybe $7 or 8 for a young teen.

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Thanks for all the posts, folks. You confirmed what I suspected - dd was asking a bit too little AND the parent who asked her to sit darn well knew he was going to pay only $2...he was careful not to let us know up front that there would be one kid, not two, and he gave my dd the money folded up as he dropped her off - she did not know she was being paid only $2/hr until she got into our house and counted the money.


I told dd to ask the dad (he is in martial arts and she may well see him in class this week) if he realized he underpaid her. Also - that her fee from now on will be $5 an hour for 1 - 3 kids (more for more kids).


If the parents want to keep dd as a sitter they will now know to pay her $5 an hour. We will see if they come up with the other $2/hr from the last job ...if they want to keep dd as a sitter it might be a good idea to do so!


I am going to try and stay out of it (aside from advising dd) so she learns to handle stuff on her own. I did tell her to let the other parents at martial arts know she is available for sitting (and her rate) - she is the ONLY teen girl there with a black belt! The owners of the studio have little kids!!! Surely dd can find more folks to sit for?!


PS - we know what it is like to not go anywhere because a sitter costs a lot. We have four kids - one with autism - and when they were small ONCE the neighbors watched them so we could go to a concert (then another time we watched their kids). ONCE good friends watched them so we could go out for an anniversary dinner. But to pay a sitter for four kids...we could not afford to do that. So we didn't go out. Which is why I won't advise dd to ask for much more than $5 an hour, ever. Parents around here can not afford it.

Edited by JFSinIL
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Please verify that $5/hour is the going rate for your area before your dd tells people this. For my area $5/hour is a bargain rate. Encourage your dd not to undersell herself. People do pay for good babysitters and good babysitters. I'm afraid if she advertisers a significant amount under the going rate (which $5/hour would be here) she will continue to attract people who try to take advantage of her.

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Please verify that $5/hour is the going rate for your area before your dd tells people this. For my area $5/hour is a bargain rate. Encourage your dd not to undersell herself. People do pay for good babysitters and good babysitters. I'm afraid if she advertisers a significant amount under the going rate (which $5/hour would be here) she will continue to attract people who try to take advantage of her.


Most folks here won't be able to afford the $5/hr. Not a well-off area. If she charges much more than that she won't get any sitting jobs at all. that is just reality here.

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We live in a rural area, and we pay our 14yo twin babysitters $4/hr (so $8/hr total) for babysitting 1-4 kids. I asked their mom, and she thought we were being very generous. They jump at the chance to babysit, so I don't think the pay is too low. Babysitting rates must vary by area.

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It varies so much depending on where you live - what sorts of jobs the majority of parents have/etc. My dd14 currently babysits two kids (same age as the kids in the original post - 3 and 7) and earns $10/hour. However, that's here. A few years ago we lived somewhere with a MUCH lower babysitting rate .... $2/$3 hour was normal there.

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the parent who asked her to sit darn well knew he was going to pay only $2...he was careful not to let us know up front that there would be one kid, not two, and he gave my dd the money folded up as he dropped her off - she did not know she was being paid only $2/hr until she got into our house and counted the money.



Ugh ugh ugh. I am so annoyed at these people, and I don't even know them! I mean really, cheating the teen babysitter? What is wrong with people? !


I am very glad that your husband is going to put them on the spot about this.

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That is definitely taking advantage. She's not getting paid per kid, she's getting paid for her time/attention/supervision, etc, regardless of whether it's 1 kid or 3 or whatever.


And $4 is already cheap. $2 is ridiculous. We pay $7.00 an hour plus a tip to our teen sitter and I feel like that's a pretty good deal.

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I think $5 an hour is good base rate.


And I wouldn't worry too much about your area. Think slightly outside your area, she might get clients who can afford to have her babysit more often. Also, it might restrict her to clients who truely want her and appreciate her.

I'd rather she get no business, than bad or unreliable business.


Just a thought.

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OK, my almost 15-yr-old dd has sat a few times now for her first family, with kids 3 and 7. Since she was a newbie sitter she only asked for $4 an hour ( I figured she could ask a bit more once she turned 15 and/or started high school.)


Last night the family had her over....and only paid $2 an hour since only one kid was there (which we did NOT know in advance). They also kept her until midnight (hubby stayed up to make sure she got in ok, locked the door, etc.)


I think she should have still been paid $4 an hour. I mean, really. It is still her entire evening.


Hive thoughts?


I made $2 an hour babysitting when I was in high school...IN THE EARLY 80'S!


I think she needs to make it clear to all potential clients that her base rate of pay is (whatever) and for additional children, it's (whatever) per child, per hour. She's caring for their children, not watering their ferns every other day. And, if they parents go past (whatever hour) then it's an additional (whatever) more since you guys have to wait up for her.


People who take advantage of kids really steam me. :cursing:

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Yeah, really.


And I'd love to see them try to hire another babysitter for $2-$4 an hour! Hopefully they will realize how cheap they were- and how good they had it!


They might have difficulty getting a sitter at all.


Just like parents talk about who is a good sitter, I know I talked about bad sitting experiences back in the day.


I know one family had a horrid rep and while they were complaining about how hard it was to get a decent sitter, we were sharing how the baby cried 24/7 from a never ending ear infection. They would get back late, but never pay for the extra time and then complain that we hadn't done the dishes.:glare:

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I do not let dd babysit for anyone we don't know, or know someone who knows them. She makes $7-$10+ per hour. She will occasionally sit for less for someone that is financially challenged.... but if they are going out to a movie and dinner..... then they are not financially challenged!


