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Folks, I really don't care what you name your kids. Seriously. Call the girl Quasimodo for all I care.




Could ppl please can it with the weird spellings?


'Pawla' "Distiny' 'Dystny' 'Sevastian' 'Millisa' Folks don't think, "Wow! Those parents are just so cool!" Rather, they think, "Geez, they couldn't even be bothered to spell the kid's name properly!"


Furthermore, if you do choose to create your own spelling, you are not allowed to lose your mind if the name is spelled with the typical spelling on invitations, gifts, etc. We're not all gifted with psychic abilities and instinctively know you've spelled your kid's name differently.


This has been the end of the PSA.

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We were talking baby names last night (only have about a month left to come up with something for nameless #3!), and a certain name came on the table.


My husband says "But how would you want to spell it?"


I say, "There's only one way to spell that name."


"There are 19 different variations listed in the book!" he protests.




As someone with a relatively well-known name spelled very strangely, I have two rules for naming the kids - the average person needs to be able to pronounce the name when they see it written down, and 'creative spelling' is officially outlawed. ;)

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Pawla?? Oh, my goodness.


A lady in my church named her baby a *strange* variant of a (usually) very beautiful name, and it's so hideous to me. I couldn't even bring myself to give her a baby gift. I won't say the child's name -- I always just say "your little girl." It still icks me out if I let myself think about it.

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Don't get me wrong. Both my dds have names that have several accepted spellings, so I always clarify when asked. Plus Diva's 'regular' nickname is a shortened version of her name, and it trips ppl up initially. They 'get' it when its spelled once, since its like, "Ooooh! That makes way more sense than what I was thinking..."


I also loathe it when ppl sub in a 'y' for every vowel possible.


I've seen 'Destiny' spelled as 'Dystyny" :001_huh:


Had a friend in school...name was 'Nivis" which was ALWAYS pronounced 'Knives' by teachers the first day. She was adopted when we were 11, and promptly changed her name to Danielle.


I especially love when someone has (imo) horribly misspelled their kid's name, and then argue that *my* name is spelled wrong! :blink::banghead:

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Folks, I really don't care what you name your kids. Seriously. Call the girl Quasimodo for all I care.




Could ppl please can it with the weird spellings?


'Pawla' "Distiny' 'Dystny' 'Sevastian' 'Millisa' Folks don't think, "Wow! Those parents are just so cool!" Rather, they think, "Geez, they couldn't even be bothered to spell the kid's name properly!"


Furthermore, if you do choose to create your own spelling, you are not allowed to lose your mind if the name is spelled with the typical spelling on invitations, gifts, etc. We're not all gifted with psychic abilities and instinctively know you've spelled your kid's name differently.


This has been the end of the PSA.

May I add that I don't like it when a name is constantly spelled wrong by the community at large or the community at large doesn't recognise that there are LEGITIMATE other ways of spelling names (sometimes it's a regional thing). Several of our family members have normally spelled names, but others spell them wrong. One member, they at least ASK if it's "v" or "ph".

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For me, name your child whatever you want. Spell it whatever way you want. Rights, and freedoms, ya know. Feel free to let me know if I spelled it wrong, I'll try to do better next time. Plus what's wrong with being creative?? I guess we should all stick with Bob, Dick and Jane.


I've got bigger fish to fry then worry about what other's name their children.

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May I add that I don't like it when a name is constantly spelled wrong by the community at large or the community at large doesn't recognise that there are LEGITIMATE other ways of spelling names (sometimes it's a regional thing). Several of our family members have normally spelled names, but others spell them wrong. One member, they at least ASK if it's "v" or "ph".

Oh, I totally get there is more than one way to spell many names...Both my dds have that kind of name...so does Tazzie when I stop and think about it.


Its the completely made up spelling that the parents proudly tell you they made up, so their kid can be 'unique'.


I mean...Myrk? Instead of Mark? or Mycheyl? :svengo:


And again, if you make up the name/spelling, you don't get to throw a hissy fit when someone misspells it. (I'm talking someone that has never written the kid's name before, say on a birthday invite.)

