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Do you and your DH go to bed at the same time?

Do you and your DH go to bed at the same time?  

  1. 1. Do you and your DH go to bed at the same time?

    • Yes, we do.
    • No, I go to bed first.
    • No, he goes to bed first.
    • Other

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No. I'm a serious night owl, or suffer from insomnia. I can't go to sleep if he's already snoring and I'm not really wiped out. He goes to bed by 10 at the latest and I am often still up at 1am. It's my quiet time, no one bugging me, time. He does want us to, but has finally come to the realization that I just can't. I would lay there tossing and turning and probably angry that I couldn't just be up doing what I need to do.

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Yes. Every night of our entire marriage, except for the dozen or so nights that we have been apart (one of us out of town, me in the hospital, etc.)


Sometimes I get back up after he's asleep if I'm having trouble sleeping, but I usually just read a bit instead (he can sleep with a light on) if that happens.


Yup. This is us exactly. I wouldn't have it any other way. :001_wub:

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For years I've gone to bed after he did, b/c I couldn't bear to miss the time of the day when teens actually talk. :lol: However, I've gotten up with him *very* early in the morning, to get his breakfast and pack him a good lunch, something that is very necessary for his day to day good health.


Sleep deprivation has wreaked havoc on my memory, and part of it is genetic (my mother has serious memory issues as well) so I'm finally disciplining myself to go to bed at a better time. Sigh! The one ds who still talks to me (dd is at college) talks all day, so it is working out.

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On weeknights, he usually goes to bed before I do. He likes to exercise at 5:15 am :eek: and I don't want to talk to anyone before 6:15. I hang out with the teens while they finish their homework or have a snack----they talk then :) ---and I head to bed about an hour after dh.


We tend to go to bed at the same time on the weekends.

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We go to bed together. We usually read. 9 out of 10 times we flip off our bedside lamps at the same time, but sometimes we are at a good spot in a book and just have to keep reading after the other spouse is asleep. LOL.


We usually get in bed by 9pm. Asleep by 10:30pm.

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If he is home most of the time we do. We usually watch tv for an hour or so together before going to sleep. Or we'll read, study or play around on the lap top for a while. The only times we don't is if he wants to watch something I don't or if one of us has a big test the next day we'll study downstairs where it is quieter.

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No. I'm a serious night owl, or suffer from insomnia. I can't go to sleep if he's already snoring and I'm not really wiped out. He goes to bed by 10 at the latest and I am often still up at 1am. It's my quiet time, no one bugging me, time. He does want us to, but has finally come to the realization that I just can't. I would lay there tossing and turning and probably angry that I couldn't just be up doing what I need to do.



This describes us exactly. He gets up at least an hour earlier than I do, plus he snores for the first hour that he's asleep. He goes to bed at about 9:30, and there's no way I can sleep at that hour (unless I'm sick or otherwise exhausted). I generally go to bed around midnight. I enjoy the quiet house, he gets his noisy sleep. :D


Sometimes he wakes up when I come to bed. He's rested from his two hour nap, and I'm relaxed from my quiet time. That can be a good recipe for Tea. ;)

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Sometimes I'd really like to stay up later than everyone else so I could have some time to myself to read or sew, but he says he can't sleep if I'm not in bed too. Something about not being able to relax because he feels like he has to be "on watch" if someone's still up... A man thing, I guess...

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I work 6 nights per week until 1 or 3 AM depending on the night so, he goes to bed first. Many nights lately I have just been sleeping on the couch so we can both get a good night's sleep. I snore and have been congested lately so we both sleep better if I am on the couch. It won't be a permanent thing though.

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Ideally, he'd probably come to bed right about the time I actually fall to sleep after reading, which would wake me up all over again. So, our joke is that I tell him it's time to go to the "night night bed"--which is what I tell the children--and he usually follows along and goes right to sleep (instead of watching more TV)

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