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Why are my kids always something 'different' for Halloween?

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My son decided to be Dr. Who. I found a cheap pinstripe pants and vest at Ross. I bought a brown cowboy duster in the costume section of Target, we cut the flap off so that it looks more like a trench coat and I ordered the 10th doctor's screwdriver off of thinkgeek.


My middle dd wants to be the Wicked Witch of the East. We recycled a witch dress from a previous year, bought striped tights and glittery red shoes, we just have to procure and decorate a big box for the house.


Eldest decided to be Cleopatra, that one was easy, phew!

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Mine do that too...only I usually end up having to make something :glare:


This year I have:


a pirate (easy)

a sushi chef (fairly easy since we ran across a chef style black top at Goodwill)


Nausicaa from an anime costume. This has been a stretch since I had to make a BLUE aviator hat and boot covers.

Edited by Apryl H
my brain is on vacation without me.
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Most kids NEVER know who mine is.


He wore his Davy Crockett costume two different years. Once in Oki and once here, so it was different groups of kids. The kids didn't have a clue. And only some of the dad's got it. But the ones that did know who he was thought it was great.


This year he's going as Teddy Roosevelt in his Rough Rider uniform. We have better odds of local kids knowing who he is, but only because we live 20 minutes from Sagamore Hill and tons of things around here are named after Roosevelt.

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My 5 1/2 yr old is a cobra, and explained in detail how she was an Egyptian desert cobra because of her coloring, not a king cobra, and how Egyptian cobras are also called asps and are legendarily known for having killed Queen Cleopatra.


The docents in the herpetology house at this year's Zoo Boo got a kick out of her.

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He says every single person who saw them knew immediately who they were. That seems unbelievable to me. One year youngest dressed up as a garden gnome and he just had me in stitches. My little elf! Then there was the year ds the eldest taped smarties candies all over his pants and went as a "smarty pants. LOL.

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Mine always want to dress in the same theme. In the past, pirates, gladiators, Lion Witch and the Wardrobe characters. This year..........:glare:


They are dressing as Halloween Candy!! Skittles, Hershey Bar, and Nerds respectively.


Can you tell what Halloween is all about for them?!:D

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Middle dd went as Empress Theodora a few years ago. People would ask who she was, she'd tell them and they'd ask if it was someone she'd made up. She was very indignant that not everyone knew Theodora was Justinian's wife. She was in 2nd grade. I definately got the "weird homeschooler" eye roll that year. :lol:

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Middle dd went as Empress Theodora a few years ago. People would ask who she was, she'd tell them and they'd ask if it was someone she'd made up. She was very indignant that not everyone knew Theodora was Justinian's wife. She was in 2nd grade. I definately got the "weird homeschooler" eye roll that year. :lol:


At least she wasn't Boadecia!

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I love when kids come up with their own thing.


My dd was easy- Nana made her a fairy costume at her request. That's beyond my sewing skills.


Ds6 was easy- he spotted a skeleton costume when we were at Old Navy for something else, so that's what he'll be.


But ds9 wanted to be a black spider and I had to make it.

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Oldest will be a punk, using bits and pieces from dh's wardrobe :p

Middle son is still in the middle of piles of cardboard, glue, paper, and various other art supplies... meaning, I have no idea what he's going to be (ecodisaster?).

Youngest is a "space man." He's wearing Mommy's old motorcycle helmet and last year's storm trooper suit.

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One of mine went as barrel of toxic waste last year.


We covered my worn-out cylindrical laundry hamper with black felt, cut arm and neck holes, glued on a white felt skull and crossbones, and painted green glitter glue as though it was oozing out the top. He got the idea from a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. (His brothers went as Calvin and Hobbes.)


This year he's a dragon rider. He wanted a medieval-style tunic and chose bright green reptile-y fabric for a hood. He's going to carry his huge dragon puppet.


His brothers are going ultra-traditional this year, as a spider and a bat.


I am enjoying the creative costume ideas in this thread!



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DD is going to be Link from the Legend of Zelda games. DS will be Luigi. DS will be easy, but DD needs a shield and sword decorated in a specific way.


My boys were Link three years ago. I sewed modified Peter Pan costumes. Their artistic Link-loving sis painted cardboard shields for them. They played with the costumes until they wore out.


They were all Mario 2 years ago, and my littlest says he's going to be Luigi next year. (Then green Yoshi, then purple Yoshi...)



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DD8 originally wanted to be Hapshetsut, but I bought a Cleopatra costume (planning to adapt it) and she thought it was so pretty she decided to just go as Cleopatra (yay!). DS12 is going to be a Spartan Hoplite, and he's being VERY picky about authenticity. :glare: He has a metal helmet, which DH is supposed to be repainting to look like bronze (because steel would never do), and then we have to paint his breastplate, shield, and greaves to match. I still have to make his red tunic and cape, and some bronze-looking armbands.