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Oh boy I agree! For some reason its a big pet peeve of mine, even though I KNOW that its not my kid - and people can name their kids what they want.

Its just hard not to flinch when I see names like:

Brandin, Traey, Kristafor and Awston (yes those names are actual names, all from one person I know on FB).


Just don't get mad when I spell your child's name wrong, or even pronounce it wrong because I see an unusual spelling and automatically think its some unique name that needs to be pronounced a unique way. lol

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I read in an article recently that parents who have given their children weirdly spelled names regret it within about 10 years. Also, the article pointed out that adults generally are not pleased with their own weirdly spelled names. In addition, people with names such as these are perceived by others as being lower class and less educated. But, given that it has become so prevalent, that perception could change over time.

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Oh boy I agree! For some reason its a big pet peeve of mine, even though I KNOW that its not my kid - and people can name their kids what they want.

Its just hard not to flinch when I see names like:

Brandin, Traey, Kristafor and Awston (yes those names are actual names, all from one person I know on FB).


Just don't get mad when I spell your child's name wrong, or even pronounce it wrong because I see an unusual spelling and automatically think its some unique name that needs to be pronounced a unique way. lol




For me, name your child whatever you want. Spell it whatever way you want. Rights, and freedoms, ya know. Feel free to let me know if I spelled it wrong, I'll try to do better next time. Plus what's wrong with being creative?? I guess we should all stick with Bob, Dick and Jane.


I've got bigger fish to fry then worry about what other's name their children.

Its the parent throwing the fit b/c you didn't magically know they invented the spelling that really ticks me off. Or insisting that their way is right, and I can't spell my own name. That one was interesting :lol:

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A variant of Daphne?



Yes. Except the 'v' is pronounced with the 'v' sound not 'f' like 'ph' would be. That's my sister's spin of Daphne. She likes it better with a 'v' sound and decided to add an extra 'e' at the end after I told her people might think it's a misprint of Dave if she spelled it Davne like she originally wanted to.

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My name is always misspelled. It is the French/German spelling and people always insist that I should have a D in there somewhere. My broker (I am a real estate agent) has a board with all our names that she runs through during sales meeting. Last time we met, I finally erased the "d" she had in my name on the board (I did so before she got there), but she did notice the change. A couple of days ago I got my Christmas card from her. My name was spelled Briditte! Instead of dropping the D, she dropped the G!


One of my twins is Lillian, but we call her Lily. I decided on Lily with one L because I figured that was how most people would spell it. I was wrong. Most people spell her name with 2 Ls in the middle.


Now, the other twin is Frances, called Francie. People always spell Francie right, which I figured would not be the case since it is uncommon, but insist on spelling her first name Francis (the male version of the name).


I can't win for losing!

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Oh, I totally get there is more than one way to spell many names...Both my dds have that kind of name...so does Tazzie when I stop and think about it.


Its the completely made up spelling that the parents proudly tell you they made up, so their kid can be 'unique'.


I mean...Myrk? Instead of Mark? or Mycheyl? :svengo:


And again, if you make up the name/spelling, you don't get to throw a hissy fit when someone misspells it. (I'm talking someone that has never written the kid's name before, say on a birthday invite.)

I know what you mean! We went through it at the beginning of every semester when I attended business school last year. The professors dreaded going down the list.

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Yes. Except the 'v' is pronounced with the 'v' sound not 'f' like 'ph' would be. That's my sister's spin of Daphne. She likes it better with a 'v' sound and decided to add an extra 'e' at the end after I told her people might think it's a misprint of Dave if she spelled it Davne like she originally wanted to.


Yes, that's what she's going to get. My name is Paula, middle initial A. I can not tell you the number of times I've had my name misspelled as Paul A. :001_huh:, even on important paperwork. I'm not a dude, dude. :glare:

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Yes. Except the 'v' is pronounced with the 'v' sound not 'f' like 'ph' would be. That's my sister's spin of Daphne. She likes it better with a 'v' sound and decided to add an extra 'e' at the end after I told her people might think it's a misprint of Dave if she spelled it Davne like she originally wanted to.



