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So has anyone linked to RechelleUnplugged & her WTM post?

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Wrestling with the Hive Mind and Homeschool Guru Susan Wise Bauer.


I think she might need to do a little more research. LOL.


The assumptions are astounding.


She is probably just looking for numbers. We blew her away with our visits the other day and she's been racking her brain on how to get us all back to her blog. This will probably do the trick as it is rather inflammatory.

Edited by Daisy
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I feel bad for that lady. She's obviously very jealous and bitter about something. She's obviously talented but it's too bad it's being squandered on jealousy and pettyness. Hope she finds something to make her happy eventually.


On the other hand I kind of want to kick her in the shins for being so unkind about Susan. What a witch! As far as I can tell Susan doesn't even know that this woman exists.


I'm a very conflicted person.

Edited by aggieamy
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Wow, that was just so full of hyperbole I can't waste the time to comment.


There are some people who will go to extraordinary lengths to attract a crowd on the net. Many of them I entertain, stupidity is not one of them.


The sad part is that there is some truth to what she says, but it's so wrapped up in (I was going to say snark, but that's not eloquent enough to be snark) sarcasm that no one will hear her.

Edited by justamouse
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Wow, that was just so full of hyperbole I can't waste the time to comment.


There are some people who will go to extraordinary lengths to attract a crowd on the net. Many of them I entertain, stupidity is not one of them.


ROFLOL. :lol:

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It is sad that she spends so much of her efforts on downgrading others (that she doesn't have knowledge about). She must have a very unhappy life. Unfortunately, her blog supporters keep egging her on. It reminds me of a person on a ledge and the onlookers are yelling "jump". The 'supporters' want the entertainment as long as someone else takes the risk and looks foolish.

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:tongue_smilie: I said something. But not much. It probably didn't even make sense as it's too early in the morning for that over here with a newborn, LOL, but oh well. And now I've outed myself as not-really-classical. Oh. The horror!!!! But as I'm in the Classical Unschoolers group here, some people already knew that ;)

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You know, I feel sorry for her. I used to read her when she had the Country Doctor's Wife blog. I didn't even know what religion she was then, nor did I care.


She was funny, and encouraging, and her blog was a great read.


Somehow I lost track when she switched to a blog with her sister, then decided not to do that and did a different blog instead.


When Remudamom linked to it, I was excited thinking that I'd found her again! But then I started reading, and realized that something has changed and now Rechelle jut sounds....... mean. Unhappy and mean.


I don't care about what religion she is or isn't. That really doesn't matter. But when I think about how I'd enjoyed her older blog, and then to see it morph into something so bitter and (I'll say it again) mean it's, well, saddening.


Poor Rechelle. I hope she finds her way to a happier place again.

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Does this woman have kids, even? Why on earth does she CARE what the hive does?:chillpill: I couldn't read the whole thing, since it was so obviously false and unresearched, but really, why expend any effort on us at all? I am NOT a CC, and I am offended by what she's written. Her broadbrush characterization of us is laughable.:confused::001_huh:

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This was not even funny.

I'm sorry I wasted my time reading that trash talk.

Now I'm angry.

She is closed-minded to anyone opposed to HER view.

If she had actually spend time reading posts and viewing the vast variety of signatures, she might have concluded that we are the MOST open-minded forum on the internet.


My thoughts exactly!! I thought that her Pie Near Woman thing last week (I think) was funny, but this has no redeeming humor to it. It was just mean.

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Does this woman have kids, even? Why on earth does she CARE what the hive does?:chillpill: I couldn't read the whole thing, since it was so obviously false and unresearched, but really, why expend any effort on us at all? I am NOT a CC, and I am offended by what she's written. Her broadbrush characterization of us is laughable.:confused::001_huh:


She does. 3 boys, I think.


She is pretty sensitive about homeschoolers, and has been for a while. I think her sister *used* to homeschool, and R. may have gotten a lot of helpful "suggestions" that she also homeschool.


She's been pretty touchy about it and fairly anti-homeschooling for a long time.

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I REALLY REALLY think we should all just REFRAIN from commenting at all over there. She is obviously trying to rile us up to make a bunch of comments so she can further attack, so to just NOT comment would be so funny! See, but I'm passive-aggressive like that :D




If everyone goes over there to comment, her next post will likely be how all the "fundy" Christian homeschoolers came over to "attack" her. Why give her another post? :001_rolleyes:

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Hey, thanks for the reviews, now I will skip going over and giving her blog another hit. I encourage the rest of you to boycott with me. :001_smile:


Yeah, I put her in my Google Reader because I actually got a laugh out of the Pioneer Women thing. I had quite the surprise in my reader this morning. Guess I'll be skipping over it now. I've not the time or inclination to engage in that type of discussion.


I probably would have enjoyed her old blog though.


And really, poor Gothicgirl. I seriously can't believe she still reads over here. Time to move on, maybe?

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Guest Dulcimeramy
You know, I feel sorry for her. I used to read her when she had the Country Doctor's Wife blog. I didn't even know what religion she was then, nor did I care.


She was funny, and encouraging, and her blog was a great read.


Somehow I lost track when she switched to a blog with her sister, then decided not to do that and did a different blog instead.


When Remudamom linked to it, I was excited thinking that I'd found her again! But then I started reading, and realized that something has changed and now Rechelle jut sounds....... mean. Unhappy and mean.


I don't care about what religion she is or isn't. That really doesn't matter. But when I think about how I'd enjoyed her older blog, and then to see it morph into something so bitter and (I'll say it again) mean it's, well, saddening.


