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Do you ever feel like just deleting all your posts?

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That is the mood I am in right now.


I don't think I am cut out for this sort of thing, these forum thingies.


I have a love/hate relationship with this place.


I enjoy the input, the back and forth of ideas, the weird friendships that are unique to this age of internet... but, um... some days I just want to erase all the evidence of my time here. Does anyone else feel that way? And why do I feel that way? Is it because I give to much information? Is it because I have no idea what I am typing about? Is it because I can never express my thoughts adequately in this medium, as I am a talker, and hate so much to be misunderstood, that I just eat myself up inside when I see certain responses (or no responses)? Or are my ideas and opinions totally whack? Will I regret posting this?


Hmmm, things to ponder.

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There is no way to delete all posts. You get a few days....maybe a couple of weeks...and then, my dear, it's There.


It's a whole new complicated world. I try not to say anything that could be used against a child running for office. ;)


I supposed if Obama's mother had been online, it would be a simple thing to determine his US citizenship. lol ;) "Wait! I knew her from our Mothering due date club! Or: She posted on WTM when she was pregnant! She had a feeling he was gifted!"

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I feel this way often. But if I'm honest, I do this in REAL life also. I think to some degree it is a response to stress. I tend to want to withdraw (more than this introverted girl always has) whenever I feel emotionally stressed. I start putting distance in my relationships, online, etc. Some days I'd love to erase any physical evidence of my existence. NOT because I'm suicidal or anything, but just because I'm feeling the need to retreat to a deserted island and rejuvenate.


I've done this with forums, my blog, my real life friends, etc. I think most of my friends know me well enough now to know I'm just temporarily retreating to much-needed solitude.


This is one of the most difficult mediums to use in communication. I completely understand.

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Radio- yes, I have felt that way and I understand exactly what you mean. When I begin to feel like that I take a board break.


Oh, BTW, I have gone back and deleted posts. I know some people here don't like that behavior but I have done it.


What triggers that feeling for me?

1) replying to someone's post and getting no response and then someone else says the same thing about 5 posts later and everyone is amazed at the wisdom and insight (even though my amazing wisdom and insight were right on page one)

2) when I feel we are rehashing the same argument for the third time in a week

3) when I post a thread and all of two people (you and Mariann) read it

4) PMS and the general moodinss I feel right before Aunt Flo comes to visit


So here's a big hug and a "Keep your chin up" from your friend, DA!!


Daisy - likin' the new photo!

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I can honestly say I've never felt like that. Then again... I DON'T do well in real life conversations. I express myself much better over the internet. If not for this board, I wouldn't have any sort of homeschooling support group.


I tend to disappear in real life conversations. Here I feel like I can say something, and have a shot of it making sense/helping someone else.

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I actually did do that on Facebook -- I went back and deleted all my old posts and the little comments by the system that told whose wall I'd made a comment on or which photo I'd liked, etc. I also deleted pretty much all extra info. on my profile and all my notes. I also hid all my friends so I'm not constantly reading every jot and tittle of their lives -- info. I don't really need (just like they don't need the same about me).


All that to say, I understand what you're getting at. I'm trying to learn to be less "out there." The night before we were baptized in January, during my "life confession," our priest made a comment that really stuck with me. Well, the words didn't because I can't remember exactly what he said, but the message was "Be hidden, be private. It's vainglory to try and present yourself a certain way, to work at giving yourself a likable image. Just live your life in peace and repentance before God alone." So I've really backed off, and am appreciating the result.


(Oh, you weren't going that deep? LOL. :tongue_smilie:)


ETA - Just to be clear -- it's not that I don't value my FB friends, I *do* still go and visit the FB pages of close friends and family. It was more that *I* was spending too much time there, and hiding everyone really cut down on that.

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"Be hidden, be private. It's vainglory to try and present yourself a certain way, to work at giving yourself a likable image. Just live your life n in peace and repentance before God alone."


Oh, you weren't going that deep? LOL. :tongue_smilie:


I really like this.


What about us Level 3 people who find it impossible to remain hidden?

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All that to say, I understand what you're getting at. I'm trying to learn to be less "out there." The night before we were baptized in January, during my "life confession," our priest made a comment that really stuck with me. Well, the words didn't because I can't remember exactly what he said, but the message was "Be hidden, be private. It's vainglory to try and present yourself a certain way, to work at giving yourself a likable image. Just live your life in peace and repentance before God alone." So I've really backed off, and am appreciating the result.


(Oh, you weren't going that deep? LOL. :tongue_smilie:)


This completely! Sometimes I'm just need to back away and be reminded that it isn't all about me.