I like Daphne better. The other way sounds like my 6yo and his weird lisp saying it. ;) But whatevs... :D My kids have boring, normally spelled names.

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As the parent of a weirdly named child (for the US) I totally understand. And agree.


My daughter's name is Cansu. Pronounced "JahnSue". I spell it correctly and phonetically on name tags.


It's Turkish. Means "Life Water". It's a not uncommon name in Turkey - and DH is Turkish. I knew when we named her that we'd have trouble in the US, and we have. Every time I introduce her it's a 3 minute process because it sounds like I named her "John Sue". You should see the looks I get. So I explain, and that helps.


Poor thing is going to have trouble her whole life. But I could NOT convince DH not to name her this. And honestly, I love it now.


Except when we meet someone new. :(

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I talked my good friend out of speliing Maya "Maia"....

I told her she would fight it for the rest of her life - and it looked like "May-ah" to me.....


Maia actually has a pretty long history (older than Maya, I'm guessing?); she's the eldest of the Pleiades in Greek mythology.

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My sort-of-step-daughter named all three of her children the strangest names and then proceeded to spell each of those names the most psychotic way she could possibly make up.


I can't get them right to save my life. Every single time I want to give them a gift or just write their name for any reason, I have to go to my handbag where I have them written down so I can make sure I get the spelling correctly.


Other people butcher the names constantly. I feel if you're going to "make up" names, then people will just "make up" how to spell them. :lol:


The babies are very young now, but I so feel for them as they get older.

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I like Daphne better. The other way sounds like my 6yo and his weird lisp saying it. ;) But whatevs... :D My kids have boring, normally spelled names.


So do I. Daphne is a perfectly nice name. Why mess with it? Of course my kids have normal boring names too. ;)


The kicker is that my sister has an unusual middle name and she hates it. She has complained her whole life. So, she'll do the same to her own dd? Mystery.

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My name is always misspelled. It is the French/German spelling and people always insist that I should have a D in there somewhere. My broker (I am a real estate agent) has a board with all our names that she runs through during sales meeting. Last time we met, I finally erased the "d" she had in my name on the board (I did so before she got there), but she did notice the change. A couple of days ago I got my Christmas card from her. My name was spelled Briditte! Instead of dropping the D, she dropped the G!


One of my twins is Lillian, but we call her Lily. I decided on Lily with one L because I figured that was how most people would spell it. I was wrong. Most people spell her name with 2 Ls in the middle.


Now, the other twin is Frances, called Francie. People always spell Francie right, which I figured would not be the case since it is uncommon, but insist on spelling her first name Francis (the male version of the name).


I can't win for losing!

Oh my goodness! My chrismated (church) name is Brigid. Ugh, I'm always getting Bridgette or some other variation! I could tolerate Brighid (older spelling), but I have the Irish spelling (and pronounciation...g says "j"), not the French, German, or Austrian version of the name (your story is exactly what I mean by cultural or varied by area). (ps, I have twin sisters and one is named Frances :) but we call her by her middle name).

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Surprisingly I have had to spend my entire life spelling my name, people like to stick an a or e in there. I guess because it was last popular about 80 years ago. :glare: We almost spelled my oldest's name in an unusual way but then I remembered growing up never being able to buy anything with my name on it, constantly have to spell my name for everyone, etc. and I just couldn't do it. Instead, her name is always the one that's sold out. :lol:


My three kids all have pretty classic names. I didn't realize it right away but they are all have names of royalty - Stephanie, George and Victoria. We do spell Vicki with the i instead of y at the end.


I agree that I don't care what people call their kids. Be as creative as you want but then it is unfair to get upset when people can't spell or pronounce it correctly.

