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Modest Swimwear -- are these too modest?

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I just did an Internet seach for modest swimsuits and came across this Web site:




What do you think about these suits? Are they too modest or weird-looking? I welcome any opinions, yay or nay.


I'm on a quest to find modest swimming suits for myself and my daughter. I just cannot believe how skimpy the suits are this year -- even for little girls. I've seen little girls' bikinis with padded bra tops and suits that look like lingerie, for Pete's sake!


Last summer we just wore regular 1-piece suits with swimming trunks over them. That way, we could at least avoid the embarassment of having our suits hiking up on us. Even more coverage would be nice as we have sensitive skin and I like to avoid too much sun exposure.


Thanks so much!

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I think they look better than trying to cover up with coulottes like I have seen some women do. However they do go overboard. I like the JCPenney lands end and llbean give choice of coverage for tops and bottoms including swim shorts and it looks so much nicer and flattering oh and their bottoms don't ride up like some cheaper ones do.

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I do think that those were a little too modest. I feel like you could get the coverage you are looking for and still find something modern and cute. I like tank or racer back tops and then you could pair it with a bottom that has either the attached skirt or shorts. Or you could find a one piece with the attached fuller coverage skirt. Lands End would be a great place to start looking.I just feel that the ones in the link would be difficult to move or swim in, which is sort of the point of wearing swim clothes. :)

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I think they are too modest. Get a modest tankini and some of those surf shorts.


I think being modest is great. I worry that some methods of modesty though might make kids ashamed of their bodies. It seems like nothing is allowed to show. I know many suits show a lot but I think a simple tankini & if one must surf shorts is an excellent alternative and doesn't send the message that the body is something to be ashamed of. I know I'm opening a huge can of worms with this but it's my opinion.

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It looks like a "little girl" style to me, kind of like the Hannah Anderson outfits. That would be fine for your dds, but for you, I'd pick something else. I've seen swim capris and longer swim shorts which were modest, and paired with a swim shirt I think they'd be fine. If you are uncomfortable with the close fit of those things, though, I can see why you'd choose this. If that's the case, I will say that of the very modest suits I've seen, this is the most attractive and least likely to draw extreme reactions from others.

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I think you can be modest without being stand-outish. Those suits are a bit over the top.


I briefly googled "swim skirts" because I've noticed a few women here in Hawaii with cute, stylish, and modest skirts over their suits. I link this page just for reference and because the website made me think of TOG-as in Tapestry of Grace :D. Obviously no real connection...





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something close to this. I think that the top is great but the shorts are probably a little much. I would wear the top with a boy short kind of bottom. I wouldn't wear bright colors or patterns like that though, only a solid black or maybe a brown. I don't think that it is too modest especially if you would be comfortable wearing it. :)

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Gosh, I feel like I am pushing this company, but I honestly do not work for them or any thing! We got dd's swim suits in the mail today and they are so cute! We got them at www.tamanusun.com I bought her one with a racer back (sleeveless) and one with shoulder sleeves. We also bought the shorter pair of shorts, not the knee length. She tried them on this afternoon and she looked really cute, but not "standout of the crowd' or anything like that.

I just purchased a suit for myself at www.Stitchintimes.com . It was a bit expensive and I have not received it yet..i should get it sometime next week. it looked good on their website and i have my fingures crossed!

When I was looking I went to that same website and thought about those suits, but they looked a bit odd for me. HTH



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I burn super-easily, so I wear a short-sleeved rashguard (could be long sleeved but I don't like having the fabric down to my wrists in hot weather) and board shorts. It covers everything I don't care to show off (really... no one wants to see me in a skimpy suit!) and it minimizes the amount of sunscreen I have to put on.


REI has board shorts that are longer than the Lands End ones and slightly cheaper too. I got my first rashguard at a store at the beach, but I copied it and made myself another to fit better. :)

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I think they are too modest. Get a modest tankini and some of those surf shorts.


I think being modest is great. I worry that some methods of modesty though might make kids ashamed of their bodies. It seems like nothing is allowed to show. I know many suits show a lot but I think a simple tankini & if one must surf shorts is an excellent alternative and doesn't send the message that the body is something to be ashamed of. I know I'm opening a huge can of worms with this but it's my opinion.


:iagree: No can of worms here.. I was reading the replys to see if someone already said this. My 17 yr old wears board shorts & a tankini & blends perfectly well with all her board short/tankini friends....