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I haven't deleted, but I have withdrawn several times. There have actually been several times when we have disconnected the internet. This spring we disconnected for several months to get a grip on the younger two boys internet addiction. But, in the past we have disconnected just to take a break.


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Thanks guys.


I think this is either hormonal or cyclical or something, as I seem to have a vague memory of Swimmermom3 helping me through something similar last year. :tongue_smilie:


I chopped my hair off and dyed it red again today, not as bright and shiny as I want, but it's what I had in the house and is better that my encroaching gray. You'd think that would have helped! ARG! I do have a lot of stresses lately....plus birthdays and anniversaries coming up.


I need to write a new album, and refrain from posting anything on any oddball polls or threads that I will embarrass myself on...that's all. ;)

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After getting hatemail/called a liar/called other names after attempting to give someone the information they requestd.....yeah.


Then I remembered that there are crazy/unstable people everywhere. Ohwell.


One of my favorite group stories? Someone yelling at me because they didn't know about an activity because they had been deleting my emails without reading them. Yeah, that totally explains how it is my fault. :confused:

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One of my favorite group stories? Someone yelling at me because they didn't know about an activity because they had been deleting my emails without reading them. Yeah, that totally explains how it is my fault. :confused:



Heh. They must be on a local (to me) homeschooling group. :glare:


This week I had the lovely experience of being "kicked out" of the mentor program because "only christians can be mentors". WWJD? Apparently, the first thing he'd do is shun the non-believers. :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
"Be hidden, be private. It's vainglory to try and present yourself a certain way, to work at giving yourself a likable image. Just live your life in peace and repentance before God alone."


I love this so much, I can't even say.


And that settles it...there will be no blog! Ever!

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:lol:That was 3:46 of my life I can't get back! Shuuuuunn:auto:


OP: I write posts and then just.don't.hit.submit. quite often. I write something out and realize that what I wrote was really for myself (thinking things out) and will not benefit the board in any way and move on... I'm sure some day (when I'm running for President:tongue_smilie:) that there will be something I regret posting on the internet, but most people can say the same.

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Yes, I want to delete everything, and I know I can't.

Sometimes it seems like I've given away too much info, and who would care?

Yes, I've been humiliated right here and then sarcasm slipped in from somewhere and more humiliation. It was weird, then I realized no one knew what my experiences had been so of course I seemed really stupid.

I talked to Mrs. Mungo about the ignore list and thought it seemed immature, and guess what? Now I have two on ignore and feel some sense of gratification over it. How mature of me. :tongue_smilie:

Once in a while I feel like I have made a friend here. But I still wonder why I post here. I enjoy the curriculum board, and sometimes look at the sales and wanteds. I don't know anyone here in person, but I am glad that sometimes I feel like I am among cronies.:chillpill:

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Heh. They must be on a local (to me) homeschooling group. :glare:


This week I had the lovely experience of being "kicked out" of the mentor program because "only christians can be mentors". WWJD? Apparently, the first thing he'd do is shun the non-believers. :tongue_smilie:

I'm so sorry. I really dislike those kinds of people.

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YES! I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It's taken me years to work up the guts to post as often as once or twice a week. And then suddenly I was call pathetic and a bully on a thread, and I just wanted to drop out completely. It's really really hard not to take things personally here. That and PMS together made me just want to stop all email, FB, and replies here. I felt so lame.



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All. The. Time.


And then I post again.


And then I think, "why did I say that? Can't I keep my mouth shut? I sound like an idiot!"


And then the cycle repeats . . .

For me it has repeated over 6000 times. You'd think I'd learn not to post.


Holy Mololy! 6000+ I need to get a life.

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Oh, I feel it's good therapy to be ignored regularly :) But really....even though I have written many a post I poured my heart into (not to mention a lot of time) and no one commented on....and my inner child sometimes feels disappointed.....my more mature adult says "hey girl, you are not the centre of anyone's universe, get a grip, you don't even know who read it and who didn't (someone may have read it and their whole life changed and they just never said anything :001_smile:) , and why are you so special anyway? " and all that. I try to keep it all in perspective and my sense of humour intact. I tend not to enter discussions that trigger me too much.

Everyone's voice here is part of a symphony- we are not all going to receive accolades for our solo part or our voice amongst many....very often, anyway. But we can be part of the choir, the symphony.

I love it. I enjoy the play of it. I have learned so much here - about so many things- and I enjoy hearing my own voice. Half the time I dont even know I *have* and opinion about many subjects until someone asks, and I see myself write it down.