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It's the double letters, apostrophes, spaces, and extra capital letters that push me over the edge. I free-lance for the local paper, and you would not BELIEVE some of the names I see, lol! If you think people get mad when you misspell a name on an invitation, you should see them when it's misspelled in the newspaper :eek:.


We are insanely careful about checking and double-checking, but it's hard when you have to list 20 kids, and 17 of them have insanely difficult names. And yes, I'm gonna say it, I do think it's silly at best when ONE name has two apostrophes, three capital letters, a dash, and an accent mark that you apparently made up yourself. And also sounds nothing like the way it's spelled. I'm starting to glance at the list of names and say, you know what, let's go with "John Smith and his team mates," lol.


I'm Brian, B-R-I-V-O-L-B-N, the number 7, the letter Q, --'Brennemenahgah!!!' Look at my name tag, it's, it's big. Brian Regan

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It's the double letters, apostrophes, spaces, and extra capital letters that push me over the edge. I free-lance for the local paper, and you would not BELIEVE some of the names I see, lol! If you think people get mad when you misspell a name on an invitation, you should see them when it's misspelled in the newspaper :eek:.


We are insanely careful about checking and double-checking, but it's hard when you have to list 20 kids, and 17 of them have insanely difficult names. And yes, I'm gonna say it, I do think it's silly at best when ONE name has two apostrophes, three capital letters, a dash, and an accent mark that you apparently made up yourself. And also sounds nothing like the way it's spelled. I'm starting to glance at the list of names and say, you know what, let's go with "John Smith and his team mates," lol.


I'm Brian, B-R-I-V-O-L-B-N, the number 7, the letter Q, --'Brennemenahgah!!!' Look at my name tag, it's, it's big. Brian Regan


:lol::lol::lol: I have a cousin who named her son the strangest name with "three silent L's" in the middle. It's hilarious and hideous! I really do love my family, they are just INSANE!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Oh my heck, I inadvertently gave my son a weird spelling of his name. His name is Brenden and the second "e" is supposed to be an "a" (like Brendan Frasier). The story is, I was in labor for 40 hours with him. 40 hours with no sleep and no food (because I thought the What to Expect book said no eating once labor starts :glare:) so once he came, I held him a bit, then hubby went with him while he was bathed and footprinted and all that jazz and off he went to the nursery. The next morning before hubby left for school, he said, "we should settle on a name for him." So I told him the name I wanted and he said, "B-R-E-N-D-E-N" and in my sleep deprived and drug induced state I said, "uh huh" and that's what he wrote on the papers. After I came to a little better I had a big :banghead: moment and that's just where we left it.


But I don't get upset when people misspell it.


My MIL used to work for head start in upstate NY. She had a kid in her class named, "Jousha" and the mother got livid any time someone pronounced it "Joe-oo-sha" instead of Joshua. :confused:

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Well, I have a name that is spelled "weird". In addition, I have a nickname as my given name, but that's not what this thread is about.


Anywho, my mom has always, always corrected people. To the point that if I am ordering a pizza, she thinks it should be spelled correctly on the slip. I couldn't care less on things like that. On things like ins policies and drivers licenses, yeah, I correct them. But I always cringe when I see young children with weirdly spelled names. I just know...know...they will spend their lives correcting people.

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My name is always misspelled.


me, too. and mispronounced. Of course, not having learned phonics, it wasn't until my oldest was watching Between the Lions when I learned what the job of the silent E is and, therefore, how terribly easy it is to sound out my name.


And because no one knew how to pronounce my name the first time (including nearly ALL of my teachers in elementary and high school), I was usually "Alan" the first day. Insert children laughing and snickering. :angry:

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Bugs me too. Unfortunately, even with a straightforward spelling, people can butcher it if it's not a mainstream name.


One of my dds is named Bryn. Seems like the pronunciation is obvious.


She is usually called Bryan, although she has also heard Brine, Bren, Breanne, Bree, and Burn. :glare: I'm probably forgetting some.