Poor Rechelle. I hope she finds her way to a happier place again.


My thoughts exactly. I really liked countrydoctorswife.com! And, like you, I stopped reading when she merged with her sis and began hating Ree. I'd forgotten about her until Remudamom's thread, and I was so shocked to read her new blog.This chick is someone else entirely. One of those personas is not her real one and I'm guessing its the countrydoctorswife.


I REALLY REALLY think we should all just REFRAIN from commenting at all over there. She is obviously trying to rile us up to make a bunch of comments so she can further attack, so to just NOT comment would be so funny! See, but I'm passive-aggressive like that :D


Yeah, we should not go over there. Something that sick should not be fed.

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The post was funny (in that I nearly snorted and thank heavens I wasn't in the middle of a cup of tea) and sad all at the same time. It showed just how irrational and ignorant she is.


This message board is a place for classical christian homeschoolers to get together and share the love of Jesus through the powerful witness of disappearing into a subculture that actively shuns anyone who believes differently than they do.
Seriously?! Would someone please inform all our Pagan, Heathen, Atheist, Jewish, and Muslim friends on here that they are Christians just dying to share Jesus' love and are disappearing into a shunning subculture? Good grief! If nothing else, this board has helped open up many minds to other views and further understanding...and I'm quite thankful we aren't a bunch of clones that agree on everything (obviously she hasn't seen our debates LOL!). Edited by mommaduck
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Hey, thanks for the reviews, now I will skip going over and giving her blog another hit. I encourage the rest of you to boycott with me. :001_smile:


I've never really been a fan of boycotting as I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion. Besides, after reading this:


It has long been my (oh so humble) opinion that Christian homeschoolers seem to suffer from a particularly viral form of ‘hive mindedness’ – almost uniformly believing that public school teachers are only thinly disguised demons that seek to infect their children’s minds with every brand of evil from ‘new math’ to exposing children to atheist writers like Mark Twain and Thomas Jefferson. Their paranoia towards anyone outside their ‘circle of trust’ is so profound that they don’t even want their kids to go to college as they might get exposed to OTHER PEOPLE’S IDEAS and this could send their kids STRAIGHT TO HELL!


I figure I'd better quit working in our local public school or I might be a demon infecting children... plus I learned I'd better quit the college search as it might send my boys to... I was completely on the wrong track and didn't even know it! Too bad I didn't find out BEFORE my son got his 33 on the ACT (higher than all his "normal" ps peers). :D


Honestly, I found the whole thing humorous, but yet, she's the type of person the internet brings out so often (those that feel their way of seeing things is the only way and they ought to tell the world since they are so smart). If they only knew how clueless it makes them appear, but I doubt they'll ever get it. We get them in the horse world (online) too. They are a quick amusement and nothing more. I never comment on their blogs. It's not worth the time.

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I REALLY REALLY think we should all just REFRAIN from commenting at all over there. She is obviously trying to rile us up to make a bunch of comments so she can further attack, so to just NOT comment would be so funny! See, but I'm passive-aggressive like that :D



If that is true, wouldn't this thread serve the same purpose?

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Well, it wasn't really my original purpose but I suppose I should have thought that through more. I just figured we would get a laugh.


I think the whole thing is pretty fascinating, and I figured you were just sharing.

HappyGrace's post about not commenting there while everyone apparently already clicked through to read the blog, then came back here to discuss it struck me as funny.

Edited by Crissy
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The internet has opened the door wide for every bitter, angry, discontent person to find an public audience that encourages their bitterness, anger and discontent and helps it grow. Life is too short to encourage that kind of negativity. If she wasn't fed through comments, maybe she would find a little kindness and charity would improve her outlook.

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HappyGrace's post about not commenting there while everyone apparently already clicked through to read the blog, then came back here to discuss it struck me as funny.


But my point was not to comment over THERE, where she could then attack the comments.


If people want to discuss here, that's different than what I said.


But I got the gist of what you meant anyway.

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Well, it wasn't really my original purpose but I suppose I should have thought that through more. I just figured we would get a laugh.


I got a laugh. ;)


And agreeing with another post, yes, these types do just preach to their own choir - however small it might be. It's their way of feeling smart. Few others actually see it that way, but we're the "muggles" in their eyes, so no matter what anyone would say or do it would be made fun of and scorned (read/boycott/post/ignore). It's the same style used by various sorts on various topics - always the same template. Like I said before, it's good for a quick laugh, but nothing more - unless one is in the choir.


Think of it like those folks that protest at military funerals. The majority think they are crazy and crude (not even good for a laugh), but their small minority thinks they are right and should be doing it for the whole world to see. No one is going to convince them otherwise. In their eyes they are right and the only smart ones out there.


They say it takes all types for the world to go 'round...

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I actually went back and read the comments this time. I skipped them earlier. Is that all there is (on the first page) and not all of them are commenting on the latest comments? If so, her choir is a lot smaller than I thought. The similar persona of the horse world has a hundred or two as regular groupies (based on comments that are made daily). Maybe the horse world is just bigger, and therefore, choirs are bigger? Who knows? But either way, her report or thoughts will reach more people due to this thread than in real life outside of the hive it seems. I doubt many will subscribe due to it! :D


Guess I'd better get back to indoctrination now...

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I really liked countrydoctorswife.com!


That is countrydoctorswife? I used to read her blog way back when but I had to trim my blog subscriptions back and she didn't make the cut...neither did PW.


But WOW! night and day from her other blog. I feel like we all should subscribe or something so this poor lady will feel like she has some self worth. Sad.

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