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What Jane Austen gentlemen is for you? fun quiz

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LOL...I told myself before I even took it; "I'm betting it turns out to be Mr. Knightley."


And I was right. :-)


I know you're supposed to love Mr. Darcy best, if you're a WTM lady...but Mr. Knightley reminds me too much of the leading man in my life.

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My results which I am most pleased with.. :001_smile:

Mr. Knightley. Emma's George Knightley is kind and thoughtful, but not above telling you something was "badly done" when you get a bit above yourself. He started off just being a compassionate friend, but in time you'll realize you're in love with him

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Edward Ferrar, even though I was hoping for Colonel Brandon. I knew I was giving the wrong answers for CB but I tried to be honest. :-)

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Mr. Darcy. Pride and Prejudice's FitzWilliam Darcy is aloof, but he feels deeply. If he loves you, he's made up his mind for good, though you may not have noticed that that's how he feels. He is, of course, rather too convinced of his own worth and tends towards snobbery, but he has a good heart and will marry you despite what his relations might think.

Take this quiz!


Hmmm, he's actually not my first choice.

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Psst! I think you mean Colin FIRTH, not Powell. Colin Powell was Bush's Secretary of Defense & not bad looking, but I don't think he's starred in any PBS Austen movies. ;o)


:o Yes, you're absolutely correct. As you can see, I'm really good with names--really good at mixing them up! It did look a bit funny, but I can't even remember the name of the actor I liked better because back then I didn't even pay attention to that.

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I hit the jackpot!!!


"Mr. Darcy. Pride and Prejudice's FitzWilliam Darcy is aloof, but he feels deeply. If he loves you, he's made up his mind for good, though you may not have noticed that that's how he feels. He is, of course, rather too convinced of his own worth and tends towards snobbery, but he has a good heart and will marry you despite what his relations might think."

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Mr. Ferrars. Sense and Sensibility's Edward Ferrars is soft spoken, but he is firm in his decisions and will always make good on his promises, even if he's changed his mind. His good nature might lead him into the wrong situations sometimes, but he's not as naive as you might think.


And a perfect fit I might say! If my husband was anyone that would be him!

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