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My name is Kayleigh. It was not at all common when I was in school. Now I can't take my children to a playground without spinning around because I think someone is calling for me. Anyways, I grew up with everyone spelling my name Kaylee. I was called "Kah-lee-ah" a couple times too. My name looks downright simple compared to a lot of names today. I can't pronounce the names of several of the children that do choir with my daughter.


My husband and I have a rule for naming our children. If my grandfather couldn't read/spell it, we aren't using it. He passed shortly before our third was born, but I think we will be sticking to the same rule for any future children.


(Unfortunately, even this isn't foolproof. Thanks to the typist at the birth certificate office, my son's birth certificate read Christina instead of Christian.)

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no one ever mispells Felicia's name, but appartently I was making lies difficult that we spell Tory instead of Tori and Jamey instead of Jamie - even my dad has trouble spelling those right and I don't think they are wierd at all - I can't even imagine what he would do with a REALLY weird name or nickname.

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Well, as someone with a fairly normal name that is constantly misspelled (Lynn, Lin, Lyn, Line, etc.), I really feel for those kids that will always have to explain their names.


Last week at our Cub Scout pack meeting, I was walking down the hallway of the local upper elementary school, and I just happened to start reading some of the names on the lockers. The people I really feel sorry for are the teachers on the first day of school. Some of the ones I remember were Shy'raa, Braelin and Dearton. How do you call the role?

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I always feel like I have a kindred spirit when I meet people whose kids' names are neither trendy nor with odd spellings. It's so rare, though.



Same here.... we are very non-trendy with naming our children. We go with the traditional Catholic/family names. So boring I guess-LOL.

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Once a little girl threaten to beat up my little girl for mispronouncing her unusual name. So by the age of 5, this little girl was stressed by her name. :glare:


If you have an unusual name or spelling, do not have a hissy fit when no one knows your way of spelling it.


Yet, I used the french spelling of her daughter's name due to family history. Luckily, the nickname is common. When I took her to the emergency room, the insurance company had misspelled her name with a q instead of a g and the ER had a problem accepting my insurance. I tried for 5 years to get it fixed and never was able to get it changed. :confused:

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Oh my heck, I inadvertently gave my son a weird spelling of his name. His name is Brenden and the second "e" is supposed to be an "a" (like Brendan Frasier). The story is, I was in labor for 40 hours with him. 40 hours with no sleep and no food (because I thought the What to Expect book said no eating once labor starts :glare:) so once he came, I held him a bit, then hubby went with him while he was bathed and footprinted and all that jazz and off he went to the nursery. The next morning before hubby left for school, he said, "we should settle on a name for him." So I told him the name I wanted and he said, "B-R-E-N-D-E-N" and in my sleep deprived and drug induced state I said, "uh huh" and that's what he wrote on the papers. After I came to a little better I had a big :banghead: moment and that's just where we left it.



This happend to my stepsister when she was born. I don't remember what her name was supposed to be spelled but it was put on her birth certificate Tamarack. She doesn't get upset or anything if people don't know how to spell her name. She goes by Tammy mostly anyway.

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Oh my heck, I inadvertently gave my son a weird spelling of his name. His name is Brenden and the second "e" is supposed to be an "a" (like Brendan Frasier). The story is, I was in labor for 40 hours with him. 40 hours with no sleep and no food (because I thought the What to Expect book said no eating once labor starts :glare:) so once he came, I held him a bit, then hubby went with him while he was bathed and footprinted and all that jazz and off he went to the nursery. The next morning before hubby left for school, he said, "we should settle on a name for him." So I told him the name I wanted and he said, "B-R-E-N-D-E-N" and in my sleep deprived and drug induced state I said, "uh huh" and that's what he wrote on the papers. After I came to a little better I had a big :banghead: moment and that's just where we left it.


But I don't get upset when people misspell it.


My MIL used to work for head start in upstate NY. She had a kid in her class named, "Jousha" and the mother got livid any time someone pronounced it "Joe-oo-sha" instead of Joshua. :confused:


I think the second 'e' is a legitimate variation. It's not like you spelled it with a y or something. ;)

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Now, the other twin is Frances, called Francie. People always spell Francie right, which I figured would not be the case since it is uncommon, but insist on spelling her first name Francis (the male version of the name).