On the to modest thing.. I've actually known a few women whose parents & religious convictions kept them SOOO um.. modest & such, they had sexual & intimacy promblems when they got married (felt weird about their bodies....)


I'm just sayen....'

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I don't like the swimsuits in the first post, I think it would be extremely hard to swim in them, especially in the ocean. However, I wear a bikini top and swimskirt (and I'm neither a spring chicken nor a featherweight) so clearly modesty is not necessarily my priority. :001_smile:

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In an effort to cover the body, it just might backfire by drawing attention to one's self by wearing something rather unconventional. "Too modest" is my vote.


:iagree: You would end up drawing a lot of attention to yourself wearing these . . . I'd suggest a rash guard shirt and "boy shorts." Lots of fun, cheap options at every store you go in.

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I think you could easily go with rashguards and board shorts and get nearly as much coverage while looking a little more "hip" -- not drawing so much attention for being so very different. Concern about excessive sun exposure is so great now, that I *do* see many very "covered" people at public pools, water parks, etc, so covering lots of skin won't necessarily draw a lot of attention. But the suits you linked would, I think. And for me, part of "modesty" is, to some extent, an ability to "fly under the radar". Drawing a lot of attention for *such* different clothing defeats the purpose a bit, to my mind.


So for me, I'd go more with sun-conscious / surf wear type stuff instead -- rash guard tops and board shorts (over a one-piece suit, if you're concerned over the potential of a flash of tummy skin -- the only problem being toilet use).


Also, some of the LandsEnd suits for *adults* are incredibly modest -- they have tankinis that look like tops and skirts. (I'm not crazy about their girls' suits this year.)

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It doesn't only mean to cover up, it really means not attracting unnecessary attention to yourself. When I see modest desiring people wear prairie outfits around it draws a lot of attention. I don't know that I think it's *wrong* since they look at themselves as being a light, which is good, but it is something I have wondered about. If we are not to stand and pray loudly in public to show off our spirituality, is it possible to do just that very thing with our dress? Then how do you not be "of the world" in your dress either, especially when you disagree with so many of the styles of the times?


I personally like those a lot but I do wonder if a modest one piece with a cute skirt would be a bit more "modest" in some ways.


Oh, never mind me. I'm just pondering out loud. ;)

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It doesn't only mean to cover up, it really means not attracting unnecessary attention to yourself. When I see modest desiring people wear prairie outfits around it draws a lot of attention. I don't know that I think it's *wrong* since they look at themselves as being a light, which is good, but it is something I have wondered about. If we are not to stand and pray loudly in public to show off our spirituality, is it possible to do just that very thing with our dress? Then how do you not be "of the world" in your dress either, especially when you disagree with so many of the styles of the times?


I personally like those a lot but I do wonder if a modest one piece with a cute skirt would be a bit more "modest" in some ways.


Oh, never mind me. I'm just pondering out loud. ;)

This is a good point!

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Well, for us, they aren't modest enough.


This site has some which are, by our standards 'better', but mixed swimming just isn't done in our community. I do think it is wonderful that these are being designed, made, and sold - and I think standing out a little because one is adhering to one's standards is good not bad... but if I minded standing out, I wouldn't be *here*. :)


I am curious about why you cover so much if you don't do mixed swimming. I totally respect the choice, but this just made me curious about the point of modesty. Please don't take this as a judgement, I'm just curious.

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I respect your desire to wear modest attire, although I don't share such strong convictions. (That is to say, I certainly don't think I dress immodestly, but others may disagree.) The argument that one may attract "too much" attention by dressing modestly brings up the slippery slope question...When does accomodating the current trends go too far? Hypothetically, if our culture stopped wearing clothing altogether, one could argue that I'd be attracting unnecessary attention by wearing anything. So...bit of a sticky wicket there.


Back to the modest swimwear. It seems to me some (all?) of it is designed primarily for women who want to be in the swimming environment. What if one actually desires to swim for exercise purposes? It's difficult for me to imagine doing so in those outfits. Although difficult doesn't necessarily mean impossible, I realize.

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"Modest" is a tricky thing

It doesn't only mean to cover up, it really means not attracting unnecessary attention to yourself. When I see modest desiring people wear prairie outfits around it draws a lot of attention. I don't know that I think it's *wrong* since they look at themselves as being a light, which is good, but it is something I have wondered about. If we are not to stand and pray loudly in public to show off our spirituality, is it possible to do just that very thing with our dress? Then how do you not be "of the world" in your dress either, especially when you disagree with so many of the styles of the times?