We moved to SC from VA in the late 90s with two young kids. I paid $2 an hour for a babysitter in VA (that was the rate, the sitter gave money back to me if I paid more!), then it was $6 here. We were coming off of a job loss..... so our dates were watching a DVD after the kids went to bed!

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:crying: That's just me being sad when I read threads like these that people can still find teenage babysitters for rates as little as that. We're lucky to get someone for $20 an hour here in the city. Greedy college kids all want even more than that.


So, um, yeah, clearly $2 an hour is absurdly too little anywhere for any kid.

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I don't think it's greedy. They could get most any part time job for $7.25.


Let's face it, if you could get $7.25 just about anywhere, why would you take $5 to babysit?


That's why typically the only teens that will babysit are those not yet old enough to get a minimum wage job.


It was that way even back when I was a teen. Soon as I was old enough to get regular hours at a minimum wage job, I stopped babysitting. And I made really good money at it, but a regular job meant regular hours, no diapers or dealing with crying kids and a regular paycheck.;)


So I don't think they are greedy, just looking after their financial interests same as you would.:D

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I don't think it's greedy. They could get most any part time job for $7.25.




Yes. Not only this, but it always amazes me that people resent having to pay a babysitter a reasonable wage. Hello! They're caring for and guarding your children, ya' cheapskates!

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Thanks for all the posts, folks. You confirmed what I suspected - dd was asking a bit too little AND the parent who asked her to sit darn well knew he was going to pay only $2...he was careful not to let us know up front that there would be one kid, not two, and he gave my dd the money folded up as he dropped her off - she did not know she was being paid only $2/hr until she got into our house and counted the money.


I told dd to ask the dad (he is in martial arts and she may well see him in class this week) if he realized he underpaid her. Also - that her fee from now on will be $5 an hour for 1 - 3 kids (more for more kids).


If the parents want to keep dd as a sitter they will now know to pay her $5 an hour. We will see if they come up with the other $2/hr from the last job ...if they want to keep dd as a sitter it might be a good idea to do so!


I am going to try and stay out of it (aside from advising dd) so she learns to handle stuff on her own. I did tell her to let the other parents at martial arts know she is available for sitting (and her rate) - she is the ONLY teen girl there with a black belt! The owners of the studio have little kids!!! Surely dd can find more folks to sit for?!


PS - we know what it is like to not go anywhere because a sitter costs a lot. We have four kids - one with autism - and when they were small ONCE the neighbors watched them so we could go to a concert (then another time we watched their kids). ONCE good friends watched them so we could go out for an anniversary dinner. But to pay a sitter for four kids...we could not afford to do that. So we didn't go out. Which is why I won't advise dd to ask for much more than $5 an hour, ever. Parents around here can not afford it.


Good for your dh.

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It really does depend on where you live.


We live in the boonies. 10 years ago when we were getting started we moved from the Chicago suburbs. I cultivated some teen girls from our church as sitters.


First I asked them. They said, whatever you want.


So I asked their mothers. They said, whatever you want. Really, she loves kids and this is just a ministry.


So I asked other women in the church who used those sitters and was told that $2/hr was the going rate. I asked several times and every answer was $2.


So I asked outside the church and got answers ranging from $2-4/hr, and not just for teens but older women as well.


Finally I went back and asked better questions. All the moms gave answers in the $2-3 range as normal.


We were young and broke so we paid $3/hr and were considered a good catch (plus we don't expect much). As money has increased so has our rate and the 13 year old who started out with us is a twenty-something who still sits for us at a rate more in keeping with her age and experience.


But for the Chicago area, I made $2-5/hour back in 1985. Sometimes its not the money, its the lack of respect. I wouldn't demonize the guy--so many people are clueless--but lateness (especially if they didn't call)and a sudden money decision without negotiation is a lack of respect for the sitter.

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We have three children (7,6 &4) and I pay my 19 year old babysitter $10/hour if we're just going to be gone for the evening. Around here, I'm not sure what the going rate is, but I want to make sure that she likes us and is willing to babysit if we need her. It's hard to find a good babysitter and when you get a good one.... well, you want to keep her.

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$2 an hour is ridiculous. Outrageous. NO WAY! I'd call the parents & give them what-for. I'd be so mad!


$4 / hr is crazy cheap to begin with. Personally, I think that if you leave the sitter alone, you pay proper sitter rates. Cheaper rates are fine if you are home & it's a mother's helper role, but if you trust them enough to leave your kids alone, you pay properly!!!


I made $5/hr or more in the early 80s!!! I was NEVER paid less than $20 for an evening, even if it was just 3 hours. . .


That's crazy!! $2/hr??????????? Good grief.

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Wow! That stinks. Around here a sitter that age would make $8-10/hour, with $8 being on the cheap side. I wouldn't pay anyone, any age $2/hour or even $4/hour even if no kids were home and she was sitting there watching TV!


I agree with other posters that people respect sitters more if they are more business-like and less "nice". I don't like it when sitters tell me I should pay

"whatever" I think. I know they are either trying to be nice or are not comfortable being assertive, but I am much more impressed by a more forthcoming person who confidently tells me the amount she charges. But of course that would have been a very awkward situation for your daughter when they went to pay her. I'd encourage her in the future to state her going rate, at least if they ask her.


Another thing to consider...what if there are more kids than usual? Like the cousins are in town? I generally pay 50% more if I have extra kids here. I'm talking 2-3 extra kids, MAYBE 4. And I'd ok it ahead of time. So this is double the number of kids I normally have for the sitter, so I don't pay double, but I do think she should be compensated for the extra kids. I'd usually pay $10/hour, but if the cousins were over I'd pay $15/hour. Which is a LOT, but since I'm probably splitting it with my sister it's a good deal for everyone (assuming kids aren't holy terrors!).

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