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  1. Do you mean for purchasing it? Or for game play? I think we bought ours off of Amazon. There isn't anywhere close to home we could purchase it easily, and they were the cheapest, plus free shipping. However, if IIRC, the price at the time fluctuated quite often. As for game play, this link off of their site is pretty cool. http://www.profeasy.com/Settlers_Boardgame/index.html?mode=3 I had forgotten that I had it until I was cleaning out my bookmarks today. :tongue_smilie:
  2. Sounds like me, and I'm 36, so... I guess 36 isn't too young. :tongue_smilie: I have however, not purchased any new fuzzy pets, (although I'm sure I'd be willing to collect another cat if dh wouldn't have my head). I also haven't purchased any new wheels - although I have recently begun to really miss a little sports car that I used to own.... :lol:
  3. I can't be of much more use, as we're starting this ourselves on Monday.... however, here is my feeble attempt. :tongue_smilie: I think I'd be tempted to just use a separate book for the actual lesson questions - but probably only because I'd be afraid of running out of room (I have issues like that, lol). That said, if it's of any help, I do have the Harvey's workbook, and it shows the terms to be defined in boxes labeled "Grammar Notebook." So I think it would be safe to say that just writing the terms once in the front half of the notebook would be sufficient.
  4. Ouch! Sorry about the big bill, but I have to agree that with the size of the house, and the fact that it's electric heat, I'd definitely say that it's possible. Do you have neighbors nearby? I find that every time I think our bill was a bit on the high side, so were the bills of my neighbors. It doesn't make the bill any easier to pay, but at least I know that there isn't a problem I need to start looking for. You mentioned vents, so I'm guessing forced air? If so, have you changed the filters lately? Even a slightly dirty filter can make a big difference in the efficiency of your furnace. Also, I have to chime in about programmable thermostats as well. We installed them here about 4 years ago, and we could immediately tell a difference. And since the cost on them has come down so much they are really an affordable option for anyone now. Good luck!
  5. It's been an interesting read ladies! In reference to the OP, I do not agree with a bailout for those that are risking foreclosure due to a bad loan decision that should never have been made. As others have said, I hold those currently at risk of foreclosure due to other extenuating circumstances in a different light -- however -- I still do not feel that it is the government's responsibility to come in for a rescue, and I can honestly say that I would still stand by that opinion if I were at risk of losing my home tomorrow. Now, do I want others to lose their homes or, for that matter, would I want to? Heck no!! However, I do not feel that the problem is something the government should be taking care of. Our government needs to stop taking on roles that it was never intended to perform. I have to agree with you there. The husband of a couple we know is quite often rolling his eyes about his sister who lives in a larger city and chooses to rent. Although he lives in an area with *significantly* lower property values, and knows it, he seems to think she's supposed to buy a home, even though it would likely cost her another $300-400 a month between home owners insurance and taxes (not to mention any repairs!).
  6. I have the same problem. Thankfully the most recent of my finds is escaping memory, because it seriously gave me one of those "wow, I'm the biggest dork EVER!!" moments. All these years, and I never put two and two together that the word that I was hearing occasionally (it's not frequently used) was the same word I'd been mispronouncing - thankfully in my head, lol - when reading. :001_huh:
  7. Personally, I'd have to say cell phone. But it really will depend up on your lifestyle. The kids had shared a cell phone for the last couple of years until December, when we added another line to our plan, so they now each have their own. We also dropped our land line service down to bare minimum (Greenstreak through Windstream, so we could keep our dsl) which means we were able to keep our home phone number. Any incoming calls are free, as are any outgoing toll free or 911 calls. Otherwise outgoing calls are charged, but since we all have cell phones, the outgoing calls are a non-issue. Our combined bill now is less than what it was with 3 cell phones and our regular land line. I'm not a big phone talker; I find them rather annoying. In fact, in my ideal world, I think they wouldn't exist. :tongue_smilie:
  8. I use Charlie's Soap, for other reasons than allergies, but I do believe that's the reason the bulk of their customer's use it. They have customer comments on their website that you could sift through if you're curious to see what some have to say about it.
  9. Although small, they should be ok for the short term. I would hesitate from putting them in separate containers, only because of an experience I had with our boys. One of them injured himself and we removed him from the main cage for a few weeks while he nursed back to health. Unfortunately after this separation we were never able to have all 3 boys together again. We have a cage like the cavycages, so I had to divide it up to keep them separated. Adjust according to your comfort level, but if you were to get some of the storage cubes, and put them together just as a wall, you could either set it up in the middle of your floor, with towels underneath, or if the owner wouldn't be opposed, and you have no chemicals on your lawn, you could also use it outside in the yard (supervised of course) and give them a chance to run around and stretch their legs once in a while. Another option if you would have a use for it later, would be to get one of those larger storage tubs. I know we have one that's probably about 1 1/2-2 ft x 3-3 1/2 ft. I'm not real sure of the exact size, but it would be larger than what they're in now.
  10. We're mommy and daddy. Even though the kids are well past the age when that typically converts to mom and dad. They may refer to us as mom and dad when talking with friends, but they don't call us that. My parents were always mom and dad. Now, if it's in reference to dd's cat, then I'm grammy. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Count me in! You mean I'm not strange? :lol: I love the smell of old (clean) books, there's just something so nostalgic about it for me. However, I also love smelling new, crisp, clean books too. Yep, I'm a sniffer!
  12. Great, just what society needs. A new batch of young adults, where an even higher percentage than we have now, think there are no consequences for their actions. :angry: AND the taxpayers paid for attorney. Crazy!!
  13. Would it be possible to put a blurb in the newsletter and/or bulletin to explain the reasoning and gently asking for assistance from the parents. Then either place a note by the changing area (wording to be determined) or maybe better yet, at the garbage can, saying just a simple "No Diapers Please" ??
  14. I haven't had a ton of spare time lately, so I've more skimmed the boards than anything recently. I saw the abortion thread and I know I read a bit of it, but it must have been prior to things getting heated. Now, I certainly won't pretend to see all that happens on the board, and I'm well aware that things can happen which are easy to miss. But from what I have observed of Phred, I haven't thought of him as a pot-stirring instigator, but more that his questions make you think outside your box, and really question the how and why, of why you feel and think the way you do about an issue. I have seen posts where I could understand why someone felt offended, but of those, I never felt that was the actual intent. Anyhow, just my little, possibly semi-uninformed, opinion. :tongue_smilie: In reference to the OP, I don't have a hard stance on this issue. I'm most definitely a fence sitter.
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