Praying loudly in public is only for the purpose of being noticed. Many women (including myself) dress modestly not to show off our spirituality but because we feel we should not dress in a revealing way. I am not going to change my standards just because I might stand out. That's ridiculous. And, my definition of "modest apparel" is not apparel which blends in with others, as you put it, but apparel that does not reveal the shapes and skin of a woman in such a way that the parts of a woman only her husband should enjoy are what becomes most evident.

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What do boys & men wear while swimming in order to be suitably modest? I see all of these suits for girls & women to cover up - surely shorts with no shirt aren't acceptable for males, are they?



Well, I personally do not have a huge issue with boys without shirts when swimming, though our boys do often wear shirts when jetskiiing. They also wear shirts around the house. You are the best judge of whether this is a stumbling block for you.


Women in bathing suits IS a stumbling issue with all men I know, so that's why we treat the issue so.


Perhaps you can discuss this with your husband if you would like to determine whether your boys should wear shirts.

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We know lots of families who strive to dress modestly and they all understand the reasons for it. From speaking to these young ladies about it, they have no shame about their bodies, they just don't want to be a stumbling block to others but save their revealing parts for their husbands.


I think it's all about communication, as most of parenting is.

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[Modesty] doesn't only mean to cover up, it really means not attracting unnecessary attention to yourself. .... If we are not to stand and pray loudly in public to show off our spirituality, is it possible to do just that very thing with our dress? ...


I personally like those a lot but I do wonder if a modest one piece with a cute skirt would be a bit more "modest" in some ways.


:iagree: Well said. I tend to agree, although you have to admit that "modesty" really does mean different things to different people. "Is it too modest?" really is a question that must be answered by the person wearing the swimsuit -- if you're uncomfortable, it's immodest no matter what everyone else thinks. Modesty is in the eye of the wearer, in this case, not necessarily the beholder!


But I do think that an unusually modest swimsuit does draw attention to itself, and it seems to me that women who would want these styles probably would not want the attention. But perhaps they tend to wear them in places where mostly similar-minded people swim, and/or in women-only situations. If others are wearing them, then they are both modest and not particularly attention-drawing.


Personally, I'm no longer comfortable with anything other than what I used to call the "little old lady" styles -- one piece with a high-cut neckline, an ample underarm for good booK coverage, and a skirt. And if I were swimming in a group of people who were all wearing the ultra-modest styles shown on some of these websites, I would not object to wearing them myself.

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I just did an Internet seach for modest swimsuits and came across this Web site:




What do you think about these suits? Are they too modest or weird-looking? I welcome any opinions, yay or nay.


I'm on a quest to find modest swimming suits for myself and my daughter. I just cannot believe how skimpy the suits are this year -- even for little girls. I've seen little girls' bikinis with padded bra tops and suits that look like lingerie, for Pete's sake!


Last summer we just wore regular 1-piece suits with swimming trunks over them. That way, we could at least avoid the embarassment of having our suits hiking up on us. Even more coverage would be nice as we have sensitive skin and I like to avoid too much sun exposure.


Thanks so much!


Wow. That is modest.:001_smile:


I would not wear that. Ever.


However, I truly respect your desire to teach modesty to your daughter. :001_smile:

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I love Wholesome Wear!


I liked the suits in the first one, but I like the Wholesome wear suits better. I have no problem at all swimming longer distances in them. I also find that they are great for wearing in an d out of the water, especially for those of us who are used to wearing dresses and skirts all of the time.


I don't feel like I stand out, because all of my friends have similar swimsuits. While we also do not do mixed bathing, I still like to feel clothed and modest. It's not about anything vain, it's just that myself and people who think the same have made a commitment to dress in a way that we believe pleases God, no matter what the activity is. If people think I am weird or odd, so be it, they are not the ones that I serve first. :) I just always feel modesty is important no matter if I am alone or in a crowd.


As for men, usually a longer pair of shorts and a shirt are what men, that I know, who are committed to modesty wear.

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I love Wholesome Wear!


I liked the suits in the first one, but I like the Wholesome wear suits better. I have no problem at all swimming longer distances in them. I also find that they are great for wearing in an d out of the water, especially for those of us who are used to wearing dresses and skirts all of the time.