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Yes, I've been humiliated right here and then sarcasm slipped in from somewhere and more humiliation. It was weird, then I realized no one knew what my experiences had been so of course I seemed really stupid.

I talked to Mrs. Mungo about the ignore list and thought it seemed immature, and guess what? Now I have two on ignore and feel some sense of gratification over it. How mature of me. :tongue_smilie:


I have a couple of people on ignore, it just makes my life easier. They are not necessarily the most controversial people, they are just a couple of people who particularly get under *my* skin and hit a nerve *with me* (nobody in this thread, people always ask, lol!). I keep telling myself, it's me, it's not them.


Once in a while I feel like I have made a friend here. But I still wonder why I post here. I enjoy the curriculum board, and sometimes look at the sales and wanteds. I don't know anyone here in person, but I am glad that sometimes I feel like I am among cronies.:chillpill:


I think seeking to understand people and seeking to be understood is a worthy enough reason. I need the wise, funny, silly, caring women here as part of my support group. Not just in homeschooling, but in life. Yes, I have been berated and so forth. But, I've also made friends (real friends), I've been supported, I've given and received help when I needed it. It's so worth it to me.


For me it has repeated over 6000 times. You'd think I'd learn not to post.


Holy Mololy! 6000+ I need to get a life.


Who are you talking to? I pray my husband doesn't ever decide to enter politics. Can you imagine? :tongue_smilie:


Oh, I feel it's good therapy to be ignored regularly :) But really....even though I have written many a post I poured my heart into (not to mention a lot of time) and no one commented on....and my inner child sometimes feels disappointed.....my more mature adult says "hey girl, you are not the centre of anyone's universe, get a grip, you don't even know who read it and who didn't (someone may have read it and their whole life changed and they just never said anything :001_smile:) , and why are you so special anyway? " and all that. I try to keep it all in perspective and my sense of humour intact. I tend not to enter discussions that trigger me too much.

Everyone's voice here is part of a symphony- we are not all going to receive accolades for our solo part or our voice amongst many....very often, anyway. But we can be part of the choir, the symphony.

I love it. I enjoy the play of it. I have learned so much here - about so many things- and I enjoy hearing my own voice. Half the time I dont even know I *have* and opinion about many subjects until someone asks, and I see myself write it down.


I so know what you mean!!


I try to do a lot of multi-quoting and say "I agree with all of these people!" But, sometimes I'm short on time and I'm positive I've short-changed people by just agreeing with the person who said it exactly the way I would have liked to have said it.

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Oh, I feel it's good therapy to be ignored regularly :) But really....even though I have written many a post I poured my heart into (not to mention a lot of time) and no one commented on....and my inner child sometimes feels disappointed.....my more mature adult says "hey girl, you are not the centre of anyone's universe, get a grip, you don't even know who read it and who didn't (someone may have read it and their whole life changed and they just never said anything :001_smile:) , and why are you so special anyway? " and all that. I try to keep it all in perspective and my sense of humour intact. I tend not to enter discussions that trigger me too much.

Everyone's voice here is part of a symphony- we are not all going to receive accolades for our solo part or our voice amongst many....very often, anyway. But we can be part of the choir, the symphony.

I love it. I enjoy the play of it. I have learned so much here - about so many things- and I enjoy hearing my own voice. Half the time I dont even know I *have* and opinion about many subjects until someone asks, and I see myself write it down.

Just so ya know, your post about Melatonin in a thread made me reconsider ever using it with my children...so.. you probably did some good there!

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I get that feeling a lot.


For some reason, I obviously often come across totally differently than I intended; and I often write those lengthy posts that I doubt more than few people read anyway. I can totally picture in my mind: "Next post, EM... Okaaay, now let's scrooooooll, aha, here comes next post, now we continue to read." :lol:

I also seem to have a knack to make certain types of discussions go downhill, I always remind myself to keep a low profile.

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Do you ever feel like just deleting all your posts?





I find that if I have kind of a social lull in my real life then I tend to post more frequently on here. So the combination of not a lot of real life activities, and the occasional feeling of being attacked (real or perceived), ignored, or just not that important on here makes for a bad thing. Almost like, "Gee whiz, if my 'pretend' friends don't even care, I must really be a loser!" In other words, the less real-life stuff I have going on, the more I need the attention/reinforcement from people on this board. But that is a very bad system, because in internet-land so much of the social niceties get lost in the medium. It's much easier to be honest, even blunt, in this environment and if I'm already in a sort of fragile state, something that I would have brushed off at another time will affect me much more negatively.


