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Prayers for an unknown soul


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This morning on the way home from jui jitsu my son and I were witness to a horrible motorcycle accident. I rushed over to do what I could while we waited for the ambulance. That boy died in my arms. I am besides myself and cannot stop crying, my son doesn't know what to do or say; he was driving.


Please pray for that boy and his family. I know he was 19 from his ID and that his name was Brandon.



Tammy, really no words. Will pray for you, your ds and Brandon's family. How very tragic.


:grouphug: Sheryl <><

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:grouphug: Oh my gosh! I cannot imagine what you are feeling! I would be a WRECK! You are an AMAZING woman though for staying with that boy and comforting him as he passed. God bless you for stopping.


I am praying for him, his family, and for you and your son. :grouphug:

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Thank you for your compassion. The world needs people like you. I am glad that he did not die alone, but died being loved and cared for. I pray that God is with you in your suffering that is a consequence of your love, that God will use this experience in your son's life for good, and that he will comfort the loved ones of Brandon.

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How horrible! I can't even imagine how incredibly upset you must be!


One thing to remember is that you did a really, really good thing. That boy didn't die alone on the street. You were there to hold him, and even if he was unconscious and didn't realize it, somewhere he has a mom who would feel better knowing her boy wasn't all alone.


If you find out the boy's name, you might want to send his mom a note and let her know he didn't die alone and that he didn't suffer. That would mean so much to her, because she's probably picturing him scared and in terrible pain. If she knows it was quick and that he was immediately unconscious, it will comfort her a little.


And even if he did seem to be suffering, I might strongly consider telling his mom a little white lie about it.


I know this is terribly difficult for you, but maybe God just wanted someone special to be there for that boy.






As a mom who lost her son in a car accident, I agree with this. My son died instantly - so they tell me. Nobody was there with him, but the driver of the car. She passed away too. It would bring me great comfort to know that somebody held him in his last minutes. I do not know why God entrusted you with this, but for some reason He did. I will pray you and your son have peace. I will also pray for Brandon's family. I know all too well the road they are now on.

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As a mom who lost her son in a car accident, I agree with this. My son died instantly - so they tell me. Nobody was there with him, but the driver of the car. She passed away too. It would bring me great comfort to know that somebody held him in his last minutes. I do not know why God entrusted you with this, but for some reason He did. I will pray you and your son have peace. I will also pray for Brandon's family. I know all too well the road they are now on.


:grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss. :crying: :(

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How soon after a death does the paper run the obituary? I would like to go to the service if its not tacky just to give the mother a piece of mind; or would this just be weird? I do not deal well at all with death--I avoid dealing with it to be honest so I really don't know the protocal.


I'm doing okay I think, catching up on the dvr and working on an afgan I thought would be an easy project. Really just trying to keep my mind busy. DH is coming home after his lunch with Starbucks and chocolate; he is just a good guy. Dinner will be something quick and easy; thinking something that delivers.

My son cried and said he didn't want to drive again anytime soon. I told him that it was okay after what we had seen this morning; heck I am not excited about it but then pointed out to him he did just right at the time. He stopped with force but not slamming on breaks and was on his cell with 911 as I was getting out of the car, and he never left the car.

It is a lot to process and we have been changed forever. Thank you all so much for hugs and sharing. :grouphug:


Side note, I have told all my kids motorcycles are not allowed.


:grouphug: I do not think it would be weird or tacky. :grouphug:

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Side note, I have told all my kids motorcycles are not allowed.


OVer 12 years ago, a young woman I worked with lost her brother in a motorcycle accident. He had just been in to see her a few days before that and I had met him for the first time. He was gorgeous and really fun to talk to. He was about my age at the time. That weekend, he was riding a crotch rocket without a helmet going around 110mph and hit a construction zone. He died instantly. To this day, I swear I will never let a child of mine own a motorcycle. Yes, he was being STUPID and yes, it was his own fault. However, there is not a part of me that thinks my own kids aren't capable of doing something just as stupid...and I want to take the option away when it comes to motorcycles.

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As a mom who lost her son in a car accident, I agree with this. My son died instantly - so they tell me. Nobody was there with him, but the driver of the car. She passed away too. It would bring me great comfort to know that somebody held him in his last minutes. I do not know why God entrusted you with this, but for some reason He did. I will pray you and your son have peace. I will also pray for Brandon's family. I know all too well the road they are now on.


I remember when your son passed, Kari. I still think of that post you made. :grouphug:

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Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for that young man yesterday and for my family. I was a rough night and I am going to see my dr tomorrow. My son has said he is good and doesn't want to talk about it but has decided that motorcycles are nothing that he wants to have anymore. I will keep a close eye on his behavior I promise. I think it hit me hard because the young man was only a year older than my than my oldest.


I will be doing my best to find out when and where the wake will be. I think I need to go, to help myself and to put his mothers mind to rest. He did not suffer it all happen so quickly.


Yes, he was going too fast, he did have his helmet on but not secured it flew off on the first impact, but NO ONE deserves to pay for stupid moments with their life.

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Oh, my goodness. How heart-wrenching. Just reading about it is tough for me. I'm so very sorry you had to experience that and yet, like everyone else, I'm so glad for Brandon that you were there for him and had the compassion and love for others to do what you did. You're an amazing lady. God really used you. Praying for the family and for you and your son, Tammy. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Lauren_Ranea

Brandon is my daughter's father. She is three and looks exactly like him <3 Thank you for stopping and being there for him Tammy. It means a lot to me that someone was there with him when he passed away.

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I would like to go to the service if its not tacky just to give the mother a piece of mind; or would this just be weird?


I would think it would be okay:


My younger brother was hit by a car and killed when he was 7, the lady that hit him (it was not her fault) came to the funeral even though we didn't know her. My mother and she cried together- I know it was good for them both.

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Brandon is my daughter's father. She is three and looks exactly like him <3 Thank you for stopping and being there for him Tammy. It means a lot to me that someone was there with him when he passed away.



My thoughts and prayers are with you as this time of year draws near again. I remember when this was originally posted and tears came back again reading it today. I am sorry for your loss and I wish you peace.

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Brandon is my daughter's father. She is three and looks exactly like him <3 Thank you for stopping and being there for him Tammy. It means a lot to me that someone was there with him when he passed away.



I'm so sorry for you loss. My prayers are with you.

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Guest submarines

Brandon is my daughter's father. She is three and looks exactly like him <3 Thank you for stopping and being there for him Tammy. It means a lot to me that someone was there with him when he passed away.



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Oh my goodness, many hugs to you. You were and are such a gift to that boy and his family. Please take the time to fully grieve. I think attending his service is a wonderful idea. Thinking of you and your son and the boy's family. :grouphug:

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Brandon is my daughter's father. She is three and looks exactly like him <3 Thank you for stopping and being there for him Tammy. It means a lot to me that someone was there with him when he passed away.




Wow Lauren! That's pretty amazing.


I'm curious how you found this thread after all this time.


I notice this is your first post - so welcome to the WTM boards. :grouphug:

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Readwiththem, she probably found it via google search. I did a search for the date of the accident and the man's name, and he was Brandon Fairbanks. His fb page shows Lauren Ranea as a friend, so it all seems legit.


Lauren, I hope that your daughter brings you comfort as you grieve for Brandon. <3

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Guest Lauren_Ranea

I was having to pull some things up for my attorney and stumbled across this forum. I never knew that anyone was there with Brandon as he passed so I thought I'd give thanks where it was needed because I couldn't imagine how hard that must have been.

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