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I got my History channel DVD today.


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Got mine today, no magazine yet. A question.....for those who had a chance to watch the whole series on t.v., what age what age would you consider this appropriate for? I only saw a few minutes here and there when it aired, but what I did see was a little graphic/disturbing, I.e. cannibalism (westward expansion era).

We are excited to watch it but wondering if there was an age recommendation, maybe in the magazine??

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Got mine today, no magazine yet. A question.....for those who had a chance to watch the whole series on t.v., what age what age would you consider this appropriate for? I only saw a few minutes here and there when it aired, but what I did see was a little graphic/disturbing, I.e. cannibalism (westward expansion era).

We are excited to watch it but wondering if there was an age recommendation, maybe in the magazine??


Junior high or OLDER (I think I was too young for much of it)!!!! I think they over dramatized a lot of it. The videography was over the top! I was very disturbed by the cannibalism. Of all the ways to demonstrate the hardships of the westward expansion, why did they have to choose that story? I read about it in an advanced college history class, so I made it that far and didn't feel like I was somehow lacking information about the struggles moving westward! I stopped watching after that episode. There was other stuff too that bugged me (the choice of commentators! I prefer someone with a Harvard degree--call me old fashioned. :lol:). I think the best way that I can describe it is that it was very intense but not in a good way for children.


I HIGHLY suggest previewing this before showing it to your young children. Some of it is probably ok but there's some stuff that could be left out. If you have a sensitive child, I really don't suggest it!


And the History mag that came in the mail last week gave me the impression that they are marketing to Jr. High and High school teachers.

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I received the DVD last week and I just finished pre-watching it. I have to say, I am not terribly impressed and not sure I will actually use it. I have to think on it for a while.


That's what we found when we watched it when it came on. Now that I have the DVD..I'm still not sure I'll use it.

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Got mine today, no magazine yet. A question.....for those who had a chance to watch the whole series on t.v., what age what age would you consider this appropriate for? I only saw a few minutes here and there when it aired, but what I did see was a little graphic/disturbing, I.e. cannibalism (westward expansion era).

We are excited to watch it but wondering if there was an age recommendation, maybe in the magazine??

I don't know what age the producers are recommending it for, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone younger than high school, and I think parts of it are too much for some high school students. I don't care much for the way this series was done. I do like parts of it that I've seen so far, but other parts are just not well done.


edited to add: So far,my plan is to only use some sections of it with my daughter as a supplement. But we won't be doing that until next school year. However, this is not something I would even want her to sit down and watch in it's entirety on her own. I think it would turn her off to U.S. history. I know how she responds to things emotionally.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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I'm not going to win any popularity contests and I'm probably starting off on the wrong foot with this as my first post(rant?), but here goes.

I got mine yesterday, couldn't sleep last night, and watched most of the first disk. I agree that it is for older kids just because, obviously, there is war. Just give it a short preview to make a decision when you want your kids to see it. It could make a good supplement, especially if you have older or highly visual learners, helping to cement some facts or ideas for them. Um, I did find some things interesting, was entertained, it had a lot of pretty factor and cgi, and I will watch more. Reading earlier that they included mention of cannibalism actually gave me hope for a more thorough history, but really, I found it to be a broad overview touching on high points. Personally, I was irked by the short mention of Pocahontas ending on a positive note and the like. There were some University commenters, but it seemed there were more celebrity/politician/entrepreneur commenters. This could be seen as good or bad I guess, it can be interesting but, for example, why do I care what Michael Douglas thinks?

Ugh, this is the part that both pains me and yet I feel compelled to write...Overall, I found the whole tone to be propaganda.:leaving: There, I said it. Again, not the worst thing in the world if you like that sort of thing or even if you're just "in the mood" for it. May I please offer the disclaimer that it is NOT my intention to start any arguments or political discussion. Just take it as my wackadoo opinion, to each his own etc.


My intended standard first post was supposed to be along these lines::)New here, and just wanted to say Hi!


Oh well!

Edited by Flux
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I'm not going to win any popularity contests and I'm probably starting off on the wrong foot with this as my first post(rant?), but here goes.

I got mine yesterday, couldn't sleep last night, and watched most of the first disk. I agree that it is for older kids just because, obviously, there is war. Just give it a short preview to make a decision when you want your kids to see it. It could make a good supplement, especially if you have older or highly visual learners, helping to cement some facts or ideas for them. Um, I did find some things interesting, was entertained, it had a lot of pretty factor and cgi, and I will watch more. Reading earlier that they included mention of cannibalism actually gave me hope for a more thorough history, but really, I found it to be a broad overview touching on high points. Personally, I was irked by the short mention of Pocahontas ending on a positive note and the like. There were some University commenters, but it seemed there were more celebrity/politician/entrepreneur commenters. This could be seen as good or bad I guess, it can be interesting but, for example, why do I care what Michael Douglas thinks?

Ugh, this is the part that both pains me and yet I feel compelled to write...Overall, I found the whole tone to be propaganda.:leaving: There, I said it. Again, not the worst thing in the world if you like that sort of thing or even if you're just "in the mood" for it. May I please offer the disclaimer that it is NOT my intention to start any arguments or political discussion. Just take it as my wackadoo opinion, to each his own etc.


My intended standard first post was supposed to be along these lines::)New here, and just wanted to say Hi!


Oh well!



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Thanks. I've been more than a little anxious!


You don't need to feel anxious! You didn't say anything wrong at all, and were actually funny! :) Post away whenever you feel like it.

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