Hang in there...maybe you just need a little board break. I've done that before, just to get some perspective. After a week (or a month...or more!) it's much easier to say, "Why did I get so worked up about that?"

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Radio- yes, I have felt that way and I understand exactly what you mean. When I begin to feel like that I take a board break.


Oh, BTW, I have gone back and deleted posts. I know some people here don't like that behavior but I have done it.


What triggers that feeling for me?

1) replying to someone's post and getting no response and then someone else says the same thing about 5 posts later and everyone is amazed at the wisdom and insight (even though my amazing wisdom and insight were right on page one) Absolutely - it's happened to me -- I;ve seen it happen to others.

2) when I feel we are rehashing the same argument for the third time in a week S/O doesn't always mean spin off :glare:

3) when I post a thread and all of two people (you and Mariann) read it :iagree: and the other side of that is (and I like it) there are groups who 'post' together. I will look for 'so and so's' posts, I know they are invariably right in there after me. Birds of a feather, I guess. However, I hate it when the 'pecking to pieces' starts and a few will go off on the original among themselves and continue and make leaps and assumptions - that is so rude.

4) PMS and the general moodinss I feel right before Aunt Flo comes to visit


So here's a big hug and a "Keep your chin up" from your friend, DA!!


Daisy - likin' the new photo!

ME TOO! Nice Photo!:iagree:


IME -- no need to delete - I have found that simply leaving does the trick. NO ONE will come looking for your (you might look for me, I might look for you, Korin might look for you or me and vice versa, Denise (NH), some others we've met in real life, but for the most part the board moves so quickly, no one will look. It's like CLUB PENGUIN for homeschoolers)

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Oh please don't

I'm trapped in the house with 3 kids and no car at the present.

I **need** the stimulation.

It's an exchange of thoughts and ideas. Don't ever think anything other than that.

I often enter your name to search the posts you've written because I enjoy them! I for one would be sad to see your posts disappear.


FWIW, some of us are "readers" more than posters. Personally, I have a hard time typing and posting. I think because I have 3 kids **in my face** but I'm not good at typing out coherent thoughts when 3 little voices are in my ear, so sometimes I just read and nod without responding on the board. (For instance I have had 3 kids say "Mom can I ask you a a question," "Mommy help me do this," and a little one screaming for my help from the bedroom in the 3 minutes I have been sitting here trying to type this out. Backspaced and retyped at least 15 times btw). I need to find that quiet space in my world and climb into for a few hours. I'm always amazed by how well some people post when I can barely eek out a single post that doesn't need editing 15 times (see below).

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Especially lately. Maybe it's the fall solistice coming on or something?


"I get that feeling a lot.


For some reason, I obviously often come across totally differently than I intended; and I often write those lengthy posts that I doubt more than few people read anyway. I can totally picture in my mind: "Next post, EM... Okaaay, now let's scrooooooll, aha, here comes next post, now we continue to read."

I also seem to have a knack to make certain types of discussions go downhill, I always remind myself to keep a low profile."


Ester, I have copied and saved many of your posts. You have a unique point of view that I've never seen anywhere else, not in real life anyway. And you have clarified my thinking on so many things: the nature of education, manners, raising children, travel, books, and so on. Thanks and I hope you keep posting a lot in the future.


Same with the other posters in this thread:)

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Answering before I read any other posts:


I enjoy the input, the back and forth of ideas, the weird friendships that are unique to this age of internet... but, um... some days I just want to erase all the evidence of my time here.
I sometimes feel that way here, but if I could snap my fingers and delete all my posts from another large board I used to frequent (not homeschooling related), I would. As time went on there were more and more rules and it became obvious that those of a certain philosophical bent were always going to be given the benefit of the doubt. I know this is something said about all boards ;) but there were a series of top-down decisions made about a subject dear to me and I had no choice but to leave. The irony is that the board in question stressed tolerance. I felt voiceless.


Does anyone else feel that way? And why do I feel that way? Is it because I give to much information? Is it because I have no idea what I am typing about? Is it because I can never express my thoughts adequately in this medium, as I am a talker, and hate so much to be misunderstood, that I just eat myself up inside when I see certain responses (or no responses)? Or are my ideas and opinions totally whack? Will I regret posting this?


Hmmm, things to ponder.



I feel a bit disconnected online because it's "real" but it's not and it's so easy to be misunderstood and to misunderstand; I snapped at someone this week over that issue (you were there) and wished I hadn't. I apologised and considered deleting the post, but then I'd "be" someone who hadn't snapped and subsequently come to the realization she was wrong. Does that make sense? I don't want to edit my life for good or bad, though I sometimes sorely wish for a second first chance.

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