I thought we were all set, but yesterday we got a last-minute invitation to an afternoon party on Saturday, and I won't let them ruin their "good" costumes running around in a bouncy castle, on a hay ride, etc., so we had to come up with quick/cheap costumes for that. DD pulled together a witch costume with stuff we had laying around, and DS decided to go as "the rainforest." :001_huh: He's going to wear green/camo pants & shirt with green fleece leaves pinned all over him, his face painted green, and his hair spiked up and dyed green. I'm going to hot-glue plastic bugs, snakes, and frogs to pins and hair clips and stick them all over him.



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Middle dd went as Empress Theodora a few years ago. People would ask who she was, she'd tell them and they'd ask if it was someone she'd made up. She was very indignant that not everyone knew Theodora was Justinian's wife. She was in 2nd grade. I definately got the "weird homeschooler" eye roll that year. :lol:



My dd was Empress Theodora last year, too!! The year before that, she was Boudicea. This year... Catherine the Great.


Ds has been a flying monkey from Wizard of Oz, a ninja, and now Sir Lancelot.

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Ds7 is being one of the Knights of the Round Table, so we had to have a very specific costume (according to him). Thankfully, I found one on the internet of which he approved!


Ds3 is being Batman. He's realized what Superheroes are and he's become obsessed.

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DDAUGHTER is going trick or treating as...

Peter Pan.

I was Peter Pan in tights and the short green tunic thing (very cute if I do say so myself!) ...and DH was Tinkerbell. Pink tutu, white undershirt, five o'clock shadow and a pack of cigarettes rolled up in the shirtsleeve. It was hysterical.

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Last year, my dd12 was a Skyback (a pteranodon-riding police officer-ish character from Dinotopia). She was so frustrated that no one knew what she was. Everyone thought she was Amelia Earhart. :D The irony... her sister was dressed as Amelia Earhart.

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Last year my daughter went as a mosquito and my son went as a bat. Of course I had to sew the bat costume because none of the store ones was accurate enough.


The year before that my son wanted to be Peter Pan, from the specific edition that we had read. So of course I sent eons making a brown leaf covered outfit, and nobody knew who he was supposed to be.


This year I talked my son down from "a gray whale covered in barnacles" which seemed beyond my skills, to an orca. My daughter is going to be Dorothy and we had to debate between the silver shoes (book, which she has heard) or red shoes (movie that she doesn't know exists.)


My husband would like to know why our Halloween costumes seem to cost so much money and require so much work. Cost of homeschooling, baby.

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Someone here has a quote in their siggy from Practical Magic that goes something to the effect that normal is not necessarily a virtue. Celebrate your children's creativity and uniqueness. It is something to be proud of (Ooops, one of those sentences ending with a darn preposition :D).

:iagree: But... Last year my daughter wanted to be a duck in a garbage can.:confused: I had to talk her out of that one.

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dd11 found white lace dress and safetypinned silk flowers to it, found her old flower headband with streamers, and cut wings out of a posterboard for wings= one darling flower fairy


ds9 found metallic dryer vent tubing, one large brown box, one small green box, white paper to cover boxes, and markers= one squeaky metallic robot


ds 7 found his crossbow, red sweats, red buttonup shirt 3 sizes too big, brown belt, and this mom cut a hood and scalloped collar from a hooded sweatshirt= one Will Scarlett of Sherwood Forest.


Hurrah! for the love of creativity

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We celebrate Catholic style, so my kids are all saints for Halloween. My 11yo, 10yo, and 3yo are going as the Holy Family, my 8yo is dressing up as St. Dominic Savio, and my eldest is St. Therese of Lisieux. We bought a few of the Nativity costume robes from Oriental Trading Company, and by adding different accessories and changing the lengths you can make almost anything out of them. The brown robe is the best! We've made a St. George, a St. Joan of Arc, and a St. Francis of Assisi, and now a St. Therese and a St. Joseph. Here's a picture of my "Good St. Joe." :001_wub:


Of course, people always look at us like we're weird, but we fit in great at the All Saints Day parties!



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One year dd8 went dressed in her brother's church clothes, put a short hair wig on.

Younger brother 6, wore one of sister's dresses, a fancy one with a poofy skirt and velvet top, and a wig. Their brother, 11, dressed as Johnny Depp, well, sort of, in a dark turquoise suit. At the time he didn't know who JD was, but he sure was cute.;)

Only one person realized that daughter wasn't a boy, her ponytail fell out of the wig as she was walking away.:001_smile:

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My boys were Link three years ago. I sewed modified Peter Pan costumes. Their artistic Link-loving sis painted cardboard shields for them. They played with the costumes until they wore out.


They were all Mario 2 years ago, and my littlest says he's going to be Luigi next year. (Then green Yoshi, then purple Yoshi...)




DS was Mario two years ago. He wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer this year, but DD and I talked him out of it. He finally decided to go with Luigi.


DD will also have a painted cardboard shield. :)

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