This is totally unrelated to the thread, but I can't resist this opportunity to tell my favorite story about my grandfather.


He was a professor in the mining engineering department at Penn State. At that time, it was their practice to write to every boy who was the valedictorian of a Pennsylvania high school and offer him a scholarship to study mining engineering. One year it was my grandfather's turn to send the letters. He had never heard of the Francis=boy, Frances=girl rule, so he sent the scholarship offer to a girl... who accepted it.


The rest of his department thought he ought to rescind the offer, but he refused. It had never occurred to him before that a young woman might want to study mining engineering, but if she did, he was all for it. That young woman was the first female graduate in mining engineering from Penn State, and my grandfather went on to mentor many more women during his career.


Okay, now everyone can go back to ridiculing stupid names. ;)

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Well, my name is usually mispronounced.


First, last, maiden, middle. Take your pick.


I was excited when I first got married, as I expected to at least have one name that I didn't need to worry about. WRONG. More people mispronounce my married name than anything!


For the record my name is pronounced "KOR in" not kor IN"


kor-IN is spelled Corrine, Korrine (though not usually) and sometimes with 2 Ns.


I find it particularly interesting when I actually say my name several times and they don't get it. Some people just don't hear the difference, when they say it. Also with people I have known for a long time. Really? You can't figure it out?


I am beginning to :chillpill: about it though, but it is still a pet peeve.


I feel so sorry for kids who's parent thought they were being "unique". When everyone spells their names differently than the standard, that means it has become trendy and common. :tongue_smilie:

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The really funny thing about my name is that my father, up until recently, spelled it Bridget. He said that as long as I live in America, I should spell it the American way. Ummm, Dad, I didn't pick the spelling, you did.


The kids in my family who were born in Belgium have American names and my oldest sister and I, born in the US, have European names. Go figure.

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I've seen Michaela spelled so many ways! McKayla or Makayla and so on.


The most creative I've gotten with my boys names is my son Brayden. I honestly did NOT intentionally put a "Y" in there. I was using a baby book of names, looking up "Celtic" names and saw Brayden. It had a "y" in it.

No one ever mispronounces his name, but even from the grandparents and Aunt/Uncles I see his name spelled "Braden" all the time or "Braydon" or "Bradon". It doesn't totally anger me, but its frustrating sometimes trying to correct them.


I couldn't imagine having to do that will all my kids, or with an actually crazy spelled name! lol

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My name is always misspelled. It is the French/German spelling and people always insist that I should have a D in there somewhere. My broker (I am a real estate agent) has a board with all our names that she runs through during sales meeting. Last time we met, I finally erased the "d" she had in my name on the board (I did so before she got there), but she did notice the change. A couple of days ago I got my Christmas card from her. My name was spelled Briditte! Instead of dropping the D, she dropped the G!


One of my twins is Lillian, but we call her Lily. I decided on Lily with one L because I figured that was how most people would spell it. I was wrong. Most people spell her name with 2 Ls in the middle.


Now, the other twin is Frances, called Francie. People always spell Francie right, which I figured would not be the case since it is uncommon, but insist on spelling her first name Francis (the male version of the name).


I can't win for losing!



Well, Brigitte, FWIW, I love your name and your twins' names. I love, love, LOVE the name Frances and wanted to use it for dd3 but was voted down. Sigh.....Her name is Charlotte, which I like, also, and always thought had only one spelling. Then we were visiting a friend in AZ and she suggested we visit a museum near her home which was built in honor of a historically significant woman in the town- her name was SHARLOT!


My name is Erika, which used to be spelled one of three ways, to my knowledge: Erika, Erica, Ericka. Now I've seen it spelled many, many other ways, including Erykah and Arrikka. It seems like some people like to have a little fun with phonics when naming their kids. ;)

Edited by Alphabetika
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