I don't feel like I stand out, because all of my friends have similar swimsuits. While we also do not do mixed bathing, I still like to feel clothed and modest. It's not about anything vain, it's just that myself and people who think the same have made a commitment to dress in a way that we believe pleases God, no matter what the activity is. If people think I am weird or odd, so be it, they are not the ones that I serve first. :) I just always feel modesty is important no matter if I am alone or in a crowd.


As for men, usually a longer pair of shorts and a shirt are what men, that I know, who are committed to modesty wear.



Can I politely ask where you swim if you don't do mixed bathing? Does that mean that you don't go to the beach?:001_smile:


I only ask because I can't imagine not participating in mixed bathing when all we have is the ocean.

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It doesn't only mean to cover up, it really means not attracting unnecessary attention to yourself. When I see modest desiring people wear prairie outfits around it draws a lot of attention. I don't know that I think it's *wrong* since they look at themselves as being a light, which is good, but it is something I have wondered about. If we are not to stand and pray loudly in public to show off our spirituality, is it possible to do just that very thing with our dress? Then how do you not be "of the world" in your dress either, especially when you disagree with so many of the styles of the times?


I personally like those a lot but I do wonder if a modest one piece with a cute skirt would be a bit more "modest" in some ways.


Oh, never mind me. I'm just pondering out loud. ;)


I think the kind of attention sought is important. ;) A wise woman once told me that immodest dress is the kind that suggests bad behavior.


With that said, I despise the swimsuit styles for girls nowadays. They look like something you'd see in the SI swimsuit issue, which as we know has nothing to do with sports or fashion :rolleyes: Why does an 8 year old need a string bikini anyways? I appreciate knowing there are alternatives out there.


I actually did like the outfits posted in the op, they were cute, and colorful. However, I saw them as comfortable summer outfits, and had a hard time thinking of them as swimsuits.

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Yes, too modest and they look uncomfortable as well.


:iagree:We spend a lot of time at the beach and I always feel sad for the families whose girls come dressed in these suits (we don't see them a lot, but several a year). The suits are unwieldy when they're wet and my mom pointed out that the way they cling once the girls are wet is actually more "interesting" in many ways than a more conventional suit. That is what makes me sad because these families are trying so hard to be modest and it actually kind of backfires on them in a public-setting like the beach. Does that make any sense?


That might not be an issue if you're not swimming in mixed situations, though. I wish I knew the pattern #, but a friend of mind made the cutest, and very modest, swimsuit for her daughter last summer. I thought it was just perfect. Do you know anyone who sews who could help you out?

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:iagree:We spend a lot of time at the beach and I always feel sad for the families whose girls come dressed in these suits (we don't see them a lot, but several a year). The suits are unwieldy when they're wet and my mom pointed out that the way they cling once the girls are wet is actually more "interesting" in many ways than a more conventional suit. That is what makes me sad because these families are trying so hard to be modest and it actually kind of backfires on them in a public-setting like the beach. Does that make any sense?



The reality is there is only so much we can do. Wear what is comfortable, and dress in any way that you feel God has convicted you. But at some point men have to take responsibility for their own sin natures.

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I won't disagree with you on that, Cindy - I was just answering the OP's original question.


With four boys (three of them teenagers) combined with our love of the beach, the springs and pretty much all things water-related, this is a common topic of conversation around here.


I hear you. I've got a few years before my boys get to that stage, but I worry about them already.

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I only read the first page of responses.


I'm fairly conservative (enough to be "labelled" by those who are not! LOL), but NOT extremely conservative on the modesty issue. (IE, I don't think you have to wear skirts all the time to be modest. AND, I don't think it is ALL a woman's responsibility to make sure she doesn't trip up others.)


BUT, I think these swim suits are adorable!! My only concern would be how practical they are if you actually wanted to SWIM in them, as opposed to walking around in waist or chest-high waters and occasionally picking your feet up off of the ground. Other than that, I think they're great! They're modest for certain, safe in the sun, made out of swim suit materials, and not so far outdated that you'd feel like you were either being eccentric or living in the wrong century. ;)

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if a friend of mine wore one (or a stranger, for that matter), I wouldn't think she was weird or anything. I don't think they draw too much attention.


The suits Eliana posted a link to, though, were a little more unusual (IMO). But that's not necessarily a bad thing! If you feel convicted to dress that way, who cares what anyone else thinks?



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